OCaml return value in if statement nested in loop - ocaml

I am trying to return a value if something occurs when iterating through a list. Is it possible to return a string if X happens when iterating through the list, otherwise return another string if it never happens?
let f elem =
if not String.contains str elem then "false" in
List.iter f alphlist;
This is not working in my implemented method sadly.

OCaml is a functional language, so you pretty much need to concentrate on the values returned by functions. There are ways to return different values in exceptional cases, but (IMHO) the best way to learn is to start just with ordinary old nested function calls.
List.iter always returns the same value: (), which is known as unit.
For this reason, the expression List.iter f alphlist will also always return () no matter what f does.
There is another kind of list-handling function that works by maintaining a value across all the calls and returning that value at the end. It's called a fold.
So, if you want to compute some value that's a kind of summary of what it saw in all of the string lists in alphlist, you should probably be using a fold, say List.fold_left.
Here is a function any_has_7 that determines whether any one of the specified lists contains the integer 7:
let any_has_7 lists =
let has_7 sofar list =
sofar || List.mem 7 list
List.fold_left has_7 false lists
Here's how it looks when you run it:
# any_has_7 [[1;2]; [3;4]];;
- : bool = false
# any_has_7 [[1;2]; [5;7]; [8;9]];;
- : bool = true
In other words, this function does something a lot like what you're asking for. It returns true when one or more of the lists contains a certain value, and false when none of them contains the value.
I hope this helps.


Function that converts a sequence to a list in OCaml

I want to convert a sequence to a list using List.init. I want at each step to retrieve the i th value of s.
let to_list s =
let n = length s in
List.init n
(fun _i ->
match s () with
| Nil -> assert false
| Cons (a, sr) -> a)
This is giving me a list initialized with the first element of s only. Is it possible in OCaml to initialize the list with all the values of s?
It may help to study the definition of List.init.
There are two variations depending on the size of the list: a tail recursive one, init_tailrec_aux, whose result is in reverse order, and a basic one, init_aux. They have identical results, so we need only look at init_aux:
let rec init_aux i n f =
if i >= n then []
let r = f i in
r :: init_aux (i+1) n f
This function recursively increments a counter i until it reaches a limit n. For each value of the counter that is strictly less than the limit, it adds the value given by f i to the head of the list being produced.
The question now is, what does your anonymous function do when called with different values of i?:
let f_anon =
(fun _i -> match s () with
|Nil -> assert false
|Cons(a, sr) -> a)
Regardless of _i, it always gives the head of the list produced by s (), and if s () always returns the same list, then f_anon 0 = f_anon 1 = f_anon 2 = f_anon 3 = hd (s ()).
Jeffrey Scofield's answer describes a technique for giving a different value at each _i, and I agree with his suggestion that List.init is not the best solution for this problem.
The essence of the problem is that you're not saving sr, which would let you retrieve the next element of the sequence.
However, the slightly larger problem is that List.init passes only an int as an argument to the initialization function. So even if you did keep track of sr, there's no way it can be passed to your initialization function.
You can do what you want using the impure parts of OCaml. E.g., you could save sr in a global reference variable at each step and retrieve it in the next call to the initialization function. However, this is really quite a cumbersome way to produce your list.
I would suggest not using List.init. You can write a straightforward recursive function to do what you want. (If you care about tail recursion, you can write a slightly less straightforward function.)
using a recursive function will increase the complexity so i think that initializing directly the list (or array) at the corresponding length will be better but i don't really know how to get a different value at each _i like Jeffrey Scofield said i am not really familiar with ocaml especially sequences so i have some difficulties doing that:(

f# System.Char.ToUpper

I have an exercise that asks for a function that converts all characters of a string to uppercase using
So first I changed the string to a char array and changed the array into a list of chars
let x = s.ToCharArray()
List.ofArray x
Next, I thought I would use List.iter to iterate through my list and use the System.Char.ToUpper function on each character.
List.iter (fun z -> (System.Char.ToUpper(z)))
This is not working however. I get an error 'The expression was supposed to have unit but here has char.' What am I doing wrong? Is it a flaw in logic or syntax?
This needs some unpacking.
First, your core mistake: System.Char.ToUpper is a function. It takes a char and returns another char. It doesn't somehow "update" its argument to a new value.
let x = 'a'
let y = System.Char.ToUpper x // y = 'A', x = 'a'.
In the above code, I give name y to the result of the function. The value of y is 'A', but the value of x is still 'a'. After calling the function, x hasn't changed.
From this mistake, all the rest follows.
Second, List.iter is a function that, for every element of a list, makes something "happen". It doesn't replace each element of a list with something new, nor does it create a new list. It just makes something happen for every element. The simplest example of such "something" is printing out to console:
List.iter (fun x -> printfn "%i" x) [1; 2; 3] // Prints "1", then "2", then "3"
Notice that this function takes two arguments: the function that represents the something that need to happen, and the list from which to take the elements. In your question, you seem to be missing the second argument. How would List.iter know which list to use?
The first argument of List.iter needs to be a function that returns unit. This is a special type in F# that basically means "no value". When a function returns no value, it means that the only reason for calling it was to make something external happen (known in functional programming as "side-effect"). This is why List.iter requires the function to return unit - it's extra protection from accidentally supplying wrong function, just as you did, actually: the function you provided returns char. This is why you receive the error that you receive.
Third, just like with ToUpper, calling List.ofArray doesn't somehow "update" x to be a list. Instead, it returns a list. If you don't give that returned list a name, it will just be lost. Which means that the way you're calling List.ofArray is futile.
What you actually need is to (1) take the sequence of characters in your string, then (2) convert it to a new sequence where each character is upper case, then (3) glue those characters back together to get a new string.
Step (1) is a no-op, because .NET strings are already sequences of chars (i.e. they implement IEnumerable<char>). Step (2) is accomplished via a common operation called Seq.map. It's an operation that converts a sequence to a new sequence by applying given function to every element. The "given function" in this case will be System.Char.ToUpper. Step (3) can be accomplished via String.concat, but you'd need to convert each char to a string first, because String.concat takes a sequence of strings, not chars.
let chars = s
let upperChars = Seq.map System.Char.ToUpper chars
let strChars = Seq.map string upperChars
let result = String.concat "" strChars
Or this can be done in a shorter way, without giving each step's result a separate name, but by piping each result straight into the next operation:
let result =
|> Seq.map System.Char.ToUpper
|> Seq.map string
|> String.concat ""
And finally, there is actually a much shorter way to do it, but it's so ridiculously obvious, it feels like cheating.
The thing is, because strings are sequences, it kinda makes sense for them to have all the sequence operations. And guess what? They do! Specifically, there is a function String.map, which does the same thing as Seq.map, but for strings:
let result = String.map System.Char.ToUpper s

if statement checking multiple conditions in SML

I am new to SML and I have written a program that takes 3 integer numbers (n,z,k) and wants to compare them with a value given in the program, if the statement is correct it will return true, else false. conditions and values should be equal simultaneously, I mean program will return true if all these numbers are equal to the value given in the program, so my if statement should check 3conditions at the same time.
my problem is that I don't know how I can write all these 3conditions in one if clause, because SML don't recognize for example & or ^ as and!
for example i want to check whether if(n==8 && k==5 && z==9). what should I use instead of &
here is the code:
fun EvalR (n: int , k: int , z:int) =
if (n=8 ???) then true
else false;
Since Ashkan Parsa referred to the CS317 SML Style Guide, I thought I would point out what you might derive from it.
Let function names start with a lower case, e.g. evalR.
Don't write if ... then true else false; simply write ....
Some disagree; type annotations certainly are helpful, but so is type inference.
As nazila says, the and operator in Standard ML is called andalso.
fun evalR (n, k, z) =
n = 42 andalso k = 43 andalso z = 0
It might seem comfusing that the function body contains =s at the same time as the function being defined with a = to separate the function arguments from the function body. Just think of the latter =s as value operators and the first = as a part of declaring things (like types, values, functions, etc.)
I found it. we can use andalso in SML.

SML: function with multiple outputs

I´m a newbie in SML and I´d like to update my function so that it has two outputs: a list AND 1 or 0. The function was proposed here: SML: Remove the entry from the List. It returns an updated list without a row that contains ´elem´.
fun removeElem elem myList = filter (fn x => x <> elem) myList
The function should return a new list AND 1, if a raw has been deleted. Otherwise, it should return an old list AND 0.
Any hint or example is highly appreciated. Thanks.
Note that all SML functions take a single input and return a single output. Instead, think of returning a tuple containing the new list and a flag indicating whether any elements were removed. One possibility is to use a couple of functions from the standard basis to test whether elem is in myList and build up a tuple consisting of that and the results from the filter shown in the question. The test might look like:
Option.isSome (List.find (fn x => x = elem) myList)
There are more concise ways to write that, but it shows the idea. Note that it returns a bool instead of an int; this is more precise, so I won't convert to the integers requested in the question.
A drawback of the above is that it requires traversing the list twice. To avoid that, consider the type that the function must return: a tuple of a list without elem and a flag showing whether any elems have been removed. We can then write a function that take a new value and a (valid) tuple, and returns a valid tuple. One possibility:
fun update(x, (acc, flag)) = if x = elem then (acc, true) else (x :: acc, flag)
We can then apply update to each element of myList one-by-one. Since we want the order of the list to stay the same, apart from the removed elements, we should work through myList from right to left, accumulating the results into an initially empty list. The function foldr will do this directly:
foldr update ([], false) myList
However, there is a lot of logic hidden in the foldr higher-order function.
To use this as a learning exercise, I'd suggest using this problem to implement the function in a few ways:
as a recursive function
as a tail-recursive function
using the higher order functions foldl and foldr
Understanding the differences between these versions will shed a lot of light on how SML works. For each version, let the types guide you.
As has been stated in some of your previous questions; Returning 0 or 1 as an indicator for what happened is a really bad design, as you don't get any guarantees from the types, whether or not you will get -42 as the result. Since you are working with a strongly typed language, you might as well use this to your advantage:
The most obvious thing to do instead would be to return a boolean, as that is actually what you are emulating with 0 and 1. In this case you could return the pair (true, modified_list) or (false, original_list).
Since you want to associate some data with the result, there is another -- perhaps, for some, less -- obvious thing to do; Return the result as an option, indication a change in the list as SOME modified_list and indication no change as NONE.
In either case you would have to "remember" whether or not you actually removed any elements from the original list, and thus you can't use the filter function. Instead you would have to do this for yourself using somewhat the same code as you originally posted.
One way would be like this
fun removeElem _ [] = (false, [])
| removeElem elem (x::xs) =
val (b, xs') = removeElem elem xs
if elem = x then
(true, xs')
(b, x::xs')
Another way would be to use a accumulator parameter to store the resulting list
fun removeElem elem xs =
fun removeElem' [] true res = SOME (rev res)
| removeElem' [] false _ = NONE
| removeElem' (x::xs) b res =
if elem = x then
removeElem' xs true res
removeElem' xs b (x::res)
removeElem' xs false []
Since the solution is being built in the reverse order, we reverse the result just before we return it. This makes sure that we don't have to use the costly append operation when adding elements to the result list: res # [x]

Recursive function that returns all values in list (In OCaml)

I need a function that recursively returns (not prints) all values in a list with each iteration. However, every time I try programming this my function returns a list instead.
let rec elements list = match list with
| [] -> []
| h::t -> h; elements t;;
I need to use each element each time it is returned in another function that I wrote, so I need these elements one at a time, but I can't figure this part out. Any help would be appreciated.
Your function is equivalent to :
let rec elements list =
match list with
| [] -> []
| h :: t -> elements t
This happens because a ; b evaluates a (and discards the result) and then evaluates and returns b. Obviously, this is in turn equivalent to:
let elements (list : 'a list) = []
This is not a very useful function.
Before you try solving this, however, please understand that Objective Caml functions can only return one value. Returning more than one value is impossible.
There are ways to work around this limitation. One solution is to pack all the values you wish to return into a single value: a tuple or a list, usually. So, if you need to return an arbitrary number of elements, you would pack them together into a list and have the calling code process that list:
let my_function () = [ 1 ; 2; 3; 4 ] in (* Return four values *)
List.iter print_int (my_function ()) (* Print four values *)
Another less frequent solution is to provide a function and call it on every result:
let my_function action =
action 1 ;
action 2 ;
action 3 ;
action 4
my_function print_int
This is less flexible, but arguably faster, than returning a list : lists can be filtered, sorted, stored...
Your question is kind of confusing - you want a function that returns all the values in a list. Well the easiest way of returning a variable number of values is using a list! Are you perhaps trying to emulate Python generators? OCaml doesn't have anything similar to yield, but instead usually accomplishes the same by "passing" a function to the value (using iter, fold or map).
What you have currently written is equivalent to this in Python:
def elements(list):
if(len(list) == 0):
return []
return elements(list[1:])
If you are trying to do this:
def elements(list):
if(len(list) > 0):
yield list[0]
# this part is pretty silly but elements returns a generator
for e in elements(list[1:]):
yield e
for x in elements([1,2,3,4,5]):
The equivalent in OCaml would be like this:
List.iter dosomething [1;2;3;4;5]
If you are trying to determine if list a is a subset of list b (as I've gathered from your comments), then you can take advantage of List.mem and List.for_all:
List.for_all (fun x -> List.mem x b) a
fun x -> List.mem x b defines a function that returns true if the value x is equal to any element in (is a member of) b. List.for_all takes a function that returns a bool (in our case, the membership function we just defined) and a list. It applies that function to each element in the list. If that function returns true for every value in the list, then for_all returns true.
So what we have done is: for all elements in a, check if they are a member of b. If you are interested in how to write these functions yourself, then I suggest reading the source of list.ml, which (assuming *nix) is probably located in /usr/local/lib/ocaml or /usr/lib/ocaml.