Ultramem VM Instances Access - google-cloud-platform

I'm trying to determine how I can obtain access to Google's new ultramem instances, as described here:
I can't see them from within 'create an instance' in my GCP, and I checked to make sure the region is matching what the blog post advertises as an available region.
Perhaps somebody has some information on this, or can tell me how I can contact Google and ask about this without having to purchase a support package.

GCP offers different machine type alternatives that can be used when creating VMs in GCE, such as predifined and custom machines.
Predefined machine types - Have a fixed collection of resources that come in four different classes. Standard, High-memory, High-CPU and Memory-optimized (ultramem machines). These machine types options can be selected by using the Machine type dropdown displayed at the New VM instance section when Creating an instance.
Customize machine types - Used to specify the number of vCPUs and the amount of system memory for your instance. This option can be selected by using the Customize link displayed at the New VM instance section when Creating an instance.


Assigning multiple private-to-public mapping on a single GCE instance with a single NIC

Is this setup possible in Google Cloud Platform? Because this setup is possible and easy to setup in Amazon Web Service.
There is no way do exactly what you're asking in GCP.
However there is a way to map multiple public IP's to a single VM instance using forwarding rules which was discussed here.
To give you better understanding of GCP's networking have a loouk at how
you can create a VM with multiple interfaces (up to 8 per VM).
Also this documentation may be usefull - how to create a VM with multiple NIC's.
Last piece of documentation describes some exaples and use cases with VM's and multiple NIC's which also may be helpful.

AWS/GCP: Is it possible to have a VM with dynamic CPU/RAM?

I want to write my program so I can "add more threads" to scale. This would mean using a standard library API to create more threads, and using only a single VM instance that dynamically scales from 1 core to 128 cores as needed.
Is there any cloud provider/OS combo that would allow me to automatically add more CPU cores and RAM to my guest OS on demand as utilisation approaches 100%?
I understand this would need to be implemented in the AWS/GCP hypervisor and the guest OS.
If not, is this possible in the future?
I know FAAS exists but I do not want to rely on network based storage - I just want to use disk storage on a single instance.
Unfortunately, such VMs aren't available for GCP and AWS.
Have a look at the documentation Machine types:
A machine type is a set of virtualized hardware resources available to
a virtual machine (VM) instance, including the system memory size,
virtual CPU (vCPU) count, and persistent disk limits. In Compute
Engine, machine types are grouped and curated by families for
different workloads. You can choose from general-purpose,
memory-optimized, and compute-optimized families.
You must choose a machine type when you create an instance. You can select from a number of predefined machine types in each machine type
family. If the predefined machine types do not meet your needs, you
can create your own custom machine types.
and at the Changing the Machine Type of a Stopped Instance:
You can change the machine type of a stopped instance if it is not part of a managed instance group.
So, as you can see, it's not possible to have dynamic CPU/RAM for GCP VMs.
As a possible workaround for GCP, you can try to file a feature request at Google Issue Tracker.
Have a look at the documentation Instance types:
When you launch an instance, the instance type that you specify
determines the hardware of the host computer used for your instance.
Each instance type offers different compute, memory, and storage
capabilities and are grouped in instance families based on these
capabilities. Select an instance type based on the requirements of the
application or software that you plan to run on your instance.
then at the Changing the instance type:
As your needs change, you might find that your instance is
over-utilized (the instance type is too small) or under-utilized (the
instance type is too large). If this is the case, you can change the
size of your instance.
and at the section Resizing an Amazon EBS–backed instance:
You must stop your Amazon EBS–backed instance before you can change
its instance type.
also at the section Migrating an instance store-backed instance:
When you want to move your application from one instance store-backed
instance to an instance store-backed instance with a different
instance type, you must migrate it by creating an image from your
instance, and then launching a new instance from this image with the
instance type that you need.
As you can see, it's quite the same story for AWS VMs.
You can try to request such feature by following this document.

Error starting virtual machine - Not enough resources available

I am trying to start an virtual machine on Google Cloud. I get an error that there isn't enough resources to fulfill my request.
I have been using Google Cloud for about one week to study and try automated trading systems through Metatrader5 on a Linux server.
I was able to use my machine using VNC server, even this morning, but suddenly all my machines (are all on same location) started to show an error when trying to start:
The zone 'projects/metatrader-227016/zones/southamerica-east1-b' does not have enough resources available to fulfill the request. Try a different zone, or try again later.
I read about moving my instance to another region, but it's not a simple instruction. What is strange is that my VM is really small and lightweight.
Unfortunately this problem appears with Google Cloud Compute once in a while. You have several options:
Wait. The resource will eventually be available.
Resize your instance to a different size. A different instance size might be available.
Change regions.
If you have paid support, open a support ticket with Google Cloud Support.
The smaller instance sizes are cheaper and therefore in higher demand.
To move an instance to a different region:
Login to the Google Cloud Console. Go to Compute Engine -> Disks.
Select your disk for the instance you plan to move.
At the top of the screen click CREATE IMAGE. Give the image a name. For Family enter anything you want but remember it.
Once the image creation completes, create a new Compute Engine VM in the region that you want. When creating the new VM, under Boot disk, click Change. You will find your image under the tab Custom images.

What are 'managed' and 'non-managed' availability sets?

I'm trying to provision an Azure VM programmatically and I got this:
An unhandled exception of type 'Microsoft.Rest.Azure.CloudException' occurred in mscorlib.dll
Additional information:
Addition of a VM with managed disks to non-managed Availability Set or addition of a VM with blob based disks to managed Availability Set is not supported.
Please create an Availability Set with 'managed' property set in order to add a VM with managed disks to it.
Unfortunately I don't understand the distinction its talking about with managed and non-managed availability sets. The API I am using for creating availability sets doesn't even obviously have such a flag/property. What conceptual background info am I missing here?
I'm afraid it says what it should. And that state is clear.
You can't mix managed and unmanaged resources and availability sets. So if you want to have managed disk, VM it has to be created in managed availability set. Please follow this link to see more descriptive explanation at their help center.
When you create an availability set through the Azure Portal or through the ARM PowerShell module you can choose whether it will contain managed or unmanaged disks.
The following image shows the difference between both types (taken from this video):
Basically a managed availability set can only contain VMs with managed disks. A managed disk will automatically place the VM images in a different storage unit, so that if one of them fails it won't take down all of them.
There is more information here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-gb/azure/virtual-machines/windows/managed-disks-overview

Create basic AWS CloufFormation Template for single server

I have no experience with AWS CloudFormation Templates so I apologize for the incredibly simple question which I can't find an answer to because I think it is so basic.
I am trying to create a cloudformation template for a single server in AWS Test Drive. Here is the criteria:
Deploy AMI
Force m3-large (no other sizes available)
Will be running in a single location (no other location available)
Utilize existing security group
Get a public IP Spit back the public DNS or public IP address
Everything I've looked up wants to be more complex than I think I need and I can't figure out which pieces are needed and which ones can be taken out. What is the bare minimum to deploy a single ami with no customization (all customization is performed inside the VM during bootup. There should also be no options for other data center locations or other sizes. All templates I've seen have a bunch of options for multiple data centers and multiple sizes and sets up a security group.
I appreciate the links to the AWS site however I have already been there and this is one of the templates that has too much info and I don't know what I can change\exclude.
Thanks for your help.
Amazon Web Services documentation includes a single-server CloudFormation template that simply creates a Linux EC2 instance and accompanying security group. This one is based in US West 2 (Oregon), but does not appear to be region-specific and should work in any region.
This sample can be found along with others here: