How to make a list of variables in flutter? - list

I want to create a list in flutter that contains variable. Now when I am trying to edit the contents of the list, it actually gets stored in the list itself. For eg.,
static var _ratingSelected = "";
static var _disconnectSelected = "";
static var _uTypeSelected = "";
List finalSelectedList = [_uTypeSelected,_disconnectSelected,_ratingSelected];
This is my list, when I will edit the list, like,
finalSelectedList[0] = "Main";
The output list will be like
finalSelectedList = ["Main",_disconnectSelected,_ratingSelected];
It will edit the finalSelectedList[0] position of the list but not the variable _uTypeSelected. Is there any way so that the value gets stored in the variable _uTypeSelected and not at the position finalSelectedList[0]?

There is no way to do that. If you use finalSelectedList[0].someProp = "Main"; where the variables are instances of some classes that have a someProp property, then it would work, because there is an additional abstraction. Strings are primitive values and copied by value when added to a list and therefore there is no connection left between list entry and variable.
class Foo {
String someProp;
static var _ratingSelected = Foo("");
static var _disconnectSelected = Foo("");
static var _uTypeSelected = Foo("");
List finalSelectedList = [_uTypeSelected,_disconnectSelected,_ratingSelected];
finalSelectedList[0].someProp = "Main";


NoSuchMethodError. The method "add" was called on null even after initializing List

I have created a TextFormField in flutter. I have a class named ParticipantsData with a few properties listed. I can access and store values in all of those properties by making an object of ParticipantsData class in another class named "RegistrationForm". However I am unable to store data in the properties that are of type List even after having initialized them.
I have tried:
- List.filled()
- =[]
- =[""]
- List.generate()
- List()
- List<String>()
- List<String>(length)
I have changed my code multiple times over and tried many methods but nothing seems to work. I don't post here much because I usually find solutions on stackoverflow but this time I couldn't find anything.
Unable to post the whole code because it is too long. Below is the relevant code:
ParticipantsData class:
class ParticipantsData {
List name = []; //members
bool paymentstatus = false; //payment
String email = ""; //email
String address = ""; //address
List contact = []; //contact
String collegename = ""; //collegename
String password = ""; //password
String teamname = ""; //teamname
var modules = List<String>(6); //modules
Below is the relevant code for Register class:
class _RegistrationForm extends State<RegistrationForm> {
final ParticipantsData data = new ParticipantsData();
//This is the onSaved method of a TextFormField, which is in a loop.
(String value) { //Tried this...[i + 1] = value;
print('${[i + 1]}');
(String value) { //And this too...;
print('${[i + 1]}');
The assigned values become null when initialized inside the constructor. If you don't include the fields in the constructor, they will not reset to null.
However, you may want to assign the values in the constructor and want some default value if the field is not provided while creating the instance. Here is how to do so:
class MyClass {
// Don't initialize here
List x;
int y;
this.y = 10, // If y is not assigned, it will take a default value of 10
}) {
// Constructor body
this.x = this.x ?? []; // If x is not assigned, it will take a value of []
Notice that y can be provided with the default value directly as 10 is a constant value. You can only assign constant default values in the constructor parameter list. Since [ ] is not a constant expression or value, it can't be directly assigned as the default value hence, you need to define the constructor body assigning x = [ ] if x is null.
this.x = this.x ?? [];
You can initialize the others in a similar way.

initialize static var value from variable in Struct in Swift 3

Im learning swift 3 and I have a question here
Sorry for wrong example..couldnt think of logical example
enum Restaurant : String {
case wendys = "wendy's"
case chickfila = "chick fil'a"
case subway = "SubWay"
public struct COMMON_INFO {
var restaurant : Restaurant?
public static let restaurant_zip: String?
init(restaurant: Restaurant) {
switch restaurant {
case .wendys: break
COMMON_INFO.restaurant_zip = "212345" = restaurant
case .chickfila: break
COMMON_INFO.restaurant_zip = "367849" = restaurant
default: COMMON_INFO.restaurant_zip = "618374" = restaurant
public static func getAddressFromZip() -> [String : Any] {
let address = getAddressFrom(restaurant_zip)
//do something with address
func getAddressFrom(zip:String) {
//get address
Code Snippet
I have an enum defined
I have a constant "restaurant_zip" defined in structure COMMON_INFO
I need to set the value of restaurant_zip depending on the value of variable restaurant
For that reason, i added an initializer and assigning value of static variable depending on case like shown in code
but i get error on line "public static let restaurant_zip: String?" -> "static var declaration requires an initializer expression"
my requirement is to have a static function getAddressFromZip in which i use static variable restaurant_zip" whose value is to be defined from initializer of struc COMMON_INFO
Please help me how to acheive this . Ive been trying but no luck
Not sure if I get what you want, but using var instead might help:
public static var restaurant_zip: String?

Numbered lists continues when Apps Script appends template-content into document

I have an Apps Script that copies the content of an template-file to the end of a document. It works with one minor annoyance: the numbered list continues from one copy to the next.
I have many different templates that users can append to the end of the document. Each template is stored in its own Document.
function addSub(template_id){
var mainBody = DocumentApp.getActiveDocument().getBody();
var tempBody = DocumentApp.openById(template_id).getBody();
for(var i = 0;i<tempBody .getNumChildren();i++){
var element = tempBody .getChild(i);
if(element.getType() == DocumentApp.ElementType.TABLE)
else if(element.getType() == DocumentApp.ElementType.PARAGRAPH)
else if(element.getType() == DocumentApp.ElementType.LIST_ITEM)
else if(element.getType() == DocumentApp.ElementType.PAGE_BREAK)
It could look like this: ( I want the list to reset for each new copy of the template)
table with name of this template
some raw text
List item1
List item2
table with name of this template
some raw text
List item1
List item2
Do you now that ListItems have an ID, which is a STRING and you can access it via myListItem.getListId().
It seems that all your ListItems have the same ID.
If this is the case, the numbering has to be as you described.
Why do they have the same ListID?
I don't know.
Seems that the body.appendListem method always chooses the same listId.
I didn't test it yet, but you could try to set the listID of the newly append ListItem to that of the original document, if they are different.
Yes, i know, the .copy() method should enclose this information, but the body.appendListItem method may not care.
So, you could try to first save the detached copy of the listItem.
Then append it to the new body.
And then set the id of the newly appended listItem to that of the detached copy.
It's stupid, i know, but it may help.
Didn't try it yet.
And i have little experience with listItems, bit what i saw up to now is that there seems to be only one ListId in the body of a document, if you append or insert listItems.
This could be the cause of the problem.
Hope this helps.
After Richard Gantz solved it, It was corrected by this code:
var listItemDictionary = {};//top
else if(element.getType() == DocumentApp.ElementType.LIST_ITEM){
var listCopy = element.copy().asListItem()
var lcID = listCopy.getListId();
if (listItemDictionary[lcID] == null){
var tempLI = mainBody.appendListItem("temp")
listItemDictionary[lcID] = tempLI;
mainBody.insertListItem(childIndex+j, listCopy.setListId(listItemDictionary[lcID]));
for(var key in listItemDictionary){
Based on the answer from Niklas Ternvall/Richard Gantz, I found a simpler solution for the case of each template having no more than one list.
function addSub(template_id) {
var mainBody = DocumentApp.getActiveDocument().getBody();
var tempBody = DocumentApp.openById(template_id).getBody();
var listID = null;
for(var i = 0;i<tempBody.getNumChildren();i++){
var element = tempBody.getChild(i).copy();
var type = element.getType();
if(type == DocumentApp.ElementType.TABLE)
else if(type == DocumentApp.ElementType.PARAGRAPH)
else if(type == DocumentApp.ElementType.LIST_ITEM){
if(listID==null) // First list item
listID = mainBody.appendListItem('temp'); // Define new listID
mainBody.appendListItem(element).setListId(listID); // Apply to copy
else if(type == DocumentApp.ElementType.PAGE_BREAK)
mainBody.removeChild(listID); // Delete temporary list item
Each time you call the function, listID=null is the indicator for whether or not there have been any list items in the template. When you get to the first list item, appending the text 'temp' forces a new list and hence a new listID that you can apply to the list items from the template. After you finish going through the template, mainBody.removeChild(listID) removes 'temp' from the top of your list.
This solution worked for me when using one template 100 times in one document, essentially as a mail merge. I'm fairly new to Apps Script, so I would appreciate any feedback if there is a reason this wouldn't work for a single-list template.

Qjson handling an returned array of ojbects

I'm using Qjson to parse a json object that is returned from a web service. I'm stuck on handling an array of complex ojects.
At the first level the web service returns a map consisting of "error", "id", and "return". If there are no errors I can get the first level value by using
nestedMap = m_jsonObject["result"].toMap();
group = new Group();
group->Caption = nestedMap["Caption"].toString();
group->CollectionCount = nestedMap["CollectionCount"].toInt();
I can even get a date item value that is at the second level using
group->ModifiedOn = nestedMap["ModifiedOn"].toMap()["Value"].toDateTime();
I have an object called "Elements" that consists of 29 key-value pairs. The web service is returning an array of these "Elements" and I am unable to find the right way to parse it. In the header file the container for the elements is defined as
QList<GroupElement> Elements;
The line
group->Elements = nestedMap["Elements"].toList();
causes the compiler to throw an error 'error: no match for 'operator=' in '((MyClass*)this)->MyClass::group->Group::Elements = QVariant::toMap() const()'
I would like to learn the correct syntax to put this element into the class.
Update: I wrote another function to convert the QVariantMap object to a
The group-> Elements object was changed to a
class ParentClass{
QList<SharedDataPointer<Address> > Elements;
other class memmbers...
A method to convert the QMap object to an Address object was created
API_1_6::mapToAddress(QVariantMap o)
QSharedDataPointer<Address> address (new Address());
address-> FirstName = o["FirstName"].toString();
address->LastName = o["LastName"].toString();
address->CompanyName = o["CompanyName"].toString();
address->Street = o["Street"].toString();
address->Street2 = o["Street2"].toString();
address->City = o["City"].toString();
address->Zip = o["Zip"].toString();
address-> State = o["State"].toString();
address->Country = o["Country"].toString();
address->Phone = o["Phone"].toString();
address->Phone2 = o["Phone2"].toString();
address-> Fax = o["Fax"].toString();
address-> Url = o["Url"].toString();
address->Email = o["Email"].toString();
address->Other = o["Other"].toString();
return address;
third: In the code, foreach is used to walk through the list and create and store the new objects
// get the list of the elements
elementsList = nestedMap["Elements"].toList();
// Add the element, converted to the new type, to the Elements object of the'parent' class
foreach(QVariant qElement, elementsList){
group-> Elements.append(mapToAddress(qElement))

URLEncode variable Parsing from String to Array as3

Ok! I have a flashVar variable that is coming into Flash, its URL encoded but I have already decoded it. My problem is I want the set of variables to be pushed into an array.
Let's say the variables are
"&text0=Enter Text...&size0=18&font0=Arial&color0=0&rotation0=0&y0=360&x0=640&text1=Enter
and so on...
What I want is the variables to go into an array like
myArray[0].text = Enter Text...
myArray[0].size = 18]
myArray[0].font = Arial
myArray[0].color = 0
myArray[0].rotation = 0
myArray[0].y = 360
myArray[0].x = 640
myArray[1].text = ...........
myArray[n].text = ...........
I think there must be some way to do this. Most probably I'm thinking regular expression, but I'm pretty bad at regular expression. Please some help would be very very appreciated.
Thank You!
You don't have to decode your query string, just use the URLVariables object - it will do all the decoding for you. Then iterate over its dynamic properties to create your array. Use a RegExp to find the index numbers at the end of your variable keys:
function parseURLVariables( query:String ) : Array {
var vars:URLVariables = new URLVariables (query);
var arr:Array = [];
for (var key : String in vars) {
var splitIndex : int =[0-9]+$/);
var name:String = key.substr (0,splitIndex);
var indexNumber:int = parseInt ( key.substr(splitIndex));
arr[indexNumber] ||= {};
arr[indexNumber][name] = vars[key];
return arr;
Since your query string starts with a an ampersand, you might have to use parseURLVariables ( myString.substr(1)), otherwise the URLVariables object will throw an error, complaining that the query string is not valid (it has to be url encoded, and start with a variable key).
you may use split method of string to something like this;
var astrKeyValue: Array = url.Split( "&" );
in this way each value in astrKeyValue is string keyvalue ( for example font1=Arial )
after than you may split each item with "=" and will get pair key and value ( for key - font1 and for value - arial)
so this code maybe will work for you
var str = "text0=Enter Text...&size0=18&font0=Arial&color0=0&rotation0=0&y0=360&x0=640&text1=Enter Text...&size1=18&font1=Arial&color1=0&rotation1=0&y1=360&x1=640"
var a : Array = str.split( "&" );
var newArr: Array = new Array()
for each ( var str1 in a )
var t: Array = str1.split( "=" );
newArr[ t[0] ] = t[1];
trace( newArr.text0 ) // -> Enter Text...
Here is a solution for you from me,
//your string data should be like this, there should be a seperate seperator (i've used pipe sign |) for each element which will be converted to an object and then pushed to the array
var strData:String = "text=Enter Text...&size=18&font=Arial&color=0&rotation=0&y=360&x=640|text=Enter Text...&size=18&font=Arial&color=0&rotation=0&y=360&x=640";
var myArray:Array = new Array();
var _tmpArr:Array = strData.split("|");
//populating the array
for(var i:int=0;i<_tmpArr.length;i++)
// coverts chunk of string to object with all key and value in it
function strToObj(str:String):Object
var obj:Object = new Object();
var tmpArr:Array = str.split('&');
for (var i:int = 0; i < tmpArr.length; i++)
var _arr:Array = String(tmpArr[i]).split('=');
var key:String = String(_arr[0]);
var val:String = String(_arr[1]);
obj[key] = val;
trace(key+" = "+val);
return obj;