Serial communication c++ - c++

I'm trying do some serial communication between my pc and an arduino ATmega2560
First the microntroller's program :
void setup() {
void loop() {
The arduino program is very basic, his aim is to check the next program which is on the pc.
The main.cpp :
#include <iostream>
#include "SerialPort.h"
using namespace std;
int main()
SerialPort port("com3", 9600);
while (1)
unsigned char dataR;
port.receive(dataR, 1);
cout << dataR << endl;
return 0;
The SerialPort.h:
#include <windows.h>
#include <iostream>
class SerialPort
SerialPort(const char* port, unsigned long BaudRate);
void Initialize(const char* port, unsigned long BaudRate);
//Serial I/O
void receive(unsigned char &data, unsigned int byteSize);
void transmit(unsigned char *data, unsigned int byteSize);
void connect();
void disconnect();
bool isConnected();
HANDLE handler;
bool isConnect;
And the SerialPort.cpp :
#include "SerialPort.h"
: isConnect(false) {}
SerialPort::SerialPort(const char* port, unsigned long BaudRate)
: isConnect(false)
Initialize(port, BaudRate);
void SerialPort::Initialize(const char* port, unsigned long BaudRate)
if (handler == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
std::cout << "ERROR!::Error during opening port" << port << std::endl;
DCB serialParameters;
if (!GetCommState(handler, &serialParameters)) /*Get com parameters*/
std::cout << "ERROR!::failed to get current serial parameters" << std::endl;
serialParameters.DCBlength = sizeof(DCB);
serialParameters.BaudRate = BaudRate;
serialParameters.ByteSize = 1; /*8 bit data format*/
serialParameters.StopBits = TWOSTOPBITS;
serialParameters.Parity = PARITY_NONE;
if (!SetCommState(handler, &serialParameters)) /*Send modified com parameters*/
std::cout << "ALERT!:Failed to set THE Serial port parameters" << std::endl;
isConnect = true;
/*Serial I/O*/
void SerialPort::receive(unsigned char &data, unsigned int byteSize)
ReadFile(handler, &data, byteSize, NULL, NULL);
void SerialPort::transmit(unsigned char *data, unsigned int byteSize)
WriteFile(handler, data, byteSize, NULL, NULL);
void SerialPort::connect()
isConnect = true;
void SerialPort::disconnect()
isConnect = false;
bool SerialPort::isConnected()
return isConnect;
if (isConnect)
isConnect = false;
I've an issue with this program : I don't receive the right data. Where I should get on the terminal
I get weird characters made of ? in a square
I hope you understood my problem

The DCB ByteSize parameter is in bits. You have specified a UART frame with one data bit - which is not supported by the hardware at either end.
For a conventional N,8,1 data frame, use
serialParameters.ByteSize = 8 ;
serialParameters.StopBits = ONESTOPBIT ;
serialParameters.Parity = NOPARITY ;
ByteSize is perhaps a misleading name. It defines the number of bits between the start and stop bit in an UART frame. Most commonly this is 8, but for pure ASCII data transfer 7 might be used - historically at least.
The Atmel AVR UART supports frames with 5 to 9 data bits. The PC's UART may be virtual, but will typically be compatible with the 16550 UART, which supported 5 to 8 bit data frames, however these days you are more likely to be using USB-Serial adapter, and the UART on the USB/Serial bridge may not support all 16550 modes - the common FTDI232R for example only supports 7 or 8 bit frames, while Prolific PL2303 supportts 5 to 8. It probably pays to avoid unconventional frames and stick to N,8,1 if you want to be sure it will work on a range of hardware.

From the Arduino documentation on Serial.begin() (emphasis added):
An optional second argument configures the data, parity, and stop
bits. The default is 8 data bits, no parity, one stop bit.
I see this in your code (with no second parameter):
and this
serialParameters.StopBits = TWOSTOPBITS;
I think that may be your problem.


Arduino servo code resetting to positon 0

(excuse my english)
Hi. I'm a beginner at coding who started trying things in Arduino and c++ (because of Arduino). Recently I just learned that you could write to the Arduino board via the serial monitor, and thus via your PC through your COM port, so I tried to find a way of controlling a servo motors rotation from cmd via Arduino's serial monitor. I copied code that was given as an example in the Arduino website and via someone from youtube and got a piece of code that worked, sort of.
Because you see this code works as in it writes to the serial monitor via a c++ program on windows (any ide), but when I send a command, it runs correctly, then it runs once again but setting the input to 0 degrees thus moving the servo head to 0 degrees. I "fixed" it temporarily by preventing the servo from rotating if the input is 0 but it runs everything else in the sketch.
(I've included the code below but it's really long and I don't exactly know how to include big pieces of code (apologies if I included stuff wrong) while still including the minimum reproducible example. I'll happily change it if told to)
The main code:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string>
#include "SerialPort.h"
char output[MAX_DATA_LENGTH];
char incomingData[MAX_DATA_LENGTH];
using namespace std;
char temp[] = "\\\\.\\COM4";
char* port = temp;
float Scalar = 0.8888;
int main() {
SerialPort arduino(port);
if (arduino.isConnected()) {
cout << "Connection established" << endl << endl;
else {
cout << "Error in port name" << endl << endl;
while (arduino.isConnected()) {
while (true) {
cout << "Enter your command (degrees 0 to 180 in integers): " << endl;
string data;
cin >> data;
if (data == "exit")
return 0;
/*if (stoi(data) != 90) {
data = to_string(
round((stof(data) - 90) * Scalar + 90)
//cout << data << endl;
char* charArray = new char[data.size() + 2];
copy(data.begin(), data.end(), charArray);
charArray[data.size()] = '\n';
charArray[data.size() + 1] = '\0';
cout << "char array: " << charArray << endl;
arduino.writeSerialPort(charArray, MAX_DATA_LENGTH);
arduino.readSerialPort(output, MAX_DATA_LENGTH);
cout << ">> " << output << endl;
cout << "----------\n" << endl;
delete[] charArray;
return 0;
The .ino sketch file:
#include <Servo.h>
Servo servo1;
int LED = 13;
int servoPos = 90; //to store servo's position
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
pinMode(LED, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
if(Serial.available() > 0) {
String info;
String return_text;
info = Serial.readStringUntil('\n');
return_text = "info variable string is: " + info;
if(info.toInt() < servoPos && info.toInt() != 0) {
for( 0; servoPos > info.toInt(); servoPos-=1) {
else if(info.toInt() > servoPos) {
for( 0; servoPos < info.toInt(); servoPos+=1) {
digitalWrite(LED, HIGH);
digitalWrite(LED, LOW);
//Serial.print("Servo position: ");
The header:
#define ARDUINO_WAIT_TIME 2000
#define MAX_DATA_LENGTH 255
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
class SerialPort
HANDLE handler;
bool connected;
COMSTAT status;
DWORD errors;
SerialPort(char* portName);
int readSerialPort(char* buffer, unsigned int buf_size);
bool writeSerialPort(char* buffer, unsigned int buf_size);
bool isConnected();
#endif // SERIALPORT_H
And the cpp file containing the functions:
#include "SerialPort.h"
SerialPort::SerialPort(char* portName)
this->connected = false;
this->handler = CreateFileA(static_cast<LPCSTR>(portName),
if (this->handler == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
if (GetLastError() == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) {
printf("ERROR: Handle was not attached. Reason: %s not available\n", portName);
else {
DCB dcbSerialParameters = { 0 };
if (!GetCommState(this->handler, &dcbSerialParameters)) {
printf("failed to get current serial parameters");
else {
dcbSerialParameters.BaudRate = CBR_9600;
dcbSerialParameters.ByteSize = 8;
dcbSerialParameters.StopBits = ONESTOPBIT;
dcbSerialParameters.Parity = NOPARITY;
dcbSerialParameters.fDtrControl = DTR_CONTROL_ENABLE;
if (!SetCommState(handler, &dcbSerialParameters))
printf("ALERT: could not set Serial port parameters\n");
else {
this->connected = true;
PurgeComm(this->handler, PURGE_RXCLEAR | PURGE_TXCLEAR);
if (this->connected) {
this->connected = false;
int SerialPort::readSerialPort(char* buffer, unsigned int buf_size)
DWORD bytesRead;
unsigned int toRead = 0;
ClearCommError(this->handler, &this->errors, &this->status);
if (this->status.cbInQue > 0) {
if (this->status.cbInQue > buf_size) {
toRead = buf_size;
else toRead = this->status.cbInQue;
if (ReadFile(this->handler, buffer, toRead, &bytesRead, NULL)) return bytesRead;
return 0;
bool SerialPort::writeSerialPort(char* buffer, unsigned int buf_size)
DWORD bytesSend;
if (!WriteFile(this->handler, (void*)buffer, buf_size, &bytesSend, 0)) {
ClearCommError(this->handler, &this->errors, &this->status);
return false;
else return true;
bool SerialPort::isConnected()
return this->connected;
What happens:
So when I run it, first the servo rotates to 90 degrees, then when I give it an integer input the Arduino runs the servo to the desired input, powers on and off the LED, and whilst this happens the cpp main code prints what I've sent to the Arduino (or at least the visible stuff without \n and \0 e.t.c) and what the serial monitor wrote and goes back to asking me to send an input. The problem is the Arduino code runs again and moves the servo to 0 degrees and lights on and off the LED, just like before without my request.
I went and prevented the servo from moving if data == 0, but the rest of the .ino sketch still runs, so I suspect it maybe have something to do with the char that the cpp file sends to the monitor..? But I'm too smooth brained to figure it out, thus asking for any advice. The console shows the output but doesn't show anything during the second time the arduino loop happens.
If I write something in the console whilst the second (undesired) iteration happens then the arduino doesn't respond to my input, and it also messes up output from the serial monitor during the next runs by either not showing text or completely messing up the text and/or displaying weird gibberish like "³ô¦ò»]½R↨ùýº§»⌂2{²à_Ú◄/4ý¾ı" and more.
(If anything needs to be added, removed or changed because of either misconduct, etiquette or e.t.c then as I said I'll be more than happy to)
thanks in advance.
Take a look here: Serial monitoring tool
It's a tool that simplify serial monitoring. You can view/plot data, send commands, store parameters and bind data with 3D view.
There are files for generic C code and the files (cpp) for Arduino are here Arduino files
Apologies for not updating. I found the solution. It was just that I asked the function from the code online to send a char array of 255 characters when I provided it with the length of whatever I sent. Since the function/header was tasked to send 255 characters it somehow made up random data which the arduino serial COM reader read as 0. I just fixed it by telling the function how much data to send by changing MAX_DATA_LENGTH in arduino.writeSerialPort(charArray, MAX_DATA_LENGTH); to just the number of characters in the string to send.

Windows API to Arduino Serial write works once but sends corrupted data when the same message is rewritten

I am using a third party WinAPI-based Serial library (SerialPort) in a C++ program to command a LED strip (iLED and pixel color), but it turns out it only seems to work for one command - if I send the same command a second time, the color of that pixel takes another random colour and for some reason the first LED turns on too with a random colour.
Here is a link to a video of what happens when the simplified code below is run, i.e. when pixel 3, 5 and 7 are commanded over and over to be red, green, and blue respectively.
I suspected the weren't synchronised so I added a start byte but it didn't seem to work either, that's what the code below does.
What is happening ?
SerialPort.h (source:
#define ARDUINO_WAIT_TIME 2000
#define MAX_DATA_LENGTH 255
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
class SerialPort
HANDLE handler;
bool connected;
COMSTAT status;
DWORD errors;
SerialPort(char const *portName, unsigned long baudrate);
int readSerialPort(char *buffer, unsigned int buf_size);
bool writeSerialPort(char *buffer, unsigned int buf_size);
bool isConnected();
#endif // SERIALPORT_H
SerialPort.cpp (source:
#include "serialport.h"
SerialPort::SerialPort(char const *portName, unsigned long baudrate)
this->connected = false;
this->handler = CreateFileA(static_cast<LPCSTR>(portName),
if (this->handler == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE){
if (GetLastError() == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND){
printf("ERROR: Handle was not attached. Reason: %s not available\n", portName);
else {
DCB dcbSerialParameters = {0};
if (!GetCommState(this->handler, &dcbSerialParameters)) {
printf("failed to get current serial parameters");
else {
dcbSerialParameters.BaudRate = baudrate;
dcbSerialParameters.ByteSize = 8;
dcbSerialParameters.StopBits = ONESTOPBIT;
dcbSerialParameters.Parity = NOPARITY;
dcbSerialParameters.fDtrControl = DTR_CONTROL_ENABLE;
if (!SetCommState(handler, &dcbSerialParameters))
printf("ALERT: could not set Serial port parameters\n");
else {
this->connected = true;
PurgeComm(this->handler, PURGE_RXCLEAR | PURGE_TXCLEAR);
if (this->connected){
this->connected = false;
int SerialPort::readSerialPort(char *buffer, unsigned int buf_size)
DWORD bytesRead;
unsigned int toRead;
ClearCommError(this->handler, &this->errors, &this->status);
if (this->status.cbInQue > 0){
if (this->status.cbInQue > buf_size){
toRead = buf_size;
else toRead = this->status.cbInQue;
if (ReadFile(this->handler, buffer, toRead, &bytesRead, NULL)) return bytesRead;
return 0;
bool SerialPort::writeSerialPort(char *buffer, unsigned int buf_size)
DWORD bytesSend;
if (!WriteFile(this->handler, (void*) buffer, buf_size, &bytesSend, 0)){
ClearCommError(this->handler, &this->errors, &this->status);
return false;
else return true;
bool SerialPort::isConnected()
return this->connected;
#include <iostream>
#include "serialport.h"
using namespace std;
int main()
SerialPort serial("COM3", 115200);
while(1) {
unsigned char buffer[] = {255,3, 254, 0, 0};
serial.writeSerialPort((char*)buffer, 4);
unsigned char buffer2[] = {255,5, 0, 254, 0};
serial.writeSerialPort((char*)buffer2, 4);
unsigned char buffer3[] = {255,7, 0, 0, 254};
serial.writeSerialPort((char*)buffer3, 4);
return 0;
Arduino firmware
#include <FastLED.h>
#define BAUDRATE 115200
#define N_BYTES_MSG 4
#define N_LEDS 120
#define DATA_PIN 6
CRGB leds[N_LEDS] = {0};
void setup() {
FastLED.addLeds<WS2811, DATA_PIN, BRG>(leds, N_LEDS); //I don't know why the colours are BRG on this strip;
void loop() {
//Check for a quadruplet of bytes (iLED R G B) led by start byte
if(Serial.available() >= N_BYTES_MSG+1 && == 255) {
//Read message
unsigned char buf[N_BYTES_MSG] = {0};
for(unsigned char i=0; i < N_BYTES_MSG; i++) {
buf[i] =;
if(buf[0] < N_LEDS) { //Valid ID
leds[buf[0]] = CRGB(buf[1],buf[2],buf[3]); //Update LED state in internal representation; //Refresh LEDs based on internal representation
Note that the LED strip seems to work properly on its own, since I successfully tested moving at constant speed a single pixel.
The LED strip itself is the easiest debug route I have since I didn't manage to make readSerialPort() work yet and the COM port is hogged by the program so I can't get a handle on it (can we sniff that somehow?).
I test serial.writeSerialPort on Windows 10 desktop with Arduino Uno. It works for me.
The following is the code I used:
On windows:
#include <iostream>
#include "serialport.h"
using namespace std;
int main()
SerialPort serial("COM4", 115200);
while (1) {
unsigned char buffer[] = { 255,3, 254, 0, 0 };
serial.writeSerialPort((char*)buffer, 5);
unsigned char buffer2[] = { 255,5, 0, 254, 0 };
serial.writeSerialPort((char*)buffer2, 5);
unsigned char buffer3[] = { 255,7, 0, 0, 254 };
serial.writeSerialPort((char*)buffer3, 5);
return 0;
On Arduino:
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
SoftwareSerial mySerial(10, 11); // RX, TX
#define BAUDRATE 115200
#define N_BYTES_MSG 4
#define N_LEDS 120
#define DATA_PIN 6
void setup() {
mySerial.println("Start reading.");
void loop() {
//Check for a quadruplet of bytes (iLED R G B) led by start byte
if(Serial.available() >= N_BYTES_MSG+1 && == 255) {
//Read message
unsigned char buf[N_BYTES_MSG] = {0};
for(unsigned char i=0; i < N_BYTES_MSG; i++) {
buf[i] =;
for(unsigned char i=0; i < N_BYTES_MSG; i++) {
//Serial.write("Read complete!");
I print the received data on Arduino:
I notice that the printed data messed up when the Windows sends fast as you did in the while(1) without delay. So try adding a delay between two writes to see if it works.
Add also note the problem as #paddy pointed out.
I didn't manage to make readSerialPort() work yet
Set unsigned int toRead = buf_size; in SerialPort.cpp works for me. Use the following code to read:
unsigned char readBuffer[20] = {};
serial.readSerialPort((char*)readBuffer, 20);
Read from Arduino result:

How to encode and decode audio data with opus?

I'm working on a voice chat and I need to compress my audio data. I record and play the audio data via the Qt Framework. If I record and play the audio data without compressing it everything is fine. If I compress,decompress and play the audio data I just hear a cracking sound.
Edit: I had a look at the demo code and I tried to use that code.
I can hear something but it is very laggy. If I increase the size of pcm_bytes to e.g 40000 it sounds better but my voice has still lags and cracking sounds.
This is the line (audioinput.cpp at the bottom):
speaker->write((const char*)pcm_bytes,3840);
#include "codecopus.h"
void CodecOpus::initDecoder(opus_int32 samplingRate, int channels) //decoder
int error;
decoderState = opus_decoder_create(samplingRate,channels,&error);
if(error == OPUS_OK){
std::cout << "Created Opus Decoder struct" << std::endl;
void CodecOpus::initEncoder(opus_int32 samplingRate, int channels) // Encoder
int error;
encoderState = opus_encoder_create(samplingRate,channels,OPUS_APPLICATION_VOIP,&error);
error = opus_encoder_ctl(encoderState,OPUS_SET_BITRATE(64000));
if(error == OPUS_OK){
std::cout << "Created Opus Encoder struct" << std::endl;
opus_int32 CodecOpus::encodeData(const opus_int16 *pcm, int frameSize, unsigned char *data, opus_int32 maxDataBytes) //Encoder
opus_int32 i = opus_encode(encoderState,pcm,frameSize,data,maxDataBytes);
return i;
int CodecOpus::decodeData(const unsigned char *data, opus_int32 numberOfBytes,opus_int16* pcm,int frameSizeInSec) //Decoder
int i = opus_decode(decoderState,data,numberOfBytes,pcm,frameSizeInSec,0);
return i;
#include <QAudioFormat>
#include <iostream>
#include <QAudioInput>
#include <QAudioOutput>
#include <thread>
#include "codecopus.h"
#include "QDebug"
class AudioInput : public QObject
void startRecording();
void CreateNewAudioThread();
CodecOpus opus;
unsigned char cbits[4000] = {};
opus_int16 in[960*2*sizeof(opus_int16)] = {};
opus_int16 out[5760*2] = {};
unsigned char *pcm_bytes;
QAudioFormat audioFormat;
QAudioInput *audioInput;
QIODevice *mic;
QByteArray data;
int micFrameSize;
QAudioOutput *audioOutput;
QIODevice *speaker;
QAudioFormat speakerAudioFormat;
public slots:
void OnAudioNotfiy();
#endif // AUDIOINPUT_H
#include "audioinput.h"
AudioInput::AudioInput() : audioFormat(),pcm_bytes(new unsigned char[40000])
QAudioDeviceInfo info = QAudioDeviceInfo::defaultInputDevice();
std::cout << "Mic Format not supported!" << std::endl;
audioFormat = info.nearestFormat(audioFormat);
QAudioDeviceInfo speakerInfo = QAudioDeviceInfo::defaultOutputDevice();
std::cout << "Speaker Format is not supported!" << std::endl;
speakerAudioFormat = info.nearestFormat(speakerAudioFormat);
std::cout << speakerAudioFormat.sampleRate() << audioFormat.sampleRate() << speakerAudioFormat.channelCount() << audioFormat.channelCount() << std::endl;
audioInput = new QAudioInput(audioFormat);
audioOutput = new QAudioOutput(speakerAudioFormat);
micFrameSize = (audioFormat.sampleRate()/1000)*20;
void AudioInput::startRecording()
mic = audioInput->start();
speaker = audioOutput->start();
std::cout << "Recording started!" << std::endl;
void AudioInput::CreateNewAudioThread()
std::thread t1(&AudioInput::startRecording,this);
void AudioInput::OnAudioNotfiy()
data = mic->readAll();
std::cout << "data size" <<data.size() << std::endl;
if(data.size() > 0){
pcm_bytes = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(;
for(int i=0;i<2*960;i++){ //TODO HARDCODED
opus_int32 compressedBytes = opus.encodeData(in,960,cbits,4000);
opus_int32 decompressedBytes = opus.decodeData(cbits,compressedBytes,out,MAX_FRAME_SIZE);
for(int i = 0; i<2*decompressedBytes;i++) //TODO HARDCODED
speaker->write((const char*)pcm_bytes,3840);
1)You encode only 960 bytes, while the buffer is much larger. You must split the buffer into several equal parts and pass them to the encoder. The size of the part is 120, 240, 480, 960, 1920, and 2880.
2)Use qFromLittleEndian()/qToLittleEndian() functions or type casting when converting from char array to opus_int16 array/from opus_int16 array to char array. This will prevent cracking and poor sound quality.
void voice::slot_read_audio_input()
// Audio settings:
// Sample Rate=48000
// Sample Size=16
// Channel Count=1
// Byte Order=Little Endian
// Sample Type= UnSignedInt
// Encoder settings:
// Sample Rate=48000
// Channel Count=1
// Decoder settings:
// Sample Rate=48000
// Channel Count=1
QByteArray audio_buffer;//mic
QByteArray output_audio_buffer;//speaker
int const OPUS_INT_SIZE=2;//sizeof(opus_int16)
int const FRAME_SIZE=960;
int const MAX_FRAME_SIZE=1276;
int FRAME_COUNT=3840/FRAME_SIZE/OPUS_INT_SIZE;// 3840 is a sample size= voice_input->bytesReady;
opus_int16 input_frame[FRAME_SIZE] = {};
opus_int16 output_frame[FRAME_SIZE] = {};
unsigned char compressed_frame[MAX_FRAME_SIZE] = {};
unsigned char decompressed_frame[FRAME_SIZE*OPUS_INT_SIZE] = {};
for(int i=0;i<FRAME_COUNT;i++)
// convert from LittleEndian
for(int j=0;j<FRAME_SIZE;j++)
// or use this:
// input_frame[j]=static_cast<short>(static_cast<unsigned char>(*j+1))<<8|static_cast<unsigned char>(*j)));
opus_int32 compressedBytes = opus_encode(enc, input_frame,FRAME_SIZE,compressed_frame,MAX_FRAME_SIZE);
opus_int32 decompressedBytes = opus_decode(dec,compressed_frame,compressedBytes,output_frame,FRAME_SIZE,0);
// conver to LittleEndian
for(int j = 0; j<decompressedBytes;j++)
// or use this:
// decompressed_frame[OPUS_INT_SIZE*j]=output_frame[j]&0xFF;
// decompressed_frame[OPUS_INT_SIZE*j+1]=(output_frame[j]>>8)&0xFF;
// or use this:
// output->write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(decompressed_frame),FRAME_SIZE*OPUS_INT_SIZE);
I had a long answer ready about how you are misinterpreting the return value of opus.decodeData as the number of bytes, where the correct interpretation is "number of decoded samples per channel". But it still looks like you account for that in the byte conversion routine later on. So I'm not precisely sure where the bug is.
In general I think you are making the conversion from unsigned char <-> int16 more complicated than it needs to be. You should be able to just pass the audio buffer directly to / from opus and reinterpret its pointer to the needed type inline, without having to manually do bit manipulations to convert and copy between different buffers. The audio device should give you little-endian data but if there is a mismatch you can do a basic byte swapping routine
for (int c = 0; c < numSamples; c++)
unsigned char tmp = data[2 * c];
data[2 * c] = data[2 * c + 1];
data[2 * c + 1] = tmp;
I don't see it here but I assume you also have code to only consume exactly 960 samples at a time from the mic and keep the rest in the buffer for the next frame, otherwise you'll drop data.
Not that it matters much, but you can also replace 4000 in cbits with 1275, which is the maximum opus packet size.

PortAudio: Device unavailable

What do I do wrong?
I have been trying to run this code but every time I run it, it says:
Error: Device unavailable
My Linux: Ubuntu 17.04.
Any help?
#include <portaudio.h>
#include <iostream>
#define SAMPLE_RATE (48000)
static float *data;
PaStream *stream;
int callback(const void *pVoid, void *pVoid1, unsigned long i, const PaStreamCallbackTimeInfo *pInfo,
PaStreamCallbackFlags i1, void *pVoid2);
int main() {
PaError err;
/* Open an audio I/O stream. */
err = Pa_OpenDefaultStream(&stream,
0, /* no input channels */
2, /* stereo output */
paFloat32, /* 32 bit floating point output */
paFramesPerBufferUnspecified, /* frames per buffer */
callback, /* this is your callback function */
&data); /*This is a pointer that will be passed to
your callback*/
if (err != paNoError) {
std::cout << "Error: " << Pa_GetErrorText(err) << std::endl;
auto a = Pa_GetLastHostErrorInfo();
if (a->errorCode != 0) {
std::cout << "Host error: " << a->errorText << std::endl;
return 1;
return 0;
int callback(const void *pVoid, void *pVoid1, unsigned long i, const PaStreamCallbackTimeInfo *pInfo,
PaStreamCallbackFlags i1, void *pVoid2) {
// Do something with the stream...
return 0;
I do not run any programs that use audio in any way.
You should properly init before openening a stream, and start by debugging from there..
Here is an example you can work with.

Can't read anything using QSerialPort

I have created a wrapper library around QSerialPort. I want to communicate with my device. First, I send list command to my device and it should return list of commands supported by that device. However, while debugging my code, i observed that list command is being send to the device and device returns the proper response to it (i debugged using serial traffic sniffer Linux tools). However, i am not getting any response from my device using QSerialPort (while serial traffic sniffer tool was disable). I am unable to get it work after testing it several times.
My Serial.h:
class Serial : public Print {
explicit Serial(const char *dev_path);
int begin(unsigned long baudrate);
int begin(unsigned long baudrate, uint8_t cfg);
void end(void);
int available(void) const;
bool availableForWrite(void) const;
void flush(void);
bool isError(void) const;
void reset(void);
unsigned long write(uint8_t c);
unsigned long write(uint8_t *p_data, unsigned long maxSize);
int read(void);
void close();
QSerialPort &getPort()
return *_p_port;
public slots:
void readyBe(void);
QSerialPort *_p_port;
unsigned long _baudrate;
My Serial.cpp:
_p_port = new QSerialPort();
if (_p_port == nullptr)
throw std::runtime_error("Can't allocate memory");
Serial::Serial(const char *dev_path)
_p_port = new QSerialPort(QString(dev_path), QApplication::instance());
if (_p_port == nullptr)
throw std::runtime_error("Can't allocate memory");
// _p_port->setPortName(QString(dev_path));
if (_p_port->open(QIODevice::ReadWrite) == false) {
throw std::runtime_error("Can't open the serial _p_port");
delete _p_port;
if (_p_port != nullptr) {
delete _p_port;
int Serial::begin(unsigned long baudrate)
if (_p_port->setBaudRate(baudrate, QSerialPort::AllDirections) == false)
return -1;
_baudrate = baudrate;
return 0;
void Serial::end()
if (_p_port->isOpen())
int Serial::available(void) const
int num_bytes = _p_port->bytesAvailable();
return num_bytes;
bool Serial::availableForWrite(void) const
if (_p_port->isWritable())
return true;
return false;
void Serial::flush()
unsigned long Serial::write(uint8_t c)
if (_p_port->putChar(c))
return 1;
return 0;
unsigned long Serial::write(uint8_t *p_data, unsigned long maxSize)
return _p_port->write(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(p_data), (qint64)maxSize);
int Serial::read(void)
char c;
return c;
void Serial::reset(void)
bool Serial::isError(void) const
if (_p_port->error() == QSerialPort::NoError)
return false;
return true;
And my main.cpp:
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QApplication a(argc, argv);
MainWindow w;
Serial serial("ttyACM0");
if (serial.begin(115200))
std::cout << "Failed to set Baud rate" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Sending data" << std::endl;
// QObject::connect(&(serial.getPort()), SIGNAL(readyRead()), &serial, SLOT(readyBe()));
while (true) {
while (true) {
while (serial.available() == 0) {
if (serial.isError()) {
std::cout << "Error" << std::endl;
// serial.reset();
char c =;
std::cout << c;
if (c == '\n')
std::cout << std::endl;
return a.exec();
You've pretty much missed everything needed for this code to work: the event loop. I/O in real life is asynchronous. You can't just "read" from the port without having some means of getting informed when the data is available, and actually letting the asynchronous I/O requests get processed. Yes, there are some legacy APIs that let you do that, but they mostly lead to spaghetti code, wasted threads, and poor performance.
The while (serial.available() == 0) loop is a no-op. It does nothing to actually let the available() return any other value. All that available() does internally is read an integer member of a class. You never run any code that could update the value stored in that member. Even if you would convert this to serial.waitForReadyRead(), which does update the number of available bytes, you're still not spinning an event loop, and thus you won't be able to process timeouts, or react to any other events an application might need to react to. QIODevice::waitForReadyRead is only meant to do one thing: return when a readyRead signal would fire. It won't process any other events, and it's a crutch used to port blocking code and is not really meant for production use.
You should redesign your code to be asynchronous and driven by signals from QSerialPort. The work will then be done from within QCoreApplication::exec - you won't have a loop of your own. This inversion of control is critical for getting async I/O working.
See e.g. this answer for a very simple example of an async approach, and this answer for a more complete one.