error while setting up tendermint and bigchaindb - bigchaindb

Screenshot of the errorgot this error
Dialed 96484a110e6f599e6ce6baf576200dd62413fc9b#, but got peer with ID 8fa7169bb839b43a755196db851a14a1c5968462" addr=96484a110e6f599e6ce6baf576200dd62413fc9b#
dont understand what it is

I work with the BigchainDB dev team and while BigchainDB uses Tendermint, I'm not an expert on it. That said, maybe try getting Tendermint into a fresh state using:
tendermint unsafe_reset_all
sudo rm -rf $HOME/.tendermint
If that doesn't work, then maybe try asking on one of the Tendermint support channels.


How to run the graph-node in the rinkeby test rpc

I am trying to write a subgraph for the contract which is deployed in the rinkeby test network.
for that I need to run the graph-node in the same rinkeby test network.
With the reference of the below repo
I am running it in my local machine using the below cargo command
cargo run -p graph-node --release -- --postgres-url postgresql://postgres:postgres#localhost:5432/graph-node --ethereum-rpc 'rinkeby:' --ipfs
I used for getting the rinkeby rpc url.
but its throws an error 401 Unauthorized. I don't know where i am making the mistake.
I m unable to connect the rinkeby network.
Kindly please help me to resolve the issue.
Thanks in advance.
It looks like your Infura endpoint is not set up correctly, check your project ID and the permissions you have set up in your account, some examples can be found here or via your Infura login:
I did a blunder mistake in the command.
removing the single quote in the rpc url resolves the issue
cargo run -p graph-node --release -- --postgres-url postgresql://postgres:postgres#localhost:5432/graph-node --ethereum-rpc rinkeby: --ipfs

Using Let's Encrypt on Amazon AMI (Centos) - can't even install package, any ideas?

Following instructions here :
I tried this : git clone /opt/letsencrypt /opt/letsencrypt/letsencrypt-auto --debug
and got the error: unknown option `debug'
I removed the --debug and got this error : Too many arguments.
So, I'm pretty much stuck in the water. I tried this a few months ago with a different tutorial and got further along but certbot itself returned a warning that using an Amazon AMI (which I am) is problematic.
I get this error when running ./certbot-auto for instance :
FATAL: Amazon Linux support is very experimental at present...
if you would like to work on improving it, please ensure you have backups
and then run this script again with the --debug flag!
Has anyone had luck setting up a Let's Encrypt SSL with an Amazon AMI ?
Thanks so much in advance for any suggestions.
This is one command, which clones the git repo into /opt/letsencrypt:
git clone /opt/letsencrypt
This is a second command, which runs the installer:
/opt/letsencrypt/letsencrypt-auto --debug
The formatting on the page you linked makes those look like one single command.

Redmine: Issue to mail with Windows

I need to activate the option:create issue via mail, but I don't know how to do it.
I read the documentation but I don't understand it. I use bitnami to work with redmine on Windows platform.
I think i more closer now but when i run:
C:\Bitnami\redmine-3.2.3-0\apps\redmine\htdocs>rake redmine:email:receive_imap RAILS_ENV="production" port=993 ssl=true username=xxxxxxx#xxx.x password=xxxxx
it returns me.
OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError: SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 state=SSLv3 read server certificate B: certificate verify failed
I' d change imap.rb as I read on another post I also update ruby gems and nothing always the same error. I changed and now don't give any error.
And I set Gmail accept insecure programa
this issue was reported in the Redmine forum
It seems you need to create a configuration file at config/initializers/ with the following content.
require 'openssl'
Please also try to run the rake command using bundle exec.

Repodata/repomd.xml not found

I am using Opensuse and whenever i am going to install any software on it, It Shows me the error "linux-7gyx:~ # zypper in python-oauthlib Retrieving repository 'New' metadata --------------------------------------------------[] File '/repodata/repomd.xml' not found on medium ''" What should i do to get rid of this type of error ,Please Help Me . Thanks In Advance
I don't have the full stack trace of your error, hence apologies - I cannot provide a custom resolution.
I struggled with this issue for some time as well. Managed to resolve it just now. In my case, the error was -
repodata/repomd.xml from stackdriver: [Errno 256] No more mirrors to try.
This happened when I tried to install stackdriver using a chef cookbook.
I started troubleshooting with the routine options of a 'yum clean all' and 'yum clean metadata'. Didn't help.
In due course I checked the yum repo file under '/etc/yum.repos.d'. The one related to the pack which I was trying to install (stackdriver) was the cause of the issue. Renamed that file and the issue was resolved - at least temporarily.
Of course, now I am trying to fix that repo file - but that is a secondary problem.
Hope this helps!

AWS EMR Impala daemon issue

I've just created EMR cluster and trying to create my first Impala table. Getting this error: This Impala daemon is not ready to accept user requests. Status: Waiting for catalog update from the StateStore. Any suggestion please? I did everything as documented by Amazon.
[ip-10-72-69-85.ec2.internal:21000] > connect localhost;
Connected to localhost:21000
Server version: impalad version 1.2.1 RELEASE (build d0bf3eae1df0f437bb4d0e44649293756ccdc76c)
[localhost:21000] > show tables;
Query: show tables
ERROR: AnalysisException: This Impala daemon is not ready to accept user requests. Status: Waiting for catalog update from the StateStore.
[localhost:21000] >
I had the same error - after many troubles I've found the simple solution:
A. Check impala-state-store and impala-catalog daemons are running:
sudo service impala-state-store status
sudo service impala-catalog status
If not running - check the logs and be sure to activate them.
B.If they are running - simply type in your impala-shell:
invalidate metadata;‏
This command will update your catalog from the state store.
Then, you are ready to start!
Run the following command in the said order and reopen the Impala browser
sudo /etc/init.d/hive-metastore start
sudo /etc/init.d/impala-state-store start
sudo /etc/init.d/impala-catalog start
sudo /etc/init.d/impala-server start
I actually found the solution to this problem might be to just wait. I had this problem and had restarted everything impala with no luck. I even tried stopping all impala services and starting them in the recommended order (statestore first). Nothing helped but then after an amount of time of being left it started to work. I'm not sure what that time is but it was more than 5 minutes and less than an hour.
I would first recommend you check the logs at /mnt/var/log/apps. The error is likely related to the state-store, which can be restarted with the command below.
sudo service impala-state-store restart
I ran into the same error. The tutorial skipped a couple steps. Once in an impala-shell, create a database, then use the database, then create a table.