Problems with JSON for Modern C++ Multidimentional Array - c++

So I have a JSON string I get using cURL that I'm trying to parse for data using JSON for Modern C++ (nlohmann::json). Here is my code:
double retValue(string data) {
string str;
double value = 0;
try {
auto jsonData = json::parse(data.c_str());
str = jsonData["layer"][1]["Page"]["Number"];
value = stoi(str);
catch(json::parse_error& e) {
cout << "Error: " << e.what() << endl;
return 0;
return value;
So In PHP json_decode works fine to decode into an array and the values can be easily parsed in this way, but I am having trouble with C++ and this library. I get the following error at run time but compiles fine:
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'nlohmann::detail::type_error'
what(): [json.exception.type_error.305] cannot use operator[] with object
Aborted (core dumped)
The JSON data is similar to this I'm trying to parse and I figure being multidimensional is the problem and that I'm not handling the data properly.
"layer": {
"1": {
"Page": {
"Number": 3.14
Can anybody point me in the right direction?

C++ is a strong-typed language, you must use correct data type:
str = jsonData["layer"]["1"]["Page"]["Number"];
But in PHP, you access data[1], which is the same as data["1"]


boost::stacktrace::frame::name() hangs

I am trying to retrieve a stack trace in my program, and store it for later use (debugging purposes). But the call to boost::stacktrace::frame::name() never returns, and I have no clue why. When I use this exact code in a simple project, it runs nicely. Any ideas?
boost::stacktrace::stacktrace stacktrace;
stringstream stacktraceText;
for (const auto& entry : stacktrace)
if (entry.empty() == false)
auto name =;
stacktraceText << name << "\n";
stacktraceText += L"<missing symbol info>\n";

How can I write a file with containing a lua table using sol2

I've settled on using lua as my config management for my programs after seeing posts like this and loving the syntax, and sol2 recently got released so I'm using that.
So my question is, how can I grab all the variables in my lua state and spit them out in a file?
sol::state lua;
lua["foo"]["bar"] = 2;
lua["foo"]["foobar"] = lua.create_table();
would, in turn, eventually spit out
foo = {
bar = 2
foobar = {}
Is this at all possible and if so, how?
I used this serializer to serialize my table and print it out, really quite easy!
This is what I came up with
std::string save_table(const std::string& table_name, sol::state& lua)
auto table = lua["serpent"];
if (!table.valid()) {
throw std::runtime_error("Serpent not loaded!");
if (!lua[table_name].valid()) {
throw std::runtime_error(table_name + " doesn't exist!");
std::stringstream out;
out << table_name << " = ";
sol::function block = table["block"];
std::string cont = block(lua[table_name]);
out << cont;
return std::move(out.str());

Bad cast exception on poco-library when I tried to cast Int64

I wrote some code for parse JSON string.
I got "Bad Cast Exception" sometimes.
In My JSON string 1. 2. don't raise exception and 3. 4. raise exception.
A difference between two group is that 1. 2.'s BCodeW is in range long and 3. 4.'s BCodeW is in range Int64.
Why the casting raise the exception ?
I wrote some guard code for Bad Cast Exception but I wanna know the reason of exception.
Thanks for reading.
my environment is below.
g++ (GCC) 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-11)
poco-1.6.0 (using Poco::JSON)
CentOS release 6.6 (Final)
My JSON string example below.
My Code is below.
bool CUBIUtils::ParseAddressResult( llong& _BCodeW, char* _szPOI, char* _szJibun, char* _szAPIResult )
JSON::Parser parser;
JSON::Object::Ptr _object = parser.parse(_szAPIResult).extract<JSON::Object::Ptr>();
if ( NULL == _object)
formatlog( LOG_ERROR, "JSON parsing failed");
return false;
formatlog( LOG_DEBUG, "CUBIUtils::%s(%d) AddrSrc: %s", __func__, __LINE__, _szAPIResult);
_BCodeW = 0;
_BCodeW = _object->get("BCodeW").extract<Int64>();
catch(exception &_e)
_BCodeW = _object->get("BCodeW").extract<int>();
strcpy( _szPOI, _object->get("poi").extract<std::string>().c_str());
strcpy( _szJibun, _object->get("jibun").extract<std::string>().c_str());
catch(exception &e)
formatlog( LOG_ERROR, "CUBIUtils::%s(%d) JSON parsing Exception. %s", __func__, __LINE__, e.what());
return false;
return true;
Var.h in Poco's source code says.
/// Invoke this method to perform a safe conversion.
/// Example usage:
/// Var any("42");
/// int i = any.convert<int>();
/// Throws a RangeException if the value does not fit
/// into the result variable.
/// Throws a NotImplementedException if conversion is
/// not available for the given type.
/// Throws InvalidAccessException if Var is empty.
Below Code works.
use convert<T>() instead of extract<T>()
Data type is different. "i", "l"
extract get data which are exactly match type.
_BCodeW = 0;
if ( _object->isNull("BCodeW"))
cout << "BCodeW is NULL" << endl;
Dynamic::Var _BCodeWVar = _object->get("BCodeW");
cout << "Data Type is " << _BCodeWVar.type().name() << endl;
_BCodeW = _BCodeWVar.convert<Int64>();
cout << "BCodeW is " << _BCodeW << endl;
The problem here is not in the JSON parsing and/or data extraction. It is in the comparison line:
if (NULL == _object)
that line will result in BadCastException being thrown.
The reason is because the operator== resolves to
inline bool operator == (const Poco::Int32& other, const Var& da)
and conversion of Poco::JSON::Object::Ptr to Poco::Int32 throws.
Replace the offending line with
if (_object.isNull())
and all will be well.

Create JSON array of strings with jsoncpp

I need to update an index (in JSON format) when writing a new file to disk, and since the files are categorized, I'm using an object with this kind of structure:
{ "type_1" : [ "file_1", "file_2" ], "type_2" : [ "file_3", "file_4" ] }
I thought it was an easy task for jsoncpp, but I'm probably missing something.
My code (simplified) here:
std::ifstream idx_i(_index.c_str());
Json::Value root;
Json::Value elements;
if (!idx_i.good()) { // probably doesn't exist
root[type] = elements = Json::arrayValue;
} else {
Json::Reader reader;
reader.parse(idx_i, root, false);
elements = root[type];
if (elements.isNull()) {
root[type] = elements = Json::arrayValue;
elements.append(name.c_str()); // <--- HERE LIES THE PROBLEM!!!
std::ofstream idx_o(_index.c_str());
if (idx_o.good()) {
idx_o << root;
} else {
Log_ERR << "I/O error, can't write index " << _index << std::endl;
So, I'm opening the file, reading JSON data works, if I can't find any, I create a new array, the problem is: when I try to append a value to the array, it doesn't work, the array remains empty, and is written to file.
{ "type_1" : [], "type_2" : [] }
Tried to debug my code, and the jsoncpp calls, and everything seems to be ok, but the array is always empty.
The problem arises here:
elements = root[type];
because you are creating a copy of root[type] when calling this JsonCpp API:
Value &Value::operator[]( const std::string &key )
thus not modifying root document at all. Simplest way to avoid this problem is, in your case, to not use the elements variable:

How to send C++ and mysql dynamic mysql queries

Working with Visual Studio, Windows 7 and mysql.h library.
What I want to do is send a MySQL query like this:
mysql_query(conn, "SELECT pass FROM users WHERE name='Leo Tolstoy'");
The only thing I can't get working is sending a query where the name would be not a constant as it's shown above, but a variable taken from a text field or anything else. So how should I work with a variable instead of a constant?
Hope I made my question clear.
Use a prepared statement, which lets you parameterize values, similar to how functions let you parameterize variables in statement blocks. If using MySQL Connector/C++:
// use std::unique_ptr, boost::shared_ptr, or whatever is most appropriate for RAII
// Connector/C++ requires boost, so
std::unique_ptr<sql::Connection> db;
std::unique_ptr<sql::PreparedStatement> getPassword
std::unique_ptr<sql::ResultSet> result;
std::string name = "Nikolai Gogol";
std::string password;
getPassword = db->prepareStatement("SELECT pass FROM users WHERE name=? LIMIT 1");
getPassword->setString(1, name);
result = getPassword->execute();
if (result->first()) {
password = result->getString("pass");
} else {
// no result
// smart pointers will handle deleting the sql::* instances
Create classes to handle database access and wrap that in a method, and the rest of the application doesn't even need to know that a database is being used.
If you really want to use the old C API for some reason:
MYSQL *mysql;
const my_bool yes=1, no=0;
const char* getPassStmt = "SELECT password FROM users WHERE username=? LIMIT 1";
MYSQL_STMT *getPassword;
MYSQL_BIND getPassParams;
MYSQL_BIND result;
std::string name = "Nikolai Gogol";
std::string password;
if (! (getPassword = mysql_stmt_init(mysql))) {
// error: couldn't allocate space for statement
if (mysql_stmt_prepare(getPassword, getPassStmt, strlen(getPassStmt))) {
/* error preparing statement; handle error and
return early or throw an exception. RAII would make
this easier.
} else {
unsigned long nameLength = name.size();
memset(&getPassParams, 0, sizeof(getPassParams));
getPassParams.buffer_type = MYSQL_TYPE_STRING;
getPassParams.buffer = (char*) name.c_str();
getPassParams.length = &nameLength;
if (mysql_stmt_bind_param(getPassword, &getPassParams)) {
/* error binding param */
} else if (mysql_stmt_execute(getPassword)) {
/* error executing query */
} else {
// for mysql_stmt_num_rows()
if (mysql_stmt_num_rows(getPassword)) {
unsigned long passwordLength=0;
memset(&result, 0, sizeof(result));
result.length = &passwordLength;
mysql_stmt_bind_result(getPassword, &result);
if (passwordLength > 0) {
result.buffer = new char[passwordLength+1];
memset(result.buffer, 0, passwordLength+1);
result.buffer_length = passwordLength+1;
if (mysql_stmt_fetch_column(getPassword, &result, 0, 0)) {
} else {
password = static_cast<const char*>(result.buffer);
} else {
// no result
cerr << "No user '" << name << "' found." << endl;
As you see, Connector/C++ is simpler. It's also less error prone; I probably made more mistakes using the C API than Connector/C++.
See also:
Developing Database Applications Using MySQL Connector/C++
Connector C++ in the MySQL Forge wiki
Wouldn't you just build the query-string, using sprint or concatenating strings or whatever, so that by the time it gets to MySQL, MySQL just sees the SQL and has no idea where the constant came from? Or am I missing something?
here is an example:
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
/// ...
string name_value = "Leo Tolstoy";
ostringstream strstr;
strstr << "SELECT pass FROM users WHERE name='" << name_value << "'";
string str = strstr.str();
mysql_query(conn, str.c_str());