Giving relations an order to sort by - django

Given the following Django models:
class Room(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=20)
class Beacon(models.Model):
room = models.ForeignKey(Room)
uuid = models.UUIDField(default=uuid.uuid4)
major = models.PostiveIntegerField(max_value=65536)
minor = models.PositiveIntegerField(max_value=65536)
The Beacon model is a bluetooth beacon relationship to the room.
I want to select all Rooms that match a given uuid, major, minor combination.
The catch is, that I want to order the rooms by the beacon that is nearest to me. Because of this, I need to be able to assign a value to each beacon dynamically, and then sort by it.
Is this possible with the Django ORM? In Django 1.8?
NOTE - I will know the ordering of the beacons beforehand, I will be using the order they are passed in the query string. So the first beacon (uuid, major, minor) passed should match the first room that is returned by the Room QuerySet
I am envisioning something like this, though I know this won't work:
beacon_order = [
beacon1 = 1,
beacon0 = 2,
beacon3 = 3,
queryset = Room.objects.annotate(beacon_order=beacon_order).\

If you already know the order of the beacons, there's no need to sort within the QuerySet itself. Take an ordered list called beacon_list, which contains the beacons' primary keys in order, e.g. the item at index 0 is the closest beacon's primary key, the item at index 1 is the second closest beacon's PK, etc. Then use a list comprehension:
ordered_rooms = [Room.objects.get(pk=x) for x in beacon_list]
You don't have to use the PK either, you can use anything which identifies the given object in the database, e.g. the name field.

Looks like this works:
from django.db.models import Case, Q, When
beacons = request.query_params.getlist('beacon[]')
query = Q()
order = []
for pos, beacon in enumerate(beacons):
uuid, major, minor = beacon.split(':')
query |= Q(
rooms = Room.objects.filter(query).order_by(Case(*order))


django_filters recursive filtering

so I have a django filter that looks like this:
class ModelFilter(FilterSet):
user_name = CharFilter(method="some_method")
boss = ModelChoiceFilter(...)
My model looks simillar to this:
class Employee(Model):
username = Charfield(...)
boss = ForeignKey("self", ''')
So an employee can be the boss of another employee. Now, this filter will return the correct queryset based on what values the user is searching for. Let's say we have three objects:
O1= Employee(usename="u1", boss=None)
O2= Employee(usename="u2", boss=O1)
O3= Employee(usename="u3", boss=O2)
If I apply the above mentioned filter on this data, and search for boss=O1 I will get the Object O2 as a result. I want to add a new boolean field in the filter, let's say "with_subordinates", that will return the whole "tree" relationship if it is true. So for instance if I would search for: boss=O1, with_subordinates=True, the resulte should be O2 and O3. Basically, with this new option, the filter should recursively show the employees, of previous employees and so forth.
Is there a way to achieve something like this?
Apart from core concepts, we will do it the pythonic way. For this, we need to get the all objects and their boss_id from the database.
boss_object_ids = [1,] # this is the input boss id
have_to_wait = True
while have_to_wait:
prev_ids = boss_object_ids
if Employee.objects.filter(boss__in=boss_object_ids).count() > 0:
boss_ids_list = Employee.objects.filter(boss__in=boss_object_ids).values_list('id', flat=True)
boss_object_ids = list(set(boss_object_ids))
if set(boss_object_ids) == set(prev_ids):
have_to_wait = False
all_subordinates = Employee.objects.filter(boss__in=boss_object_ids)
At first time we pass input boss_id = [1,] or some integer.
The second time it will loop and find 2,3,4,5 are the ids, hence the list will be [1,2,3,4,5].
The third time it will get 2,3,4,1,6 ids, hence the list will be [1,2,3,4,5,6].
Like wise it will filter until it gets the same list again.
That means, in this example, it will check if there is no extra number other than [1,2,3,4,5,6].
At last, we can filter using the boss_object_ids list. This is the desired all subordinates id's list.

Django ORM. Filter many to many with AND clause

With the following models:
class Item(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=255)
attributes = models.ManyToManyField(ItemAttribute)
class ItemAttribute(models.Model):
attribute = models.CharField(max_length=255)
string_value = models.CharField(max_length=255)
int_value = models.IntegerField()
I also have an Item which has 2 attributes, 'color': 'red', and 'size': 3.
If I do any of these queries:
I will get Item returned, works as I expected.
However, if I try to do a multiple query, like:
Item.objects.filter(attributes__string_value='red', attributes__int_value=3)
All I want to do is an AND. This won't work either:
Item.objects.filter(Q(attributes__string_value='red') & Q(attributes__int_value=3))
The output is:
<QuerySet []>
Why? How can I build such a query that my Item is returned, because it has the attribute red and the attribute 3?
If it's of any use, you can chain filter expressions in Django:
query = Item.objects.filter(attributes__string_value='red').filter(attributes__int_value=3')
From the DOCS:
This takes the initial QuerySet of all entries in the database, adds a filter, then an exclusion, then another filter. The final result is a QuerySet containing all entries with a headline that starts with “What”, that were published between January 30, 2005, and the current day.
To do it with .filter() but with dynamic arguments:
args = {
'{0}__{1}'.format('attributes', 'string_value'): 'red',
'{0}__{1}'.format('attributes', 'int_value'): 3
You can also (if you need a mix of AND and OR) use Django's Q objects.
Keyword argument queries – in filter(), etc. – are “AND”ed together. If you need to execute more complex queries (for example, queries with OR statements), you can use Q objects.
A Q object (django.db.models.Q) is an object used to encapsulate a
collection of keyword arguments. These keyword arguments are specified
as in “Field lookups” above.
You would have something like this instead of having all the Q objects within that filter:
** import Q from django
from *models import Item
#assuming your arguments are kwargs
final_q_expression = Q(kwargs[1])
for arg in kwargs[2:..]
final_q_expression = final_q_expression & Q(arg);
result = Item.objects.filter(final_q_expression)
This is code I haven't run, it's out of the top of my head. Treat it as pseudo-code if you will.
Although, this doesn't answer why the ways you've tried don't quite work. Maybe it has to do with the lookups that span relationships, and the tables that are getting joined to get those values. I would suggest printing yourQuerySet.query to visualize the raw SQL that is being formed and that might help guide you as to why .filter( Q() & Q()) is not working.

Django get count of each age

I have this model:
class User_Data(AbstractUser):
date_of_birth = models.DateField(null=True,blank=True)
city = models.CharField(max_length=255,default='',null=True,blank=True)
address = models.TextField(default='',null=True,blank=True)
gender = models.TextField(default='',null=True,blank=True)
And I need to run a django query to get the count of each age. Something like this:
Age || Count
10 || 100
11 || 50
and so on.....
Here is what I did with lambda:
usersAge = map(lambda x: calculate_age(x[0]), User_Data.objects.values_list('date_of_birth'))
users_age_data_source = [[x, usersAge.count(x)] for x in set(usersAge)]
users_age_data_source = sorted(users_age_data_source, key=itemgetter(0))
There's a few ways of doing this. I've had to do something very similar recently. This example works in Postgres.
Note: I've written the following code the way I have so that syntactically it works, and so that I can write between each step. But you can chain these together if you desire.
First we need to annotate the queryset to obtain the 'age' parameter. Since it's not stored as an integer, and can change daily, we can calculate it from the date of birth field by using the database's 'current_date' function:
ud = User_Data.objects.annotate(
age=RawSQL("""(DATE_PART('year', current_date) - DATE_PART('year', "app_userdata"."date_of_birth"))::integer""", []),
Note: you'll need to change the "app_userdata" part to match up with the table of your model. You can pick this out of the model's _meta, but this just depends if you want to make this portable or not. If you do, use a string .format() to replace it with what the model's _meta provides. If you don't care about that, just put the table name in there.
Now we pick the 'age' value out so that we get a ValuesQuerySet with just this field
ud = ud.values('age')
And then annotate THAT queryset with a count of age
ud = ud.annotate(
At this point we have a ValuesQuerySet that has both 'age' and 'count' as fields. Order it so it comes out in a sensible way..
ud = ud.order_by('age')
And there you have it.
You must build up the queryset in this order otherwise you'll get some interesting results. i.e; you can't group all the annotates together, because the second one for count depends on the first, and as a kwargs dict has no notion of what order the kwargs were defined in, when the queryset does field/dependency checking, it will fail.
Hope this helps.
If you aren't using Postgres, the only thing you'll need to change is the RawSQL annotation to match whatever database engine it is that you're using. However that engine can get the year of a date, either from a field or from its built in "current date" function..providing you can get that out as an integer, it will work exactly the same way.

Django query aggregate upvotes in backward relation

I have two models:
some fields
user = models.ForeignKey(settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL)
activity = models.ForeignKey(Base_Activity)
rating = models.IntegerField(default=0) #Will be -1, 0, or 1
Now I want to query Base_Activity, and sort the items that have the most corresponding user activities with rating=1 on top. I want to do something like the query below, but the =1 part is obviously not working.
activities = Base_Activity.objects.all().annotate(
up_votes = Count('user_activity__rating'=1),
How can I solve this?
You cannot use Count like that, as the error message says:
SyntaxError: keyword can't be an expression
The argument of Count must be a simple string, like user_activity__rating.
I think a good alternative can be to use Avg and Count together:
activities = Base_Activity.objects.all().annotate(
a=Avg('user_activity__rating'), c=Count('user_activity__rating')
'-a', '-c'
The items with the most rating=1 activities should have the highest average, and among the users with the same average the ones with the most activities will be listed higher.
If you want to exclude items that have downvotes, make sure to add the appropriate filter or exclude operations after annotate, for example:
activities = Base_Activity.objects.all().annotate(
a=Avg('user_activity__rating'), c=Count('user_activity__rating')
'-a', '-c'
To get all the items, ordered by their upvotes, disregarding downvotes, I think the only way is to use raw queries, like this:
from django.db import connection
sql = '''
SELECT, SUM(v.rating > 0) s
FROM user_activity o
JOIN rating v ON = v.user_activity_id
cursor = connection.cursor()
result = cursor.execute(sql_select)
rows = result.fetchall()
Note: instead of hard-coding the table names of your models, get the table names from the models, for example if your model is called Rating, then you can get its table name with Rating._meta.db_table.
I tested this query on an sqlite3 database, I'm not sure the SUM expression there works in all DBMS. Btw I had a perfect Django site to test, where I also use upvotes and downvotes. I use a very similar model for counting upvotes and downvotes, but I order them by the sum value, stackoverflow style. The site is open-source, if you're interested.

Django models: retrieving unique foreign key instances

I have two tables like so:
class Collection(models.Model):
name = models.CharField()
class Image(models.Model):
name = models.CharField()
image = models.ImageField()
collection = models.ForeignKey(Collection)
I'd like to retrieve the first image out of every collection. I have attempted:
image_list = Image.objects.order_by('').distinct('')
but it didn't work out the way I expected :(
Any ideas?
Don't use dots to separate fields that span relations in Django; the double-underscore convention is used instead -- it means "follow this relation to get to this field"
this is more correct:
image_list = Image.objects.order_by('collection__id').distinct('collection__id')
However, it probably doesn't do what you want.
The concept of "first" doesn't always apply in relational databases the way you seem to be using it. For all of the records in the image table with the same collection id, there is no record which is 'first' or 'last' -- they're all just records. You could put another field on that table to define a specific order, or you could order by id, or alphabetically by name, but none of those will happen by default.
What will probably work best for you is to get the list of collections with one query, and then get a single item per collection, in separate queries:
collection_ids = Image.objects.values_list('collection', flat=True).distinct()
image_list = [
Image.objects.filter(collection__id=c)[0] for c in collection_ids
If you want to apply an order to the Images, to define which is 'first', then modify it like this:
collection_ids = Image.objects.values_list('collection', flat=True).distinct()
image_list = [
Image.objects.filter(collection__id=c).order_by('-id')[0] for c in collection_ids
You could also write raw SQL -- MySQL aggregation has the interesting property that fields which are not aggregated over can still appear in the final output, and essentially take a random value from the set of matching records. Something like this might work:
Image.objects.raw("SELECT image.* FROM app_image GROUP BY collection_id")
This query should get you one image from each collection, but you will have no control over which one is returned.
As written in my comment, you cannot use specific fields with distinct under MySQL. However, you can achieve the same result with the following:
from itertools import groupby
all_images = Image.objects.order_by('collection__id')
images_by_collection = groupby(all_images, lambda image: image.collection_id)
image_list = sum([group for key, group in images_by_collection], [])
Unfortunately, this results in a "bigger" query to the DB (all images are retrieved).
dict([(, c.image_set.all()[0]) for c in Collection.objects.all()])
That will create a dictionary of the first image (by default ordering) in each collection, keyed by the collection's id. Be aware, though, that this will generate 1+N queries, where N is the total number of collection objects.
To get around that, you'll either need to wait for Django 1.4 and prefetch_related or use something like django-batch-select.
First get the distinct result, then do your filters.
I think you should try this one.
image_list = Image.objects.distinct()
image_list = image_list.order_by('collection__id')