C++ get arrow key press while a thread is running - c++

I am trying to make a snake game in c++. I have a thread that moves the snake's head in the direction that the user specifies with the arrow keys. if I press the up arrow key I need the head to move up and continue moving (this is done by the thread) without me pressing the arrow keys.
The issue is i can't get the keyboard input to work together with the thread, its either one function works or its the other, they can't work together
Keyboard input function:
void moveSnake()
int key = getch();
case 72:
case 80:
case 77:
case 75:
Thread function:
void thread_handler()
// Move the snake
This is where i create the thread and call the keyboard function
int main()
thread t(thread_handler);
return 0;
I have tried
putting moveSnake() in a thread
executing the thread_handler function without a thread
tried to put both functions in a separate thread
tried switching the order with all these possible solutions
But none of these worked.
I need a way to get the keycode for the arrow keys while running the thread at the same time

Follow your source code like the compiler would, from top to bottom. Your debugger can help you step through it. You've went into a never ending loop in your main thread. What comes after that doesn't matter because you never get there.
Even if you switch the ordering of things, you've still got a never ending loop, so you cannot join properly after you call it.
You need to read up on some basic threading lessons.
Just because you are using threads doesn't mean you can stop worrying about whether loops exit or not. Loops should always have some exit condition.
For your program, I'd assume you'd want to start a thread to handle the input, lock some manner of storage and read key presses. Back in your main thread, you'd probably want to loop until some signal for exit, lock and get the stored key press/command (maybe use a thread safe queue?), and react to it.
Here is a very simple and naive example:
#include <mutex>
#include <thread>
#include <queue>
#include <conio.h>
#include <iostream>
class Application
void Run()
// Start input thread
if (m_inputThread.joinable())
auto thread = std::thread(std::bind(&Application::InputThreadProc, this));
while (!m_shutdown)
// React to the queued input, including checking for shutdown
// I'm just going to ignore the complex issue of timing
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m_mutex);
if( !m_keysPressed.empty() )
auto key = m_keysPressed.front();
switch (key)
case 75:
m_shutdown = true;
std::cout << "I saw a key: " << key << std::endl;
std::mutex m_mutex;
std::queue<int> m_keysPressed;
bool m_shutdown = false;
std::thread m_inputThread;
void Shutdown()
if (m_inputThread.joinable())
void InputThreadProc()
while (!m_shutdown)
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m_mutex);
// OS Specific. Better means of getting localized input exist.
// Also, timing is an issue. Is the key pressed when we are trying to read.
// Input is a complex topic and many libraries for it exist
int main()
Application application;
return 0;

Change the order of your main to
int main()
thread t(thread_handler);
return 0;
this way the thread is started before your input loop (which is an endless loop). Make sure you leave the t.join() at the end.
With this said, you need to create a method that both the thread and input loop exit. Currently both are infinite loops.


What's the good way to pass data to a thread in c++?

I'm learning multi-thread coding using c++. What I need to do is continuously read word from keyboard, and pass it to a data thread for data processing. I used global variable word[] to pass the data. When word[0] != 0 means a new input from keyboard. And the data thread will set word[0] to 0 once it read the data. It works! But I'm not sure if it safe or not, or there are better ways to do this. Here is my code:
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;
static const int buff_len = 32;
static char* word = new char[buff_len];
static void data_thread () { // thread to handle data
while (1)
if (word[0]) { // have a new word
char* w = new char[buff_len];
strcpy(w, word);
cout << "Data processed!\n";
word[0] = 0; // Inform the producer that we consumed the word
static void read_keyboard () {
char * linebuf = new char[buff_len];
thread * worker = new thread( data_thread );
while (1) //enter "end" to terminate the loop
if (!std::fgets( linebuf, buff_len, stdin)) // EOF?
linebuf[strcspn(linebuf, "\n")] = '\0'; //remove new line '\n' from the string
word = linebuf; // Pass the word to the worker thread
while (word[0]); // Wait for the worker thread to consume it
worker->join(); // Wait for the worker to terminate
int main ()
return 0;
The problem with this type of multi threading implementation is busy waiting. The input reader & the data consumer both are busy waiting and wasting the cpu cycles. To overcome this you need Semaphore.
Semaphore s_full(0);
Semaphore s_empty(1);
void data_processor ()
while (true) {
// Wait for data availability.
// Data is available to you, consume it.
// Unblock the data producer.
void input_reader()
while (true) {
// Wait for empty buffer.
// Read data.
// Unblock data com=nsumer.
In addition this solution will work only for a single data consumer thread. But for multiple data consumer threads you'll need thread safe buffer queue and proper implementation of producer - consumer problem.
See below blog links for additional information to solve this problem:
Thread safe buffer queue:
Producer - consumer problem:
There are a few problems with your approach:
This method is not scalable. What if you have more than 1 processing thread?
You would need a mutex to synchronise read-write access to the memory stored by word. At the scale of this example, not a big deal. In a "serious" application you might not have the luxury of waiting till you get the data thread stops processing. In that case, you might be tempted to remove the while(word[0]) but that is unsafe.
You fire off a "daemon" thread (not exactly but close enough) to handle your computations. Most of the time the thread is waiting for your input and cannot proceed without it. This is inefficient, and modern C++ gives you a way around it without explicitly handling raw threads using std::async paradigm.
#include <future>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
static std::string worker(const std::string &input)
// assume this is a lengthy operation
return input.substr(1);
int main()
while (true)
std::string input;
std::getline (std::cin, input);
if (input.empty())
std::future<std::string> fut= std::async(std::launch::async, &worker, input);
// Other tasks
// size_t n_stars = count_number_of_stars();
std::string result = fut.get(); // wait for the task to complete
printf("Output : %s\n", result.c_str());
return 0;
Something like this in my opinion is the better approach. std::async will launch a thread (if std::launch::async option is specified) and return a waitable future. The computation will continue in the background, and you can do other work in the main thread. When you need to get the result of your computation, you can get() the result of the future(btw the future can be void too).
Also there are a lot of C-isms in your C++ code. Unless there is a reason to do so, why would you not use std::string?
In modern CPP multithreading, u should be using condition_variable, mutex, and queue to handle this. the mutex prevents mutual reach to the queue and the condition variable makes the reader thread sleep until the writer writes what it write. the following is an example
static void data_thread (std::queue<char> & dataToProcess, std::mutex & mut, std::condition_variable & cv, std::atomic<bool>& finished) { // thread to handle data
std::string readData;
while (!finished)
std::unique_lock lock{mut};
cv.wait(lock, [&] { return !dataToProcess.empty() || finished; });
if (finished) {
while (!dataToProcess.empty()){
readData += dataToProcess.front();
readData += dataToProcess.front();
std::cout << "\nData processed\n";
std::cout << readData;
static void read_keyboard () {
std::queue<char> data;
std::condition_variable cv;
std::mutex mut;
std::atomic<bool> finished = false;
std::thread worker = std::thread( data_thread, std::ref(data), std::ref(mut), std::ref(cv), std::ref(finished) );
char temp;
while (true) //enter "end" to terminate the loop
if (!std::cin.get(temp)) // EOF?
finished = true;
std::lock_guard lock {mut};
worker.join(); // Wait for the worker to terminate
int main ()
return 0;
What you are looking for is a message queue. This needs mutex and condition variable.
Here is one on github (not mine but it popped up when I searched) https://github.com/khuttun/PolyM
and another
I will get told off for posting links, but I am not going to type the entire code here and github's not going anywhere soon

C++ Lock a mutex as if from another thread?

I'm writing an Audio class that holds an std::thread for refilling some buffers asynchronously. Say we call the main thread A and the background (class member) thread B. I'm using an std::mutex to block thread B whenever the sound is not playing, that way it doesn't run in the background when unnecessary and doesn't use excess CPU power. The mutex locked by thread A by default, so thread B is blocked, then when it's time to play the sound thread A unlocks the mutex and thread B runs (by locking then immediately unlocking it) in a loop.
The issue comes up when thread B sees that it's reached the end of the file. It can stop playback and clean up buffers and such, but it can't stop its own loop because thread B can't lock the mutex from thread A.
Here's the relevant code outline:
class Audio {
// ...
std::thread Thread;
std::mutex PauseMutex; // mutex that blocks Thread, locked in constructor
void ThreadFunc(); // assigned to Thread in constructor
// ...
void Play();
void Stop();
void Audio::ThreadFunc() {
// ... (include initial check of mutex here)
while (!this->EndThread) { // Thread-safe flag, only set when Audio is destructed
// ... Check and refill buffers as necessary, etc ...
if (EOF)
// Attempt a lock, blocks thread if sound/music is not playing
void Audio::Play() {
// ...
PauseMutex.unlock(); // unlock mutex so loop in ThreadFunc can start
void Audio::Stop() {
// ...
PauseMutex.lock(); // locks mutex to stop loop in ThreadFunc
// ^^ This is the issue here
In the above setup, when the background thread sees that it's reached EOF, it would call the class's Stop() function, which supposedly locks the mutex to stop the background thread. This doesn't work because the mutex would have to be locked by the main thread, not the background thread (in this example, it crashes in ThreadFunc because the background thread attempts a lock in its main loop after already locking in Stop()).
At this point the only thing I could think of would be to somehow have the background thread lock the mutex as if it was the main thread, giving the main thread ownership of the mutex... if that's even possible? Is there a way for a thread to transfer ownership of a mutex to another thread? Or is this a design flaw in the setup I've created? (If the latter, are there any rational workarounds?) Everything else in the class so far works just as designed.
I'm not going to even pretend to understand how your code is trying to do what it is doing. There is one thing, however, that is evident. You're trying to use a mutex for conveying some predicate state change, which is the wrong vehicle to drive on that freeway.
Predicate state change is handled by coupling three things:
Some predicate datum
A mutex to protect the predicate
A condition variable to convey possible change in predicate state.
The Goal
The goal in the below example is to demonstrate how a mutex, a condition variable, and predicate data are used in concert when controlling program flow across multiple threads. It shows examples of using both wait and wait_for condition variable functionality, as well as one way to run a member function as a thread proc.
Following is a simple Player class toggles between four possible states:
Stopped : The player is not playing, nor paused, nor quitting.
Playing : The player is playing
Paused : The player is paused, and will continue from whence it left off once it resumes Playing.
Quit : The player should stop what it is doing and terminate.
The predicate data is fairly obvious. the state member. It must be protected, which means it cannot be changed nor checked unless under the protection of the mutex. I've added to this a counter that simply increments during the course of maintaining the Playing state for some period of time. more specifically:
While Playing, each 200ms the counter increments, then dumps some data to the console.
While Paused, counter is not changed, but retains its last value while Playing. This means when resumed it will continue from where it left off.
When Stopped, the counter is reset to zero and a newline is injected into the console output. This means switching back to Playing will start the counter sequence all over again.
Setting the Quit state has no effect on counter, it will be going away along with everything else.
The Code
#include <iostream>
#include <mutex>
#include <condition_variable>
#include <thread>
#include <unistd.h>
using namespace std::chrono_literals;
struct Player
std::mutex mtx;
std::condition_variable cv;
std::thread thr;
enum State
State state;
int counter;
void signal_state(State st)
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mtx);
if (st != state)
state = st;
// main player monitor
void monitor()
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mtx);
bool bQuit = false;
while (!bQuit)
switch (state)
case Playing:
std::cout << ++counter << '.';
cv.wait_for(lock, 200ms, [this](){ return state != Playing; });
case Stopped:
cv.wait(lock, [this]() { return state != Stopped; });
std::cout << '\n';
counter = 0;
case Paused:
cv.wait(lock, [this]() { return state != Paused; });
case Quit:
bQuit = true;
: state(Stopped)
, counter(0)
thr = std::thread(std::bind(&Player::monitor, this));
void stop() { signal_state(Stopped); }
void play() { signal_state(Playing); }
void pause() { signal_state(Paused); }
void quit() { signal_state(Quit); }
int main()
Player player;
I can't really demonstrate this. You'll have to run it and see how it works, and I invite you to toy with the states in main() as I have above. Do note, however, that once quit is invoked none of the other stated will be monitored. Setting the Quit state will shut down the monitor thread. For what its worth, a run of the above should look something like this:
with the first set of numbers dumped in two groups (1..15, then 16..30), as a result of playing, then pausing, then playing again. Then a stop is issued, followed by another play for a period of ~3 seconds. After that, the object self-destructs, and in doing so, sets the Quit state, and waits for the monitor to terminate.
Hopefully you get something out of this. If you find yourself trying to manage predicate state by manually latching and releasing mutexes, changes are you need a condition-variable design patter to facilitate detecting those changes.
Hope you get something out of it.
class CtLockCS
CtLockCS() { ::InitializeCriticalSection(&m_cs); }
~CtLockCS() { ::DeleteCriticalSection(&m_cs); }
bool TryLock() { return ::TryEnterCriticalSection(&m_cs) == TRUE; }
void Lock() { ::EnterCriticalSection(&m_cs); }
void Unlock() { ::LeaveCriticalSection(&m_cs); }
// class CtLockMX - using mutex
class CtLockMX
CtLockMX(const TCHAR* nameMutex = 0)
{ m_mx = ::CreateMutex(0, FALSE, nameMutex); }
{ if (m_mx) { ::CloseHandle(m_mx); m_mx = NULL; } }
bool TryLock()
{ return m_mx ? (::WaitForSingleObject(m_mx, 0) == WAIT_OBJECT_0) : false; }
void Lock()
{ if (m_mx) { ::WaitForSingleObject(m_mx, INFINITE); } }
void Unlock()
{ if (m_mx) { ::ReleaseMutex(m_mx); } }
HANDLE m_mx;
// class CtLockSM - using semaphore
class CtLockSM
CtLockSM(int maxcnt) { m_sm = ::CreateSemaphore(0, maxcnt, maxcnt, 0); }
~CtLockSM() { ::CloseHandle(m_sm); }
bool TryLock() { return m_sm ? (::WaitForSingleObject(m_sm, 0) == WAIT_OBJECT_0) : false; }
void Lock() { if (m_sm) { ::WaitForSingleObject(m_sm, INFINITE); } }
void Unlock()
if (m_sm){
LONG prevcnt = 0;
::ReleaseSemaphore(m_sm, 1, &prevcnt);
HANDLE m_sm;

The conditional variable is not working but after adding std::cout, it is working

My project is consists of two threads: one main thread and the other thread which handles another window content. So, the when the main thread wants to ask the another windows to update itself it calls the draw function which is as follows:
void SubApplicationManager::draw() {
// Zero number of applications which has finished the draw counter
boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> lock(SubApplication::draw_mutex);
SubApplication::num_draws = 0;
// Draw the sub applications.
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_subApplications.size(); i++)
// Wait until all the sub applications finish drawing.
while (true){
boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> lock(SubApplication::draw_mutex);
std::cout << SubApplication::num_draws << std::endl;
if (SubApplication::num_draws >= m_subApplications.size()) break;
The draw function just signals the other thread that a new task is received.
void SubApplication::signal_draw() {
boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> lock(task_received_mutex);
task_received = true;
The body of other thread is as follows. It waits for the task to arrive and then start to process:
void SubApplication::thread() {
clock_t start_time, last_update;
start_time = last_update = clock();
//! Creates the Sub Application
while (!done) // Loop That Runs While done=FALSE
// Draw The Scene. Watch For ESC Key And Quit Messages From DrawGLScene()
if (active) // Program Active?
// Wait here, until a update/draw command is received.
boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> start_lock(task_start_mutex);
while (!task_received){
// Task received is set to false, for next loop.
boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> lock(task_received_mutex);
task_received = false;
clock_t frame_start_time = clock();
switch (task){
clock_t frame_end_time = clock();
double task_time = static_cast<float>(frame_end_time - frame_start_time) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
The problem is that if I run the code as it is, it never runs the other thread with task = TASK::TASK_DRAW; but if I add a std::cout << "Draw\n"; to the beginning of SubApplication::draw(), it will work as it should. I am looking for the reason which it is happening and what is the usual way to fix it?
boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> lock(task_received_mutex);
task_received = true;
Okay, the task_received_mutex protects task_received.
boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> start_lock(task_start_mutex);
while (!task_received){
Oops, we're reading task_received without holding the mutex that protects it. What prevents a race where one thread reads task_received while another thread is modifying it? This could immediately lead to deadlock.
Also, you have code that claims to "Wait until all the sub applications finish drawing" but there's no call to any wait function. So it actually spins rather than waiting, which is awful.
As a starter, signal the task_start_condition under the task_start_mutex lock.
Consider locking that mutex during thread creation to avoid obvious races.
Third: it seems you have several mutexes named for "logical tasks" (draw, start). In reality, however, mutexes guard resources, not "logical tasks". So it's good practice to name them after the shared resource they should guard. _(In this case I get the impression that a single mutex could be enough/better. But we can't tell for sure from the code shown)).

How to use a thread to break a loop in main c++

I am using the following thread in c++ to check if a certain condition is met and if so then it should break the loop. I call the thread in a while loop so I need that to break.
The refresh token is updated by another thread.
void ThreadCheck( void* pParams )
My while loop:-
refresh = false;
_beginthread( ThreadCheck, 0, NULL );
cout<<"Send>> ";
getline(cin, msg); //Make a custom function of this.
if(stricmp(msg.c_str(), "exit")==0)
crun = false;
else if(msg.empty() || stricmp(msg.c_str()," ")==0)
cout<<"Plz enter a valid message!\n";
} else {
manager('c', msg);
// msg.append("\n");
// chat_out<<msg;
// chat_out.close();
You cannot modify a value in one thread while another thread is, or might be, accessing it. You need to use some form of synchronization, such as a lock.
You have 2 threads : 1) main, 2) ThreadCheck. Add a mutex so as not to update the 'crun' at the same time and inside the thread update the value to false. That's it
#include <iostream>
#include "/tbb/mutex.h"
#include "/tbb/tbb_thread.h"
using namespace tbb;
typedef mutex myMutex;
static myMutex sm;
int i = 0;
void ThreadCheck( )
myMutex::scoped_lock lock;//create a lock
lock.acquire(sm);//Method acquire waits until it can acquire a lock on the mutex
//***only one thread can access the lines from here...***
crun = false;;//update is safe (only one thread can execute the code in this scope) because the mutex locked above protects all lines of code until the lock release.
sleep(1);//simply creating a delay to show that no other thread can update
std::cout<<"ThreadCheck "<<"\n";
//***...to here***
lock.release();//releases the lock (duh!)
int main()
tbb_thread my_thread(ThreadCheck);//create a thread which executes 'someFunction'
// ... your code
my_thread.join();//This command causes the main thread (which is the 'calling-thread' in this case) to wait until thread1 completes its task.

boost::io_service, threads and std::set

If there is something more difficult than debugging a multithreaded app that is trying to describe the bug itself.
I have two boost::threads (application and display).
Both use the same asio::io_service to do their work.
The display thread has a std::set of type window* which is a class I use to wrap winapi window management.
I use a custom message queue to communicate these two threads.
One of these messages (terminate) is used to notify the display thread that it must not "post" any more methods and that it must call thread_group.remove_thread and remove itself.
The thread has a variable (state) that flags the state of the thread (running, paused, terminated).
If it is running it "posts" it's update() method that iterates an std::set and calls the update method in each window* it contains.
If it is terminated, it clears the std::set, removes itself from the thread_group and doesn't post any more work.
The problem: Once a while, when trying to close the app, the thread's update method gets ran after the thread got "terminated" and the std::set got cleared. Then the update method tries to iterate the std::set and a SIGSEGV takes place. This only happens 1 every 10 runs of the application and I'm having a hard time trying to guess what's wrong.
I'll try to post the relevant code, if more is needed I'll try to add it.
int main(int argc, char **argv)
boost::asio::io_service ios;
boost::asio::strand strand(ios);
boost::thread_group threads;
owl::system::pump pump;
application app(&threads, &strand, &pump);
owl::system::display display(&strand, &pump);
return 0;
void display::on_terminate()
void display::close_all_windows()
while (!windows.eof())
window* win = windows.value();
delete win;
void display::on_update()
if (windows.size())
while (!windows.eof())
windows.move_next(); // Here happens the SIGSEGV
The class display inherits the class subsystem that manages thread execution. This is the relevant code involving the execution of on_update()
void subsystem::do_update()
message* msg;
size_t message_count = messages.size();
for (size_t i=0; i<message_count; i++)
msg = messages[i];
strand->dispatch(strand->wrap(boost::bind(&message::deallocate, msg)));
switch (state)
case running:
case paused:
// Do not update. Just check the queue and sleep
case terminated:
strand->post(strand->wrap(boost::bind(&subsystem::check_for_messages, this)));
void subsystem::check_for_messages()
pump->get_messages(this, messages);
ios->post(boost::bind(&subsystem::do_update, this));
The SIGSEGV occurs exactly when trying to increment the std::set iterator.
Child process PID: 2272
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
In std::_Rb_tree_increment(std::_Rb_tree_node_base const*) ()