How to do a transaction in a Private Stellar Blockchain Network? - blockchain

So using docker I started a private Stellar Network by typing in the below command:
docker run --rm -it -p "8000:8000" --name stellar stellar/quickstart --standalone
Then I opened another terminal and ran the below command to interact with the private network:
docker exec -it stellar /bin/bash
Then I ran the below command to generate a keypair:
stellar-core --genseed
All commands went well. How do I do a transaction now?
My objective is to get 333 coins in one of the accounts.

Stellar has a dedicated stackexchange where questions on Stellar will get more attention.
After you have executed the steps in your question, stellar will be open to receiving transactions at localhost:8000/tx?blob=Base64 (See commands). You can confirm stellar is running with curl localhost:8000.
The base64 blob is the the XDR encoded form of a transaction. In your case you will want that transaction to contain a CreateAccount operation.
It is possible to build this XDR for custom networks with some of the SDKs. It's possible in the Scala SDK (I'm the maintainer) and probably very easy to do in the JavaScript SDK too. But to start with, I suggest building XDR by hand by going to the lab's transaction builder, selecting "custom" network at the top right and building your transaction from there.
You want to populate the network passphrase with Standalone Network ; February 2017. This is the value in the container's file stellar-core.cfg.


'Could not SQLConnect' error when connecting dockerised model and dockerised database

I'm trying to connecting a dockerised c++ application with a dockerised database so that I can get it running and get some outputs, the configuration can be found in this question
when I try to run the model (which inside the application container) against the dockerised database:
>docker run --net xxxxx-network -it xxxxxrun:localbase
root#xxxxxxxx:/run# isql xxx.x.x.x user=root
[ISQL]ERROR: Could not SQLConnect
I'm new to odbc and docker, can someone gave me some hint? Many thanks.
I am assuming that your running each docker container separately.
In this case in order for your C++ application container to be able to connect to
the Mysql container they will need to be on same network.
Create Docker network docker network create mysql-network
Run C++ application container like so: docker run -it --network mysql-network xxxxxrun:localbase (xxxxxrun should be name of image and localbase should be image tag that you want to run)
Run Mysql database with command similar to docker run --network mysql-network -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=password -d mysql:5.7
In this situation the two containers should be able to communicate freely with each other across the network.

MQ Custom Docker Image - MQM Group Not Found

Description: Getting the following error when running a docker build. I thought mqm group would be automatically created by default. Doesn't mention otherwise in the site link below. Can someone else try this?
System Notes:(VS Code- Docker build), windows machine.
useradd: group 'mqm' does not exist
Reference site for instructions:
IBM MQ Customer Docker Image Instructions
Docker File:
FROM ibmcom/mq
USER root
RUN useradd alice -G mqm && \
echo alice:passw0rd | chpasswd
USER mqm
COPY 20-config.mqsc /etc/mqm/
Duplicate of ibmcom/mq docker image backward compatibility issue
From 9.1.5 the container does not use OS based users or groups. This is to conform to cloud best practices. Instead a file based system is being used. This is so that when you roll-out the container in a cloud into production you can switch to an LDAP based system.
The 9.1.5 container uses htpasswd, with the relevant file in /etc/mqm/
For development, if you are not going to create new users, then you can use the 9.1.5 container. If you want to create new users, then you can use 9.1.4 or earlier, or use htpasswd with bcrypt to create the users.
I was using a deprecated site apparently that's in the docker repo link. I guess its a problem with docker and they can`t remove it. Please follow the instructions here. I had no issue.

stellar docker image db init failing after entering password

First time trying to run stellar docker image in persistence mode and receiving this error after entering & confirming new password:
pq: password authentication failed for user "stellar"
docker cmd
docker run --rm -it -p "8000:8000" -v "/dev/stellar:/opt/stellar" --name stellar stellar/quickstart --testnet
I looked at trying to edit pg_hba.conf but I don't see the stellar user that has been configured.
Also, I verified the stellar-core.cfg has the correct db password as defined during setup.
I had exactly the same issue while I was using a password with special characters (too fancy for sed to process?). Then I recreated the '/opt/stellar' shared volume and used stellarpasswd as a New Postgresql Password. And it worked! :)
Another piece of info, maybe more important. I have also added user stellar to my host machine. When the default configurations get rsynced to '/opt/stellar', this might not have worked properly without that user on my host machine..

How do I get a podman/buildah container to run under CentOS on GCE?

1. Summarize the problem
I am following this simple tutorial from Developers RedHat to get a simple node/express container working.
I cannot get a container to run under a CentOS 7 VM on GCE.
I have a CentOS 7 GCE virtual machine, where I have Docker installed.
I am able to successfully build and run Docker containers and push them to Google's container registry with no problem.
Now I am trying to build podman/buildah containers, and do the same.
I have buildman/podman installed. When I run this:
podman build -t hello-world-nodejs .
I get the following error message:
cannot clone: Invalid argument user namespaces are not enabled in /proc/sys/user/max_user_namespaces Error: could not get runtime: cannot re-exec process
any ideas?
Additionally, if there are any guides into getting this image into Google's container registry, and running under Cloud Run, it would be greatly appreciated.
Ultimately the destination for some containers is a cloud service.
2. Provide background including what you've already tried
I have tried doing a web search for a solution, nothing found that has solved the problem so far.
3. Show some code
podman build -t hello-world-nodejs .
4. Describe expected and actual results including any error messages
I can create and run docker images/containers on this GCE VM, I am trying to do the same with buildah/podman.
The following solved this issue for me:
sudo bash -c 'echo 10000 > /proc/sys/user/max_user_namespaces'
sudo bash -c "echo $(whoami):110000:65536 > /etc/subuid"
sudo bash -c "echo $(whoami):110000:65536 > /etc/subgid"
And then if you encounter an errors related to lchown run the following:
sudo rm -rf ~/.{config,local/share}/containers /run/user/$(id -u)/{libpod,runc,vfs-*}
I have spun up a CentOS 7 VM on GCE and got same issue. The issue is caused because User Namespaces is not enabled on the kernel by default. You have 2 options, either running podman as root (or using sudo) or enabling User Namespaces in your CentOS VM (the hard way).
According to the post here, the use of user namespace and the allocations of uid and gid’s that are required to make rootless containers work securely in your environment.
Probably StackOverflow is not the best place to ask this question. It's better to ask in the ServerFault site since it's a server and not coding problem.

Simple docker example only appears to expose db container and not web

I clone this repo (it's pretty much based on docker docs here) and run docker-compose up. Docker builds the 2 containers and I see the output from db_1 (psql looks to be completely ready) but nothing at all from web_1, no output whatsoever.
I go to my host IP + 8000 and nothing is running there. I am using docker toolbox for mac. It's pretty much the simplest possible example of using Docker - any idea why I'm not seeing anything from my Django container?
Thanks in advance,
it might be possible that STDOUT of the web_1 Container is mapped only to display WARN and ERROR level. You say youre using Docker Toolbox for Mac? Have you tried to reach the Website over the IP of the DockerToolBox VM or the HostIP? Im not quite aware with DockerToolbox since there is an native MacClient ( Maybe try to reach the DockerToolboxIp not HostIP. I would also recommend to use Docker for Mac native, since i had problems with the ToolBox but none with the "Native" Client.
Hope i could Help
After taking a better look to the documentation I was able to start your containers.
After the git clone:
cd sane-django-docker
docker-compose up -d
This is the output
Starting sanedjangodocker_db_1
Starting sanedjangodocker_web_1
[root#localhost sane-django-docker]# docker ps
cde9e93c1a70 sanedjangodocker_web "python3 ru" 19 seconds ago Up 1 seconds>8000/tcp sanedjangodocker_web_1
73ad8cafe798 postgres:9.4 "/docker-entrypoint.s" 20 seconds ago Up 1 seconds 5432/tcp sanedjangodocker_db_1
When I just performd docker-compose up (running in the forground I saw this issue).
LOG: shutting down
LOG: database system is shut down
After taking a better look in the documentation I saw the problem
Django will complain about the postgres database not existing so we'll
create one:
docker exec sanedjangodocker_db_1 createdb -Upostgres webapp
Now the postgres is fine but I had to restart the webapp to find the db.
docker restart sanedjangodocker_web_1
Now I'm able to acces it on IP:8000
It worked!
Congratulations on your first Django-powered page.
I don't know how the django app really works but the setup is pretty strange.