ServiceStack: Authenticate each request using headers in the HTTP request - web-services

I have have read other posts on the same topic, but I haven't really gotten a clear picture of how to best solve this:
I have a webservice, that is "stateless" when it comes to the authentication/session, meaning that the client will send two strings with every request (in the HTTP header), AuthToken and DeviceUUID.
These two strings are then compared to the storage, and if found, we know which user it is.
Id like to use the [Authenticate] attribute for each service that I want to protect, and then a method should be executed where I check the two strings.
If I add the [RequiredRole], a method should also be executed, where I have access to the HTTP headers (the two strings), so I can do my lookup.
I am unsure of how to do this in the easiest and cleanest manner possible. I do not want to create ServiceStack Session objects etc, I just want a method that, for each decorated services, runs a method to check authenticated state.

If you want to execute something else in addition when the [Authenticate] and [RequiredRole] attributes are used then it sounds like you want a custom [MyAuthenticate] Request Filter attribute which does both, i.e. validates that the request is Authenticated and executes your custom functionality, e.g:
public class MyAuthenticateAttribute : AuthenticateAttribute
public override async Task ExecuteAsync(IRequest req, IResponse res, object dto)
await base.ExecuteAsync(req, res, requestDto);
var authenticated = !res.IsClosed;
if (authenticated)
Then use it instead of [Authenticate] in places where you need that extra functionality:
public class MyServices { ... }
But I'd personally keep the logic in the attributes separated:
public class MyLogicPostAuthAttribute : RequestFilterAsyncAttribute
public override async Task ExecuteAsync(IRequest req, IResponse res, object dto)
So they're explicit and can be layered independently of the [Authenticate] attribute, e.g:
public class MyServices { ... }
Which can also be combined like:
[Authenticate, MyLogicPostAuth]
public class MyServices { ... }


identifying caller in capnproto RPC

I am implementing a service in CapnProto. The service follows these steps (roughly):
authenticate on the server
do operations through a Service interface (object-capability) once authenticated.
I want to achieve something like the following:
interface Authorization {
login #0 (userName :User) -> (result :Service);
interface Service {
# doOperation needs userName in order to operate, as an implicit
# parameter, when the RPC arrives. I do not want to use an explicit
# userName parameter. Otherwise, a user could claim to
# be someone else in a function parameter. To achieve this I need
# to know who is the userName that holds this capability from inside
# doOperation. I want to avoid token authentication
# for each operation.
# Thus, the RPC I am implementing is stateful.
doOperation #0 (param1 :A);
What I want is, that from doOperation, I can identify the user that is using that capability (I want to know her userName). Namely:
What I have solved is that the user using the Service capability is known to have that permission (since the Service is the result of calling login)
The problem is that I have many of those users, and, for each of them, I want to do the matching between the user of the Service capability and her login in the first step.
It turns out that this was very simple.
When creating Service interface in code, just pass the authentication information and save it in the Service object, like this:
class ServiceImpl : public Service::Server {
string userId_;
explicit ServiceImpl(string userId) : userId_(move(userId)) {}
kj::Promise<void> doOperatoration(DoOperationContext ctx) override {
//use userId_ here
class AuthorizationImpl : public Authorization::Server {
kj::Promise<void> login(LoginContext ctx) override {
std::string user = ctx.getParams().getUserName();
//Here I forward the authentication state to the service

How do I map path parameters from an API Gateway API to the Request Object of a Java Lambda

I have a lambda, written in Java, that accepts a Request Object of the structure
"id": "be1c320a-144f-464d-b32c-38ec7fb4445b",
"userId": "foobar"
When I call this Lambda through the test interface with such an object, it works fine.
I want to create an API where a GET request to
i.e. of the form
calls this Lambda.
I have created the API resources /users, {userId}, items, and {id} appropriately.
And I have created the GET method (on /users/{userId}/items/{id})and associated it to the lambda.
When I test the API, it invokes the lambda, but with null values in the request. I can see it package the path as {"id":"be1c320a-144f-464d-b32c-38ec7fb4445b","userId": "foobar"} in the logs, but that's not being sent in the body.
I have tried creating a template map (and have tried RTFM), but cannot see how to map path parameters to a body.
How do I achieve this mapping?
I think your Request Object structure may not be properly configured. There may be a few ways to configure this. Here is some information that has helped me.
How to pass a querystring or route parameter to AWS Lambda from Amazon API Gateway - Demonstrates this mapping (albeit with python). However, taking the top response, if you enable "Use Lambda Proxy integration", you can similarily do this with Java as so:
public Object handleRequest(APIGatewayProxyRequestEvent input, Context context) {
Map<String, String> pathParameters = input.getPathParameters();
String id = pathParameters.get("id");
String userId = pathParameters.get("userId");
// Handle rest of request..
This is a tuturial using the serverless framework to create an Api with Java. This tutorial similarily accesses the pathParameters by parsing the input rather than using the APIGatewayProxyRequestEvent java class.
public Object handleRequest(Map<String, Object> input, Context context) {
try {
// get the 'pathParameters' from input
Map<String,String> pathParameters = (Map<String,String>)input.get("pathParameters");
String id = pathParameters.get("id");
String userId = pathParameters.get("userId");
} catch (Exception ex) {
logger.error("Error in retrieving product: " + ex);
Use a mapping template.
First, in the Method Request section, you should see userId and id as Request Paths
Then, in the Integration Request, do not choose Proxy Integration.
Then in the Mapping Templates section, add a new mapping template for application/json of the form
"id" : "$",
"userId" : "$method.request.path.user_id"

RESTFUL Web Service - List

I have a client application requesting a list of channels from a webservice. Is it possible to take the "response" from the web service and store it in an ArrayList?
Meaning if I wanted to store a list of channels for example, it would normally come from the web service as a response, typically from ResponseBuilder.
And I want to store it in an ArrayList from the client, like List.
How would I go about doing that?
You can use TypeReference to instantiate your Channel object list, here is an example:
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.TypeReference;
public class ChannelClient {
public void getChannels() {
Response serviceResponse ="http://your_service_url/channels/").
String responseString = serviceResponse.readEntity(String.class);
List<Channel> list = new ObjectMapper().readerFor(new TypeReference<List<Channel>>() {
Make sure to have Jersey JSON Jackson jar in your dependencies, you can get it from here
EDIT: In case you want to consume MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN response, you will just change the request method argument to your specified type like this:
Response serviceResponse ="http://your_service_url/channels/").

How to filter an REST Result by sending custom request header parameter

i have an ASP.NET Core 1.1 WebApi Endpoint like this one:
public class SampleController : Controller
public IActionResult Get()
It returns a collection of 'Sample'-Objects to the caller.
Now i do like to send within the Request Header a Custom Attribute like 'App-Type' which let the Endpoint know which App asks for Data. But what is to do that the endpoint fetches this Attribute so that i have it as variable within the function?
If you want a parameter in a controller action that reads from the headers, you should use [FromHeader] attribute, in your case it will be like [FromHeader(Name="Accept-Language")]. More information in

Servlet Filter as Security Proxy for Web Services

Good time.
Suppose there are 8 web-services in the one application. 5 of them require authorization (a client must to provide a JSESSIONID cookie and a corresponding session must not be invalidated), other 3 can be called without the jsessionid cookie. My naive solution is to write a servlet filter which intercepts requests and retrieve their pathInfos (all the services have the same url structure: /service/serviceSuffix). There is a enum which contains the serviceSuffix of each web service that requires authorization. When the request is retrieved the pathInfo is collected; if this pathInfo is contained in the enum and there is the corresponding valid session the request is sent ahead to the filter chain. Otherwise, an error is sent back to a client. After a while I've realized that it is needed to add the possibility to retrieve the wsdl and xsds for the concrete service. So that, two more check were added.
public class SecurityFilter implements Filter {
public static final String WSDL = "wsdl";
public static final String XSD = "xsd=";
* Wittingly left empty
public void init(FilterConfig filterConfig) throws ServletException {}
public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response, FilterChain chain) throws IOException, ServletException { HttpServletRequest servletRequest = (HttpServletRequest) request;
HttpServletResponse servletResponse = (HttpServletResponse)response;
String pathInfo = servletRequest.getPathInfo();
String queryString = servletRequest.getQueryString();
if (pathInfo != null && SecureWebServices.contains(pathInfo)) {
if (queryString != null && (queryString.equals(WSDL) || queryString.startsWith(XSD))) {
// wsdl or xsd is requested
chain.doFilter(request, response);
} else {
// a web service's method is called
HttpSession requestSession = servletRequest.getSession(false);
if (requestSession != null) { // the session is valid
chain.doFilter(request, response);
} else {
} else {
chain.doFilter(request, response);
* Wittingly left empty
public void destroy() {}
It seems that it is not very secure, because if the request's pathInfo is not in the enum, this request is passed on (just in case of some unexpected system calls).
Could you, please, suggest what to do, how to increase the security level. I want to build a configurable system (that is why I have the enum. It is possible just to add a path there to secure the web service and it is not required to duplicate the security code in the each web service). How to increase
Maybe I do not understand but.
jsessionid has nothink to do with security. you simply just get it.
Next I am not sure if you want authentication or authorization. The code as provided will not provide you with security features.
I suppose you are interested in authentication anyway. Security logic can be provided with standard web container features. Just send in authentication data in the header of request and you are done. web container can be configured to secure only selected resources (urls)