Serverless Image Handler - How to set subfolder as root - amazon-web-services

Hi i got the Serverless Image Handler up and running (using this template: Deployment worked fine, all good.
I pointed it to my already existing bucket "MyBucket", and i can do image rescaling and stuff when placing images into that bucket.
However we have all our images in a subfolder to that bucket, called "cloudfront_assets".
So after assigning my CNAME to the new cloudfront distribution, i am stuck with having to reference my images like this:
instead of
I tried editing the cloudfront disitrbutions origin settings, and set "Origin Path" from /image to things like /cloudfront_assets or /image/cloudfront_assets.
It fixed the path issue, so i didnt have to write the "/cloudfront_assets/" before the image, but regardless of what i set, the image rescaling stopped working.
What is the correct way to do this?
Please help, currently stuck at the moment
Set the log level to debug in the lambda function in order to see whats happening, but it only says its getting "access denied" as far as i can tell

The handler supports a rewrite functionality that allows you to modify the url, that is likely to be the simplest way to achieve it:
Basically, you can rewrite all url's to always append /cloudfront_assets/, similar to how the example rewrites to add /fit-in/
Rewriting something like .* should catch pretty much everything. As the code is python based, you should use python regexp syntax.
The underlying code for the function can be found in the github repos:


Cloudfront no_Caching parameters

I have to AutoScalingGroups associated with an ALB.
I am trying to create a Caching and no_caching CLoudfront Distributions to my ALB,which I am testing with index.html files situated under /var/www/html/cache/index.html and var/www/html/no_cache/index.html.
I used the following behavior , after reading the AWS Documentation, but still, when I change the content of var/www/html/no_cache/index.html, I still get the old version, which means cloudfront is sending me a cached content back.
Here the photos:
is there something false in my config ? should I change something to get the result ?
Thank you so much in advance !

How to facilitate downloading both CSV and PDF from API Gateway connected to S3

In the app I'm working on, we have a process whereby a user can download a CSV or PDF version of their data. The generation works great, but I'm trying to get it to download the file and am running into all sorts of problems. We're using API Gateway for all the requests, and the generation happens inside a Lambda on a POST request. The GET endpoint takes in a file_name parameter and then constructs the path in S3 and then makes the request directly there. The problem I'm having is when I'm trying to transform the response. I get a 500 error and when I look at the logs, it says Execution failed due to configuration error: Unable to transform response. So, clearly that's where I've spent most of my time. I've tried at least 50 different iterations of templates and combinations with little success. The closest I've gotten is the following code, where the CSV downloads fine, but the PDF is not a valid PDF anymore:
#set($contentDisposition = "attachment;filename=${method.request.querystring.file_name}")
#set($context.responseOverride.header.Content-Disposition = $contentDisposition)
#set($contentDisposition = "attachment;filename=${method.request.querystring.file_name}")
#set($context.responseOverride.header.Content-Disposition = $contentDisposition)
where contentHandling = CONVERT_TO_TEXT. My binaryMediaTypes just has application/pdf and that's it. My goal is to get this working without having to offload the problem into a Lambda so we don't have that overhead at the download step. Any ideas how to do this right?
Just as another comment, I've tried CONVERT_TO_BINARY and just leaving it as Passthrough. I've tried it with text/csv as another binary media type and I've tried different combinations of encoding and decoding base64 and stuff. I know the data is coming back right from S3, but the transformation is where it's breaking. I am happy to post more logs if need be. Also, I'm pretty sure this makes sense on StackOverflow, but if it would fit in another StackExchange site better, please let me know.
Resources I've looked at:
(But they're all so confusing...)
EDIT: One Idea I've had is to do CONVERT_TO_BINARY and somehow base64 encode the CSVs in the transformation, but I can't figure out how to do it right. I keep feeling like I'm misunderstanding the order of things, specifically when the "CONVERT" part happens. If that makes any sense.
EDIT 2: So, I got rid of the $util.base64Encode in the PDF one and now I have a PDF that's empty. The actual file in S3 definitely has things in it, but for some reason CONVERT_TO_TEXT is not handling it right or I'm still not understading how this all works.
Had similar issues. One major thing is the Accept header. I was testing in chrome which sends Accept header as text/html,application/xhtml.... api-gateway ignores everything except the first one(text/html). It will then convert any response from S3 to base64 to try and conform to text/html.
At last after trying everything else I tried via Postman which defaults the Accept header to */*. Also set your content handling on the Integration response to Passthrough. And everything was working!
One other thing is to pass the Content-Type and Content-Length headers through(Add them in method response first and then in Integration response):
Content-Length integration.response.header.Content-Length
Content-Type integration.response.header.Content-Type

Remove the .html extension by using lamda edge - aws S3

Is it possible to remove the .html extension from using lambda edge. it would be a lot easier to write
const redirects = {
'/about': '/about',
'/contact.html': '/contact',
'/start.html': '/start',
I been racking my brain about this for so long. None of this works. My brain is dead now. So I am asking for help
The site is stored on S3 and is using cloudfront.
There's not any built-in feature that allows this operation, but there's a method you can try to accomplish your target.
Don't name the file as index.html, just name it as index. Web browsers never care about the file extension you have, especially if the content of the file is correct. As long as the content type is set to text or html when the object is uploaded to S3, this works perfectly. And if you are using the console, you will have to set that manually because its not assumed automatically.

Resize images on the fly in CloudFront and get them in the same URL instantly: AWS CloudFront -> S3 -> Lambda -> CloudFront

TLDR: We have to trick CloudFront 307 redirect caching by creating new cache behavior for responses coming from our Lambda function.
You will not believe how close we are to achieve this. We have stucked so badly in the last step.
Business case:
Our application stores images in S3 and serves them with CloudFront in order to avoid any geographic slow downs around the globe.
Now, we want to be really flexible with the design and to be able to request new image dimentions directly in the CouldFront URL!
Each new image size will be created on demand and then stored in S3, so the second time it is requested it will be
served really quickly as it will exist in S3 and also will be cached in CloudFront.
Lets say the user had uploaded the image chucknorris.jpg.
Only the original image will be stored in S3 and wil be served on our page like this:
We have calculated that we now need to display a thumbnail of 200x200 pixels.
Therefore we put the image src to be in our template:
When this new size is requested, the amazon web services have to provide it on the fly in the same bucket and with the requested key.
This way the image will be directly loaded in the same URL of CloudFront.
I made an ugly drawing with the architecture overview and the workflow on how we are doing this in AWS:
Here is how Python Lambda ends:
return {
'statusCode': '301',
'headers': {'location': redirect_url},
'body': ''
The problem:
If we make the Lambda function redirect to S3, it works like a charm.
If we redirect to CloudFront, it goes into redirect loop because CloudFront caches 307 (as well as 301, 302 and 303).
As soon as our Lambda function redirects to CloudFront, CloudFront calls the API Getaway URL instead of fetching the image from S3:
I would like to create new cache behavior in CloudFront's Behaviors settings tab.
This behavior should not cache responses from Lambda or S3 (don't know what exactly is happening internally there), but should still cache any followed requests to this very same resized image.
I am trying to set path pattern -\d+x\d+\..+$, add the ARN of the Lambda function in add "Lambda Function Association"
and set Event Type Origin Response.
Next to that, I am setting the "Default TTL" to 0.
But I cannot save the behavior due to some error:
Are we on the right way, or is the idea of this "Lambda Function Association" totally different?
Finally I was able to solve it. Although this is not really a structural solution, it does what we need.
First, thanks to the answer of Michael, I have used path patterns to match all media types. Second, the Cache Behavior page was a bit misleading to me: indeed the Lambda association is for Lambda#Edge, although I did not see this anywhere in all the tooltips of the cache behavior: all you see is just Lambda. This feature cannot help us as we do not want to extend our AWS service scope with Lambda#Edge just because of that particular problem.
Here is the solution approach:
I have defined multiple cache behaviors, one per media type that we support:
For each cache behavior I set the Default TTL to be 0.
And the most important part: In the Lambda function, I have added a Cache-Control header to the resized images when putting them in S3:
To validate that everything works, I see now that the new image dimention is served with the cache header in CloudFront:
You're on the right track... maybe... but there are at least two problems.
The "Lambda Function Association" that you're configuring here is called Lambda#Edge, and it's not yet available. The only users who can access it is users who have applied to be included in the limited preview. The "maximum allowed is 0" error means you are not a preview participant. I have not seen any announcements related to when this will be live for all accounts.
But even once it is available, it's not going to help you, here, in the way you seem to expect, because I don't believe an Origin Response trigger allows you to do anything to trigger CloudFront to try a different destination and follow the redirect. If you see documentation that contradicts this assertion, please bring it to my attention.
However... Lambda#Edge will be useful for setting Cache-Control: no-cache on the 307 so CloudFront won't cache it, but the redirect itself will still need to go all the way back to the browser.
Note also, Lambda#Edge only supports Node, not Python... so maybe this isn't even part of your plan, yet. I can't really tell, from the question.
Read about the Lambda#Edge limited preview.
The second problem:
I am trying to set path pattern -\d+x\d+\..+$
You can't do that. Path patterns are string matches supporting * wildcards. They are not regular expressions. You might get away with /*-*x*.jpg, though, since multiple wildcards appear to be supported.

Cheapest way to use AWS for simple response

What I wanted to achieve is pretty simple, if you send a request to some address, the response you get is a single integer number, like 13 for example. I think it is equivalent to hosting a .html page with single number on that page and then I can parse that string in my application. (It is a Unity game, using the WWW class to send the request.)
(This is actually a version number. If it is greater than what I stored in my app I would update it and then send another request to other place and retrieve something bigger)
I am looking for the cheapest way that can handle this. I planned to use AWS but confused what component should be use? S3? EC2? Lambda? CloudFront?
If you think doing this on a web hosting or Heroku or something else is better, I also wanted to hear about it.
To serve up a simple value, S3 should do the trick.
Create a bucket in the console, using lonely lowercase letters, digits, and dashes in the name. The name has to be globally unique among all of S3, so make up something unique. We'll call the bucket name example-bucket.
Create your file on your computer with the desired contents. If plain text, call it version.txt.
In the AWS console, select the bucket, and upload the file. While clicking through the "next" screens, put a check next to "make everything public" and accept the defaults. Upload the file.
Now, go to in your browser and verify (using your actual bucket name. That's your download link.
Done. As long as you don't expect to handle over about 800 requests per second, this will do exactly what you want.
Review the S3 pricing, of course.
Although this question is suitable for Server Fault,
EC2 using nginx or apache web server will be sufficient.
Put Load balancer in front of EC2 instances.