Alarmmanager setInexactRepeating time of trigger - alarmmanager

In Alarmmanager setInexactRepeating state, Android synchronises repeating alarms from multiple apps and fires them at the same time. So if I want my alarmmanager to trigger after every 1 hour, then what is the probability it will get triggered in the exact time. If it gets triggered along with other alarmmanagers, then what is the precise time of trigger?


GCP Alert notification is sending only once

I setup Alert Monitoring for pubsub subscription like below:
I was expecting this to fire every 2 minutes, since the condition is met throughout.
But I got the notification only one time. I also tried with duration 1 minute. Still no luck.
What am I doing wrong here?
Or my understanding of these terms may be wrong?
What I want is:
For every 2 minutes, when count of un-acked message count is > x, trigger an alert.
Note: I just masked the filter field here, which is a subscription_id.
Your current monitoring set up is working as intended since you only have a single time series and a single condition. As per alert notification docs:
You can only receive multiple notifications if any of the following
are true:
All conditions are met:
When all conditions are met, then for each
time series that results in a condition being met, the policy sends a
notification and creates an incident. For example, if you have a
policy with two conditions and each condition is monitoring one time
series, then when the policy is triggered, you receive two
notifications and you see two incidents.
Any condition is met:
The policy sends a notification each time a new
combination of conditions is met. For example, assume that ConditionA
is met, that an incident opens, and that a notification is sent. If
the incident is still open when a subsequent measurement meets both
ConditionA and ConditionB, then another notification is sent.
If you create the policy by using the Google Cloud Console, then the
default behavior is to send a notification when the condition is
Lastly the purpose of "Period" is to just increase the data points in the chart and is not related to triggering a notification multiple times until it is below the threshold. Thus it is not possible send continuous notifications until the monitored data is below the threshold.

Can a timer scheduled in AWS SWF workflow fail to deliver back the tick?

We are using AWS SWF for our workflows where we need to schedule an activity based on cron expression. We are evaluating the Cron and using WorkflowClock for creating the timer.
Wnated to get answers for the following questions
Can workflow clock sometimes fail to deliver the control back to workflow. Does SWF guarantee the timer will definitely go off and schedule the next decision
By what deviation can timer delivered be off by original cron, meaning if we start a timer of 3600 seconds, can timer get delayed and go off by let's say after 3700 seconds . Any p100 data for this ?
Are these timers on exactly-once or atleast-once delivery model
I believe timer delivery is guaranteed.
I don't have data, but I think it is delivered within a second unless there is a major issue with the service going on. Note that delivering timer means adding TimerFired event into the history and scheduling a decision task. If a workflow worker is down then actual timer processing can be postponed for a long time.
They are delivered to a workflow exactly once.

Trigger another lambda after a week of first lambda execution

I am working on a code where Lambda Function 1 (call it, L1) executes on messages from an SQS queue. I want to execute another lambda (call it, L2) exactly a week after L1 completes and want to pass L1's output to L2.
Execution Environment: Java
For my application, we are expecting around 10k requests on L1 per day. And same number of requests for L2.
If it runs for a week, we can have around 70k active executions at peak.
Things that I have tried:
Cloudwatch events with cron: I can schedule a cron with specified time or date which will trigger L2. But I couldn't find way to pass input with scheduled Cloudwatch event.
Cloudwatch events with new rules: At the end of first lambda I can create a new cloudwatch rule with specified time and specified input. But that will create as many rules (for my case, it could be around 10k new cloudwatch rules everyday). Not sure if that is a good practice or even supported.
Step function: There are two types step functions in play today.
Standard: Supports wait for a year, but only supports 25k active executions at any time. Won't scale since my application will already have 70k active executions at the end of first week.
Express: Doesn't have limit on number of active executions but supports max 5 minutes executions. It will time out after that.
It would be easy to create a new Cloudwatch Rule with the "week later" Lambda as a target as the last step in the first Lambda. You would set a Rule with a cron that runs 1 time in 1 week. Then, the Target has an input field. In the console it looks like:
You didn't indicate your programming environment but you can do something similar to (psuedo code, based on Java SDK v2):
String lambdaArn = "the one week from today lambda arn";
String ruleArn = client.putRule(PutRuleRequest.builder()
.scheduleExpression("17 20 23 7 *")
Target target = TargetBuilder.builder().arn(lambdaArn).input("{\"message\": \"blah\"}").rule("myRule");
This will create a Cloudwatch Event Rule that runs one time, 1 week from today with the input as shown.
Major Edit
With your new requirements (at least 1 week later, 10's of thousands of events) I would not use the method I described above as there are just too many things happening. Instead I would have a database of events that will act as a queue. Either a DynamoDB or RDS database will suffice. At the end of each "primary" Lambda run, insert an event with the date and time of the next run. For example, today, July 18 I would insert July 25. The table would be something like (PostgreSQL syntax):
create table event_queue (
run_time timestamp not null,
lambda_input varchar(8192),
create index on event_queue( run_time );
Where the lambda_input column has whatever data you want to pass to the "week later" Lambda. In PostgreSQL you would do something like:
insert into event_queue (run_time, lambda_input)
values ((current_timestamp + interval '1 week'), '{"value":"hello"}');
Every database has something similar to the date/time functions shown or the code to do this isn't terrible.
Now, in CloudWatch create a rule that runs once an hour (the resolution can be tuned). It will trigger a Lambda that "feeds" an SQS queue. The Lambda will query the database:
select * from event_queue where run_time < current_timestamp
and, for each row, put a message into an SQS queue. The last thing it does is delete these "old" messages using the same where clause.
On the other side you have your "week later" Lambdas that are getting events from the SQS queue. These Lambdas are idle until a set of messages are put into the queue. At that time they fire up and empty the queue, doing whatever the "week later" Lambda is supposed to do.
By running the "feeder" Lambda hourly you basically capture everything that is 1 week plus up to 1 hour old. The less often you run it the more work that your "week later" Lambda's have to do and conversely, running every minute will add load to the database but remove it from the week later Lambda.
This should scale well, assuming that the "feeder" Lambda can keep up. 10k transactions / 24 hours is only 416 transactions and the reading of the DB and creation of the messages should be very quick. Even scaling that by 10 to 100k/day is still only ~4000 rows and messages which, again, should be very doable.
Cloudwatch is more for cron jobs. To trigger something at a specific timestamp or after X amount of time I would recommend using Step Functions instead.
You can achieve your use-case by using a State Machine with a Wait State (you can pass tell it how long to wait based on your input) followed by your Lambda Task State. It will be similar to this example.

Next run time for cloudwatch rate expression

I have scheduled Fixed rate of 2 days for an event rule. Where can I find the next run time?
It counts from the date and time you created the CloudWatch event. If your rate expression is rate(1 day) and you created the event at 22:00:00 UTC, then it will run at that time the next day. A rate expression for 2 days will fire two days later at the same time. And similarly a rate expression at 5 minutes will fire every five minutes beginning at the time the CloudWatch event was created.
To verify this, you can create a Lambda function that uploads an object to an S3 bucket, create a CloudWatch event for it, making note of the time you created it, and observe that when the event fires, the modification date of the object is that many days/minutes/hours from the time you created the event.

How to control / limit the frequency of execution of a aws lambda function, within a time interval?

Has someone implemented a lambda that is triggered from an event that is executed 4 or 5 times in an hour and that no longer executes, until another event activates it again.
The main idea is to avoid the lambda execution indefinitely while the original event that triggered it, is present.
thanks a lot!