When I executed this code
(reduce (fn [final number] (into final (+ number 1))) [] [1 2 3 4 5])
I got this error:
Don't know how to create ISeq from: java.lang.Long
You need conj instead of into.
into appends a sequence, conj appends an element.
Or you can wrap (+ number 1) with vector but using conj would be proper one:
(reduce (fn [final number] (into final [(+ number 1)])) [] [1 2 3 4 5])
I am just started clojure but I can't seem to figure out using/creating higher order functions.
I have partitioned a collection and I want to pass that into another function that will do something to the window of items. I am not sure how to go about doing this.
(def foo [:a :b :c :d :e])
(partition 3 1 foo)
;;=> ((:a :b :c) (:b :c :d) (:c :d :e))
(defn bar [start next end])
I think the basic outline would be.
(defn faz [collect]
(partition 3 1 collect)
;;maybe do here before passing
(bar stand next end)
I might be getting ahead of myself but I also see there are other functions like reduce and apply they can do something similar right? Although, most examples I see have it so they perform operations on two items at a time which are similar to (partition 2 1 foo)
You can do something like
(defn bar [start next end])
(defn faz [collect]
(let [partitions (partition 3 1 collect)]
(apply bar partitions)
or if you want to call bar directly, you can use destructuring
(defn bar [start next end])
(defn faz [collect]
(let [partitions (partition 3 1 collect)
[start next end] partitions]
(bar start next end)
Your question is general and there is more ways to achieve this, based on expected result and used function.
If you want to return sequence of results, use map and apply:
(defn results-for-triplets [collect]
(map #(apply + %) (partition 3 1 collect)))
(results-for-triplets [1 2 3 4 5])
=> (6 9 12)
For better readability, you can use ->> macro.
(defn results-for-triplets [collect]
(->> collect
(partition 3 1)
(map #(apply + %))))
(results-for-triplets [1 2 3 4 5])
=> (6 9 12)
You can avoid apply, if your function destructures passed sequence:
(defn sum3 [[a b c]]
(+ a b c))
(defn results-for-triplets [collect]
(->> collect
(partition 3 1)
(map sum3)))
(results-for-triplets [1 2 3 4 5])
=> (6 9 12)
If you want to call function for side effect and then return nil, use run!:
(defn print3 [[a b c]]
(println a b c))
(defn results-for-triplets [collect]
(->> collect
(partition 3 1)
(run! print3)))
(results-for-triplets [1 2 3 4 5])
1 2 3
2 3 4
3 4 5
=> nil
Let's imagine we want to compute two different functions on some given input. How can we do that with transducers?
For example, let's say we have these two transducers:
(def xf-dupl (map #(* 2 %)))
(def xf-inc (map inc))
Now, I would like some function f that takes a collection of transducers and returns a new transducer that combines them, as follows:
(into [] (f [xf-dupl xf-inc]) (range 5))
; => [[0 2 4 6 8] [1 2 3 4 5]]
There should probably be a very simple solution to this, but I cannot find it.
Note: I have tried with cgrand/xforms library's transjuxt, but there I get the following
(into [] (x/transjuxt {:a xf-dupl :b xf-inc}) (range 5))
; => [{:a 0 :b 1}]
Thanks for your help!
Using cgrand/xforms you can define f as
(defn f
(x/multiplex (zipmap (range) xfs))
(x/by-key (x/into []))
(map second)))
Calling f as you outlined in your question yields
user> (into [] (f [xf-dupl xf-inc]) (range 5))
[[0 2 4 6 8] [1 2 3 4 5]]
I've tried this for so many nights that I've finally given up on myself. Seems like an extremely simple problem, but I guess I'm just not fully understanding Clojure as well as I should be (I partially attribute that to my almost sole experience with imperative languages). The problem is from hackerrank.com
Here is the problem:
Problem Statement
Given a list repeat each element of the list n times. The input and output
portions will be handled automatically by the grader.
Input Format
First line has integer S where S is the number of times you need to repeat
elements. After this there are X lines, each containing an integer. These are the
X elements of the array.
Output Format
Repeat each element of the original list S times. So you have to return
list/vector/array of S*X integers. The relative positions of the values should be
same as the original list provided as input.
So, given:
I've tried:
(fn list-replicate [num list]
(println (reduce
(fn [element seq] (dotimes [n num] (conj seq element)))
But that just gives me an exception. I've tried so many other solutions, and this probably isn't one of my better ones, but it was the quickest one I could come up with to post something here.
(defn list-replicate [num list]
(mapcat (partial repeat num) list))
(doseq [x (list-replicate 2 [1 2 3])]
(println x))
;; output:
The previous answer is short and it works, but it is very "compressed" and is not easy for new people to learn. I would do it in a simpler and more obvious way.
First, look at the repeat function:
user=> (doc repeat)
([x] [n x])
Returns a lazy (infinite!, or length n if supplied) sequence of xs.
user=> (repeat 3 5)
(5 5 5)
So we see how to easily repeat something N times.
What if we run (repeat n ...) on each element of the list?
(def N 2)
(def xvals [1 2 3] )
(for [curr-x xvals]
(repeat N curr-x))
;=> ((1 1) (2 2) (3 3))
So we are getting close, but we have a list-of-lists for output. How to fix? The simplest way is to just use the flatten function:
(for [curr-x xvals]
(repeat N curr-x)))
;=> (1 1 2 2 3 3)
Note that both repeat and for are lazy functions, which I prefer to avoid unless I really need them. Also, I usually prefer to store my linear collections in a concrete vector, instead of a generic "seq" type. For these reasons, I include an extra step of forcing the results into a single (eagar) vector for the final product:
(defn list-replicate [num-rep orig-list]
(into []
(for [curr-elem xvals]
(repeat N curr-elem)))))
(list-replicate N xvals)
;=> [1 1 2 2 3 3]
I would suggest building onto Alan's solution and instead of flatten use concat as this will preserve the structure of the data in case you have input sth like this [[1 2] [3 4]].
((fn [coll] (apply concat (for [x coll] (repeat 2 x)))) [[1 2] [3 4]])
output: => ([1 2] [1 2] [3 4] [3 4])
unlike with flatten, which does the following
((fn [coll] (flatten (for [x coll] (repeat 2 x)))) [[1 2] [3 4]])
output: => (1 2 1 2 3 4 3 4)
as for simple lists e.g. '(1 2 3), it works the same:
((fn [coll] (apply concat (for [x coll] (repeat 2 x)))) '(1 2 3))
output => (1 1 2 2 3 3)
(reduce #(count (map println (repeat %1 %2))) num list)
I have the following variable
(def a [[1 2] [3 4] [5 6]])
and want to return
[[1 3 5][2 4 6]]
and if input is
[[1 2] [3 4] [5 6] [7 8 9]] then the required result is
[[1 3 5 7] [2 4 6 8] [9]]
How to do it in clojure?
(fn [acc e]
(fn [acc2 i2 e2]
(assoc! acc2 i2 ((fnil conj []) (get acc2 i2) e2)))
(transient [])
[[1 2 3] [:a :b] [\a] [111] [200 300 400 500]]))
;;=> [[1 :a \a 111 200] [2 :b 300] [3 400] [500]]
An empty vector can be updated via the update-in fn at the 0th index, a non-empty vector can be, additionally, updated at the index immediately following the last value.
The reduction here is about passing the outer accumulator to the inner reducing function, updating it accordingly, and then returning it back to the outer reducing function, which in turn will pass again to the inner rf for processing the next element.
EDIT: Updated to fastest version.
I like ifett's implementation, though it seems weird to use reduce-kv to build a vector that could be easily build with map/mapv.
So, here is how I would've done it:
(defn transpose [v]
(mapv (fn [ind]
(mapv #(get % ind)
(filter #(contains? % ind) v)))
(->> (map count v)
(apply max)
(->> (range)
(map (fn [i]
(->> a
(filter #(contains? % i))
(map #(nth % i)))))
(take-while seq))
Notice that this algorithm creates a lazy seq of lazy seqs so you that you will only pay for the transformations you really consume. If you insist on creating vectors instead, wrap the forms in vec at the necessary places - or if you are using Clojurescript or don't mind a Clojure 1.7 alpha use transducers to create vectors eagerly without paying for laziness or immutability:
(into []
(map (fn [i]
(into [] (comp (filter #(contains? % i))
(map #(nth % i)))
(take-while seq))
I find this easy to understand:
(defn nth-column [matrix n]
(for [row matrix] (nth row n)))
(defn transpose [matrix]
(for [column (range (count (first matrix)))]
(nth-column matrix column)))
(transpose a)
=> ((1 3 5) (2 4 6))
nth-column is a list comprehension generating a sequence from the nth element of each sequence (of rows).
Then transpose-matrix is simply iterating over the columns creating a sequence element for each, consisting of (nth-column matrix column) i.e. the sequence of elements for that column.
(partial filter identity) ;;remove nil in each sub-list
#(some identity %) ;;stop on all nil sub-list
(for [i (range)]
(map #(get % i) a)))) ;; get returns nil on missing values
Use get to have nil on missing values, iterate (for) on an infinite range, stop on all nil sub-list, remove nil from sub-lists. Add vector constructor before first map and in it's function (first argument) if you really need vectors.
EDIT: please leave a comment if you think this is not useful. We can all learn from mistakes.
If I use the reductions function like so:
(reductions + [1 2 3 4 5])
Then I get
(1 3 6 10 15)
Which is great - but I'd like to apply a binary function in the same way without the state being carried forward - something like
(magic-hof + [1 2 3 4 5])
leads to
(1 3 5 7 9)
ie it returns the operation applied to the first pair, then steps 1 to the next pair.
Can someone tell me the higher-order function I'm looking for? (Something like reductions)
This is my (non-working) go at it:
(defn thisfunc [a b] [(+ a b) b])
(reduce thisfunc [1 2 3 4 5])
You can do it with map:
(map f coll (rest coll))
And if you want a function:
(defn map-pairwise [f coll]
(map f coll (rest coll)))
And if you really need the first element to remain untouched (thanx to juan.facorro's comment):
(defn magic-hof [f [x & xs :as s]]
(cons x (map f s xs)))
partition will group your seq:
user> (->> [1 2 3 4 5] (partition 2 1) (map #(apply + %)) (cons 1))
(1 3 5 7 9)
So, you want to apply a function to subsequent pairs of elements?
(defn pairwise-apply
[f sq]
(when (seq sq)
(->> (map f sq (next sq))
(cons (first sq)))))
Let's try it:
(pairwise-apply + (range 1 6))
;; => (1 3 5 7 9)
This is sufficient:
(#(map + (cons 0 %) %) [1 2 3 4 5])
;; => (1 3 5 7 9)