The docker-compose project hasn't been creating on Visual Studio 2017 - visual-studio-2017

I created a new webApi project (.Net Core) with Docker Support option enabled. However, the Visual Studio 2017 Community created only DockerFile. According some articles that I have read it should create also docker-compose project with the files: and docker-compose.override? Does anybody know what I have to do to solve this issue? Thanks a lot.


CSX output directory does not exist error

Today I suddenly started getting errors when I try to run/debug my Azure cloud project from Visual Studio. I'm running Visual Studio version 15.7.3 and Azure SDK version 2.9.6. The error message says:
Failed to debug the Microsoft Azure Cloud Service project. The output
directory '\csx\Debug' does not exist.
Yesterday it worked fine, but during the night Windows Update installed some updates and rebooted my machine.
I have tried the following things without success:
Created the folder myself
Set full permissions for everyone on the csx folder
Set full permissions for everyone on the parent folder to the csx folder
Uninstalled one of the updates which was installed during the night
The strange thing is that if msbuild creates the csx folder without problems, using this command:
C:\src\services2>msbuild <cloudproject>.ccproj /p:configuration=debug /maxcpucount /p:outdir="c:\OutDir" /p:overwritereadonlyfiles=true /p:targetprofile="Cloud" /target:Clean;Publish
Any suggestions on how to fix this problem?
After struggling with this problem for a long time, I concluded that it was a problem with Visual Studio, since msbuild worked without problems.
After running a "Repair" on Visual Studio, it now works again :-)
You run the repair by selecting Visual Studio from Settings/Apps & features and clicking "Modify":
In the Visual Studio installer, you then select "Repair":

Building Visual Studio project on Windows Server 2012

I have set up a CI server for our .NET projects. To build those projects I want to use the Visual Studio executable devenv.exe.
This worked out perfectly during the "evaluation period". Now these 30 days are over, to keep using Visual Studio on my Desktop computer, I just updated my license with one mouseclick. Doing this on the server allows me to build using the GUI, but when running devenv.exe programatically with the required parameters, I am receiving an error that the evaluation license expired, even though I renewed it.
I have already tried a clean reinstall, which did not fix the issue for me. Visual Studio on the server is connected to the same account I am successfully using on my Desktop PC.
Is there a known fix for this issue?
Figured it out. The license is somehow related to the user that launches Visual Studio. So to to automatically build projects with devenv.exe, the building agent has to run under the same user account, that installed an launched Visual Studio.

How to create web deploy package in VSTS/VSO Build vNext?

I have an automated build in Visual Studio Team Services (formerly Visual Studio Online. The solution is building correctly. How do I configure it so it will also create a web deploy package?
We use the following MSBuild Arguments: /p:DeployOnBuild=true /p:WebPublishMethod=Package /p:PackageAsSingleFile=true /p:SkipInvalidConfigurations=true /p:PackageLocation="$(build.artifactstagingdirectory)\\"
With these you do not need to create a new publishing profile.
We enable web deploy package creation within the "Visual Studio Build" task. Simply pass the following MS Build arguments:
MSBuild Arguments: /p:DeployOnBuild=true;PublishProfile=<name of your profile>

Illegal characters in path when attempting to deploy an Azure webjob via Visual Studio Online build process

I am trying to setup a CI build process with Azure WebJobs. I have a ASP.NET MVC5 and a WebJob project in the solution and several class library projects. I have a working Visual Studio Online (VSO) build definition already setup to deploy the MVC project. However, when I add the WebJob project to the solution the build process fails with:
C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v12.0\Web\Microsoft.Web.Publishing.targets (2586, 5) Copying file C:\a\1\a**\*.* to obj\Release\Package\PackageTmp\app_data\jobs\triggered\LoyaltyClub\*.* failed. Illegal characters in path.
Any ideas how I can fix this? Both the MVC and WebJob projects are using version 1.0.7 of the Microsoft.Web.WebJobs.Publish Nuget package.

Associate Azure WebJobs in Visual Studio 2013

In the Windows Azure build keynote (2014-04-03) they demo Azure WebJobs. You can clearly see how they associate the current WebJob with the ASP.Net website application. However, I don't have this option available in Visual Studio 2013. Does it come with the new Web Features in Visual Studio 2013 Update 2 RC? I haven't installed it (still RC...) but it's clearly not in the release notes. I've installed the latest Windows Azure SDK for .NET (VS 2013) - 2.3.
In the video you can see the association in action:
After installing Visual Studio 2013 Update 2 RC I still don't see the option
Just found this awesome extension that I was looking for:
With this extension you can right click on a web project in Visual Studio and associate a console project as a WebJob. After doing that when you publish the web project the webjob project will be published into the correct location in your Azure Web Site