GStreamer: VBI data stream decoding - gstreamer

I have a question related to processing VBI data stream through 'teletextdec' plug-in.
Basically, I've already checked functionality of the next configuration:
gst-launch-1.0 -v -m filesrc location=sample.mpeg ! tsdemux ! teletextdec ! videoconvert ! ximagesink
where sample.mpeg is a video file containing not only video data, but also VBI data. Result is presented as video frames with overlayed VBI decoded VBI data.
At the moment, I'm interested to repeat similar configuration, but when video and VBI data are separated from each other (need to work with two data sources: one for video data providing, another for VBI data providing).
In other words, we have two next data sources:
/dev/vbi0 - is a character device, with binary data as an output
/dev/video0 - v4l2 device, with RAW data video as an output
I understand, that generally I need to have something like that:
avfvideosrc name=src ! videomixer src.vbi_01 ! teletextdec
Does anyone have similar experience?
Could anyone explain how correctly to execute mixing and decoding of RAW video data with VBI data?
Thanks in advance!


Is there any way to write h264 encoded video stream in a matroska file with gstreamer?

I have to get a processed video from gstreamer pipe, compress it based on h264 or h265 alg. and then write it to storage. There are some problems in this project that must be handled:
Saved video must be playable by any standard video players such as vlcplaye, windows media player, kmplayer and ...
If for any reason the destination file does not close properly (such as a power outage), the entire file should not be lost and the saved video should be playable until the problem occurs.
My solution to this project with these constraints, is an opencv writer with a gstreamer pipe as follow:
std::string gstPipe("appsrc ! videoconvert ! omxh264enc ! "
"splitmuxsink muxer=matroskamux "
"max-size-time=50000000000 location="
cv::Size frameSize(frameWidth, frameHeight);
bool result =, cv::CAP_GSTREAMER, 0,
fps, frameSize);
This solution splits a video stream into multiple files, but it is needed to save whole video in one file.
Does anyone have a better solution to offer?
Thank you very much in advance for your helps.

GStreamer 'rawvideoparse' element reads wrong amount of bytes

I'm reading a byte-stream YUV420 at 972x720 pixels from a file with Gstreamer using the following command:
gst-launch-1.0 filesrc location=testfile blocksize=1049760 ! rawvideoparse width=972 height=720 framerate=1/1 ! xvimagesink
This works in so far that I get an image but it isn't displayed correctly. When exporting the frames seperately using command:
gst-launch-1.0 filesrc location=testfile blocksize=1049760 ! rawvideoparse width=972 height=720 framerate=1/1 ! multifilesink location="rvp_%d.raw"
I see that when using the element 'rawvideoparse' it will create a file of 1051200 bytes per frame instead of the expected 1049760. When I remove 'rawvideoparse' the frames are exported correctly but my objective is to read them directly from the file into an 'xvimagesink'
Where am I messing up?
Thanks to the GStreamer Development mailing list I got an answer. The problems was that the rawvideoparse element can't handle this resolution. When I switched to 976 width it works.

convert a video to a sequence of frame images

I need to capture a video using a webcam and output a single image for each video frame captured.
I have tried using gstreamer with a multifilesink, e.g.:
gst-launch v4l2src device=/dev/video1 ! video/x-raw-yuv,framerate=30/1 ! ffmpegcolorspace ! pngenc ! multifilesink location="frame%d.png"
However, this does not actually output every frame, meaning that if I record for 2 seconds at 30 fps, I don't get 60 images. I'm assuming this is because the encoding can't go that fast, so I need another method.
I figured it might work if I have one pipeline capture a video, and a separate pipeline convert that video to frames, but I don't know enough about codecs. Do I need to encode the video to a file like h264 or mp4 just to then decode it again?
Does anyone have any thoughts or suggestions? Keep in mind that I need to be able to do this in code, not using an application like Adobe Premiere, for example.
You could simply add a queue in there like this:
gst-launch v4l2src device=/dev/video1 ! video/x-raw-yuv,framerate=30/1 ! queue ! ffmpegcolorspace ! pngenc ! multifilesink location="frame%d.png"
This should make sure the video-capture is allowed to run at 30 fps, and then writing it to
disk can happen in its own tempo. Just be aware that the queue will grow to quite a large size
if you leave this setup for too long.
the solution I have to offer doesn't use gstreamer but ffmpeg. I hope that's fine for you too.
As described in this forum post, you can use something like this:
ffmpeg -i movie.avi frame%d.png
to get a png/jpg image for each frame of the video.
But depending on the input file you use, you might have to convert it to an MPEG vid before running ffmpeg.
If you want leading zeroes in your image file names, use %05d instead (for 5-digit numbers, like in C's printf()):
ffmpeg -i movie.avi frame%05d.png
The output file format depends on the file extension, so you might use .jpg, .bmp, ... instead of .png.
I ended up doing this in two parts.
Write video to file.
gst-launch v4l2src device=/dev/video2 ! video/x-raw-yuv,framerate=30/1 ! xvidenc ! queue ! avimux ! filesink location=test.avi
Post process.
gst-launch-1.0 --gst-debug-level=3 filesrc location=test.avi ! decodebin ! queue ! autovideoconvert ! pngenc ! multifilesink location="frame%d.png"

Gstreamer: Pausing/resuming video in RTP streams

I'm constructing a gstreamer pipeline that receives two RTP streams from an networked source:
ILBC Audio stream + corresponding RTCP stream
H263 Video stream + corresponding RTCP stream
Everything is put into one gstreamer pipeline so it will use the RTCP from both streams to synchronize audio/video. So far I've come up with this (using gst-launch for prototyping):
gst-launch -vvv gstrtpbin name=rtpbin
udpsrc caps="application/x-rtp,media=(string)video,clock-rate=(int)90000,encoding-name=(string)H263-2000" port=40000 ! rtpbin.recv_rtp_sink_0
rtpbin. ! rtph263pdepay ! ffdec_h263 ! xvimagesink
udpsrc port=40001 ! rtpbin.recv_rtcp_sink_0
rtpbin.send_rtcp_src_0 ! udpsink port=40002 sync=false async=false
udpsrc caps="application/x-rtp,media=(string)audio,clock-rate=(int)8000,encoding-name=(string)PCMU,encoding-params=(string)1,octet-align=(string)1" port=60000 rtpbin.recv_rtp_sink_1
rtpbin. ! rtppcmudepay ! autoaudiosink
udpsrc port=60001 ! rtpbin.recv_rtcp_sink_1
rtpbin.send_rtcp_src_1 ! udpsink port=60002 sync=false async=false
This pipeline works well if the networked source starts out with sending both video and audio. If the videostream is paused later on, gstreamer will still playback audio and even will start playing back the video when the networked source resumes the video stream.
My problem is however that if the networked source starts out with only an audio stream (video might be added later on), the pipeline seems to pause/freeze until the video stream starts as well.
Since video is optional (and can be added/removed at will by the user) in my application, is there any way I can hook up for instance an 'videotestsrc' that will provide some kind of fallback video data to keep the pipeline running when there is no networked video data?
I've tried experimenting with 'videotestsrc' and a thing called 'videomixer' but I think that mixer still requires both streams to be alive. Any feedback is greatly appreciated!
I present a simple function for pause resume by changing bins. In the following example I provide the logic to change destination bin on the fly dynamically. This shall not completely stop the pipeline which is what you seek I believe. A similar logic could be used for src bins. Here you may remove your network source bin and related decoder/demux bins and add videotestsrc bins.
private static void dynamic_bin_replacement(Pipeline pipe, Element src_bin, Element dst_bin_new, Element dst_bin_old) {
The other logic you may want to try is "PADLOCKING". Please take a look at the following posts
Adding and removing audio sources to/from GStreamer pipeline on-the-go
Try output-selector and input-selector bins as they seem to be better alternative. I found them most reliable and have had immense luck with them. I use fakesink or fakesrc respectively as the other end of the selector.
valve bin is another alternative that I found doesn't even need fakesink or fakesrc bins. It is also extremely reliable.
Also the correct state transition order for media file source
PLAYING -> PAUSED -> READY -> NULL (Downwards)
My order in the above example should be corrected where ready() should come before pause(). Also I would tend to think un-linking should be performed after null() state and not after pause(). I haven't tried these changes but theoretically they should work.
See the following link for detailed info

How do I use gstreamer to encode an ffv1 file?

I'd like to encode a video with gstreamer to an FFV1 (ffmpeg's lossless video format) file. However, I cannot work out what type of mux'ing to use. If I run this:
gst-launch videotestsrc ! ffenc_ffv1 ! filesink location="test.ffv1"
Then the thing runs OK, but the resulting file doesn't appear to be a valid video file. When creating theora videos, I've previously written "theora ! oggmux ! filesink" in the pipeline, and this works. However, oggmux doesn't work here. What type of transport stream should I be using here, and what is the correct gst-launch fudge to use?
This does not seem to be supported in the version I have installed. You can check it for your version by saving the output of gst-xmlinspect to a file and searching for video/x-ffv in this file. The elements where this mime type is mentioned are:
So it seems this is supported by the avi demuxer but not by any muxer.
PS: The mime type can be found with gst-inspect ffenc_ffv1.