64/72 bit SECDED ECC - error-correction

I would like to know if parity/syndrome generation for 64/72 bit SEC_DED coding is standardized or de-facto method used. I am going through some papers and all seem to have different combinations to generate the check bits.

There's no standard but the de facto method used is described here:
or here:
The latter explains how it maps to DRAM (which uses 64/72b coding) though once you understand the general concept you can easily adapt it to any number of bits.

A variety of different H-matrices are used. The original paper, which gives a method of calculating them, is I believe from M. Y. Hsiao - A Class of Optimal Minimum Odd-weight column SEC-DEC Codes: https://people.eecs.berkeley.edu/~culler/cs252-s02/papers/hsiao70.pdf
Different matrices will have slightly different probabilities of miss correcting triple errors or detecting quadruple errors. See Table 2.


What is the standard way to maintain accuracy when dealing with incredibly precise floating point calculations in C++?

I'm in the process of converting a program to C++ from Scilab (similar to Matlab) and I'm required to maintain the same level of precision that is kept by the previous code.
Note: Although maintaining the same level of precision would be ideal. It's acceptable if there is some error with the finished result. The problem I'm facing (as I'll show below) is due to looping, so the calculation error compounds rather quickly. But if the final result is only a thousandth or so off (e.g. 1/1000 vs 1/1001) it won't be a problem.
I've briefly looked into a number of different ways to do this including:
GMP (A Multiple Precision
Arithmetic Library)
Using integers instead of floats (see example below)
Int vs Float Example: Instead of using the float 12.45, store it as an integer being 124,500. Then simply convert everything back when appropriate to do so. Note: I'm not exactly sure how this will work with the code I'm working with (more detail below).
An example of how my program is producing incorrect results:
for (int i = 0; i <= 1000; i++)
for (int j = 0; j <= 10000; j++)
// This calculation will be computed with less precision than in Scilab
float1 = (1.0 / 100000.0);
// The above error of float2 will become significant by the end of the loop
float2 = (float1 + float2);
My question is:
Is there a generally accepted way to go about retaining accuracy in floating point arithmetic OR will one of the above methods suffice?
Maintaining precision when porting code like this is very difficult to do. Not because the languages have implicitly different perspectives on what a float is, but because of what the different algorithms or assumptions of accuracy limits are. For example, when performing numerical integration in Scilab, it may use a Gaussian quadrature method. Whereas you might try using a trapezoidal method. The two may both be working on identical IEEE754 single-precision floating point numbers, but you will get different answers due to the convergence characteristics of the two algorithms. So how do you get around this?
Well, you can go through the Scilab source code and look at all of the algorithms it uses for each thing you need. You can then replicate these algorithms taking care of any pre- or post-conditioning of the data that Scilab implicitly does (if any at all). That's a lot of work. And, frankly, probably not the best way to spend your time. Rather, I would look into using the Interfacing with Other Languages section from the developer's documentation to see how you can call the Scilab functions directly from your C, C++, Java, or Fortran code.
Of course, with the second option, you have to consider how you are going to distribute your code (if you need to).Scilab has a GPL-compatible license, so you can just bundle it with your code. However, it is quite big (~180MB) and you may want to just bundle the pieces you need (e.g., you don't need the whole interpreter system). This is more work in a different way, but guarantees numerical-compatibility with your current Scilab solutions.
Is there a generally accepted way to go about retaining accuracy in floating
point arithmetic
"Generally accepted" is too broad, so no.
will one of the above methods suffice?
Yes. Particularly gmp seems to be a standard choice. I would also have a look at the Boost Multiprecision library.
A hand-coded integer approach can work as well, but is surely not the method of choice: it requires much more coding, and more severe a means to store and process aritrarily precise integers.
If your compiler supports it use BCD (Binary-coded decimal)
Well, another alternative if you use GCC compilers is to go with quadmath/__float128 types.

LPSolve - specify constant coefficients

I'm using LPSolve IDE to solve a LP problem. I have to test the model against about 10 or 20 sets of different parameters and compare them.
Is there any way for me to keep the general model, but to specify the constants as I wish? For example, if I have the following constraint:
A >= [c]*B
I want to test how the model behaves when [c] = 10, [c] = 20, and so on. For now, I'm simply preparing different .lp files via search&replace, but:
a) it doesn't seem too efficient
b) at some point, I need to consider the constraint of the form A >= B/[c] // =(1/[c]*B). It seems, however, that LPSolve doesn't recogize the division operator. Is specifying 1/[c] directly each time the only option?
It is not completely clear what format you use with lp_solve. With the cplex lp format for example, there is no better way: you cannot use division for the coefficient (or even multiplication for that matter) and there is no function to 'include' another file or introduce a symbolic names for a parameter. It is a very simple language, and not suitable for any complex task.
There are several solutions for your problem; it depends if you are interested in something fast to implement, or 'clean', reusable and with a short runtime (of course this is a compromise).
You have the possibility to generate your lp files from another language, e.g. python, bash, etc. This is a 'quick and dirty' solution: very slow at runtime, but probably the faster to implement.
As every lp solver I know, lp_solve comes with several modelling interfaces: you can for example use the GNU mp format instead of the current one. It recognizes multiplication, divisions, conditionals, etc. (everything you are looking for, see the section 3.1 'numeric expressions')
Finally, you have the possibility to use directly the lp_solve interface from another programming language (e.g. C) which will be the most flexible option, but it may require a little bit more work.
See the lp_solve documentation for more details on the supported input formats and the API reference.

Type safe physics operations in C++

Does it make sens in C++ to define physics units as separate types and define valid operations between those types?
Is there any advantage in introducing a lot of types and a lot of operator overloading instead of using just plain floating point values to represent them?
class Time{...};
class Length{...};
class Speed{...};
Time operator""_s(long double val){...}
Length operator""_m(long double val){...}
Speed operator/(const Length&, const Time&){...}
Where Time, Length and Speed can be created only as a return type from different operators?
Does it make sens in C++ to define physics units as separate types and define valid operations between those types?
Absolutely. The standard Chrono library already does this for time points and durations.
Is there any advantage in introducing a lot of types and a lot of operator overloading instead of using just plain floating point values to represent them?
Yes: you can use the type system to catch errors like adding a mass to a distance at compile time, without adding any runtime overhead.
If you don't feel like defining the types and operators yourself, Boost has a Units library for that.
I would really recommend boost::units for this. It does all the conversion compile-time and also it gives you a compile time error if you're trying using erroneous dimensions
psuedo code example:
length l1, l2, l3;
area a1 = l1 * l2; // Compiles
area a2 = l1 * l2 * l3; // Compile time error, an area can't be the product of three lengths.
volume v1 = l1 * l2 * l3; // Compiles
I've gone down this road. The advantages are all the normal numerous and good advantages of type safety. The disadvantages I've run into:
You'll want to save off intermediate values in calculations... such as seconds squared. Having these values be a type is somewhat meaningless (seconds^2 obviously isn't a type like velocity is).
You'll want to do increasingly complex calculations which will require more and more overloads/operator defines to achieve.
At the end of the day, it's extremely clean for simple calculations and simple purposes. But when math gets complicated, it's hard to have a typed unit system play nice.
Everyone has mentioned the type-safety guarantees as a plus. Another HUGE plus is the ability to abstract the concept (length) from the units (meter).
So for example, a common issue when dealing with units is to mix SI with metric. When the concepts are abstracted as classes, this is no longer an issue:
Length width = Length::fromMeters(2.0);
Length height = Length::fromFeet(6.5);
Area area = width * height; //Area is computed correctly!
cout << "The total area is " << area.toInches() << " inches squared.";
The user of the class doesn't need to know what units the internal-representation uses... at least, as long as there are no severe rounding issues.
I really wish more trigonometry libraries did this with angles, because I always have to look up whether they're expecting degrees or radians...
For those looking for a powerful compile-time type-safe unit library, but are hesitant about dragging in a boost dependency, check out units. The library is implemented as a single .h file with no dependencies, and comes with a project to build unit tests/documentation. It's tested with msvc2013, 2015, and gcc-4.9.2, and should work with later versions of those compilers as well.
Full Disclosure: I'm the author of the library
Yes, it makes sense. Not only in physics, but in any discipline. In finance, e.g. interest rates are in units of inverse time intervals (typically express per year). Money has many different units. Converting between them can only be done with a cross-rate, has dimensions of one currency divided by another. Interest payments, dividend payments, principal payments, etc. ordinarily occur at a frequency.
It can prevent multiplying two values and ending up with an illegal value. It can prevent summing dollars and euros, etc.
I'm not saying you're wrong to do so, but we've gone overboard with that on the project I'm working on and frankly I doubt its benefits outweigh its hassle. Particularly if you're on a team, good variable naming (just spell the darn things out), code reviews, and unit testing will prevent any problems. On the other hand, if you can use Boost, units might be something to check into (I haven't).
To check for type safety, you can use a dedicated library.
The most wiedly use is boost::units, it works perfertly with no execution time overhead, a lot of features. If this library theoritically solve your problem. From a more practical point of vew, the interface is so awkward and badly documented that you may have problems. Morever the compilation time increase drastically with the number of dimensions, so clearly check that you can compile in a reasonable time a large project before using it.
doc : http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_56_0/doc/html/boost_units.html
An alternative is to use unit_lite. There are less features than the boost library but the compilation is faster, the interface simpler and errors messages are readables. This lib requires C++11.
code : https://github.com/pierreblavy2/unit_lite
The link to the doc is in the github description (I'm not allowed to post more than 2 links here !!!).
I gave a tutorial presentation at CPPcon 2015 on the Boost.Units library. It's a powerful library that every scientific application should be using. But it's hard to use due to poor documentation. Hopefully my tutorial helps with this. You can find the slides/code here:
If you want to use a very light weight header-only library based on c++20, you can use TU (Typesafe Units). It supports manipulation (*, /, +, -, sqrt, pow to arbitrary floating point numbers, unary operations on scalar units) for all SI units. It supports units with floating point dimensions like length^(d) where d is a decimal number. Moreover it is simple to define your own units. It also comes with a test suite...
...and yes, I'm the author of this library.

C/C++ fastest cmath log operation

I'm trying to calculate logab (and get a floating point back, not an integer). I was planning to do this as log(b)/log(a). Mathematically speaking, I can use any of the cmath log functions (base 2, e, or 10) to do this calculation; however, I will be running this calculation a lot during my program, so I was wondering if one of them is significantly faster than the others (or better yet, if there is a faster, but still simple, way to do this). If it matters, both a and b are integers.
First, precalculate 1.0/log(a) and multiply each log(b) by that expression instead.
Edit: I originally said that the natural logarithm (base e) would be fastest, but others state that base 2 is supported directly by the processor and would be fastest. I have no reason to doubt it.
Edit 2: I originally assumed that a was a constant, but in re-reading the question that is never stated. If so then there would be no benefit to precalculating. If it is however, you can maintain readability with an appropriate choice of variable names:
const double base_a = 1.0 / log(a);
for (int b = 0; b < bazillions; ++b)
double result = log(b) * base_a;
Strangely enough Microsoft doesn't supply a base 2 log function, which explains why I was unfamiliar with it. Also the x86 instruction for calculating logs includes a multiplication automatically, and the constants required for the different bases are also available via an optimized instruction, so I'd expect the 3 different log functions to have identical timing (even base 2 would have to multiply by 1).
Since b and a are integers, you can use all the glory of bit twiddling to find their logs to the base 2. Here are some:
Find the log base 2 of an integer with the MSB N set in O(N) operations (the obvious way)
Find the integer log base 2 of an integer with an 64-bit IEEE float
Find the log base 2 of an integer with a lookup table
Find the log base 2 of an N-bit integer in O(lg(N)) operations
Find the log base 2 of an N-bit integer in O(lg(N)) operations with multiply and lookup
I'll leave it to you to choose the best "fast-log" function for your needs.
On the platforms for which I have data, log2 is very slightly faster than the others, in line with my expectations. Note however, that the difference is extremely slight (only a couple percent). This is really not worth worrying about.
Write an implementation that is clear. Then measure the performance.
In the 8087 instruction set, there is only an instruction for the logarithm to base 2, so I would guess this one to be the fastest.
Of course this kind of question depends largely on your processor/architecture, so I would suggest to make a simple test and time it.
The answer is:
it depends
profile it
You don't even mention your CPU type, the variable type, the compiler flags, the data layout. If you need to do lot's of these in parallel, I'm sure there will be a SIMD option. Your compiler will optimize that as long as you use alignment and clear simple loops (or valarray if you like archaic approaches).
Chances are, the intel compiler has specific tricks for intel processors in this area.
If you really wanted you could use CUDA and leverage GPU.
I suppose, if you are unfortunate enough to lack these instruction sets you could go down at the bit fiddling level and write an algorithm that does a nice approximation. In this case, I can bet more than one apple-pie that 2-log is going to be faster than any other base-log

boost.random buggy warning - what does it mean?

The documentation for the uniform distribution of boost.random says
Note: The current implementation is
buggy, because it may not fill all of
the mantissa with random bits. I'm
unsure how to fill a (to-be-invented)
boost::bigfloat class with random bits
efficiently. It's probably time for a
traits class.
I have no idea what this means (what is the mantissa?). Does it mean that I shouldn't use the distribution (in which case why is it in the relase package?)? or is that I should just be careful (not to do what?)
It's a warning that the current boost::random implementation doesn't fill all of the bits with the same distribution, so the numbers are "slightly less random" (have fun quantifying that statement) than they could have been.
Chances are, however, that you won't be able to tell anyway.
For what it's worth, the Java documentation for java.util.Random discusses the current implementation and a previous implementation for nextFloat and nextDouble, discussing how it can be tricky getting the randomness right for these methods.