How to escape question mark (?) character in PDI Pentaho in a query - kettle

I'm trying to execute the following query in PDI 7.1 in an Execute SQL Statement step.
update table_x set text = '? rows where update using' where 1=1
The problem is that the first question mark corresponds to a parameter I get from a previous step but the second one corresponds to the URL so needs to be saved as it is. This makes the job fail with an IndexOutOfBounds exception because kettle use the url question mark as if it were a parameter.
I have tried to escape as follows but no results:
But no one works.
At the end I have decided to create a url parameter in a previous step and then use it as follows:
update table_x set text = '? rows where update using ?' where 1=1
This works but I still wonder if is there a way to escape this character.

This long standing issue comes from the use of preparedStement with JDBC that neither Sun nor Oracle never solved. According to this blog your solution is the best.


Teradata REGEX or SUBSTR to remove the text between two *'s and the asterisk?

I'm working in teradata with a dataset that has several occurrences of data in the following format:
In the dataset above I'm attempting to extract everything after the second occurrence of an asterick. I.E. D.IMP, IMP, T.IMPLANTS, F.IMPLANT, etc..
I've attempted to use SUBSTR and came close using:
But, that only returns the data after the first *.
I believe the best solution to solve problem would be using a REGEX expression or SUBSTR. There is a function in teradata called REGEXP_SUBSTR. I'm not exactly sure how to create a REGEX statement to solve my problem.
If you only ever have 2 asterisks in your string, you can use STRTOK:
strtok(<source string>,'*',2)

Trying to write an SQL query with regexp_matches() look behind positive in postgresql

From a PostgreSQL database, I'm trying to match 6 or more digits that come after a string that looks like "(OCoLC)" and I thought I had a working regular expression that would fit that description:
Here are some strings that it should return the digits for:
|a(OCoLC)08507541 will return 08507541
|a(OCoLC)174097142 will return 174097142
This seems to work to match strings when I test it on, but when I incorporate it into my query:
regexp_matches(v.field_content, '(?<=\(ocolc\))[0-9]{6,}', 'gi')
varfield as v
I get this message:
ERROR: invalid regular expression: quantifier operand invalid
I'm not sure why it doesn't seem to like that expression.
I ended up just resorting to using a case statement, as that seemed to be the best way to work around this...
WHEN v.field_content ~* '\(ocolc\)[0-9]{6,}'
THEN (regexp_matches(v.field_content, '[0-9]{6,}', 'gi'))[1]
ELSE v.field_content
varfield as v
as electricjelly noted, I'm kind of after just the numeric characters, but they have to be preceded by the "(OCoLC)" string, or they're not exactly what I'm after. This is part of a larger query, so I'm running a second case statement a boolean flag in cases where the start of the string wasn't "(OCoLC)". These seems to be more helpful anyway, as I'm going to probably want to preserve those other values somehow.
After looking over your question it seems your error is caused from a syntax problem, not so much from the function not being available on your version of PostgreSQl, as I tested it on 9.6 and I received the same error.
However, what you seem to want is to pull the numbers from a given field as in
|a(OCoLC)08507541 becomes 08507541
an easy way you could accomplish this would be to use regex_replace
the function would be:
regexp_replace('table.field', '\D', '', 'g')
the \D in the function finds all non-numbers and replaces it with a nothing (hence the '') and returns everything else
It looks like after doing some more searching, this is only a feature of versions of PostgreSQL server >= 9.6
The version I am running is version 9.4.6
So, the answer is it's not available for this version of PostgreSQL, but presumably this would work just fine in the latest version of the server.

How can I replace text in a Siebel data mapping?

I have an outgoing web service to send data from Siebel 7.8 to an external system. In order for the integration to work, before I send the data, I must change one of the field values, replacing every occurence of "old" with "new". How can I do this with EAI data mappings?
In an ideal world I would just use an integration source expression like Replace([Description], "old", "new"). However Siebel is far from ideal, and doesn't have a replace function (or if it does, it's not documented). I can use all the Siebel query language functions which don't need an execution context. I can also use the functions available for calculated fields (sane people could expect both lists to be the same, but Siebel documentation is also far from ideal).
My first attempt was to use the InvokeServiceMethod function and replace the text myself in eScript. So, this is my field map source expression:
InvokeServiceMethod('MyBS', 'MyReplace', 'In="' + [Description] + '"', 'Out')
After some configuration steps it works fine... except if my description field contains the " character: Error parsing expression 'In="This is a "test" with quotes"' for field '3' (SBL-DAT-00481)
I know why this happens. My double quotes are breaking the expression and I have to escape them by doubling the character, as in This is a ""test"" with quotes. However, how can I replace each " with "" in order to call my business service... if I don't have a replace function? :)
Oracle's support web has only one result for the SBL-DAT-00481 error, which as a workaround, suggests to place the whole parameter inside double quotes (which I already had). There's a linked document in which they acknowledge that the workaround is valid for a few characters such as commas or single quotes, but due to a bug in Siebel 7.7-7.8 (not present in 8.0+), it doesn't work with double quotes. They suggest to pass instead the row id as argument to the business service, and then retrieve the data directly from the BC.
Before I do that and end up with a performance-affecting workaround (pass only the ID) for the workaround (use double quotes) for the workaround (use InvokeServiceMethod) for not having a replace function... Am I going crazy here? Isn't there a simple way to do a simple text replacement in a Siebel data mapping?
first thing (quite possibly - far from optimal one) which is coming to my mind - is to create at source BC calculated field, aka (NEW_VALUE), which becomes "NEW" for every record, where origin field has a value "OLD". and simply use this field in integration map.

Using a RegEx in a SQL Query

Here's the situation I'm in: We have a field in our database that contains a 3 digit number, surrounded by some text. This number is actually a PK in another table, and I need to extract this out so I can implement a proper FK relationship. Here's an example of what would currently reside in the column:
Some Text Goes Here - (305) Followed By Some More Text
So, what I'm looking to do is extract the '305' from the column, and hopefully end up with a result that looks something like this (pseudo code)
<My Extracted Value>,
Original Column Text,
FROM dbo.MyTable
It seems to me that using a Regex match in my query is the most effective way to do this. Can anybody point me in the right direction?
EDIT: We're using SQL Server 2005
RegExp in SQL is defined by a SQL-Standard but most databases implemented their own syntax, you should tell us the product name of your RDBMS ;)
This is based on Pranay's first answer that has since been changed.
DECLARE #NumStr varchar(1000)
SET #NumStr = 'Some Text Goes Here - (305) Followed By Some More Text';
SELECT SUBSTRING(#NumStr,PATINDEX('%[0-9][0-9][0-9]%',#NumStr),3)
Returns 305
Microsoft seems to suggest using a CLR assembly to do Regex pattern matching in SQL Server 2005.
Apart from LIKE (which is not going to solve your problem) I don't know of a built-in pattern matching functionality in SQL Server 2005 (that is, more advanced than simple string searches).
Just after I implemented a solution in Postgres, I see you are using SqlServer... Just for the records, then, with a regex that extracts data in parenthesis.
Postgresql solution:
create table main(id text not null)
insert into main values('some text (44) other text');
insert into main values('and more text (78) and even more');
select substring(id from '\\(([^\\(]+)\\)') from main
The only way to access RegEx-type functions in SQL 2005 (and probably 2008) is by writing (or downloading) and using CLR functions.
If all the strings are always formatted in such a way as you can identify the specific numbers you want, you can do something like the following. This is based on the (big) assumption that the first set of parenthesis found in the string contains the number that you want.
MyText varchar(500) not null
INSERT MyTable values ('Some Text Goes Here - (305) Followed By Some More Text')
MyText -- String
,charindex('(', MyText) -- Where's the open parenthesis
,charindex(')', MyText) -- Where's the closed parenthesis
,charindex('(', MyText) + 1, charindex(')'
,MyText) - charindex('(', MyText) - 1) -- Glom it all together
from MyTable
Awkward as heck (because SQL has a pathetically limited set of string manipulation functions), but it works.

regular expression or replace function in where clause of a mysql query

I write a mysql query
select * from table where name like '%salil%'
which works fine but it will no return records with name 'sal-il', 'sa#lil'.
So i want a query something like below
select * from table whereremove_special_character_from(name)like '%salil%'
remove_special_character_from(name) is a mysql method or a regular expression which remove all the special characters from name before like executed.
No, mysql doesn't support regexp based replace.
I'd suggest to use normalized versions of the search terms, stored in the separate fields.
So, at insert time you strip all non-alpha characters from the data and store it in the data_norm field for the future searches.
Since I know no way to do this, I'd use a "calculated column" for this, i.e. a column which depends on the value of name but without the special characters. This way, the cost for the transformation is paid only once and you can even create an index on the new column.
See this answer how to do this.
I agree with Aaron and Col. Shrapnel that you should use an extra column on the table e.g. search_name to store a normalised version of the name.
I noticed that this question was originally tagged ruby-on-rails. If this is part of a Rails application then you can use a before_save callback to set the value of this field.
In MYSQL 5.1 you can use REGEXP to do regular expression matching like this
However, take note that it will be slow and you should do what others posters suggested and store the clean value in a separate field.