Django sqlite development to production - django

I am having trouble understanding how to synchronise my development and production environments.
I have a production and development branch in git, with the production branch being of course what the server's copy is.
My sqlite database is currently under version control (which I now gather it shouldn't be, however I am not sure how I would sync my copies of the project if it wasn't?)
When I want to make a change I commit and push the server's copy to production and then I pull that down to my local machine. I then make a change (which can include database changes), but then in terms of getting those changes back into production, I am not sure how to get the changes back onto my server without potentially overwriting changes that have occurred on the server since I started the change?
How can I handle local changes to the database when changes may also have occurred on the server at the same time? I have been searching for a while and thought that maybe South was for that kind of problem but I gather that it is an old solution.
Thanks for your help

Well, it's definitively a wrong way. You should never share a database between environments. However, it is a good approach to use the same database engine on the production and dev environment but it doesn't mean that you need to share a DB, in the case of sqlite3.
Many developers use sqlite3 on dev and other DB engines on the production. This is acceptable but it is not recommended, because of differences between database engines.


Why we need to setup AWS and POSTgres db when we deploy our app using Heroku?

I'm building a web api by watching the youtube video below and until the AWS S3 bucket setup I understand everything fine. But he first deploy everything locally then after making sure everything works he is transferring all static files to AWS and for DB he switches from SQLdb3 to POSgres.
django portfolio
I still don't understand this part why we need to put our static files to AWS and create POSTgresql database even there is an SQLdb3 default database from django. I'm thinking that if I'm the only admin and just connecting my GitHub from Heroku should be enough and anytime I change something in the api just need to push those changes to github master and that should be it.
Why we need to use AWS to setup static file location and setup a rds (relational data base) and do the things from the beginning. Still not getting it!
Can anybody help to explain this ?
There are several reasons a video guide would encourage you to switch from SQLite to a database server such as MySQL or PostgreSQL:
SQLite is great but doesn't scale well if you're expecting a lot of traffic
SQLite doesn't work if you want to distribute your app accross multiple servers. Going back to Heroky, if you serve your app with multiple Dynos, you'll have a problem because each Dyno will use a distinct SQLite database. If you edit something through the admin, it will happen on one of this databases, at random, leading to inconsistencies
Some Django features aren't available on SQLite
SQLite is the default database in Django because it works out of the box, and is extremely fast and easy to use in local/development environments for prototyping.
However, it is usually not suited for production websites. Additionally, while it can be tempting to store your sqlite.db file along with your code, for instance in a git repository, it is considered a bad practice because your database can contain sensitive data (such as passwords, usernames, emails, etc.). Hence, a strict separation between your code and data is a good practice.
Another way to put it is that your code and your data have different lifecycles. You want to be able to edit data in your database without redeploying your code, and update your code without touching your database.
Even if you can remove public access to some files through GitHub, this is not a good practice because when you work in a team with multiple developpers, developpers may have access to the code but not the production data, because it's usually sensitive. If you work with 5 people and each one of them has a copy of your database, it means the risk to lose it or have it stolen is 5x higher ;)
Static files
When you work locally, Django's built-in runserver command handles the serving of static assets such as CSS, Javascript and images for you.
However, this server is not designed for production use either. It works great in development, but will start to fail very fast on a production website, that should handle way more requests than your local version.
Because of that, you need to host these static files somewhere else, and AWS is one place where you can do that. AWS will serve those files for you, in a very efficient way. There are other options available, for instance configuring a reverse proxy with Nginx to serve the files for you, if you're using a dedicated server.
As far as I can tell, the progression you describe from the video is bringing you from a local, development enviromnent to a more efficient and scalable production setup. That is to be expected, because it's less daunting to start with something really simple (SQLite, Django's built-in runserver), and move on to more complex and abstract topics and tools later on.

Selecting a git workflow for my situation

I'm new to git. I've read the well-written intro book. But gee, it's still not a trivial topic. I've been bumbling around, experiencing various problems. I realized it might be because I'm unaware of workflow, and specifically, "what are the best practices for doing what I'm trying to do?"
I started out developing a django project on my win7 with Pycharm. Great way to get the initial 95% written.
But then I need to deploy it to my production machine at PythonAnywhere.
So I created a private Github repository, pushed my win7 codebase to github.
Then in pythonAnywhere, I cloned the github repository.
For now, no others work on this project. It will not be released to the public.
Now that the server is running on PythonAnywhere, I still need to tweak settings, which is best done on the PythonAnywhere codebase side. But there are other improvements (new pages, or views) that I'd rather do inside Pycharm IDE on my win7 than in vim on python anywhere.
So I've been kind of clumsily pushing and fetching these changes. It's been kind of ham-handed, and I've managed to lose some minor changes through ignorance.
So I'm wondering if anyone can point to a relatively simple workflow that would handle the various tasks I mentioned:
1) improving functionality of the site (best done in Pycharm IDE)
2) production server issues and tweaks (best done on PythonAnywhere)
3) keeping everythign safely backed-up on Github
The other issue is that I have another django app that I want to build. It's easiest to temporarily hang it off the django project I've already built. But I'd prefer to keep it in its own repository.
So I have Original_Project, Original_App stored in Original_Repository
I want to make new_app, and have it, for the time being, run in Original_Project, but I want to version control it in New_Repository.
I think/hope that I could put a .gitignore in the Original_Repository, saying ignore the new_app/ Then I git init new_app/ as its own repository. Is that sound or mad?
You should avoid editing your code on the production server as much as possible, and never commit from the production server. If you end up having to tweaks things on the server (you shouldn't but well, shit happens and sometimes it's indeed easier to first get the code back to work on the server), then once it's working manually report your edits to your local repo, clear up the changes on the server and deploy the fixed code again. Here the github repo should be considered as the "master" repository for deployments, ie you work on your local repo, push to github, and on the server pull from github. This make sure you keep the github repo in sync.
wrt/ the "improving functionality" (aka "features") vs "server issues and tweaks" (aka "hotfixes"), git flow is a (mostly) sane workflow IMHO but that's a bit opinion-based here (some dislike it and have sensible arguments too).
Finally if you want to factor out one of your apps, the best is to have it in it's own (github) repo with all the proper python packaging stuff and make it a requirement of your main project. On your local dev environment you install it as an editable package, and for the production setup you install it as normal package pinned to the last stable version. Note that in both cases I assume you're using virtualenvs (and if you dont, well that's the very first issue you should address).
What are the downsides of of editing directly on the production server and committing from the production server?
Well quite simply a production server is not the place for coding - "production" means that you have users trying to do something with your website and they don't want to have the site breaking on them, their data lost or whatever because you are "tweaking" things. You should only deploy stable, well tested code on production, and the one and only one case where editing anything on the server might be a last resort option is when it's already broken and you want to get it back online asap whatever it takes (case of "first make it work, then make it clean").
Point is, I'm a professional developer working on projects that are business criticals and a broken site is not an option, so I'm very strict on this - but even if it's a hobby project, your users deserve some respect (at least if you expect to see them back).
A proper production chain actually involves at least three environments: your local dev environment, a staging server (which should closely mirror the production server - system, system package versions, configurations etc etc) to test out / showcase / eventually do minor config tweak, and the production server which should only ever see stable tested code.
I have always struggled with git, knowing it well enough to get thigs working, but never being sure I am doing thing well.
I would suggest installing git flow (it is probably available in your package manager if you are on Linux). Its a set of extensions that simplify a standard git worklfow. Since using it, this has pretty much been all the documentation I have needed.

Pain of configuring various environments in development and production (Rails 4 application)

As per best practices, my development team does not store the application config file in a repo for security reasons (we use a config/application.yml file to store configs). However, when we actually develop and deploy, this causes some problems:
A developer needs to add a new external URL that is different depending on what environment the application is running in. Since there is no config file in the repo, he cannot update a single file that gets synced when another developer pulls the code. To make this happen, he updates his local config/application.yml file and then each other developer updates their local file, and then we have to add the new ENV variable to the server's config/application.yml. Has to be a better solution.
If we stored the config/application.yml file in the repo and shared it among everyone and the servers, this solves the problem of sharing/updating global configs, BUT it opens up the possibility that a developer may accidentally start their local application in production mode and touch live data or spam real users with test emails (has happened which is why it's a concern).
Is there a standard best practice for solving these types of problems? It seems I either sacrifice productivity for security but can't really have both.
I've been thinking about creating a config/development.yml file in the repo that all developers share, which stores all environments EXCEPT production. That way they can share config/ENV items for development and sync them up. But in production, I would have a config/production.yml file that ONLY lives on the servers.
If the application is started in anything except production environment, it loads the development.yml file. If it is started in production, it loads the production.yml file. But since the production.yml file does NOT live in the repo (only on the servers), there's no chance that a developer can accidentally touch live data or spam real users, etc...
Have any professional developers tried a scheme like this? I've done a lot of googling but really haven't found a satisfactory solution.
Check out the RailsConfig gem. This allows you do to exactly what you stated, but with the ease of a gem. This also allows you and your dev team to have local yaml files that override settings.
You would then just have config/settings/production.yml within your .gitignore so that it will not be checked into source control.

How to continue developement of live Django Webapp?

I am building a Django powered web app that has a large database component. I am wondering, how would I go about continuing to develop the web app while users are using the live, production version? There are two parts to the problem, as I see it, as follows:
Making changes to templates, scripts, and other files
Making database schema changes
Now, the first problem is easy to manage with a SVN system. Heck, I could just have a "dev" directory which have all my in-development files and, once ready, just copy them into the "production" directory.
However, the second problem is more confusing to me. How do I test/develop new database changes without affecting the main/live database? I have been using South to do schema migrations during the initial creation stages of the web app, but surely I wouldn't want to make changes to the database while it is being used. Especially if I make changes that I don't want to keep.
Any thoughts/ideas?
You need another server on which to do your development. Typically, this is a personal machine, like your laptop. Often, you also have a copy of your production environment on a server, known as the staging server.
Your workflow would be like this:
Work on your code on your development machine, make all the changes you want, it's just you using it.
When the code is ready for production, you push it to the staging server to see that it really works properly in a server environment.
When you're sure it's ready for production, push it to the production server.

How do I run one version of a web app while developing the next version?

I just finished a Django app that I want to get some outside user feedback on. I'd like to launch one version and then fork a private version so I can incorporate feedback and add more features. I'm planning to do lots of small iterations of this process. I'm new to web development; how do websites typically do this? Is it simply a matter of copying my Django project folder to another directory, launching the server there, and continuing my dev work in the original directory? Or would I want to use a version control system instead? My intuition is that it's the latter, but if so, it seems like a huge topic with many uses (e.g. collaboration, which doesn't apply here) and I don't really know where to start.
1) Seperate URLs vs you can also do and, etc.. You could also create a /beta or /staging..
2) Keep seperate databases, one for production, and one for development. Write a script that will copy your live database into a dev database. Keep one database for each type of site you create. (You may want to create a beta or staging database for your tester).. Do your own work in the dev database. If you change the database structure, save the changes as a .sql file that can be loaded and run on the live site database when you turn those changes live.
3) Merge features into your different sites with version control. I am currently playing with a subversion setup for web apps that has my stable (trunk), one for staging, and one for development. Development tags + branches get merged into staging, and then staging tags/branches get merged into stable. Version control will let you manage your source code in any way you want. You will have to find a methodology that works for you and use it.
4) Consider build automation. It will publish your site for you automatically. Take a look at It can drive a lot of automatically checking out your code and uploading it to each specific site as you might need.
5) Toy of the month: There is a utility called cUrl that you may find valuable. It does a lot from the command line. This might be okay for you to do in case you don't want to use all or any of Ant.
Good luck!
You would typically use version control, and have two domains: and Then would always update to trunk which is the current latest, shipping version. You would do your development in a branch of trunk and would update to that. Then you periodically merge changes from your development branch to trunk.
Jas Panesar has the best answer if you are asking this from a development standpoint, certainly. That is, if you're just asking how to easily keep your new developments separate from the site that is already running. However, if your question was actually asking how to run both versions simultaniously, then here's my two cents.
Your setup has a lot to do with this, but I always recommend running process-based web servers in the first place. That is, not to use threaded servers (less relevant to this question) and not embedding in the web server (that is, not using mod_python, which is the relevant part here). So, you have one or more processes getting HTTP requests from your web server (Apache, Nginx, Lighttpd, etc.). Now, when you want to try something out live, without affecting your normal running site, you can bring up a process serving requests that never gets the regular requests proxied to it like the others do. That is, normal users don't see it.
You can setup a subdomain that points to this one, and you can install middleware that redirects "special" user to the beta version. This allows you to unroll new features to some users, but not others.
Now, the biggest issues come with database changes. Schema migration is a big deal and something most of us never pay attention to. I think that running side-by-side is great, because it forces you to do schema migrations correctly. That is, you can't just shut everything down and run lengthy schema changes before bringing it back up. You'd never see any remotely important site doing that.
The key is those small steps. You need to always have two versions of your code able to access the same database, so changes you make for the new code need to not break the old code. This breaks down into a few steps you can always make:
You can add a column with a default value, or that is optional. The new code can use it, and the old code can ignore it.
You can update the live version with code that knows to use a new column, at which point you can make it required.
You can make the new version ignore a column, and when it becomes the main version, you can delete that column.
You can make these small steps to migrate between any schemas. You can iteratively add a new column that replaces an old one, roll out the new code, and remove the old column, all without interrupting service.
That said, its your first web app? You can probably break it. You probably have few users :-) But, it is fantastic you're even asking this question. Many "professionals" fair to ever ask it, and even then fewer answer it.
What I do is have an export a copy of my SVN repository and put the files on the live production server, and then keep a virtual machine with a development working copy, and submit the changes to the repo when Im done.