Customize visualization toolbar in PowerBi embedded editor - powerbi

Is it possible to customize the visualizations toolbar of the PowerBi embedded editor? I want to hide some visual (for example all the charts, and leave only the table visuals)

Working with PBIE too.
Currently there is no legal way to customize/hide visuals pane via API or SDK.
You always can play with jQuery selectors for hiding things.
As idea just set event handler on rendered and then try something like $(".visual-types-container button").slice(0,24).each(function(elem) { $(this).remove();})
Plus handle special cases like expand/collapse pane:
$("article.visualizationPane button.toggleBtn").on("click", function() {
var parent = $("article.visualizationPane");
var showVisuals = ["Slicer", "Table", "Matrix"];
$("article.visualizationPane div.visual-types-container button").filter(function()
return -1 == showVisuals.indexOf($(this).attr("title"))
}).each(function() {
Everything can be broken once Microsoft released changes with new UI design.


How to listen to the event that a visual is selected?

When a visual is selected (by mouse or keyboard), the Visualizations pane will highlight the visual type icon and list the things related to the selected visual.
How do I implement such functionality?
Checking each visual.isActive() in active page is not an option, because you don't know when to check, and the html element (used for embedding) click/change event is not propagated through.
Tried buttonClicked, dataSelected events, they are not right.
Is this supported or not?
Listening to the event of selection of visuals is not currently supported in Power BI Embedded. The objects on which the events are supported currently are reports, dashboards, and tiles.
However, you can get the visuals of specific page using this code.
report.on("loaded", function() {
.then(function(pages) {
// Retrieve first page.
var firstPage = pages[0];
.then(function(visuals) {
console.log(visuals); // It will give you the list of visuals of the current page
You can also listen to the tileClicked event for the dashboards, as it will give you tile-specific information.
tile.on("tileClicked", function (event) {
Log.logText("Tile clicked event");
Please refer :

How to setUp UiTableViewController below the battery bar

newBie here. I have added an UItableViewController into storyBoard. I use this as a setting page.
HomeVC ----> Setting VC
In code : I use the below code to bring the tableView below the battery Bar:
self.tableView.contentInset = UIEdgeInsets(top: 20,left: 0,bottom: 0,right: 0)
How to move the TableView down below the battery bar so that I can add a button above the table in StoryBoard
Please help.
For this you should use a normal view controller and drag a table on the view controller this way you can make the table size whatever you like. This will also allow you to place buttons wherever you like.
Don't forget to assign the TableViewDataSource and TableViewDelegate to your view controller.
Good luck!
After doing some search on UiTableViewController, to use it as setting page I have to set static cell to it. This UiTableViewController will occupy the entire view.
To set the tableView below the battery icon,
use:self.tableView.contentInset = UIEdgeInsets(top: 20,left: 0,bottom: 0,right: 0)
However, No need to do so. In the first TableViewSection, you can create a few tableView cell, just leave the first cell blank which acts as a margin below the battery bar.

Disable native Next button in Qt installer framework

I have to disable standard next button, on my custom page via installscript.qs file.
I can disable my own button (that I created in .ui file) via .qs script like this: widget.myButton.setEnabled(false);
This man shows that native buttons represented as enumeration and I cannot disable them same way.
Controller Scripting manual page shows some interactions with native buttons. Like gui.clickButton(buttons.NextButton). I go through whole gui object man and don't found anything useful.
Qt installer framework has a native license check page with Next button logic that I need, but I have not found any samples that do it manually. (license page work because its default license page and it's logic inside framework as I understand).
Finally I found isComplete() method that can be useful for me, but it is for C++ API not for qs.
So how to disable native button via installscript.qs file?
In case someone else end ups here, I finally found a cleaner solution: a dynamic widget has a property complete that can be changed to enable and disable the "Next" button. Set it to false to disable the button.
Controller.prototype.DynamicMyWidgetCallback = function()
var currentWidget = gui.currentPageWidget();
if (currentWidget != null)
currentWidget.complete = false
The only solution i had found is call installer.setValue("canContinue" "false");
Then connect page entered event using gui.pageById(QInstaller.TargetDirectory).entered.
In targetPageEntered check our value:
Component.prototype.targetPageEntered = function () {
if (installer.value("canContinue") != "true") {
QMessageBox.information("someid", "Installer",
"You must do smth to continue", QMessageBox.Ok);
Of course you need to change the installer.value when user complete required actions.

Disabling (Greying out) multiple GUI Items in C++

I am looking for an effective way to disable(grey) mutiple items in a MFC C++ application. Depending on if the user is signed into a SQL Server or Oracle account, I wish to disable a section of GUI items.
What I have tried:
I have used the following code to disable one of my two "Create User" buttons.
CWnd *oraCreateUser = GetDlgItem(BTN_ORA_CREATE);
oraCreateUser->EnableWindow(false); //Disable Oracle "Create User" button
CWnd *sqlCreateLogin = GetDlgItem(BTN_SQL_CREATE);
sqlCreateLogin->EnableWindow(false); //Disable SQL Server "Create User" button.
This code works perfectly, however it only disables the button. I wish to disable all items within either groupbox.
Do I need to create a CWnd* object for every item I wish to disable? Is there a more effective way, such as a way to disable all items that are contained within a group box?
I use this:
void EnableDlgItem (CWnd *dlg, int items[], BOOL bEnable)
int i = 0, item ;
while ((item = items[i++]) != 0)
CWnd *pControl = dlg->GetDlgItem(item) ;
if (pControl != NULL)
pControl->EnableWindow(bEnable) ;
And in some CYourDialog::OnSomethingFunction()
static int ids[] = {IDOK, IDC_EDIT1, IDC_EDIT2, 0};
EnableDlgItem(this, ids, FALSE);
As others have said, MFC does not expose a method that allows you to enable/disable a group of controls. You'll need to craft your own code to do that.
I was faced with the very same situation and decided to handle it by deriving my own groupbox class. In my situation, the groupbox enable/disable functioning was tied to the state of a checkbox as seen below.
(I've redacted some information from it).
Clicking on the checkbox will toggle the enable/disable of all controls within the groupbox. There's nothing stopping you from deriving your own class for the groupbox and exposing a method that can be called (rather than a checkbox) to enable/disable controls. The advantage to this approach is that if you create the class in a generic manner, you can re-use it in other situations where a groupbox is the "parent" of other controls.

Appcelerator. Buttons in rows are unclickable

Titanium SDK version: 1.6.2 (tried with 1.7 too)
iPhone SDK version: 4.2
I am developing an iPhone app and I am fetching data from my API and presenting it in a table. In this table I got a button on each row that should allow the user to add that person to his or her contacts. The only problem with the code (I think) is that only the last button responds when being clicked. Nothing happens when I click the other buttons.
This is my code:
What is wrong?
You are adding the button.addEventListener outside of the for statement, and since you are overwriting the button var with each iteration, the eventListener only attaches to the last button created.
This probably isn't the best way to work this, but to fix your problem, move the button.addEventListener inside the for statement, and then check for a unique identifier in the object that gets sent to the event. Example:
for (x=0;x<5;x++) {
var button = Titanium.UI.createButton({
var label = Titanium.UI.createLabel({
text:'LABEL '+x
button.addEventListener('click', function(e){'Button clicked ';
The property is just made up, but now you can see which button sends the event. You could also use title, or anything else that is unique.
Other options to look at are creating unique variable names for each button, but that's probably more work. Also, instead of working with putting a button in the table row, use a label or image, then listen for the event generated by the table or row.