ec2 error starting instances insufficient capacity - amazon-web-services

We have created AWS EC2 instance on Asia it Pacific(Mumbai) Zone on Shared Hardware rental type.We are trying to start an instance after shut it down we are getting popup ec2 error starting instances insufficient capacity message on screen.On white papers it is mention like this,Try to launch new ec2 instance but as we have in basic plan it is now allowing to create new instance on another zone.
How to resolve this issue.

According to the documentation, getting an InsufficientInstanceCapacity error when launching or restarting an instance means that Amazon does not have enough capacity to serve your request. There are a few options:
Waiting for a while and trying again
Launching an instance without specifying an availability zone
Changing the instance type
You can read more here.

Below are a few options available
Wait for that instance type to become available.
Launch a different instance type.
Launch an instance in a different availability zone and migrate back at a later time, if necessary. This provides a temporary solution until you can replace it at a later time with one in the desired availability zone. However, you will be charged cross-zone data transfer costs.
Launch an instance in the -Any- availability zone
Purchase a reserved instance (for that instance type) in the desired availability zone. This will also prevent you from receiving this error in the future.

This is usually caused by
AWS not having enough available On-Demand capacity to complete your request.
For troubleshooting steps, see [1].
If the preceding troubleshooting steps don't resolve the problem, then you can move the instance to another VPC or to another subnet and Availability Zone[2].
Tip :
To avoid insufficient capacity errors on critical machines, consider using
On-Demand Capacity Reservations[3].
To use an On-Demand Capacity Reservation, do the following :
1. Create the Capacity Reservation[4] in an Availability Zone.
2. Launch critical instances into your Capacity Reservation[5].
Reference :

If you are new to AWS, there's usually a limit for how many instances can you launch or start even if you are currently running none. Try to request for a limit increase for the instance you want to launch in the support center and the insufficient capacity error will disappear


Cannot start GCE VM instance "The zone does not have enough resources"

I am trying to restart an instance that has been shut down for about a week, however it will not start, I get the error message:
Starting VM instance 'gc-custom-europe-west2-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' failed. Error: The zone 'projects/XXX/zones/europe-west2-c' does not have enough resources available to fulfill the request. Try a different zone, or try again later.
There are no incidents reported that I can see, could anyone advise please?
You can control status of Google Cloud at Google Cloud Status Dashboard, but this isn't an issue, let me provide you some explanations:
When you stop an instance it releases some resources like vCPU and memory.
When you start an instance (or change it) it requests resources like vCPU and memory back and if there's not enough resources available in the zone you'll get an error message:
Error: Starting VM instance "INSTANCE_NAME" failed. Error: The zone 'projects/XXXX/zones/ZONE' does not have enough resources available to fulfill the request. Try a different zone, or try again later.
more information available in the documentation:
If you receive a resource error (such as ZONE_RESOURCE_POOL_EXHAUSTED
resources, it means that the zone cannot currently accommodate your
request. This error is due to Compute Engine resource obtainability,
and is not due to your Compute Engine quota.
Resource availability are depending from users requests and therefore are dynamic.
There are a few ways to solve such issue without moving it to another zone:
Move your VM instance to another zone.
Wait for a while and try to start your VM instance again.
Reserve resources for your VM by following documentation to avoid such issue in future (extra payment required):
Create reservations for Virtual Machine (VM) instances in a specific
zone, using custom or predefined machine types, with or without
additional GPUs or local SSDs, to ensure resources are available for
your workloads when you need them. After you create a reservation, you
begin paying for the reserved resources immediately, and they remain
available for your project to use indefinitely, until the reservation
is deleted.
To protect data on your VM you can create a snapshot before making any changes.
You could try changing the instance form zone, let me provide you with the instructions for you to do so:
1.Go to Google Cloud Platform >>> Compute Engine
2.Go to Snapshots >>> create a snapshot >>> Select your Compute Engine instance
3.Once snapshot is completed click on snapshot.
4.Under "snapshot details". There, on the top, just click create instance. Here you are basically creating an instance with a copy of your disk.
5.Select your new zone setup previous setting, create new name.
6.Click create, at this point your image should now be running in the new zone

AWS EC2 rettirement

I got the mail from Amazon regarding my EC2 as follows:
EC2 has detected degradation of the underlying hardware hosting your Amazon EC2 instance (instance-ID: xxxxxxxx) associated with your AWS account (AWS Account ID: xxxxxx) in the ap-south-1 region. Due to this degradation your instance could already be unreachable. We will stop your instance after 2020-12-29 22:00:00 UTC. Please take appropriate action before this time.
The affected instances are listed below:
So what would I do now to keep my data safe ?
AWS provides guides on what to do when an instance is about to be retired:
What do I need to know when my Amazon EC2 instance is scheduled for retirement?
The easiest way would be to stop/start the instance:
You are required to stop and then start the instance at your preferred time before the instance retirement date. Stopping and starting the instance moves the instance to another healthy host.
However, exact details depend on your instance type (e.g. EBS based or instance store based), thus please read the guide in the link provided to understand your options which are mostly determined on your actual EC2 instance setup.

zone does not have enough resources available to fulfill the request. Try a different zone, or try again later

I am trying to create a server in Location Mumbai for past 2 months , I am getting Error in all 3 a,b,c zones.
When will the servers will be available in mumbai ?
I assume that you've got an error message like:
The zone 'projects/XXX/zones/asia-south1-x' does not have enough resources available to fulfill the request. Try a different zone, or try again later.
while creating VM instances at asia-south1-a, asia-south1-b and asia-south1-c.
It's not an issue. Have a look at the documentation to find more details:
If you receive a resource error (such as ZONE_RESOURCE_POOL_EXHAUSTED
resources, it means that the zone cannot currently accommodate your
request. This error is due to Compute Engine resource obtainability,
and is not due to your Compute Engine quota.
The reason for this behavior is resource availability which depends from users requests and therefore are dynamic.
There are a few ways to solve it:
Choose another zone for your instance.
Wait for a while and try to start your VM instance again.
Reserve resources for your VM by following documentation to avoid such issue in future:
Create reservations for Virtual Machine (VM) instances in a specific
zone, using custom or predefined machine types, with or without
additional GPUs or local SSDs, to ensure resources are available for
your workloads when you need them. After you create a reservation, you
begin paying for the reserved resources immediately, and they remain
available for your project to use indefinitely, until the reservation
is deleted.

I'm unable to start the GCE instance "zone ... does not have enough resources"

I'm unable to start the google cloud instance:
Starting VM instance "am01" failed. Error: The zone 'projects/.../zones/asia-south1-a' does not have enough resources available to fulfill the request. Try a different zone, or try again later.
Please help me to solve this issue.
Let's have a look at the cause of this issue:
When you stop an instance it releases some resources like vCPU and memory.
When you start an instance it requests resources like vCPU and memory back and if there's not enough resources available in the zone you'll get an error message:
Error: The zone 'projects/imposing-fin-273614/zones/asia-south1-a' does not have enough resources available to fulfill the request. Try a different zone, or try again later.
more information available in the documentation:
If you receive a resource error (such as ZONE_RESOURCE_POOL_EXHAUSTED
resources, it means that the zone cannot currently accommodate your
request. This error is due to Compute Engine resource obtainability,
and is not due to your Compute Engine quota.
Resource availability are depending from users requests and therefore are dynamic.
There are a few ways to solve your issue:
Move your instance to another zone by following instructions.
Wait for a while and try to start your VM instance again.
Reserve resources for your VM by following documentation to avoid such issue in future:
Create reservations for Virtual Machine (VM) instances in a specific
zone, using custom or predefined machine types, with or without
additional GPUs or local SSDs, to ensure resources are available for
your workloads when you need them. After you create a reservation, you
begin paying for the reserved resources immediately, and they remain
available for your project to use indefinitely, until the reservation
is deleted.

Amazon Instance Got Terminated frequently

We have basic plan Amazon configuration. Also we have created Windows instance which is terminated frequently and new Ip address is assigned. I don't know how to check and why its terminated frequently.
Under standard conditions, Amazon EC2 instances are never terminated on their own. You may be accidentally using EC2 Spot instances which works on a bidding model. AWS has the power to terminate these instances with a warning time of ~2 minutes if there is a a higher bid for the spot instance.
If your instances get terminated immediately after you launch, refer this page:
For more information on EC2 spot instances, refer this page: