Is it safe to remove tmp files from wamp/tmp/ folder - wamp

I have a few Gigs worth of files inside my C:\wamp\tmp folder. Is there any reason why I should not remove these files?


How to check whether a folder exists or not in gcp cloud storage out of 1 million folders

For example I have structure like this.
bucketname/checked/folder1/some files
bucketname/checked/folder2/some files
bucketname/checked/folder3/some files
bucketname/checked/folder4/some files
bucketname/checked/folder5/some files
bucketname/checked/folder6/some files
bucketname/checked/folder7/some files
bucketname/checked/folder8/some files
bucketname/checked/folder9/some files
bucketname/checked/folder10/some files
bucketname/checked/folder11/some files
bucketname/checked/folder-1million/some files
1. If I have to check whether folder99999 exists or not. So,what would be the best way to check it (we have information of folder name - folder99999) ?
2. If we simply check path that exists or not, and if not then it means, folder don't exists. would it work fine If we have millions of folders?
3. Which data structure gcp uses to retrieve the folder data ?
The true answer is this one provided by John: folder doesn't exist. All the files are stored at the root directory (bucket level) and the file name is the full path. By human convention, the / is the folder separator and the console display fake folders.
If you haven't files in a "folder", the "folder" doesn't exist, it's not interpreted/deduced from the name fully qualified path. The folder is not a Cloud Storage resource
It's also for that reason that you search only by path prefix
However, it depends what you want to check. If you exactly know which folder you want to check and validate, and if there is at least one file in it, you can directly list the files with the folder path as prefix.

Filezilla lets to duplicate files with utf8 filenames in same folder

When I'm uploading all folder tree with all files, filezilla corrupts files with utf8 filenames. It writes them there, the files are OK, but they isn't served by nginx.
When I open some folder and select files from my computer same folder, draging them by hand, they duplicates, but these new files, are shown by nginx!
So if I originally uploaded 6 files to current folder when uploading all folders tree, then opening just this one current folder Filezilla lets me again to upload same 6 files, but it becomes as 12 files. When I select to drag files again, it won't become 18, Filezilla overwriting these 6 which I had draged by hand, leaves another 6 untouched.
I have about 2000 different folders in my folders tree, with files inside. When I upload all folder tree, no files which has utf8 in filename are shown by nginx. When I open every dir and redrag files by hand, they start work on nginx, also they are draged as new ones in that folder as I said before.
Filezilla uploading files somehow wrong when uploading all folder tree... But Correctly when dragging only files.
I googled for you, and found this advice:
I am not sure if it solves your problem, but try under "File
server manager" "character set" and there force UTF-8.

How to make a .bat to move files in a folder to a different folder, based on a text file listing the files to be moved?

I have a lot of files in one folder that I want to move to another folder. I have the files I want moved listed in a text file. Is there a way I can make a .bat so the files listed in the text file get moved to another folder?
I found this where this code
for /f "delims=" %%f in (files_to_delete.txt) do del "%%f"
sort of does I want, meaning that the batch uses a text file to process files, except it deletes the files. How do I modify this code so the files are moved to another folder?
Another question, the above code deletes files without going through the recycling bin. So how do I modify the code so when it deletes, the files get moved to the recycling bin. If that happens, then I can easily drag it out to a new folder. I'm a newb using Windows 10. Thank you.

How can I delete files from folders and subfolders before deleting the subfolders themselves in Win32?

Deleting a directory in Win32 API (RemoveDirectory) requires all files under that folder to be deleted before deleting the folder. So assuming I have a folder 'foo' at the root, with files in it, along with some subfolders that also may or may not have files, how do I recursively delete all the files, and then the subfolders?
It generally requires a recursive function, that reads the contents of the directory you want to delete (via FindFirstFile()/FindNextFile()) - if a file is encountered, delete it, otherwise recurse into the folder and then delete the folder when the recursion returns.
Or you can just use IFileOperation and the system will do all the work for you.

How can I make LESS build CSS files whilst maintaining their folder structure in Sublime Text 2?

I'm trying to setup my projects to all compile LESS the same way. Currently, I have my source files in their own folder. In that folder the modules are categorized into different sub-folders. (e.g. less/reset.less, less/variables.less, less/module/nav.less, less/layout/inline.less, etc.)
I want my build file to compile these files into another folder, but maintain the sub-folder structure. So:
less/mixins.less -> css/reset.css
less/module/nav.less -> css/module/nav.css
less/layout/inline.less -> css/layout/inline.css
"cmd": ["lessc", "$file", "${file_path}/../css/${file_base_name}.css", "--verbose"],