Com0Com create ports from command prompt - com0com

How to create virtual ports with Com0com command prompt with specific port name?
For example, I need to create COM11 and COM15. When I run next command if there are not any virtual ports it creates ports COM3 and COM4
install RealPortName=COM11 RealPortName=COM15
And when I run this command for other ports (install RealPortName=COM12 RealPortName=COM13) it creates ports COM5 and COM6.
So, It gives numbers in strict order. Is there any option to set port name strictly?
This is needed as I'm calling com0com command prompt from .Net application.

Try just PortName, not RealPortName.


Could not connect to TCP port: Connection refused when trying to open Expo app on Android Emulator in WSL2

I've been following this guide and so far have gotten to the point where WSL2 can see the emulator(s) running on Windows through Android Studios -> AVD manager. For example, on both Windows and WSL2, adb devices correctly shows:
List of devices attached
emulator-5554 device
However, when I go to my expo app and try to launch the Android emulator, I get the following error message:
Couldn't start project on Android: could not connect to TCP port 5554: Connection refused
This is after I've tried the following:
exporting ADB_SERVER_SOCKET=tcp:<MY IP>:5037 in my WSL2 profile(s)
Unblocking WSL2 vEthernet connections from my Windows firewall via (from the above link)
Set-NetFirewallProfile -DisabledInterfaceAliases "vEthernet (WSL)"
I've portforwarded 5554 from Windows to WSL2, as well as 5037 (from to
$WSL_CLIENT = bash.exe -c "ip addr show eth0 | grep -oP '(?<=inet\s)\d+(\.\d+){3}'";
$WSL_CLIENT -match '\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}';
$WSL_CLIENT = $matches[0];
iex "netsh interface portproxy add v4tov4 listenport=5554 listenaddress= connectport=5554 connectaddress=$WSL_CLIENT"
The ports are as follows:
netsh interface portproxy show all
Listen on ipv4: Connect to ipv4:
Address Port Address Port
--------------- ---------- --------------- ---------- 8081 8081 5037 5037 5554 5554
Just had the same issue with Expo.
Here is what fixed it for me:
Check for a process that uses port 5555 (Terminal)
netstat -ano | findstr 5555
Kill the process using its ID (PowerShell)
Stop-Process -ID [PROCESS_ID] -Force
Then it started working.
I had the exact same problem, but with a different setup (using Expo with the Metro bundler on a Mac). I worked around it by trying different virtual device images. Maybe the same can help you.
The virtual device that works with me so far is the one selected in this screenshot: The other two in the screenshot have the same problem. I don't really know the actual reason, must be something with port access with those other emulated devices.
Image details:
Name: 4 WVGA (Nexus S) API 29
API: 29
Target: Android 10.0 (Google APIs)
CPU/ABI (x86)
I'm sure other images work as well (or configuring the others somehow), i just haven't tried many more because it takes so long and they're so big.
Did you try to map port 5554 to Windows IP instead? (or localhost). The Android emulator is running on Windows, not WSL2, so the port proxy should be from WSL2 to Windows, not backwards.
Have you already solved it in another manner?

ping: Name or service not known on minimal centos on virtual box

Installed minimal centos on virtual box. Getting this error when ping
ping: Name or service not known
First make sure you have your network adapter enabled in virtual box settings.
Your network interface which you use it for connecting to internet might not be active.
To check this,use "sudo nmcli d" command.
If it is disconnected,use "sudo nmtui"->Edit a connection,select your network interface and
choose "Automatically connect" option(by pressing Space key) and
select OK.
Do "sudo reboot now" After logging in,do "ping".
You should be able to connect now.

Connecting to MonetDB server on guest virtual machine from host

I have a virtual machine (centos 7) in VirtualBox on a RHEL 5 host running MonetDB5 (server v 11.19.9). I can connect to the database from with the guest through both jdbc and mclient. However, I cannot connect to it from the host.
I have port 50000 forwarded to port 5555, and have set shared=yes in monetdb and control=yes on monetdbd. When I try to connect using
java -jar jdbcclient.jar -dmydatabase -umonetdb -hlocalhost -p5555 -Xdebug
I type in my password and it waits a long time, then says:
Database connect failed: Unable to connect (localhost:5555): Connection to server lost!
The javaclient log file is unhelpful:
RD 1438806937222: server closed the connection (EOF)
The merovingian.log file is also unhelpful since nothing is added to it. Note that the mserver command in the log says --set-mapi_open=false, even though I have set sharing and control = yes. But I can't find the MonetDB.conf file so I don't know where to change "mapi_open=true." I tried making my own MonetDB.conf file and putting it in /etc/ but it doesn't seem to work there.
Note that I can connect to the machine with
ssh me#localhost -p222 -X
where I have forwarded port 20 to 222, so I feel good about the port forwarding. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
The problem was with the firewall. Even though port 22 (ssh) was automatically opened on the guest machine, port 50000 needed to be configured manually.

Wamp server can't bind to port 80 error

I'm having a very similar error to Getting an error when starting WAMP - "VirtualHost *:80 -- mixing * ports and non-* ports with a NameVirtualHost address is not supported, proceeding with undefined results"
I'm getting the same
Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted. : make_sock: could not bind to address"
error message in the event logs viewer. I tried the fix of disabling skype from using port 80 however when I do that nothing comes up in the console. I am using 64 bit wamp, im in a 64 bit windows 8.1 laptop.
Edit: Problem resolved, changed Listening on 80 to 8080 in httpd.cfg
There is a menu item on the WAMPManager icon ( the one in the system tray ) called Test Port 80
You get to it by
wampmanager -> Apache -> Service -> Test Port 80
This will load a command window and show you the name of the other application that has captured port 80.
Then you have to work out what to do about it of course.
Also as far as I am aware the Windows 8 tiled version of SKYPE does not have any way of being configured to stop using port 80. But if you uninstall the Tile version of SKYPE and install the normal Windows version, that allows you to configure it so it will not attempt to use port 80 or 443.
If you really cannot find the wampmanager icon try this instead
Try this
netstat -anop TCP | find ":80"
tasklist /FI "PID eq 999" /FO TABLE /NH
replacing 999 with the PID number from the previous command that is using port 80.
Other programs can mess with this.
Are you using Skype by chance or any other program.
If you are just turn it off and then launch wamp and then launch your program.
Open Command Prompt and run netstat -ano | findstr :80
That will list all connections and their process ID (on the right) that are using port 80. Match them with process IDs in your task manager and close them.

C++ Windows Server - how to accept an SSH connection?

I have a server application i'm making specifically for windows. However the client that needs to connect to it was originally created towards a Linux server. The client connects through SSH and runs simple commands to execute bash scripts. I'd like to make my server work with this client without making any changes to the client.
So the client would usually SSH into the Linux server -> run command to execute bash -> bash script did stuff
I'd like the windows server to accept the SSH connection -> grab the command -> execute a function that does what the bash script would of done.
My question here is how can I make my server accept that SSH connection and get that command the client sends through?
Maybe these resources will help.
Set up a free SSH server on Windows 7 with freeSSHd
OpenSSH for Windows
MobaSSH: Free SSH server for Windows