Is there a successor for Sync Framework 2.1? - microsoft-sync-framework

we are using Microsoft Sync Framework 2.1 in various customer projects for file and database sync. Extended Support will end in 2021.
So my questions are:
What is Microsofts strategy for the sync framework? Is it going to be open source, so we can change if needed ourselves? Is there a successor product that we should / can migrate to?
Is MSSF supported on Windows 10 and Server 2016?

Not sure if my answer really helps, but lets see: Microsoft announced the official release of the "Azure SQL Data Sync" on June 18 2018. It is not truly a successor of the original framework, but it is basically all you get. Other "non cloud" frameworks have also started to fade away, since Microsoft treats server/desktop/on-premise only as an extension to the cloud. As the name indicates, it is targeting Azure and it is not for file sync, either.
I have seen your question also in the "old" Microsoft social network ( In there they point to this framework in questions related to the original "Sync Framework" since something like 2012 (this was the oldest question I could associate with both frameworks).


Please share the process to merge C++ plugins from Autodesk 2016 to Autodesk 2022

We have several plugins working in C++ with Autodesk 2016 so now wants to have these plugins working on Autodesk 2022 by upgrading Autodesk version. Please share the complete procedure for this.
Please share complete details of Autodesk Revit tool.
The steps for migrating Revit add-ins from one release to the next have been documented in full with many examples by The Building Coder in the category migration. As you probably know, the Revit API is .NET based, so the migration steps are independent of the programming language used. In many cases, no code modification is required from one release to the next, unless obsolete functionality is used. Obsoleted properties and methods are highlighted in the Revit API documentation included with the Revit SDK and also shared by The Building Coder in the articles on What's New in the Revit API.

Migrating From ColdFusion 7 to ColdFusion 11

I'm planning a migration on a server from ColdFusion MX7 (Server 2003) to ColdFusion 11(Server 2012). There is a Other Server Where I need to migrate from ColdFusion 8 (Server 2008) to ColdFusion 11. Does my System effect in any way when upgrading like tags, or compatibility issues. Does anyone know which steps I should without effecting. I know about the code analyzer that we had in Cf administrator. I want to know if there is anything effected seriously when migrating.
Thanks in Advance
Kiran Kumar
The Code Analyzer helps in migrating your applications to ColdFusion 11 from earlier versions of ColdFusion. However, it checks the same for only two versions back. The Code Analyzer reviews the CFML pages that you specify and informs you of any potential compatibility issues. It detects unsupported and deprecated CFML features, and outlines the required implementation changes that ensure a smooth migration.
As far as the code compatibility is concerned, everything "should" work. However, it is recommended to check the code compatibility and deprecated tags (if any). You can refer to &,+attributes,+and+values.
I have briefly covered the entire Migration process here. So, will not iterate the same. Also, you can have a look at another helpful article for Migration Tweaks.
Having said that all, it's strongly recommended to test your website on the Testing/Development environment, before moving it on Production.
Hope this gives a better picture of the migration process.
I did the migration in the past, did not face important issue, as everyone have a different system the best solution would
- Backup
- Test the upgrade and see
if it's a production machine, you can copy your machine to a vm and test the upgrade there. it's may be a lot of work, but you can not know if you don't test
I am currently moving a ColdFusion 9 site to Coldfusion 11 and the way I tested it was to create a separate set of folders on the ms2013 server. I ran them side by side with a duplicate database with a different name for the test site.
I have moved sites up from 5 to 9 with few issues and the only one that really got me in ColdFusion 11 is dbtype in database functions. It has not only been depreciated but will always throw an error if found.
It also depends on how Coldfusion 11 will react to cfcs and other special tags if you use them. I don't so it was a snap.
Going live was a snap. I just renamed the folders, links*, dsn and renamed index1.cfm to index.cfm.
*Links only need to be changed if posting outside of folder and if so just the path.

C++ in the cloud. Casablanca REST Service on Microsoft Azure

Hello fellow Azure users. I have created quite an extensive C++ REST service using the CasaBlanca REST SDK. When I began working on this project I as lead to believe that I could run it in the Cloud (Azure) . Please explain how best I can get this service to run on Microsoft Azure. I can't afford to re-program the entire project in another language like C# or Java. Thanks in advance!
If you're wondering why I believed CasaBlanca was meant for the Cloud:
Looking at the TechEd video I can see that they are using the SpeechService demo which you can find the source of here: so you can understand how they performed the deployment to Azure.
Looking at the code I can see the solution is designed to be deployed to a Cloud Service Worker Role and includes a "Cloud Service" project in the Visual Studio solution - this is the project type which gives the "Deploy To Cloud" option which you see in the video.
Given that the demo is from 2012 there will have been many Azure SDK releases since then so the demo code may require an update, but the deployment method from Visual Studio 2012 and 2013 remains essentially unchanged.
Regardless how you're using casablanca, c++ applications can be run on Virtual Machines, web/worker role (stateless) VMs in cloud services, probably websites... Choosing between these is a matter of opinion (or at least dependent on the app you're building), and there's no single right answer.

Trigger hudson/cloudbees build from Atlassian Jira?

I'm looking for possibility to allow any users of certain project of Jira start (trigger) certain Hudson builds. Is it possible without creating own Jira plugin?
I would have expected this feature to be available with the Marvelution JIRA Hudson Integration, which offers functionality pretty similar to he one offered by the JIRA Bamboo Plugin (e.g. build status reporting) - surprisingly though, triggering builds as you desire seems not to be available in either one yet, despite an obvious feature indeed (the JIRA Bamboo Plugin has related/partial support at least, see Running a Bamboo Build when Releasing a Version).
Consequently you might want to file a feature request for the Marvelution JIRA Hudson Integration first rather than developing your own from scratch immediately, maybe it is going to be considered.
Please note that this plugin doesn't support JIRA 5.0 yet, but the respective version 5.0.0 is scheduled for May 24, 2012.

Viewing a list of locks in Coldfusion

Is there anyway to see a list of the current locks in Coldfusion (particularly locks on files or directories).
Through a non documented call is fine as this is more for debugging some errors we're getting on our server.
you might try FusionDebug, while it is commercial they do have a full featured 20 day trial. Also the developer edition of Adobe's coldfusion 8 has a server monitor, though its only for your local instance, unless of course you are running the enterprise edition on your production system.
While FusionDebug is an excellent eclipse based debugger, i think in your case you want the FusionReactor to monitor the system's status.