getting iaxclient to send audio to/get audio from buffer instead of audio-device - c++

I'm trying to write a C++ program (altough python would've been fine as well in case someone knows a better (IAX/SIP) alternative) which connects to an Asterisk server.
After connecting, it should listen for audio and process that. It should also send audio back. I'm using for that (note that there are several versions (betas, regular releases, svn version) which all behave differently).
Now if I understood the code of the library correct, then it can call a callback function with an event. One of those events is IAXC_EVENT_AUDIO. In the structure of that IAXC_EVENT_AUDIO there's a direction; incoming outgoing. And that's where I'm lost: with some versions of iaxclient I only receive the IAXC_SOURCE_REMOTE messages, with some both. And if I switch to test-mode (which should only disable the audio-device) I often receive nothing at all. When I receive both IAXC_SOURCE_LOCAL and IAXC_SOURCE_REMOTE, I tried to set the buffers of those events to random data but that doesn't reach the other end at all (I set it to RAW mode).
As anyone any suggestions how to resolve this?
My test-code is:
#include <iaxclient.h>
#include <unistd.h>
int iaxc_event_callback(iaxc_event e)
if (e.type == IAXC_EVENT_TEXT) {
else if (e.type == IAXC_EVENT_LEVELS) {
else if (e.type == IAXC_EVENT_STATE) {
struct iaxc_ev_call_state *st = iaxc_get_event_state(&e);
printf("\tcallno %d state %d format %d remote %s(%s)\n", st->callNo, st->state, st->format,st->remote, st->remote_name);
else if (e.type == IAXC_EVENT_NETSTAT) {
printf("\tcallno %d rtt %d\n", e.ev.netstats.callNo, e.ev.netstats.rtt);
else if (e.type == IAXC_EVENT_AUDIO) {
printf("\t AUDIO!!!! %d %u %d\n",,,;
for(int i=0; i<; i++)
printf("%02x ",[i]);
else {
printf("type: %d\n", e.type);
return 1;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
printf("init %d\n", iaxc_initialize(1));
printf("get audio pref %d\n", iaxc_get_audio_prefs());
//printf("set audio pref %d\n", iaxc_set_audio_prefs(IAXC_AUDIO_PREF_RECV_REMOTE_ENCODED));
printf("set audio pref %d\n", iaxc_set_audio_prefs(IAXC_AUDIO_PREF_RECV_REMOTE_RAW | IAXC_AUDIO_PREF_RECV_LOCAL_RAW));
printf("get audio pref %d\n", iaxc_get_audio_prefs());
printf("start thread %d\n", iaxc_start_processing_thread());
int id = -1;
printf("register %d\n", id = iaxc_register("6003", "1923", ""));
int callNo = -1;
printf("call %d\n", callNo = iaxc_call("6003:1923#"));
printf("unquelch: %d\n", iaxc_unquelch(callNo));
printf("%d\n", iaxc_unregister(id));
printf("%d\n", iaxc_stop_processing_thread());
return 0;

Please have a look in iaxclient_lib.c too see how the logic works. To hook or replace input/output you can change function iaxci_do_audio_callback at memcpy(, data, size); where the buffer is set. Also have a look at service_audio to understand how you can replace the buffer/stream sent to the remote location (e.g. want_send_audio and want_local_audio). You can also create virtual input/output devices in portaudio that iaxclient use for process audio using buffers instead.
For a more concrete example please look at the main method in the simplecall source to get a good start. However, the source code is to long for copy and paste, sorry about that.


Trying to communicate with DMC20xx through USB interface NET2888

I am trying to communicate with a galil motion controler DMC2070 through its USB interface.
The USB interface of the DMC2070 is made with a NET2888 chip but it is not supported by windows 7 or 10.
I currently load the winusb driver and try to communicate with it with libusb-1.0 (statically linked 32bit version) and compile with mingw32-gcc under windows 10 (64bit).
I managed to claim the interface but could not send or receive messages.
Here is my test program :
#include <cstring>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "libusb/libusb.h"
int main(){
char entry;
libusb_context *context = nullptr;
int status, nwrite;
unsigned char buffer[64] = "TP\0";
libusb_device_handle *handle = nullptr;
printf("start usb test (y/n) ?");
scanf("%c", &entry);
if(entry=='n') return 0;
handle = libusb_open_device_with_vid_pid(context, 0x06B3, 0x07D1);
printf("Device %04x:%04x opened with success\n",0x06B3,0x07D1);
else {
printf("device %04x:%04x not found\n",0x06B3,0x07D1);
return 1;
libusb_set_auto_detach_kernel_driver(handle, 1);
status = libusb_claim_interface(handle,0);
fprintf(stderr, "usb_claim_interface error %d\n", status);
return 2;
printf("Interface claimed successfully\n");
status = libusb_bulk_transfer(handle, USB_ENDPOINT_OUT,
buffer, 64, &nwrite, TIMEOUT);
if(status==0) printf("send %d bytes to device\n", nwrite);
else printf("error %d, writing to device\n", status);
return 0;
Here is the resulting output :
start usb test (y/n) ?y
Device 06b3:07d1 opened with success
Interface claimed successfully
error -5, writing to device
Error -5 corresponds to LIBUSB_ERROR_NOT_FOUND which means "Entity not found".
I am not used to deal with USB interface directly, and hope someone with far more experience could enlighten my path.
I am thinking about installing a vm with windows xp and try reverse the driver.
you have to set the configuration before claim interface.

Oboe Async Audio Extraction

I am trying to build a NDK based c++ low latancy audio player which will encounter three operations for multiple audios.
Play from assets.
Stream from an online source.
Play from local device storage.
From one of the Oboe samples provided by Google, I added another function to the class NDKExtractor.cpp to extract a URL based audio and render it to audio device while reading from source at the same time.
int32_t NDKExtractor::decode(char *file, uint8_t *targetData, AudioProperties targetProperties) {
LOGD("Using NDK decoder: %s",file);
// Extract the audio frames
AMediaExtractor *extractor = AMediaExtractor_new();
//using this method instead of AMediaExtractor_setDataSourceFd() as used for asset files in the rythem game example
media_status_t amresult = AMediaExtractor_setDataSource(extractor, file);
if (amresult != AMEDIA_OK) {
LOGE("Error setting extractor data source, err %d", amresult);
return 0;
// Specify our desired output format by creating it from our source
AMediaFormat *format = AMediaExtractor_getTrackFormat(extractor, 0);
int32_t sampleRate;
if (AMediaFormat_getInt32(format, AMEDIAFORMAT_KEY_SAMPLE_RATE, &sampleRate)) {
LOGD("Source sample rate %d", sampleRate);
if (sampleRate != targetProperties.sampleRate) {
LOGE("Input (%d) and output (%d) sample rates do not match. "
"NDK decoder does not support resampling.",
return 0;
} else {
LOGE("Failed to get sample rate");
return 0;
int32_t channelCount;
if (AMediaFormat_getInt32(format, AMEDIAFORMAT_KEY_CHANNEL_COUNT, &channelCount)) {
LOGD("Got channel count %d", channelCount);
if (channelCount != targetProperties.channelCount) {
LOGE("NDK decoder does not support different "
"input (%d) and output (%d) channel counts",
} else {
LOGE("Failed to get channel count");
return 0;
const char *formatStr = AMediaFormat_toString(format);
LOGD("Output format %s", formatStr);
const char *mimeType;
if (AMediaFormat_getString(format, AMEDIAFORMAT_KEY_MIME, &mimeType)) {
LOGD("Got mime type %s", mimeType);
} else {
LOGE("Failed to get mime type");
return 0;
// Obtain the correct decoder
AMediaCodec *codec = nullptr;
AMediaExtractor_selectTrack(extractor, 0);
codec = AMediaCodec_createDecoderByType(mimeType);
AMediaCodec_configure(codec, format, nullptr, nullptr, 0);
bool isExtracting = true;
bool isDecoding = true;
int32_t bytesWritten = 0;
while (isExtracting || isDecoding) {
if (isExtracting) {
// Obtain the index of the next available input buffer
ssize_t inputIndex = AMediaCodec_dequeueInputBuffer(codec, 2000);
//LOGV("Got input buffer %d", inputIndex);
// The input index acts as a status if its negative
if (inputIndex < 0) {
// LOGV("Codec.dequeueInputBuffer try again later");
} else {
LOGE("Codec.dequeueInputBuffer unknown error status");
} else {
// Obtain the actual buffer and read the encoded data into it
size_t inputSize;
uint8_t *inputBuffer = AMediaCodec_getInputBuffer(codec, inputIndex,
//LOGV("Sample size is: %d", inputSize);
ssize_t sampleSize = AMediaExtractor_readSampleData(extractor, inputBuffer,
auto presentationTimeUs = AMediaExtractor_getSampleTime(extractor);
if (sampleSize > 0) {
// Enqueue the encoded data
AMediaCodec_queueInputBuffer(codec, inputIndex, 0, sampleSize,
} else {
LOGD("End of extractor data stream");
isExtracting = false;
// We need to tell the codec that we've reached the end of the stream
AMediaCodec_queueInputBuffer(codec, inputIndex, 0, 0,
if (isDecoding) {
// Dequeue the decoded data
AMediaCodecBufferInfo info;
ssize_t outputIndex = AMediaCodec_dequeueOutputBuffer(codec, &info, 0);
if (outputIndex >= 0) {
// Check whether this is set earlier
LOGD("Reached end of decoding stream");
isDecoding = false;
} else {
// Valid index, acquire buffer
size_t outputSize;
uint8_t *outputBuffer = AMediaCodec_getOutputBuffer(codec, outputIndex,
/*LOGV("Got output buffer index %d, buffer size: %d, info size: %d writing to pcm index %d",
// copy the data out of the buffer
memcpy(targetData + bytesWritten, outputBuffer, info.size);
bytesWritten += info.size;
AMediaCodec_releaseOutputBuffer(codec, outputIndex, false);
} else {
// The outputIndex doubles as a status return if its value is < 0
switch (outputIndex) {
LOGD("dequeueOutputBuffer: try again later");
LOGD("dequeueOutputBuffer: output buffers changed");
LOGD("dequeueOutputBuffer: output outputFormat changed");
format = AMediaCodec_getOutputFormat(codec);
LOGD("outputFormat changed to: %s", AMediaFormat_toString(format));
// Clean up
return bytesWritten;
Now the problem i am facing is that this code it first extracts all the audio data saves it into a buffer which then becomes part of AFileDataSource which i derived from DataSource class in the same sample.
And after its done extracting the whole file it plays by calling the onAudioReady() for Oboe AudioStreamBuilder.
What I need is to play as it streams the chunk of audio buffer.
Optional Query: Also aside from the question it blocks the UI even though i created a foreground service to communicate with the NDK functions to execute this code. Any thoughts on this?
You probably solved this already, but for future readers...
You need a FIFO buffer to store the decoded audio. You can use the Oboe's FIFO buffer e.g. oboe::FifoBuffer.
You can have a low/high watermark for the buffer and a state machine, so you start decoding when the buffer is almost empty and you stop decoding when it's full (you'll figure out the other states that you need).
As a side note, I implemented such player only to find at some later time, that the AAC codec is broken on some devices (Xiaomi and Amazon come to mind), so I had to throw away the AMediaCodec/AMediaExtractor parts and use an AAC library instead.
You have to implement a ringBuffer (or use the one implemented in the oboe example LockFreeQueue.h) and copy the data on buffers that you send on the ringbuffer from the extracting thread. On the other end of the RingBuffer, the audio thread will get that data from the queue and copy it to the audio buffer. This will happen on onAudioReady(oboe::AudioStream *oboeStream, void *audioData, int32_t numFrames) callback that you have to implement in your class (look oboe docs). Be sure to follow all the good practices on the Audio thread (don't allocate/deallocate memory there, no mutexes and no file I/O etc.)
Optional query: A service doesn't run in a separate thread, so obviously if you call it from UI thread it blocks the UI. Look at other types of services, there you can have IntentService or a service with a Messenger that will launch a separate thread on Java, or you can create threads in C++ side using std::thread

Winsock 2, condensing variables into a string, sending it out, then recieving it and reading it back

I am writing some code that involves using an inertia cube tracker, that actively changes its yaw pitch and roll (in degrees) and I need to set up a server that reads that information in order to network the info. So far I have created a client and server, but the problem I am having is either to send the information in one chunck then read it back as three and print it, or to specify which send matches with which recieve.
if( currentTrackerH > 0 )
int iSendResult1;
int iSendResult2;
int iSendResult3;
char EulerBuffer0[64];
char EulerBuffer1[64];
char EulerBuffer2[64];
showStationData( currentTrackerH, &TrackerInfo,
&Stations[station-1], &data.Station[station-1],
//send to the server
sprintf(EulerBuffer0, "%f", data.Station[station-1].Euler[0]);
iSendResult1= send(Connection, EulerBuffer0, sizeof(data.Station[station-1].Euler[0]), NULL);
sprintf(EulerBuffer1, "%f", data.Station[station-1].Euler[1]);
iSendResult2= send(Connection, EulerBuffer1, sizeof(data.Station[station-1].Euler[1]), NULL);
sprintf(EulerBuffer2, "%f", data.Station[station-1].Euler[2]);
iSendResult3= send(Connection, EulerBuffer2, sizeof(data.Station[station-1].Euler[2]), NULL);
}while ((iSendResult1 || iSendResult2 || iSendResult3)>0);
//shutdown the socket when there is no more data to send
iSendResult1 = shutdown(Connection, SD_SEND);
if (iSendResult1 == SOCKET_ERROR)
printf("shutdown failed with error: %d\n", WSAGetLastError());
return 1;
This is my client side and here I will put my server side. The networks connect and my tracker code works just fine but sending and recieving is where it all gets wonky.
//begin recieving data
char yaw[256];
char pitch[256];
char roll[256];
int iResult1;
int iResult2;
int iResult3;
float fyaw, fpitch, froll;
do {
iResult1= recv(newConnection, yaw,sizeof(yaw),NULL);
} while( iResult1 == 0 );
fyaw = atof(yaw);
do {
iResult2= recv(newConnection, pitch,sizeof(pitch),NULL);
} while( iResult1 == 0 );
fpitch = atof(pitch);
do {
iResult3= recv(newConnection, roll,sizeof(roll),NULL);
} while( iResult1 == 0 );
froll = atof(roll);
printf("(%f,%f,%f)deg \n",
fyaw, fpitch, froll);
my knowledge of c++ is not fantastic and any help would be lovely. Thanks!
There is all kinds of wrong in your code. Let's try to break down and correct misconceptions (I assume you're using TCP.) You are sending buffers of one size, but recv'ing potentially a buffer of another size. sizeof(yaw) which is a float, is not the same as the size of the string representation of this float.
Calling send/recv for individual item is slow. Ideally you would define a simple protocol. A message in this protocol would be a string containing all the values you wish to transmit. You send that message using a single send() On the receiving side you read in the stream of data, and look for specific markers that tell you when you have received a complete message. You then process that message, splitting out the different components into your yaw/pitch/roll variables.
An example of a string message would be: "{yaw=1.34;pitch=2.45;roll=5.67}"
Then on the client you continually read into a buffer your data until you reach the "}" Then you can process this message and parse out the different components.

Where is the iteration running in this code?

I'm using NatNet SDK to receiving data from the cameras through tcp connection. In their example code below, it can print the stream data using DataHandler function while waiting for a while(c=_getchar()) loop. I have no idea why the code can both waiting for keyboard input and at the same time printing the camera's data in the DataHandler function in real time. I didn't see the code run in multi threads.
My second question is that how I can get the stream data in a for loop in the main function. If someone can tell me how to use that DataHandler to get data in the main function, that will be great.
// Copyright ?2014 NaturalPoint, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// This software is provided by the copyright holders and contributors "as is" and
// any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied
// warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed.
// In no event shall NaturalPoint, Inc. or contributors be liable for any direct,
// indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages
// (including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services;
// loss of use, data, or profits; or business interruption) however caused
// and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability,
// or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of
// the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage.
This program connects to a NatNet server, receives a data stream, and writes that data stream
to an ascii file. The purpose is to illustrate using the NatNetClient class.
Usage [optional]:
SampleClient [ServerIP] [LocalIP] [OutputFilename]
[ServerIP] IP address of the server (e.g. ( defaults to local machine)
[OutputFilename] Name of points file (pts) to write out. defaults to Client-output.pts
#include <stdio.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <winsock2.h>
#include "NatNetTypes.h"
#include "NatNetClient.h"
#pragma warning( disable : 4996 )
void _WriteHeader(FILE* fp, sDataDescriptions* pBodyDefs);
void _WriteFrame(FILE* fp, sFrameOfMocapData* data);
void _WriteFooter(FILE* fp);
void __cdecl DataHandler(sFrameOfMocapData* data, void* pUserData); // receives data from the server
void __cdecl MessageHandler(int msgType, char* msg); // receives NatNet error mesages
void resetClient();
int CreateClient(int iConnectionType);
unsigned int MyServersDataPort = 3130;
unsigned int MyServersCommandPort = 3131;
int iConnectionType = ConnectionType_Multicast;
//int iConnectionType = ConnectionType_Unicast;
NatNetClient* theClient;
FILE* fp;
char szMyIPAddress[128] = "";
char szServerIPAddress[128] = "";
int analogSamplesPerMocapFrame = 0;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
int iResult;
// parse command line args
strcpy(szServerIPAddress, argv[1]); // specified on command line
printf("Connecting to server at %s...\n", szServerIPAddress);
strcpy(szServerIPAddress, ""); // not specified - assume server is local machine
printf("Connecting to server at LocalMachine\n");
strcpy(szMyIPAddress, argv[2]); // specified on command line
printf("Connecting from %s...\n", szMyIPAddress);
strcpy(szMyIPAddress, ""); // not specified - assume server is local machine
printf("Connecting from LocalMachine...\n");
// Create NatNet Client
iResult = CreateClient(iConnectionType);
if(iResult != ErrorCode_OK)
printf("Error initializing client. See log for details. Exiting");
return 1;
printf("Client initialized and ready.\n");
// send/receive test request
printf("[SampleClient] Sending Test Request\n");
void* response;
int nBytes;
iResult = theClient->SendMessageAndWait("TestRequest", &response, &nBytes);
if (iResult == ErrorCode_OK)
printf("[SampleClient] Received: %s", (char*)response);
// Retrieve Data Descriptions from server
printf("\n\n[SampleClient] Requesting Data Descriptions...");
sDataDescriptions* pDataDefs = NULL;
int nBodies = theClient->GetDataDescriptions(&pDataDefs);
printf("[SampleClient] Unable to retrieve Data Descriptions.");
printf("[SampleClient] Received %d Data Descriptions:\n", pDataDefs->nDataDescriptions );
for(int i=0; i < pDataDefs->nDataDescriptions; i++)
printf("Data Description # %d (type=%d)\n", i, pDataDefs->arrDataDescriptions[i].type);
if(pDataDefs->arrDataDescriptions[i].type == Descriptor_MarkerSet)
// MarkerSet
sMarkerSetDescription* pMS = pDataDefs->arrDataDescriptions[i].Data.MarkerSetDescription;
printf("MarkerSet Name : %s\n", pMS->szName);
for(int i=0; i < pMS->nMarkers; i++)
printf("%s\n", pMS->szMarkerNames[i]);
else if(pDataDefs->arrDataDescriptions[i].type == Descriptor_RigidBody)
// RigidBody
sRigidBodyDescription* pRB = pDataDefs->arrDataDescriptions[i].Data.RigidBodyDescription;
printf("RigidBody Name : %s\n", pRB->szName);
printf("RigidBody ID : %d\n", pRB->ID);
printf("RigidBody Parent ID : %d\n", pRB->parentID);
printf("Parent Offset : %3.2f,%3.2f,%3.2f\n", pRB->offsetx, pRB->offsety, pRB->offsetz);
else if(pDataDefs->arrDataDescriptions[i].type == Descriptor_Skeleton)
// Skeleton
sSkeletonDescription* pSK = pDataDefs->arrDataDescriptions[i].Data.SkeletonDescription;
printf("Skeleton Name : %s\n", pSK->szName);
printf("Skeleton ID : %d\n", pSK->skeletonID);
printf("RigidBody (Bone) Count : %d\n", pSK->nRigidBodies);
for(int j=0; j < pSK->nRigidBodies; j++)
sRigidBodyDescription* pRB = &pSK->RigidBodies[j];
printf(" RigidBody Name : %s\n", pRB->szName);
printf(" RigidBody ID : %d\n", pRB->ID);
printf(" RigidBody Parent ID : %d\n", pRB->parentID);
printf(" Parent Offset : %3.2f,%3.2f,%3.2f\n", pRB->offsetx, pRB->offsety, pRB->offsetz);
else if(pDataDefs->arrDataDescriptions[i].type == Descriptor_ForcePlate)
// Force Plate
sForcePlateDescription* pFP = pDataDefs->arrDataDescriptions[i].Data.ForcePlateDescription;
printf("Force Plate ID : %d\n", pFP->ID);
printf("Force Plate Serial : %s\n", pFP->strSerialNo);
printf("Force Plate Width : %3.2f\n", pFP->fWidth);
printf("Force Plate Length : %3.2f\n", pFP->fLength);
printf("Force Plate Electrical Center Offset (%3.3f, %3.3f, %3.3f)\n", pFP->fOriginX,pFP->fOriginY, pFP->fOriginZ);
for(int iCorner=0; iCorner<4; iCorner++)
printf("Force Plate Corner %d : (%3.4f, %3.4f, %3.4f)\n", iCorner, pFP->fCorners[iCorner][0],pFP->fCorners[iCorner][1],pFP->fCorners[iCorner][2]);
printf("Force Plate Type : %d\n", pFP->iPlateType);
printf("Force Plate Data Type : %d\n", pFP->iChannelDataType);
printf("Force Plate Channel Count : %d\n", pFP->nChannels);
for(int iChannel=0; iChannel<pFP->nChannels; iChannel++)
printf("\tChannel %d : %s\n", iChannel, pFP->szChannelNames[iChannel]);
printf("Unknown data type.");
// Unknown
// Create data file for writing received stream into
char szFile[MAX_PATH];
char szFolder[MAX_PATH];
GetCurrentDirectory(MAX_PATH, szFolder);
if(argc > 3)
sprintf(szFile, "%s\\%s", szFolder, argv[3]);
sprintf(szFile, "%s\\Client-output.pts",szFolder);
fp = fopen(szFile, "w");
printf("error opening output file %s. Exiting.", szFile);
_WriteHeader(fp, pDataDefs);
// Ready to receive marker stream!
printf("\nClient is connected to server and listening for data...\n");
int c;
bool bExit = false;
while(c =_getch())
case 'q':
bExit = true;
case 'r':
case 'p':
sServerDescription ServerDescription;
memset(&ServerDescription, 0, sizeof(ServerDescription));
printf("Unable to connect to server. Host not present. Exiting.");
return 1;
case 'f':
sFrameOfMocapData* pData = theClient->GetLastFrameOfData();
printf("Most Recent Frame: %d", pData->iFrame);
case 'm': // change to multicast
iConnectionType = ConnectionType_Multicast;
iResult = CreateClient(iConnectionType);
if(iResult == ErrorCode_OK)
printf("Client connection type changed to Multicast.\n\n");
printf("Error changing client connection type to Multicast.\n\n");
case 'u': // change to unicast
iConnectionType = ConnectionType_Unicast;
iResult = CreateClient(iConnectionType);
if(iResult == ErrorCode_OK)
printf("Client connection type changed to Unicast.\n\n");
printf("Error changing client connection type to Unicast.\n\n");
case 'c' : // connect
iResult = CreateClient(iConnectionType);
case 'd' : // disconnect
// note: applies to unicast connections only - indicates to Motive to stop sending packets to that client endpoint
iResult = theClient->SendMessageAndWait("Disconnect", &response, &nBytes);
if (iResult == ErrorCode_OK)
printf("[SampleClient] Disconnected");
// Done - clean up.
return ErrorCode_OK;
// Establish a NatNet Client connection
int CreateClient(int iConnectionType)
// release previous server
delete theClient;
// create NatNet client
theClient = new NatNetClient(iConnectionType);
// set the callback handlers
theClient->SetDataCallback( DataHandler, theClient ); // this function will receive data from the server
// [optional] use old multicast group
// print version info
unsigned char ver[4];
printf("NatNet Sample Client (NatNet ver. %d.%d.%d.%d)\n", ver[0], ver[1], ver[2], ver[3]);
// Init Client and connect to NatNet server
// to use NatNet default port assignments
int retCode = theClient->Initialize(szMyIPAddress, szServerIPAddress);
// to use a different port for commands and/or data:
//int retCode = theClient->Initialize(szMyIPAddress, szServerIPAddress, MyServersCommandPort, MyServersDataPort);
if (retCode != ErrorCode_OK)
printf("Unable to connect to server. Error code: %d. Exiting", retCode);
return ErrorCode_Internal;
// get # of analog samples per mocap frame of data
void* pResult;
int ret = 0;
int nBytes = 0;
ret = theClient->SendMessageAndWait("AnalogSamplesPerMocapFrame", &pResult, &nBytes);
if (ret == ErrorCode_OK)
analogSamplesPerMocapFrame = *((int*)pResult);
printf("Analog Samples Per Mocap Frame : %d", analogSamplesPerMocapFrame);
// print server info
sServerDescription ServerDescription;
memset(&ServerDescription, 0, sizeof(ServerDescription));
printf("Unable to connect to server. Host not present. Exiting.");
return 1;
printf("[SampleClient] Server application info:\n");
printf("Application: %s (ver. %d.%d.%d.%d)\n", ServerDescription.szHostApp, ServerDescription.HostAppVersion[0],
printf("NatNet Version: %d.%d.%d.%d\n", ServerDescription.NatNetVersion[0], ServerDescription.NatNetVersion[1],
ServerDescription.NatNetVersion[2], ServerDescription.NatNetVersion[3]);
printf("Client IP:%s\n", szMyIPAddress);
printf("Server IP:%s\n", szServerIPAddress);
printf("Server Name:%s\n\n", ServerDescription.szHostComputerName);
return ErrorCode_OK;
// DataHandler receives data from the server
void __cdecl DataHandler(sFrameOfMocapData* data, void* pUserData)
NatNetClient* pClient = (NatNetClient*) pUserData;
int i=0;
printf("FrameID : %d\n", data->iFrame);
printf("Timestamp : %3.2lf\n", data->fTimestamp);
printf("Latency : %3.2lf\n", data->fLatency);
// FrameOfMocapData params
bool bIsRecording = ((data->params & 0x01)!=0);
bool bTrackedModelsChanged = ((data->params & 0x02)!=0);
printf("Models Changed.\n");
// timecode - for systems with an eSync and SMPTE timecode generator - decode to values
int hour, minute, second, frame, subframe;
bool bValid = pClient->DecodeTimecode(data->Timecode, data->TimecodeSubframe, &hour, &minute, &second, &frame, &subframe);
// decode to friendly string
char szTimecode[128] = "";
pClient->TimecodeStringify(data->Timecode, data->TimecodeSubframe, szTimecode, 128);
printf("Timecode : %s\n", szTimecode);
// Other Markers
printf("Other Markers [Count=%d]\n", data->nOtherMarkers);
for(i=0; i < data->nOtherMarkers; i++)
printf("Other Marker %d : %3.2f\t%3.2f\t%3.2f\n",
// Rigid Bodies
printf("Rigid Bodies [Count=%d]\n", data->nRigidBodies);
for(i=0; i < data->nRigidBodies; i++)
// params
// 0x01 : bool, rigid body was successfully tracked in this frame
bool bTrackingValid = data->RigidBodies[i].params & 0x01;
printf("Rigid Body [ID=%d Error=%3.2f Valid=%d]\n", data->RigidBodies[i].ID, data->RigidBodies[i].MeanError, bTrackingValid);
printf("\tRigid body markers [Count=%d]\n", data->RigidBodies[i].nMarkers);
for(int iMarker=0; iMarker < data->RigidBodies[i].nMarkers; iMarker++)
printf("MarkerID:%d", data->RigidBodies[i].MarkerIDs[iMarker]);
printf("\tMarkerSize:%3.2f", data->RigidBodies[i].MarkerSizes[iMarker]);
printf("\tMarkerPos:%3.2f,%3.2f,%3.2f\n" ,
// skeletons
printf("Skeletons [Count=%d]\n", data->nSkeletons);
for(i=0; i < data->nSkeletons; i++)
sSkeletonData skData = data->Skeletons[i];
printf("Skeleton [ID=%d Bone count=%d]\n", skData.skeletonID, skData.nRigidBodies);
for(int j=0; j< skData.nRigidBodies; j++)
sRigidBodyData rbData = skData.RigidBodyData[j];
printf("Bone %d\t%3.2f\t%3.2f\t%3.2f\t%3.2f\t%3.2f\t%3.2f\t%3.2f\n",
rbData.ID, rbData.x, rbData.y, rbData.z, rbData.qx, rbData.qy, rbData.qz, rbData.qw );
printf("\tRigid body markers [Count=%d]\n", rbData.nMarkers);
for(int iMarker=0; iMarker < rbData.nMarkers; iMarker++)
printf("MarkerID:%d", rbData.MarkerIDs[iMarker]);
printf("\tMarkerSize:%3.2f", rbData.MarkerSizes[iMarker]);
printf("\tMarkerPos:%3.2f,%3.2f,%3.2f\n" ,
// labeled markers
bool bOccluded; // marker was not visible (occluded) in this frame
bool bPCSolved; // reported position provided by point cloud solve
bool bModelSolved; // reported position provided by model solve
printf("Labeled Markers [Count=%d]\n", data->nLabeledMarkers);
for(i=0; i < data->nLabeledMarkers; i++)
bOccluded = ((data->LabeledMarkers[i].params & 0x01)!=0);
bPCSolved = ((data->LabeledMarkers[i].params & 0x02)!=0);
bModelSolved = ((data->LabeledMarkers[i].params & 0x04)!=0);
sMarker marker = data->LabeledMarkers[i];
int modelID, markerID;
theClient->DecodeID(marker.ID, &modelID, &markerID);
printf("Labeled Marker [ModelID=%d, MarkerID=%d, Occluded=%d, PCSolved=%d, ModelSolved=%d] [size=%3.2f] [pos=%3.2f,%3.2f,%3.2f]\n",
modelID, markerID, bOccluded, bPCSolved, bModelSolved, marker.size, marker.x, marker.y, marker.z);
// force plates
printf("No Plates\n");
printf("Force Plate [Count=%d]\n", data->nForcePlates);
for(int iPlate=0; iPlate < data->nForcePlates; iPlate++)
printf("Force Plate %d\n", data->ForcePlates[iPlate].ID);
for(int iChannel=0; iChannel < data->ForcePlates[iPlate].nChannels; iChannel++)
printf("\tChannel %d:\t", iChannel);
if(data->ForcePlates[iPlate].ChannelData[iChannel].nFrames == 0)
printf("\tEmpty Frame\n");
else if(data->ForcePlates[iPlate].ChannelData[iChannel].nFrames != analogSamplesPerMocapFrame)
printf("\tPartial Frame [Expected:%d Actual:%d]\n", analogSamplesPerMocapFrame, data->ForcePlates[iPlate].ChannelData[iChannel].nFrames);
for(int iSample=0; iSample < data->ForcePlates[iPlate].ChannelData[iChannel].nFrames; iSample++)
printf("%3.2f\t", data->ForcePlates[iPlate].ChannelData[iChannel].Values[iSample]);
// MessageHandler receives NatNet error/debug messages
void __cdecl MessageHandler(int msgType, char* msg)
printf("\n%s\n", msg);
/* File writing routines */
void _WriteHeader(FILE* fp, sDataDescriptions* pBodyDefs)
int i=0;
if(!pBodyDefs->arrDataDescriptions[0].type == Descriptor_MarkerSet)
sMarkerSetDescription* pMS = pBodyDefs->arrDataDescriptions[0].Data.MarkerSetDescription;
fprintf(fp, "<MarkerSet>\n\n");
fprintf(fp, "<Name>\n%s\n</Name>\n\n", pMS->szName);
fprintf(fp, "<Markers>\n");
for(i=0; i < pMS->nMarkers; i++)
fprintf(fp, "%s\n", pMS->szMarkerNames[i]);
fprintf(fp, "</Markers>\n\n");
fprintf(fp, "<Data>\n");
fprintf(fp, "Frame#\t");
for(i=0; i < pMS->nMarkers; i++)
fprintf(fp, "M%dX\tM%dY\tM%dZ\t", i, i, i);
void _WriteFrame(FILE* fp, sFrameOfMocapData* data)
fprintf(fp, "%d", data->iFrame);
for(int i =0; i < data->MocapData->nMarkers; i++)
fprintf(fp, "\t%.5f\t%.5f\t%.5f", data->MocapData->Markers[i][0], data->MocapData->Markers[i][1], data->MocapData->Markers[i][2]);
fprintf(fp, "\n");
void _WriteFooter(FILE* fp)
fprintf(fp, "</Data>\n\n");
fprintf(fp, "</MarkerSet>\n");
void resetClient()
int iSuccess;
printf("\n\nre-setting Client\n\n.");
iSuccess = theClient->Uninitialize();
if(iSuccess != 0)
printf("error un-initting Client\n");
iSuccess = theClient->Initialize(szMyIPAddress, szServerIPAddress);
if(iSuccess != 0)
printf("error re-initting Client\n");
Very likely NatNetClient() or client->Initialize() is creating a new thread in the background. Since I do not have access to their code, I can't validate reliably.
You can either create a synchronous look in the main and always send and receive messages via NatNetClient::SendMessageAndWait
To receive data asyncronously, you need to figure out a way to poll on stdin (for getch) and also wait on a lock simultaneously. I am not sure how to do this on Microsoft console. If you figure that out, then when the handler gets control, de-queue the message into a link-list and wakup a mutex to notify the main.
The NatNet sample spins off a different thread for handling the data using the DataHandler function. The following line is where this happens:
theClient->SetDataCallback( DataHandler, theClient );
I would recommend doing the processing strictly in the DataHandler function. However, if talking between threads in necessary, then it's worth looking into the C++ 11 libraries
#include <threads>
#include <mutex>
Specifically mutex is used to lock and unlock threads in C++. You could create a global variable and write to it using the DataHandler function, then use that global variable in your main function. The problem is that you may read and write the data at the same time, because main and DataHandler are on different threads. So you can use the mutex library to lock a thread while reading or writing that global variable (meaning only that thread is allowed to run while doing that process).
Note: The NatNet sample actually uses a UDP transmission not TCP.

Corruption of data in memcpy

I'm currently working on a project using sockets via WinSock and have come across a peculiar problem. I'll attach the code before I start explaining.
#include "Connection.h"
Connection::Connection(SOCKET sock, int socketType)
: m_sock(sock), m_recvCount(0), m_sendCount(0), m_socketType(socketType)
printf("Succesfully created connection\n");
printf("Closing socket %d", m_sock);
void Connection::ProcessMessage(const NetMessage *message){
printf("Got network message: type %d, data %s\n", message->type, message->data);
bool Connection::ReadSocket(){
// Call this when the socket is ready to read.
// Returns true if the socket should be closed.
// used to store count between the sockets
int count = 0;
if(m_socketType == SOCK_STREAM){
// attempt to read a TCP socket message
// Receive as much data from the client as will fit in the buffer.
count = recv(m_sock, &m_recvBuf[m_recvCount], sizeof(m_recvBuf) - m_recvCount, 0);
else if(m_socketType == SOCK_DGRAM){
// attempt to read UDP socket message
// temporarily stores details of the address which sent the message
// since UDP doesn't worry about whether it's connected to the
// sender or not
sockaddr_in fromAddr;
int fromAddrSize = sizeof(fromAddr);
count = recvfrom(m_sock, &m_recvBuf[m_recvCount], sizeof(m_recvBuf) - m_recvCount, 0, (sockaddr*) &fromAddr, &fromAddrSize);
printf("Unknown socket type %d\n", m_socketType);
return true;
if (count <= 0)
printf("Tried to receive on socket %d and got %d bytes\n", m_sock, count);
printf("Client connection closed or broken\n");
return true;
// if we get to this point we have essentially received a complete message
// and must process it
printf("Received %d bytes from the client (total %d)\n", count, m_recvCount);
m_recvCount += count;
// Have we received a complete message?
// if so, process it
if (m_recvCount == sizeof NetMessage)
ProcessMessage((const NetMessage *) m_recvBuf);
m_recvCount = 0;
return false;
bool Connection::WriteSocket(){
// Sends the data in the send buffer through the socket
int count;
if(m_socketType == SOCK_STREAM){
// attempt to read TCP socket message
count = send(m_sock, m_sendBuf, m_sendCount, 0);
else if(m_socketType == SOCK_DGRAM){
// attempt to read UDP socket message
count = sendto(m_sock, m_sendBuf, m_sendCount, 0, 0, 0);
// unhandled type of socket, kill server
printf("Unknown socket type %d", m_socketType);
return true;
if (count <= 0)
// we have received an error from the socket
printf("Client connection closed or broken\n");
return true;
m_sendCount -= count;
printf("Sent %d bytes to the client (%d left)\n", count, m_sendCount);
printf("Data: %s", m_sendBuf);
// Remove the sent data from the start of the buffer.
memmove(m_sendBuf, &m_sendBuf[count], m_sendCount);
return false;
bool Connection::WantWrite(){
if(m_sendCount > 0){
return true;
return false;
bool Connection::WantRead(){
return true;
bool Connection::SetMessage(const NetMessage *message){
// store contents of the message in the send buffer
// to allow us to send later
if (m_sendCount + sizeof(NetMessage) > sizeof(m_sendBuf))
return true;
memcpy(&m_sendBuf, message, sizeof(message));
m_sendCount += sizeof(NetMessage);
return false;
and the protocol
/* Definitions for the network protocol that the client and server use to communicate */
#ifndef PROTOCOL_H
#define PROTOCOL_H
// Message types.
enum MessageType
// The message structure.
// This is a "plain old data" type, so we can send it over the network.
// (In a real program, we would want this structure to be packed.)
struct NetMessage
MessageType type;
char* data;
: type(MT_UNKNOWN)
Essentially the protocol holds the definition of the messages that the client and server throw around to each other. The problem I am having is that, in connection.cpp line 132 (memcpy), the message becomes garbled in sendBuf.,9ShRtHi
The image above shows exactly what is happening. As said in protocol.h the struct is a POD so when I do memcpy it should transfer the number of bytes as is held in the struct (so for example the message type should be 1 byte, followed by 7 or 8 bytes of data, in the example).
Can anyone shed some light on this? It's driving me crazy.
The line you wrote will copy 4 bytes (sizeof(pointer)) on 32bit systems:
memcpy(&m_sendBuf, message, sizeof(message));
what you probably meant is:
memcpy(&m_sendBuf, message, sizeof(NetMessage));
In addition, as a commenter remarked, your data type is NOT a POD. It holds a pointer. You transfer that pointer. At the target system, it will point to the same place in RAM, but there will not be anything there. You need to actually make your datatype a POD by using an array or you need to find a way to transfer the data pointed to. You can achieve this by transfering the type, a length and a number of characters. That means that your receiver can NOT rely on messages being of fixed size.