As You may (not) know using std::minmax with auto and temporary arguments may be dangerous. Following code for example is UB because std::minmax returns pair of references, not values:
auto fun(){
auto res = std::minmax(3, 4);
return res.first;
I would like to ask if there is possibility to make std::minmax function act safely or at least safer without any overhead? I came up with a solution like this, but I am not completely sure if it is equivalent to current minmax as generated assembly is different for stl-like implementation and mine. So the question is: what are the possible problems/drawbacks of my implementation of minmax in relation to std-like one:
//below is std-like minmax
template< class T >
constexpr std::pair<const T&,const T&> std_minmax( const T& a, const T& b ){
return (b < a) ? std::pair<const T&, const T&>(b, a)
: std::pair<const T&, const T&>(a, b);
//below is my minmax implementation
template< class T >
constexpr std::pair<T, T> my_minmax( T&& a, T&& b ){
return (b < a) ? std::pair<T, T>(std::forward<T>(b), std::forward<T>(a))
: std::pair<T, T>(std::forward<T>(a), std::forward<T>(b));
Live demo at
As some of You claim it is unclear what I am asking, I would like to reword a bit what I want. I would like to write function which works exactly like std::minmax, but if given one temporary value - returns std::pair<T, T> instead of std::pair<const T &, const T &>. Secondly, while doing it I would like to avoid any unnecessary moving, copying of data and so forth.
I am not exactly sure what are you trying to achieve. You wrote:
without any overhead
but your solution will copy lvalue arguments. Is it what you want?
Anyway, you cannot use two forwarding references with the same template parameter this way, since it will fail if both function arguments have different categories:
template <typename T> void f(T&& a, T&& b) { }
int main() {
int a = 3;
f(a, 1); // error: template argument deduction/substitution failed
For the first function argument, T would be deduced as int&, and for second as int.
If you want to remove any copying, the only possibility is the member of the resulting pair to be:
a (const) lvalue reference to the corresponding function argument in case it is an lvalue,
a value moved from that argument if is it an rvalue.
I don't think this is possible to achieve. Consider:
std::string a("hello");
auto p = minmax(a, std::string("world"));
Here the resulting type would be std::pair<std::string&, std::string>. However, in case of
auto p = minmax(a, std::string("earth"));
the resulting type would be different, namely std::pair<std::string, std::string&>.
Therefore, the resulting type would depend on a runtime condition (which generally requires runtime polymorphism).
Out of curiosity, I just came up with a wrapper that can hold some object either by (const) pointer or by value:
template <typename T>
class val_or_ptr {
std::variant<T, const T*> v_;
val_or_ptr(const T& arg) : v_(&arg) { }
val_or_ptr(T&& arg) : v_(std::move(arg)) { }
const T& get() const { return v_.index() ? *std::get<const T*>(v_) : std::get<T>(v_); }
With that, you can define minmax as:
template <typename T, typename U,
typename V = std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<std::decay_t<T>, std::decay_t<U>>, std::decay_t<T>>>
std::pair<val_or_ptr<V>, val_or_ptr<V>> minmax(T&& a, U&& b) {
if (b < a) return { std::forward<U>(b), std::forward<T>(a) };
else return { std::forward<T>(a), std::forward<U>(b) };
Live demo is here:
This is very basic implementation, but it should prevent copying both from lvalue and rvalue arguments of minmax.
One solution is when T is an r-value reference then copy it instead of returning an r-value reference:
#include <utility>
template<class T>
std::pair<T, T> minmax(T&& a, T&& b) {
if(a < b)
return {a, b};
return {b, a};
When the argument is an r-value reference T is deduced as a non-reference type:
int main() {
int a = 1;
int const b = 2;
minmax(1, 1); // std::pair<int, int>
minmax(a, a); // std::pair<int&, int&>
minmax(b, b); // std::pair<const int&, const int&>
With C++17 it is possible to use constexpr if to tie lvalue args and copy everything else. With C++11 I would probably think twice before building an angle brackets moster with a scary look for such a simple use case.
godbolt, coliru
template <typename T>
decltype(auto) minmax(T&& x, T&& y)
if constexpr(std::is_lvalue_reference_v<decltype(x)>)
return std::minmax(std::forward<T>(x), std::forward<T>(y));
else {
auto const res = std::minmax(x, y);
return std::make_pair(res.first, res.second);
To support mixed l/r values you probably need two template params, 4 cases in the if/else, and std::cref( as an argument to std::make_pair for partial.
I found this implementation of a few common features of functional programming, e.g. map / reduce:
(I'm aware stuff like that is aparently coming or partially present in new C++ versions)
github link
A part of the code:
template <typename T, typename U>
U foldLeft(const std::vector<T>& data,
const U& initialValue,
const std::function<U(U,T)>& foldFn) {
typedef typename std::vector<T>::const_iterator Iterator;
U accumulator = initialValue;
Iterator end = data.cend();
for (Iterator it = data.cbegin(); it != end; ++it) {
accumulator = foldFn(accumulator, *it);
return accumulator;
template <typename T, typename U>
std::vector<U> map(const std::vector<T>& data, const std::function<U(T)> mapper) {
std::vector<U> result;
foldLeft<T, std::vector<U>&>(data, result, [mapper] (std::vector<U>& res, T value) -> std::vector<U>& {
return res;
return result;
Usage example:
std::vector<int> biggerInts = map<int,int>(test, [] (int num) { return num + 10; });
The type arguments T,U have to be fully qualified for this to compile, as shown in the example, with e.g. map< int,int >( ... ).
This implementation is for C++11, as mentioned on the linked-to page.
Is it possible with newer C++ versions (or even 11) now to make the use of this less verbose, i.e. making the types U,T deduce automatically?
I have googled for that and only found that there is apparently some improvement for class template, as opposed to function template, argument deduction in C++17.
But since I only ever used templates in a rather basic manner, I was wondering whether there is something in existence that I'm not aware of which could improve this implementation verboseness-wise.
You can rewrite map signature to be:
template <typename T, typename M, typename U = decltype(std::declval<M>()(T{}))>
std::vector<U> map(const std::vector<T>& data, const M mapper)
then T will be deduced as value_type of vector's items.
M is any callable object.
U is deduced as return type of M() functor when called for T{}.
std::vector<int> biggerInts = map(test, [] (int num) { return num + 10; });
^^^^ empty template arguments list
works fine.
Live demo
More general templates make template argument deduction easier.
One principle: it is often a mistake to use a std::function as a templated function's parameter. std::function is a type erasure, for use when something needs to store some unknown invokable thing as a specific type. But templates already have the ability to handle any arbitrary invokable type. So if we just use a generic typename FuncT template parameter, it can be deduced for a raw pointer-to-function, a lambda, or another class with operator() directly.
We might as well also get more general and accept any input container instead of just vector, then determine T from it, if it's even directly needed.
So for C++11 I would rewrite these:
// C++20 is adding std::remove_cvref, but it's trivial to implement:
template <typename T>
using remove_cvref_t =
typename std::remove_cv<typename std::remove_reference<T>::type>::type;
template <typename Container, typename U, typename FuncT>
remove_cvref_t<U> foldLeft(
const Container& data,
U&& initialValue,
const FuncT& foldFn) {
remove_cvref_t<U> accumulator = std::forward<U>(initialValue);
for (const auto& elem : data) {
accumulator = foldFn(std::move(accumulator), elem);
return accumulator;
template <typename Container, typename FuncT>
auto map(const Container& data, const FuncT& mapper)
-> std::vector<remove_cvref_t<decltype(mapper(*std::begin(data)))>>
using T = remove_cvref_t<decltype(*std::begin(data))>;
using ResultT = std::vector<remove_cvref_t<decltype(mapper(std::declval<const T&>()))>>;
ResultT result;
foldLeft(data, std::ref(result), [&mapper] (ResultT &res, const T& value) -> ResultT& {
return res;
return result;
See the working program on coliru.
There was one unfortunate thing about the old map: it potentially copied the result vector at every iteration. The = in accumulator = foldFn(accumulator, *it); is a self-assignment, which might do nothing, or might allocate new memory, copy contents, then free the old memory and update the container. So instead I've changed the U for foldLeft in this case to a std::reference_wrapper. The = in that case will still "rebind" the wrapper to the same object, but that will at least be quick.
In C++14 and later, you could do away with finding T within map by using a generic lambda: [&mapper] (std::vector<U>& res, const auto& value) ...
I'm trying to mimic the behavior of tie pre C++11.
pair<int, int> test() {
return make_pair(13, 42);
int main() {
int a = 1, b = 2;
pair<int&, int&>(a, b) = test();
cout << a << ' ' << b << endl;
This works however if I use make_pair instead to the pair constructor a and b are not assigned.
Why does the pair constructor work but not make_pair?
Actually you can use std::make_pair. But you need to implement reference_wrapper class to imitate reference. Examplary (not very polished, but working as expected) c++03 approach:
#include <iostream>
#include <utility>
using namespace std;
template <class T>
struct reference_wrapper {
bool is_const;
T* v;
T const* cv;
reference_wrapper(T& t): v(&t), is_const(false) { }
reference_wrapper(T const& t): cv(&t), is_const(true) { }
reference_wrapper &operator=(reference_wrapper const &rw) {
if (rw.is_const) {
*v = *;
} else {
*v = *rw.v;
template <class T>
reference_wrapper<T> ref(T &t) {
return reference_wrapper<T>(t);
pair<int, int> test() {
return make_pair(13, 42);
int main() {
int a = 1, b = 2;
//pair<int&, int&>(a, b) = test(); // works
make_pair(ref(a), ref(b)) = test(); // now it does work
std::cout << a << ' ' << b << std::endl;
In 20.2.2[lib.pairs]8 the standard states that pair uses "explicit types" while make_pair's "types are deduced".
This is why the standard defines a constructor for pair:
template <class T1, class T2>
pair(const T1& x, const T2& y)
If you run your code on a C++03 compiler you will get this error:
non-static reference member int& std::pair<int&, int&>::first, can't use default assignment operator
The problem is that pair uses an implicitly-declared copy assignment operator which is not defined if the pair:
Has a non-static data member of a reference type
Whether defined by make_pair or the pair constructor, the template arguments will define both of the pair's members as int& so the implicitly-declared copy assignment operator will not be defined. So this cannot be accomplished with a pair in C++03.
If using return parameter is undesirable, you can write your own implementation of tie:
template <class T1, class T2>
struct tie{
T1& first;
T2& second;
tie(T1& x, T2& y) : first(x), second(y) {}
tie<T1, T2>& operator=(const pair<T1, T2>& rhs){
first = rhs.first;
second = rhs.second;
return *this;
This will allow assignment of a pair:
tie<int, int>(a, b) = test();
To get the exact C++11 behavior which doesn't require template arguments you'll need to define a function. If tie is nested in namespace details the function can be defined as:
template <class T1, class T2>
details::tie<T1, T2> tie(T1& x, T2& y) {
return details::tie<T1, T2>(x, y);
This will allow assignment of a pair just as in C++11:
tie(a, b) = test();
Live Example
Note that this is still intolerant of using int& template arguments, so details::tie<int&, int&> and tie<int&, int&> will fail just as before.
make_pair produces a pair of values, not references. That means it would produce pair<int, int> in your example and you'd be assigning results of test() to a temporary variable¹.
You can mimic tie with the following:
template<typename T, typename U>
std::pair<T&, U&> tie_pair(T& l, U& r)
return std::pair<T&, U&>(l, r);
¹ this is an unfortunate side-effect of C++03 not having ref-qualifiers. In C++≥11 you can delete operator= for rvalue this (in non-std classes) and make such cases a compiler error rather than silent surprising behaviour.
The following program aborts:
#include <boost/variant.hpp>
using variant_type = boost::variant< int&, std::string& >;
int main () {
int a, b;
variant_type v (a), u (b);
v == u;
return 0;
$ g++ -std=c++14 t.cpp && ./a.out
a.out: /opt/boost/default/include/boost/variant/detail/forced_return.hpp:39: T boost::detail::variant::forced_return() [with T = const int&]: Assertion `false' failed.
Aborted (core dumped)
AFAICT you can't compare for equality between variants of non-const references because of a wrong overload of operator function-call being selected in class known_get. known_get is instantiated for const T in the comparer visitor instead of what seems should have been T (variant.hpp:905 in v1.59.0).
Am I missing something?
I think this is a Boost bug.
The type requirements here are:
CopyConstructible or MoveConstructible.
Destructor upholds the no-throw exception-safety guarantee.
Complete at the point of variant template instantiation. (See boost::recursive_wrapper<T> for a type wrapper that accepts incomplete types to enable recursive variant types.)
as well as:
EqualityComparable: variant is itself EqualityComparable if and only if every one of its bounded types meets the requirements of the concept.
A reference type is copy constructible, is no-throw destructible, complete, and equality comparable. So we're good on all points there. The issue is that the the visitor used in the implementation is:
template <typename T>
bool operator()(const T& rhs_content) const
// Since the precondition ensures lhs and rhs types are same, get T...
known_get<const T> getter;
const T& lhs_content = lhs_.apply_visitor(getter);
// ...and compare lhs and rhs contents:
return Comp()(lhs_content, rhs_content);
That is, we're using const T as the known getter. This is fine for non-reference types, but incorrect for reference types, since known_get asserts if it gets the wrong type:
T& operator()(T& operand) const BOOST_NOEXCEPT
return operand;
template <typename U>
T& operator()(U& ) const
// logical error to be here: see precondition above
return ::boost::detail::variant::forced_return<T&>();
With int&, those overloads become:
const int& operator()(const int& ) const;
const int& operator()(int& ) const; [ U = int ]
The second overload is preferred since the type it refers to would be less const-qualified than the non-template overload. That's why you get the assert, and this behavior is clearly incorrect. We should be able to compare references!
The simpler solution would be to drop the consts from comparer and simply use:
template <typename T>
bool operator()(T& rhs_content) const
known_get<T> getter;
T& lhs_content = lhs_.apply_visitor(getter);
return Comp()(lhs_content, rhs_content);
This would work for reference types as well as const types.
ok, I had a think about this (and another look at the documentation).
The synopsis for boost::variant does not show an operator== being defined for a variant.
This leads me to suggest that the correct approach for comparison is via a binary visitor.
here is your (modified) code again, which compiles on my machine (apple clang) your code crashed my compiler too.
#include <string>
#include <boost/variant.hpp>
using variant_type = boost::variant< int&, std::string& >;
struct is_equal
// compare int with int
bool operator()(const int& l, const int& r) const {
return l == r;
// compare string with string
bool operator()(const std::string& l, const std::string& r) const {
return l == r;
// anything else compared with anything else compares false.
template<class X, class Y>
bool operator()(const X&, const Y&) const {
return false;
int main () {
int a = 0, b = 0;
variant_type v = a, u = b;
bool ok = boost::apply_visitor(is_equal(), v, u);
// bool ok = (v == u);
return 0;
I'm in the process of writing up an STL-like library for learning purposes. All of the collections extend a class called Iterable which contains wrapping functions for all of the functions found in <algorithm>. For example, it allows vec.each([](T t){...}); which I strongly prefer over the verbose std::for_each. The function giving me problems is count - I want to overload Iterable::count so it combines the behaviour of both std::count and std::count_if depending on the argument type but I'm running into a strange error.
virtual int count(const T& value) const {
return std::count(begin(), end(), value);
virtual int count(std::function<bool(T&)> predicate) {
return std::count_if(begin(), end(), predicate);
virtual int count(std::function<bool(const T&)> predicate) const {
return std::count_if(begin(), end(), predicate);
Vector<int> vec; // extends Iterable
vec.count([](int i){ return i == 0; }); // compiles and works fine
vec.count(0); // error c2666: 3 overloads have similar conversions
I should note that changing the count_if wrapper function names to count_if does work and resolves the ambiguity, but I'd prefer to have them named count and also to figure out why there is ambiguity in the first place.
From what I interpret, the compiler is trying to make a new std::function using the template <class F> function(F f) ctor, then runs into the ambiguity. Is that the case? It seems odd since the line below fails to compile as well.
std::function<bool(int)> f(0); // error C2064: term does not evaluate to a function taking 1 arguments
Any insights or potential fixes are much appreciated.
Forgot to say; using visual studio 2012, nov 2012 ctp compiler
std::function<Sig> in the published C++11 standard without errata contains a constructor that thinks it can consume anything, as far as its signature is concerned. If you pass it things it cannot consume (things that are not callable), it fails to compile.
Overload resolution occurs earlier (based on shallower information) than the compile failure. It matches on signatures, not implementations.
A bug report and a fix was proposed, so some C++11 compilers can fix this, and all C++14 compilers must fix this.
VS2012 has limited SFINAE overload resolution capabilities. But one approach would look like:
template<class Sig, class=void>
struct is_filter_on : std::false_type{};
template<class F, class Arg>
struct is_filter_on< F(Arg),
typename std::enable_if<std::is_convertible<
typename std::result_of<F(Arg)>::type
> : std::true_type{};
which is an attempt at a traits class that tells you if F(Arg) is a bool-returning "filter" on values of type Arg.
template<class X>
size_t count(X&& x) const {
return count( std::forward<X>(x), is_filter_on< X&(T const&) >{} );
template<class X>
size_t count(X&& x) {
return count( std::forward<X>(x), is_filter_on< X&(T&) >{} );
template<class F>
size_t count(F&& f, std::true_type) const {
return std::count_if( begin(), end(), std::forward<F>(f) );
template<class F>
size_t count(F&& f, std::true_type) {
return std::count_if( begin(), end(), std::forward<F>(f) );
template<class X>
size_t count(X&& x, std::false_type) const {
return std::count( begin(), end(), std::forward<X>(x) );
template<class X>
size_t count(X&& x, std::false_type) {
return std::count( begin(), end(), std::forward<X>(x) );
but I have no idea of MSVC2012 will work with the above.
Here I use tag dispatching to pick which version of count I call. The traits class is_filter_on does a test to determine if the pseudo-expression F(Arg) is filter-like. If so, we dispatch to the std::count_if. Otherwise, we dispatch to the std::count version.
The problem is that 0 is ambiguous here, it can be interpreted as a null pointer or an int, which makes it match both the std::function constructor and the more general const T& value (both require a conversion).
If you don't want to change the interface, you can just create a very simple function template to deduce and dispatch the arguments.
C++11 version:
template<typename U>
int count(U&& value) const {
return count_impl(std::forward<U>(value));
This works because the function template type deduction rules don't have that ambiguity, they never treat 0 as a null pointer.
So your interface is now:
virtual int count_impl(const T& value) const {
return std::count(v.begin(), v.end(), value);
virtual int count_impl(std::function<bool(T&)> predicate) {
return std::count_if(v.begin(), v.end(), predicate);
virtual int count_impl(std::function<bool(const T&)> predicate) const {
return std::count_if(v.begin(), v.end(), predicate);
template<typename U>
int count(U&& value) const {
return count_impl(std::forward<U>(value));
And you can use it naturally:
int main(){
Vector<int> vec; // extends Iterable
vec.count([](int i){ return i == 0; }); // compiles and works fine
vec.count(0); // no problem, calls virtual int count_impl(const T& value) const
I have a pair of function templates defined like so:
template<typename CollectionType>
Foo<CollectionType> f(const CollectionType& v)
return Foo<CollectionType>(v); // copies v into a member variable
template<typename CollectionType>
Foo<CollectionType> f(CollectionType&& v)
return Foo<CollectionType>(std::move(v)); // moves v into a member variable
If I call f as below:
std::vector<int> v;
The VC++ compiler favors the && overload, apparently because it is less specialized. I would like the const& overload to be called in this case--the && version is intended for constructions like f(ReturnAVector()). Is there a way to achieve this without manually specifying the template argument?
After a fair amount of effort, I came up with this:
template<typename CollectionType>
Foo<CollectionType> f(const CollectionType& v)
return Foo<CollectionType>(v); // copies v into a member variable
template<typename CollectionType>
typename std::enable_if<std::is_rvalue_reference<CollectionType&&>::value,
Foo<typename std::remove_reference<CollectionType>::type>>::type
f(CollectionType&& v)
return Foo<CollectionType>(std::move(v)); // moves v into a member variable
But wow; is that really the simplest way to get what I'm after?
std::vector<int> v;
you call f(std::vector<int>&) so
template<typename CollectionType>
Foo<CollectionType> f(CollectionType&& v)
is an exact match (universal reference) CollectionType is std::vector<int>&
template<typename CollectionType>
Foo<CollectionType> f(const CollectionType& v)
requires a const promotion.
A possible solution is to add a version non const:
template<typename CollectionType>
Foo<CollectionType> f(CollectionType& v)
or to forward your argument, something like:
template<typename CollectionType>
Foo<typename std::remove_reference<CollectionType>::type>
f(CollectionType&& v)
return Foo<typename std::remove_reference<CollectionType>::type>(std::forward<CollectionType>(v));
The second overload is always an exact match. So there is in fact no need for the first overload and it can only cause ambiguity. Instead of moving, you should forward the argument.
template<typename CollectionType>
Foo<CollectionType> f(CollectionType&& v)
return Foo<CollectionType>(std::forward<CollectionType>(v));
Scott Meyers has given an excellent explanation of this: