Intel C++ Compiler Installer not finding Visual Studio - c++

So I was trying to install the Intel C++ Compiler (in the Parallel Studio XE 2018 bundle) and when I go to install it comes up with the warning "Intel C++ Compiler will not work because none of the supported environments is found on your computer," among others. However, one of those supported environments is Microsoft Visual Studio 2017, which I have installed.
I read online that there's some issue with the most recent versions of Visual Studio and that the compiler only works with versions 15.6 and below. I have 15.5.6, but of the Community version. I'm not sure if the Professional version is required; if it is I don't have it installed and I can't figure how to install a previous version.
If there is no way to make this work (or there is, but it's too much of a pain), suggestions for other C++ compilers would be appreciated.

You could see this document about “Troubleshooting Fortran Integration Issues with Microsoft Visual Studio*”:
It shared the version of Visual Studio that is supported by the Intel Parallel Studio XE now.


Could I use Intel C++ Compiler without Installing Visual Studio [on Windows]

I need intel compiler for my work on My windows [Win7 Prof, 64bit]. I am planning to download the trial version for the same i.e. Intel® Parallel Studio XE.
Could I install this without installing Visual Studio ? I wish to use this on command line only i.e. icl.exe through Cygwin.
Any help is appreciated.
Yes you can.
Per the documentation, you have support for:
Command Line (What you're looking for)
Visual Studio

How to install Visual Studio Build Tools 2010 on Visual Studio 2015 Community?

I have a project created on Visual Studio 2010. When I try to run the project on Visual Studio 2015 Community edition I get the error below,
Severity Code Description Project File Line
Error MSB8020 The build tools for Visual Studio 2010 (Platform Toolset = 'v100') cannot be found. To build using the v100 build tools, please install Visual Studio 2010 build tools. Alternatively, you may upgrade to the current Visual Studio tools by selecting the Project menu or right-click the solution, and then selecting "Retarget solution". graphics C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\V140\Microsoft.Cpp.Platform.targets 55
And when I tried to build it with Visual Studio 2015 Build Tools I encountered about 1500+ errors.
Is there any way to make the project work?
If you can't install VS2010, Windows SDK for Windows 7 contains needed compiler tools (v100), you may actually skip installing the SDK itself and install only the compiler tools, headers and libs. Please note, that the compiler included in Windows SDK is the same that VS2010 has, but VS2010 SP1 has a bit newer compiler. If you need that, you'll also need to install Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Service Pack 1 Compiler Update for the Windows SDK 7.1. But be aware, that if you install these, you may have issues later if you decide to install VS2010, there are bugs in installer that requires you to install components in strict order. Also, if your code uses MFC or ATL you must install VS2010, installing Windows SDK will not be enough.
You either install VS 2010 and build your project, or better yet you upgrade your projects. The VS 2015 custom install options will let you install the v120 Platform Toolset, but not the v110 or v100 Platform Toolsets.
One major change in VS 2015 is that the C++ tools (i.e. v140) are not installed by the Typical installation option. See the Visual C++ Team Blog.
Keep in mind that Visual C++ 2010 used the C++0x Draft Standard, and Visual C++ 2015 meets the C++11 Standard with the exception of Expression SFINAE (which is partly there in Update 1), so quite a bit has changed in the intervening years including some breaking changes. Since you are jumping three major releases at once--and about 10 minor updates--, it can be a bit overwhelming especially working through all the new warnings.
Another thing to keep in mind is that Visual C++ 2010 used the Windows 7.1 SDK, while Visual C++ 2012 or later use the Windows 8.x SDK. There's been a lot of change there too particularly for DirectX development. It's particularly important for Windows desktop apps that you set the _WIN32_WINNT preprocessor define for your target platform as the Windows 8.x SDK does not default to the 'oldest supported platform' like earlier Windows SDKs did. See Using the Windows Headers
VS 2010 and the v100 toolset supports targeting Windows XP and Windows Server 2003. The v140 toolset does not support targeting Windows XP / Server 2003. You have to use v140_xp Platform Toolset instead. See this post for some notes as this means you are again using the Windows 7.1 SDK rather than the Windows 8.x SDK with the _xp toolsets.
See Breaking Changes in Visual C++ 2012, Breaking Changes in Visual C++ 2013, and Breaking Changes in Visual C++ 2015.
See also Support For C++11/14/17 Features (Modern C++), and Where is the DirectX SDK?.
If you need to build the code both with VS 2010 and with VS 2015, then you should create two projects/solution files, one for each. You may also want to read this article for some notes on writing code that can build with multiple Visual C++ toolsets, which again is particularly challenging due to the Windows SDK changes.
VS 2015 supports targeting Windows Vista SP2, Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8.0, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, and optionally Windows XP SP3. It does not support targeting Windows Vista RTM, Windows Vista SP1, or Windows 7 RTM.

What development environment is required to target `C++ 2008 Redistributable`?

Last week I inherited a legacy unmanaged C++ application.
Unfortunately the project settings are not 100% reliable, and there is no documentation. What I do know is that the product was deployed with Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable x86.
My question is: what combination of IDE, SDK, and Platform ToolSet would you recommend using?
Unfortunately I haven't worked with the Windows SDK before, and the Platform ToolSet option is new to me. To make matters worse, I haven't written a line of C++ code in eight years! So... any feedback you can provide would be greatly appreciated :D
Client Operating System
Windows 2008 R2
C++ Redistributable
Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable x86 is deployed in production
Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
I would prefer to use Visual Studio 2012 (we also have: Visual Studio 2008, 2010, 2012)
Platform ToolSet
Can I use VS2012 and target the v90 platform, or is it more stable to simply use VS2008?
Windows SDK
Which version of the Windows SDK should I install on the development machine if the client is using Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable x86 in production?
I would start by trying to get the project to compile successfully in Visual Studio 2008, since you mentioned you already have that available.
I wouldn't bother trying to install another version of the Windows SDK (one comes bundled with VS 2008) unless you can't get the project to compile successfully in an out-of-the-box install of VS 2008. If not and you do want to try installing another version of the SDK, I would opt for version 7.1, the one that targets Windows 7.
There is unlikely to be any advantage in using version 6.1 of the SDK; new versions might add new features, but they generally retain backwards compatibility with the old versions. I would not, however, install any version of the Windows 8 SDK because that might end up confusing you as the developer.
Once you get everything up and going on VS 2008, you could try switching over to VS 2012 if you'd prefer to use it. (I still can't get used to the UI, but apparently someone likes it.) As you point out in the question, the easiest way of making this work correctly would be to target "v90", which is VS 2008 (set using the Platform Toolset option). That will basically allow you to use the VS 2012 shell for editing purposes, but the VS 2008 compiler and headers for builds. You won't get any of the C++11 features introduced with VS 2012, however, because you're not using the new version of the compiler; you'll be stuck with what was supported back in VS 2008.

Can I use build against the 2008 VS Runtime with VS 2010 and no copy of VS 2008?

It looks like using Visual Studio 2010 it is possible to build against the 2008 runtime, if you have both editions installed: Can I use Visual Studio 2010's C++ compiler with Visual Studio 2008's C++ Runtime Library?
Is it possible to do this using just the free Windows Platform SDKs and VS 2010? Just to stress - installing Visual Studio 2008 is not an option.
Background: I'd like to build a Python module for Python 2.7. I have a copy of Visual Studio 2010, but Python 2.7 (specifically the Python(x,y) distribution) is built using 2008. Rebuilding Python, or rebuilding Python(x,y) is not something I want to get into (there are various other modules I want to use as well). My module needs to link against vendor-supplied libraries built using VS 2008/2010 (I've been given both sets of libraries). I don't own a copy of Visual Studio 2008, and I really don't want to have to buy one.
This MSDN article says that although you can change the platform toolset in the IDE you still need to have the VS2008 binaries installed.
I know you said installing 2008 was not an option but perhaps you can still find the free versions in an old SDK or even the Express version on the Microsoft website.

Linking against older version of runtime with newer version of MSVC?

I own VS 2008 Pro, and would like to do compatibility testing with VS 2005's runtime MSVCRT80, but I do not want to buy it just for that. Is there a way to link against MSVCRT80 without getting VS 2005?
Official support for native multi-targeting didn't appear until Visual Studio 2010, which allows you to select either v100 or v90 as your "Platform Toolset". There is no such feature in Visual Studio 2008.
There is a discussion here on how one can achieve the same effect in Visual Studio 2008, but it appears you need to have VS 2005 installed on your computer as well in order for this to work. It isn't going to work if you just have the runtime libraries installed because you need the proper version of the compiler and linker, which you'll only have if you install VS 2005.
On that note, I'm not really sure what you mean by "compatibility testing". If you compile your app against v90 in VS 2008, it's not going to work with the older versions of the runtime. You have to compile and link against the version you want your app to use.
Finally, consider whether it's really relevant or not. Since you must include MSVCRT with your application anyway, what's the advantage of trying to link against an older version of the runtime? Just include v90 and be done with it.
Links to a still-working (as of 11 Jan 2011) Microsoft download for Visual C++ Express 2005 can be found here:
This should let you compile against the VS2005 runtime without having to buy anything.
(in case the blogspot article goes away, the link for the .iso is