Google Cloud ML Engine: Create new model version with prediction logging enabled - google-cloud-ml

I have a model on ML engine and it doesn't have logging enabled. I wanted to create a new version of the same pickled model with onlinePredictionLogging=True.
How can I do this through the ML Engine GUI? All docs I've seen (e.g. are command-line based.
If I try to create a new version, I don't get to change the ModelResource that has the onlinePredictionLogging field...

It doesn't appear to be possible via Cloud Console (GUI). I will file a feature request.


How to export a pyspark mlib machine learning model and deploy as a web service?

I have a linear regression model build using spark mlib. Now i want to export the model and use the model via a web service.
I was looking into PMML was not able to find a proper source as how can I use it. Do I need to install any specific PMML library or how can it be done.
The same model i tried exporting as a pickle file using joblib and deployed it as a web service via flask. I want to do something similar for the model developed in Spark mlib.
Can anyone please help me out or point me to correct source?
For a simple REST web service using PMML you could have a look at It uses JAVA though. For Python+Flask I have no idea but PMML is nothing more than a XML file which needs to be evaluated. So you could try to write your own Python logic to do it. I've also found this but it doesn't have much stars.
It is noted though that PMML is quite limited in its usage. Not all models are supported e.g. ALS. Another approach is to deploy a PySpark application via its binaries. I blogged about this here. We deployed it using Cloud Foundry but you can use the buildpack to deploy it on Heroku as well if you need a public endpoint. Hope this helps.

Which versions of django can I use with google cloud sql?

I would like to know which versions of django can I use with google cloud sql. I am currently trying 1.8 but I guess it is not supported.
Is there any documentation on supported version?
Thank you
So, after contacting google cloud support to be sure about the possibilities, I will answer my question:
You can use any version of Django in appengine, you can install it to a lib module and then add the file with the lines:
from google.appengine.ext import vendor
If you want to use the django mysql backend you can do so and you can use Google Cloud SQL first OR second generation. I am currently using second generation. There is a free trial and good documentation >

Deploy Django project on Google App Engine

I have developed one example project in django1.4 & python 2.7, I want to deploy it on google app engine,
but how to configure my project as per App Engine we didn't get.
We have a site running on google app engine, but it is including with all html,js.
How do we configure a database on google app engine to deploy our django project?
Possibly the best option is to use Django Non-Rel. It's the only way (that I know of) to use the Django ORM (the django database interface) on Google App Engine without using Google's costly cloud SQL service. To do this, you'll need to use a customized version of Django and import several more libraries. It's a small project to get it up and running, but it's worth the effort. More information can be found on this website:
Note, that even though django-nonrel allows you to use the Django database interface, it will not allow you to use certain SQL features, such as joins. If you need joins, then your best option would be to use Google App Engine + Google Cloud SQL. Documentation for that is here.
Regarding the comments:
Yes, it can run on windows, I run it on Windows.
Also, the site is old and out of date, use the
one above for information.

Setting up Django on Google App Engine for DataStore

How do I setup Django on Google App Engine to use DataStore? I did a bunch of searches and some seemed to point to something called django-nonrel. But I couldn't find anything that looked like a definitive guide up-to-date (dated around 2012-2013).
The djangae project seems to be what you're looking for. From their documentation:
Djangae (jan-gee) is a Django app that allows you to run Django
applications on Google App Engine, including (if you want to) using
Django's models with the App Engine Datastore as the underlying
It has a Database backend that supports AppEngine's Datastore, so you can use Django's ORM. In addition to Django's default fields, a number of other field types are added in the project.
You should consider the list of limitations carefully though.

Using Beaker on Google App Engine (Django)

How do we use Beaker to implement sessions on Google App Engine? (I say Beaker because gmemsess is short-lived, and therefore not suitable). There seem to be no examples online.
We're using Django 1.1 via App Engine Helper (not app-engine-patch).
You need to specify the session type as 'ext:google', like this. You also need to edit beaker/, deleting the section that uses pkg_resources to search for plugins, as this isn't supported on App Engine.