N times function composition - ocaml

I need to write a code that composes a function, f (x), with itself N times using recursive function.
What I wrote is:
let f x = x + 1 (*it can be any function*)
let rec compose n f x = if n = 0 then
"Can't compose anymore"
else compose (n-1) f (f x);;
which is obviously not right. I know the code is not finished, but I do not know how to continue. Am I on the right path or not? Can you tell me how to solve the problem?

You are on the right path. Based on the requirements, I would try to start from those equations:
compunere 1 f x == f x
The above says that applying f once to x is exactly the same as doing (f x).
compunere 2 f x == f (f x)
Likewise, applying f twice should compute f (f x). If you replace (f x) by a call to compunere, you have:
compunere 2 f x == f (f x) = f (compunere 1 f x)
The general pattern of recursion seems to be:
compunere n f x == f (compunere (n - 1) f x)
Note that the most general type of f is a -> b, but when f is called again with a value of type b, that means that a and b should be the same type, and so f really is an endomorphism, a function of type a -> a. That is the case for N >= 1, but in degenerate case of N=0, you could have a different behaviour.
Applying f zero time to x could mean "return x", which means that compunere could theoretically return a value of type a for zero, for any f being a a -> b function, a and b possibly distinct; you could distinguish both cases with more code, but here we can simply let the typechecker enforce the constraint that a = b in all cases and have an uniform behaviour. You can also make 0 invalid (like negative numbers) by throwing an exception (negative applications could theoretically be postitive applications of the inverse function, but you cannot compute that when knowing nothing about f; f could be non-invertible).
Your code is a little bit different:
compunere 3 f x == (compunere 2 f (f x))
== (compunere 1 f (f (f x)))
== (compunere 0 f (f (f (f x))))
The advantage of your approach is that the recursive call to compunere is directly giving the result for the current computation: it is in tail position which allows the compiler to perform tail-call elimination.
When you reach N=0, the value locally bound x gives the result you want. Here, for N=0 as an input, the only natural interpretation is also to return x.


Power function using multiplication and iteration in Standard ML

I am having trouble understanding a method to implement a power function in SML using only iteration and multiplication.
my iteration is the following:
fun iterate 0 f x = x
| iterate n f x = iterate (n-1) f (f x);
while my multiplication is basically iterating recursively
fun multiply 0 f = 0
| multiply f x = iterate x (fn x => x + 1) (multiply x (f-1));
Power function would basically be an iteration of the multiplication of the same base but I don't know which value to decrement
power n f = iterate (mult n n) (fn x => x + 1) (power (n) (f-1))
which is definately wrong
power n f = iterate (mult n n) (fn x => x + 1) (power (n) (f-1))
So, when it comes to naming, I might definitely write power x y or power i j or power x n or some such, since x, y, i, j or n look like they're numbers or integers, whereas f looks like it's a function. So right off the bat you have:
fun power x y = iterate (...a...) (...b...) (...c...)
As for what goes into each of these three parts, ...a..., ...b... and ...c...:
a. The thing iterate calls n, which is the number of times to iterate.
b. The thing iterate calls f, which is the function to apply each time.
c. The thing iterate calls x, which is what is applied each time.
As elaborated on in How to make a multiplication function using just addition function and iterate function in SML, there is no point in making power call itself; the point of using iterate is to hand over recursion to this list-combinator rather than use explicit recursion (where power has a reference to itself somewhere in its definition).

How to prove that a number is prime using Znumtheory in Coq

I'm trying to prove that a number is prime using the Znumtheory library.
In Znumtheory primes are defined in terms of relative primes:
Inductive prime (p:Z) : Prop :=
prime_intro :
1 < p -> (forall n:Z, 1 <= n < p -> rel_prime n p) -> prime p.
So to prove that 3 is prime I should apply prime_intro to the goal. Here is my try:
Theorem prime3 : prime 3.
apply prime_intro.
- omega.
- intros.
unfold rel_prime. apply Zis_gcd_intro.
+ apply Z.divide_1_l.
+ apply Z.divide_1_l.
+ intros. Abort.
I don't know how to use the hypothesis H : 1 <= n < 3 which says that n is 1 or 2. I could destruct it, apply lt_eq_cases and destruct it again, but I would be stuck with a useless 1 < n in the first case.
I wasn't expecting to have a hard time with something that looks so simple.
I have a variant of #larsr's proof.
Require Import ZArith.
Require Import Znumtheory.
Require Import Omega.
Theorem prime3 : prime 3.
- omega.
- intros.
assert (n = 1 \/ n = 2) as Ha by omega.
destruct Ha; subst n; apply Zgcd_is_gcd.
Like #larsr's proof, we prove that 1 < 3 using omega and then prove that either n=1 or n=2 using omega again.
To prove rel_prime 1 3 and rel_prime 2 3 which are defined in terms of Zis_gcd, we apply Zgcd_is_gcd. This lemma states that computing the gcd is enough. This is trivial on concrete inputs like (1,3) and (2,3).
EDIT: We can generalize this result, using only Gallina. We define a boolean function is_prime that we prove correct w.r.t. the inductive specification prime. I guess this can be done in a more elegant way, but I am confused with all the lemmas related to Z. Moreover, some of the definitions are opaque and cannot be used (at least directly) to define a computable function.
Require Import ZArith.
Require Import Znumtheory.
Require Import Omega.
Require Import Bool.
Require Import Recdef.
(** [for_all] checks that [f] is true for any integer between 1 and [n] *)
Function for_all (f:Z->bool) n {measure Z.to_nat n}:=
if n <=? 1 then true
else f (n-1) && for_all f (n-1).
apply Z.leb_nle in teq.
apply Z2Nat.inj_lt. omega. omega. omega.
Lemma for_all_spec : forall f n,
for_all f n = true -> forall k, 1 <= k < n -> f k = true.
assert (0 <= n) by omega.
revert n H1 k H0 H.
apply (natlike_ind (fun n => forall k : Z, 1 <= k < n ->
for_all f n = true -> f k = true)); intros.
- omega.
- rewrite for_all_equation in H2.
destruct (Z.leb_spec0 (Z.succ x) 1).
+ omega.
+ replace (Z.succ x - 1) with x in H2 by omega. apply andb_true_iff in H2.
assert (k < x \/ k = x) by omega.
destruct H3.
* apply H0. omega. apply H2.
* subst k. apply H2.
Definition is_prime (p:Z) :=
(1 <? p) && for_all (fun k => Z.gcd k p =? 1) p.
Theorem is_prime_correct : forall z, is_prime z = true -> prime z.
intros. unfold is_prime in H.
apply andb_true_iff in H. destruct H as (H & H0).
- apply Z.ltb_lt. assumption.
- intros.
apply for_all_spec with (k:=n) in H0; try assumption.
unfold rel_prime. apply Z.eqb_eq in H0. rewrite <- H0.
apply Zgcd_is_gcd.
The proof becomes nearly as simple as #Arthur's one.
Theorem prime113 : prime 113.
apply is_prime_correct; reflexivity.
The lemma you mentioned is actually proved in that library, under the name prime_3. You can look up its proof on GitHub.
You mentioned how strange it is to have such a hard time to prove something so simple. Indeed, the proof in the standard library is quite complicated. Luckily, there are much better ways to work out this result. The Mathematical Components library advocates for a different style of development based on boolean properties. There, prime is not an inductively defined predicate, but a function nat -> bool that checks whether its argument is prime. Because of this, we can prove such simple facts by computation:
From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrbool ssrnat prime.
Lemma prime_3 : prime 3. Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
There is a bit of magic going on here: the library declares a coercion is_true : bool -> Prop that is automatically inserted whenever a boolean is used in a place where a proposition is expected. It is defined as follows:
Definition is_true (b : bool) : Prop := b = true.
Thus, what prime_3 really is proving above is prime 3 = true, which is what makes that simple proof possible.
The library allows you to connect this boolean notion of what a prime number is to a more conventional one via a reflection lemma:
Lemma primeP p :
reflect (p > 1 /\ forall d, d %| p -> xpred2 1 p d) (prime p).
Unpacking notations and definitions, what this statement says is that prime p equals true if and only if p > 1 and every d that divides p is equal to 1 or p. I am afraid it would be a lengthy detour to explain how this reflection lemma works exactly, but if you find this interesting I strongly encourage you to look up more about Mathematical Components.
Here is a proof that I think is quite understandable as one steps through it.
It stays at the level of number theory and doesn't unfold definitions that much. I put in some comments, don't know if it makes it more or less readable. But try to step through it in the IDE, if you care for it...
Require Import ZArith.
Require Import Znumtheory.
Inductive prime (p:Z) : Prop :=
prime_intro :
1 < p -> (forall n:Z, 1 <= n < p -> rel_prime n p) -> prime p.
Require Import Omega.
Theorem prime3 : prime 3.
omega. (* prove 1 < 3 *)
intros; constructor. (* prove rel_prime n 3 *)
exists n. omega. (* prove (1 | n) *)
exists 3. omega. (* prove (1 | 3) *)
(* our goal is now (x | 1), and we know (x | n) and (x | 3) *)
assert (Hn: n=1 \/ n=2) by omega; clear H. (* because 1 <= n < 3 *)
case Hn. (* consider cases n=1 and n=2 *)
- intros; subst; trivial. (* case n = 1: proves (x | 1) because we know (x | n) *)
- intros; subst. (* case n = 2: we know (x | n) and (x | 3) *)
assert (Hgcd: (x | Z.gcd 2 3)) by (apply Z.gcd_greatest; trivial).
(* Z.gcd_greatest: (x | 2) -> x | 3) -> (x | Z.gcd 2 3) *)
apply Hgcd. (* prove (x | 1), because Z.gcd 2 3 = 1 *)
Fun fact: #epoiner's answer can be used together with Ltac in a proof script for any prime number.
Theorem prime113 : prime 113.
- omega.
- intros n H;
repeat match goal with | H : 1 <= ?n < ?a |- _ =>
assert (Hn: n = a -1 \/ 1 <= n < a - 1) by omega;
clear H; destruct Hn as [Hn | H];
[subst n; apply Zgcd_is_gcd | simpl in H; try omega ]
However, the proof term gets unwieldy, and checking becomes slower and slower. This is why it small scale reflection (ssreflect) where computation is moved into the type checking probably is preferrable in the long run. It's hard to beat #Arthur Azevedo De Amorim's proof:
Proof. reflexivity. Qed. :-) Both in terms of computation time, and memory-wise.

Clip up numbers bigger than maximum

I have this function:
fun min x y = if x >= y then y else x
and I need to use this function (as a partial application) and make function clipupdown with arguments number and list, where number represents the minimal number that should exist in that list and all numbers lower than min should be set to that minimal number. For example when I call:
clipdown 10 [1,11,21,4,6,7,12]
I should get
Any hints?
Any hints?
What do you get when you call min (edit: or, actually max) with only one element?
min 10
how do you map a function over a list?
fun clipdown lowest numbers = map (max lowest) numbers
You have to use max, instead of min. Whenever the program finds a number below the minimum, it should choose the minimum (which is greater than the encountered number). So you need to choose the max value.
Since Int.min and Int.max already exist, but take tuples, you could write a function
fun curry f x y = f (x, y)
and use this like map o curry Int.max to get clipdown.
Similarly you could get clipup with map o curry Int.min.
You might also get clipupdown by composing both like
fun clipupdown lower higher = clipdown lower o clipup higher
But you could also use that (map f) ∘ (map g) = map (f ∘ g):
fun clipupdown lower higher = map (curry Int.max lower o curry Int.min higher)
This is called map fusion.

ocaml wrong pow function give correct output

i wrote a pow function in ocaml and by mistake a wrote this
let rec pow x y acc = if y = 1 then acc else pow x (y-1) x*x;;
this function can be called with any value of acc and output the correct answer, but this must output x^2 .
this is the correct functon :
let rec pow x y acc = if y = 0 then acc else pow x (y-1) x*acc;;
and call this function with the value of acc of 1.
my question is why first function give the correct output ?
The key is that function application has higher precedence than binary operators. In the case at hand, the else term is equivalent to (pow x (y-1) x) * x, not pow x (y-1) (x*x).

Why does the exponential operator use float variables in OCaml?

Why does the exponential operator use float variables in OCaml?
Shouldn't it allow int variables too?
# 3**3;;
Error: This expression has type int but an expression was expected of type
# 3.0**3.0;;
- : float = 27.
So, the existing answers go into how to get around this, but not into why it is the case. There are two main reasons:
1) OCaml doesn't have operator aliasing. You can't have two operators that do the "same thing", but to different types. This means that only one kind of number, integers or floats (or some other representation) will get to use the standard ** interface.
2) pow(), the exponentiation function has historically been defined on floats (for instance, in Standard C).
Also, for another way to get around the problem, if you're using OCaml Batteries included, there is a pow function defined for integers.
You can use int
let int_exp x y = (float_of_int x) ** (float_of_int y) |> int_of_float
There's a similar question: Integer exponentiation in OCaml
Here's one possible tail-recursive implementation of integer exponentiation:
let is_even n =
n mod 2 = 0
(* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exponentiation_by_squaring *)
let pow base exponent =
if exponent < 0 then invalid_arg "exponent can not be negative" else
let rec aux accumulator base = function
| 0 -> accumulator
| 1 -> base * accumulator
| e when is_even e -> aux accumulator (base * base) (e / 2)
| e -> aux (base * accumulator) (base * base) ((e - 1) / 2) in
aux 1 base exponent