Interface to allow users to edit their Django model entries - django

The admin interface for editing (adding, deleting, changing) entries in the database is great. I am working on a system, based on HTML forms, to allow users to edit information relevant to them in the database. This will take a lot of work, and look less than professional. Is there a standard way to allow a logged in user to use an administration-interface-like page to edit their (and only their) entries in a DB/model?

You can probably do what you need by customizing django admin. In django admin you can define get_queryset method to restrict objects available for current user. See, example there matches pretty well to your task
One use case for overriding this method is to show objects owned by the logged-in user...


Wagtail SteamFields for community user generated content instead of editor, author workflow

I really like StreamFields, but I don't want the baggage of Wagtail's Publishing system.
For example, consider a Forum community site. Instead of using CK Editor or BBCode, Markdown etc form input. I want to give users the option of StreamField based input to construct posts or replies
Is this possible? If yes, what steps would I need to take or edits to Wagtail do I need to do?
I'm guessing using a permission system while keeping the user as a limited admin would be the thing to do, since removing the user from admin doesn't seem to be possible since Wagtail is heavily reliant on Django Admin.
I'm guessing using a permission system while keeping the user as a
limited admin would be the thing to do, since removing the user from
admin doesn't seem to be possible since Wagtail is heavily reliant on
Django Admin.
If you want to reuse StreamFields, you probably want to use the Wagtail admin interface; doing otherwise is likely to be quite a bit of work. So users will need to be able to log in and have the wagtail_admin permission so they can access the admin interface. If you tried to use Page models for your forum, you are going to end up crossways of the way Wagtail's page permissions cascade. You could probably write your own admin views for regular users to add certain kinds of content.
But honestly, unless you have quite a bit of experience with Wagtail in its normal content management mode, I wouldn't suggest you try using it for this use case.

Django Admin LogEntry: how it works in non admin actions?

I am having some struggles how does exactly django.admin.LogEntry objects are created.
Consider the following scenario:
I have a bunch of functions which take a csv file with data that allow me to create multiple objects at one call (just iterate through the file, use the data and if data in given row is correct: create a Model instance). I want to make sure that that each of that creation will be logged.
The question is: django docs are not very descriptive on how does LogEntry works and I am not sure if such actions (not taken in the admin panel itself) will be logged there. Also: will the LogEntries be created for the related objects or I have to trigger them manually?
Does anybody got any experience with such scenarios and can share thoughts about it?
The LogEntry model is in the Admin package and only used by Django admin by default. It is used in the admin layer and not model layer when saving objects. if you want to use it outside the admin, then you will have to manually create the entries yourself. That also means the admin will likely display entries of changes made by normal users so you have to think about how you want the entries displayed

How do we change Field Names in our existing Users table in django

I am trying to Edit Users Table in Django. I am using Users Table to login or register a users. I have to add a new field name Role in that Table but i can't find any option to edit that existing table in admin section.
i just try to field some files to field out where the code of that existing Table is but did't get it.
is there any way to Edit the Table or I have to Create a New Table and have to create a new method of registration.
i am not expert so it's hard to me understand things.
Well first, the Django admin interface it's just for performing CRUD operations over already existing models, you are not able to change in any way the database tables (at lest not using the "out of the box features") using the admin interface.
Said that in order to do what you want to do, with any model (not just User), you should:
Add the field to the model.
Instruct the admin interface to list this fields along the others.
Now the user model is kind of a special model here so I'll recommend a couple of readings you should complete before go forward with the model User customization.
References (User customization): Substituting a custom User model, Extending the User model.
And for the admin interface ...
Reference (admin interface): ModelAdmin options, special attention here to list_display

Custom Django admin panel

I want to use Django for a web application I'm building that will have an admin panel. I know that you need to just activate the admin app and you're ready to go. However, I would like to have a custom panel, I mean, I want to design the layout myself, I want to add menus and forms for the admin to insert new data in the database etc. Is it possible? or I should write a similar application that will have such features?
For more control over the layout (custom menus etc.) you should check django-admin-tools.
And if you take a look at Django's docs you'll learn that you can easily tweak and override most parts of the admin. For example here is a demonstration on how to use a custom form:
So the admin is pretty customizable. But the question if you should build your own app or reuse the admin depends pretty much on your specific needs. At least make sure you know in which directions the admin can be easily bend.
The sole purpose for Django's admin is to allow you to manipulate (add/edit/remove) data in your database. I think you should at least try to check what the admin is capable of before trying to reinvent the wheel. You'll soon discover the level of complex insight the admin allows you to have. Then you'll discover that making it yourself is unnecessary excess of work and you'll end up with modifying a couple of admin-templates and CSS styles.
Yes, you can customize Django Admin Panel, Django provides some sort of customization for showing database tables structure from their own, for that you can follow DJANGO ADMIN SITE DOC , it will really help you.
For the customizations beyond the Django admin site settings, you can customize admin panel add manual layout, by adding manual detailing in Django template files which are stored in Django environment, django/django/contrib/admin/templates/admin/index.html of your current Django version. You can update its HTML, CSS, and JS according to need.

Tracking changes to Django Model instances

When you create or modify an object instance in Django's admin, a changelog entry is created. This is really nice for fairly obvious reasons.
However my model's instances created by a normal user outside of the admin interface. No changelog is recorded to note its creation (not a huge issue) but I would like to track edits the user makes.
I also want to show the user this full log (user+admin edits) in the frontend so I need a way to pull the changelog out.
My question: how? Is there a one-line switch I can flick to enable full logging or do I have to dig in and do something on my user's edit form logic?
django-reversion is an app designed to help with that.