Is there a way to simultaneously assign a type to multiple templates in C++? - c++

This question is based on the example code below, which is inspired by Sean Parent's talk.
The goal of the code below is to provide an object wrapper similar to boost::any. I wrote this code to educate myself of type erasure. So, there is no practical uses this code intends (considering there is already boost::any).
class ObjWrap {
template <typename T>
ObjWrap(T O) : Self(new Obj<T>(std::move(O))) {}
template <typename T>
friend typename T * getObjPtr(ObjWrap O) {
return static_cast<T*>(O.Self->getObjPtr_());
struct Concept {
virtual ~Concept() = 0;
virtual void* getObjPtr_() = 0;
template <typename T>
struct Obj : Concept {
Obj(T O) : Data(std::move(O)) {}
void* getObjPtr_() { return static_cast<void*>(&Data); }
T Data;
std::unique_ptr<Concept> Self;
Before I can really ask my question, let's examine the code in the following aspects:
Concept::getObjPtr_ returns void* because a) Concept cannot be a template otherwise unique_ptr<Concept> Self would not work; b) void* is the only way I know how to return Obj::Data in a type-agnostic way in C++. Please correct me if this is wrong...
T * getObjPtr(ObjWrap O) is a template that needs instantiation separately from the ObjWrap constructor.
The use of ObjWrap basically includes: a) make a new ObjWrap over an existing object; b) retrieve the underlying object given an ObjWrap. For example:
ObjWrap a(1);
ObjWrap b(std::string("b"));
int* p_a = getObjPtr<int>(a);
std::string* p_b = getObjPtr<std::string>(b);
This works but it is obvious that getObjPtr<int>(b) does not work as intended.
So, my question is:
Is there a way to fix the above code so that we can simply use int* p_a = getObjPtr(a) and std::string* p_b = getObjPtr(b) or better yet auto p_a = getObjPtr(a) and auto p_b = getObjPtr(b)? In other words, is there a way in C++ to instantiate two templates at the same time (if so, we can instantiate the ObjWrap constructor and T* getObjPtr(ObjWrap) at compile time of a ObjWrap object, e.g., ObjWrap a(1))?
Edit 1:
Making ObjWrap a templated class does not help since it defeats the purpose of type erasure.
template <typename T>
class ObjWrap {
/* ... */
ObjWrap<int> a(1); // this is no good for type erasure.
Edit 2:
I was reading the code and realize that it can be modified to reflect the idea a little better. So, please also look at the following code:
class ObjWrap {
template <typename T>
ObjWrap(T O) : Self(new Obj<T>(std::move(O))) {}
template <typename T>
T * getObjPtr() {
return static_cast<T*>(Self->getObjPtr_());
struct Concept {
virtual ~Concept() = 0;
virtual void* getObjPtr_() = 0;
template <typename T>
struct Obj : Concept {
Obj(T O) : Data(std::move(O)) {}
void* getObjPtr_() { return static_cast<void*>(&Data); }
T Data;
std::unique_ptr<Concept> Self;
int main() {
ObjWrap a(1);
ObjWrap b(std::string("b"));
int* p_a = a.getObjPtr<int>();
std::string* p_b = b.getObjPtr<std::string>();
std::cout << *p_a << " " << *p_b << "\n";
return 0;
The main difference between this version of the code versus the one above is that T * getObjPtr() is a member function that is encapsulated by the ObjWrap object.
Edit 3:
My question regarding type erasure is answered by accepted answer. However, the question on simultaneous type instantiation to multiple templates is yet to be answered. My guess is currently C++ does not allow it but it would be nice to hear from people with more experience on that.

There are a few things that may help.
First thing to say is that if Obj ever needs to expose the address of the object, it's not Sean Parent's 'inheritance is the root of all evil' type-erasing container.
The trick is to ensure that the interface of Obj offers all semantic actions and queries the wrapper will ever need.
In order to provide this, it's often a reasonable idea to cache the address of the object and its type_id in the concept.
Consider the following updated example, in which there is one public method - operator==. The rule is that two Objs are equal if they contain the same type of object and those objects compare equal.
Note that the address and type_id:
1) are implementation details and not exposed on the interface of Obj
2) are accessible without virtual calls, which short-circuits the not-equal case.
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#include <typeinfo>
#include <utility>
#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>
class ObjWrap
template <typename T>
ObjWrap(T O) : Self(new Model<T>(std::move(O))) {}
// objects are equal if they contain the same type of model
// and the models compare equal
bool operator==(ObjWrap const& other) const
// note the short-circuit when the types are not the same
// this means is_equal can guarantee that the address can be cast
// without a further check
return Self->info == other.Self->info
&& Self->is_equal(other.Self->addr);
bool operator!=(ObjWrap const& other) const
return !(*this == other);
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, ObjWrap const& o)
return o.Self->emit(os);
struct Concept
// cache the address and type here in the concept.
void* addr;
std::type_info const& info;
Concept(void* address, std::type_info const& info)
: addr(address)
, info(info)
virtual ~Concept() = default;
// this is the concept's interface
virtual bool is_equal(void const* other_address) const = 0;
virtual std::ostream& emit(std::ostream& os) const = 0;
template <typename T>
struct Model : Concept
Model(T O)
: Concept(std::addressof(Data), typeid(T))
, Data(std::move(O)) {}
// no need to check the pointer before casting it.
// Obj takes care of that
/// #pre other_address is a valid pointer to a T
bool is_equal(void const* other_address) const override
return Data == *(static_cast<T const*>(other_address));
std::ostream& emit(std::ostream& os) const override
return os << Data;
T Data;
std::unique_ptr<Concept> Self;
int main()
auto x = ObjWrap(std::string("foo"));
auto y = ObjWrap(std::string("foo"));
auto z = ObjWrap(int(2));
assert(x == y);
assert(y != z);
std::cout << x << " " << y << " " << z << std::endl;

(etc. etc.) Please correct me if this is wrong...
Your premise is wrong at least in principle, if not also in practice. You're insisting on making getObjPtr() a virtual method, and using an abstract base class. But - you've not established this is necessary. Remember - using virtual methods is expensive! Why should I pay for virtuals just to get type erasure?
Is there a way to fix the above code so that we can simply use int* p_a = getObjPtr(a)
Take Sean Parent's talk title to heart (as opposed to the fact that he does use inheritance in the talk), drop the inheritance and the answer should be Yes. Edit: It's sufficient for the code that erases the type and the code that un-erases the type to know what the type is - as long as you don't need to act on the type-erased data in a type-specific way. In Sean Parent's talk, you need to be able to make non-trivial copies of it, to move it, to draw it etc. With std::any/boost::any you might need copying and moving, which may require virtuals - but that's the most general use case.
Even std::any limits what you can and can't do, as is discussed in this question:
why doesn't std::any_cast support implicit conversion?


Const correctness in struct initialization

I'm playing with C++ and const-correctness right now.
Assume you have the following structure
template <typename T>
struct important_structure {
T* data;
int a;
important_structure(const T& el, int a);
void change();
template <typename T>
void important_structure<T>::change() {
//alter data field in some way
template <typename T>
important_structure <T>::important_structure(const T& el, int a) : data(&el), a(a) //error line {
int main() {
important_structure<int>* s = new important_structure<int>{5, 3};
When compiling with std=c++11, the compiler returns the following error:
invalid conversion from ‘const int*’ to ‘int*’
Now, I know it's unsafe to cast a const int* to int*. The problem is that I have a data structure and I don't want to put the field data as a constant.
However, I don't want to remove the const qualifier in the constructor since, I think, it's informative for future developers: it clearly says that el won't be modified by the function. Still the field data may be modified by some other function in important_structure.
My question is: How can I deal with fields which are initialized in the costructor and altered in some other function?
Most of const correctness deals with simple answers, but no question (I think) deals with scenarios where a const parameter is passed to a data structure and then such data structure is altered by someone else.
Thanks for any kind reply
passing el as a const reference doesn't just mean the function will not change el during the run of the function, it means because of this function call, el won't be changed at all. And by putting the address of el into non-const data, you violate that promise.
So, the clean solution, if you indeed want to change data, is removing the const. since it is not informative to future developers, but misleading. Casting away the const would be very bad here.
Let's use a simple class as T type of important_struct:
class Data
Data() : something(0){}
Data(int i) : something(i){}
Data(const Data & d) : something(d.something){}
//non-const method: something can be modified
void changeSomething(int s){ something += s; }
//const method: something is read-only
int readSomething() const { return something; }
int something;
This class has a very simple, yet well encapsulated, status, i.e. the int something field, which is accessed through methods in a very controlled way.
Let (a simplified version of) important_structure hold an instance of Data as a private field:
template <typename T>
struct important_structure
important_structure(T * el);
void change();
int read() const;
T* data;
We can assign a Data instance to an important_structure instance this way:
important_structure<Data> s(new Data());
The instance is assigned in construction:
template <typename T>
important_structure <T>::important_structure(T * el) : data(el) {}
Now the great question: do important_structure take ownership of the Data instances it holds? The answer must be made clear in documentation.
If it is yes, important_structure must take care of memory cleanup, e.g. a destructor like this one is required:
template<typename T>
delete data;
Notice that, in this case:
Data * p = new Data()
// ...
important_structure<Data> s(p);
//p is left around ...
another pointer to the Data istance is left around. What if someone mistakenly call delete on it? Or, even worse:
Data d;
// ...
important_structure<Data> s(&p); //ouch
A much better design would let important_structure own its own Data instance :
template <typename T>
struct important_structure
void change();
// etc ...
T data; //the instance
but this is maybe simplistic or just unwanted.
One could let important_structure copy the instance it will own:
template<typename T>
important_structure<T>::important_structure(const T &el)
data = el;
the latter being the constructor provided in the question: the object passed won't be touched, but copied. Obviously, there are two identical Data objects around, now. Again, the result could not be what we needed in the first place.
There is a third way, in the middle: the object is instantiated outside the owner, and moved to it, using move semantics.
As an example, let's give Data a move assignment operator:
Data & operator=(Data && d)
this->something = d.something;
d.something = 0;
return *this;
and let important_structure provide a constructor which accepts an rvalue reference of T:
important_structure(T && el)
data = std::move(el);
One can still pass a Data instance using a temporary as the required rvalue:
important_structure<Data> s(Data(42));
or an existing one, providing the required reference from an lvalue, thanks to std::move:
Data d(42);
// ...
important_structure<Data> x(std::move(d));
std::cout << "X: " << << std::endl;
std::cout << "D: " << d.readSomething() << std::endl;
In this second example, the copy held by important_structure is considered the good one while the other is left in a valid but unspecified state, just to follow the standard library habits.
This pattern is, IMHO, more clearly stated right in code, expecially if considered that this code will not compile:
Data d(42);
important_structure<Data> x (d);
Whoever wants an instance of important_structure must provide a temporary Data instance or explicitly move an existing one with std::move.
Now, let the important_structure class be a container, as you asked in comment, so that data is somehow accessible from outside. Let's give a method like this to the important_structure class:
const T & owneddata() { return data; }
Now, we can use data const methods like this:
important_structure<Data> s(Data(42));
std::cout << s.owneddata().readSomething() << std::endl;
but calls to `Data' non-const methods will not compile:
s.owneddata().changeSomething(1000); //not compiling ...
If in need of it (hope not), expose a non-const reference:
T & writablereference() { return data; }
Now the data field is at full disposal:
s.writablereference().changeSomething(1000); //non-const method called
std::cout << s.owneddata().readSomething() << std::endl;
Using const T& el and data(&el) is a really bad idea, because it implies that you could write:
new important_structure<int>{5, 3};
But to write new important_structure<int>{5, 3}; would result in data holding an address that would no longer be valid immediately after calling the constructor.
If you want that the point data can be changed, but that the value where the pointer points to cannot be changed, then you want to write it that way:
template <typename T>
struct important_structure {
T const * data;
int a;
important_structure(T const * el, int a);
void change();
template <typename T>
void important_structure<T>::change() {
//alter data field in some way
template <typename T>
important_structure <T>::important_structure( T const * el, int a) : data(el), a(a) { //error line
int main() {
int i = 5;
important_structure<int>* s = new important_structure<int>{&i, 3};

QList of a polymorphic class with copy-on-write?

I am trying to create a QList of a polymorphic type that still uses Qt's implicit sharing.
My specific use case is passing items held in a QList to QtConcurrent::mapped. The items all descend from a base class which defines a virtual function that QtConcurrent::mapped will call. The majority of the stored data will be child class specific. These items may be edited after the threading begins, leaving me with two main options, locks or copy the data. I do not want to stick locks in, because that would eliminate most of the purpose of using extra threads. Also making full copies of my data also seems quite undesirable. Instead I would like use Qt's implicit sharing to only make copies of the data items that I change, however I can't seem to make a QList of a polymorphic type that still uses implicit sharing.
QList by default uses implicit sharing, so at first glance it would seem that we are already done.
QList<Base> list;
Derived derived_obj;
list.append(derived_obj); // this fails
However appending a child class to a QList of the parent class will not work and the standard answer is to instead use a QList of QSharedPointers to the base class, which will accept appending a pointer to the child class.
QList<QSharedPointer<Base> > pointer_list;
QSharedPointer<Derived> derived_pointer;
pointer_list.append(derived_pointer); // this works but there is no copy-on-write
If I use a QList of QSharedPointers, it is the QSharedPointer that will be be copied rather than my polymorphic class, meaning that I have lost the copy-on-write functionality that I would like.
I have also looked at using a QList of QSharedDataPointers.
QList<QSharedDataPointer<Base> > data_pointer_list;
QSharedDataPointer<Derived> derived_data_pointer;
list.append(derived_data_pointer); // this fails
However like QList itself, QSharedDataPointers do not seem to accept polymorphic types.
This fails:
QList<QSharedDataPointer<Base>> list;
QSharedDataPointer<Derived> derived(new Derived);
Note An alternative approach to the below would be to merge the PolymorphicShared and PolymorphicSharedBase to add polymorphism support directly to QSharedDataPointer, without placing special requirements on the QSharedData-derived type (e.g. it wouldn't need to explicitly support clone). This requires a bit more work. The below is just one working approach.
QSharedDataPointer is indeed the answer you seek and can definitely hold polymorphic QSharedData. You need to separate the type into a hierarchy based on QSharedData, and another parallel hierarchy wrapping the QSharedDataPointer. The QSharedDataPointer is not usually meant to be used directly by the end user of a class. It's an implementation detail useful in implementing an implicitly shared class.
For efficiency's sake, a QSharedDataPointer is a small type that can be moved at the bit level. It's quite efficient when stored in containers of all sorts - especially in Qt containers that can utilize the type traits to be aware of this property. The size of a class using a QSharedDataPointer will usually double if we make it polymorphic itself, thus it helps not to do it. The pointed-to data type can be polymorphic, of course.
First, let's define a rather univeral base class PIMPL that you'll build the hierarchy on. The PIMPL class can be dumped into the debug stream, and cloned.
#include <QtCore>
#include <type_traits>
class PolymorphicSharedData : public QSharedData {
virtual PolymorphicSharedData * clone() const = 0;
virtual QDebug dump(QDebug) const = 0;
virtual ~PolymorphicSharedData() {}
The xxxData types are PIMPLs and are not meant for use by the end-user. The user is meant to use the xxx type itself. This shared type then wraps the polymorphic PIMPL and uses the QSharedDataPointer for storage of the PIMPL. It exposes the methods of the PIMPL.
The type itself is not polymorphic, to save on the size of the virtual table pointer. The as() function acts as dynamic_cast() would, by redirecting polymorphism to the PIMPL.
class PolymorphicShared {
QSharedDataPointer<PolymorphicSharedData> d_ptr;
PolymorphicShared(PolymorphicSharedData * d) : d_ptr(d) {}
PolymorphicShared() = default;
PolymorphicShared(const PolymorphicShared & o) = default;
PolymorphicShared & operator=(const PolymorphicShared &) = default;
QDebug dump(QDebug dbg) const { return d_ptr->dump(dbg); }
template <class T> typename
std::enable_if<std::is_pointer<T>::value, typename
std::enable_if<!std::is_const<typename std::remove_pointer<T>::type>::value, T>::type>
::type as() {
if (dynamic_cast<typename std::remove_pointer<T>::type::PIMPL*>(
return static_cast<T>(this);
return {};
template <class T> typename
std::enable_if<std::is_pointer<T>::value, typename
std::enable_if<std::is_const<typename std::remove_pointer<T>::type>::value, T>::type>
::type as() const {
if (dynamic_cast<const typename std::remove_pointer<T>::type::PIMPL*>(
return static_cast<T>(this);
return {};
template <class T> typename
std::enable_if<std::is_reference<T>::value, typename
std::enable_if<!std::is_const<typename std::remove_reference<T>::type>::value, T>::type>
::type as() {
Q_UNUSED(dynamic_cast<typename std::remove_reference<T>::type::PIMPL&>(*d_ptr));
return static_cast<T>(*this);
template <class T> typename
std::enable_if<std::is_reference<T>::value, typename
std::enable_if<std::is_const<typename std::remove_reference<T>::type>::value, T>::type>
::type as() const {
Q_UNUSED(dynamic_cast<const typename std::remove_reference<T>::type::PIMPL&>(*d_ptr));
return static_cast<T>(*this);
int ref() const { return d_ptr ? d_ptr->ref.load() : 0; }
QDebug operator<<(QDebug dbg, const PolymorphicShared & val) {
return val.dump(dbg);
template <> PolymorphicSharedData * QSharedDataPointer<PolymorphicSharedData>::clone() {
return d->clone();
A helper to makes it easy to use the abstract base class with derived data types. It casts the d-ptr to a proper derived PIMPL type, and forwards the constructor arguments to the PIMPL's constructor.
template <class Data, class Base = PolymorphicShared> class PolymorphicSharedBase : public Base {
friend class PolymorphicShared;
using PIMPL = typename std::enable_if<std::is_base_of<PolymorphicSharedData, Data>::value, Data>::type;
PIMPL * d() { return static_cast<PIMPL*>(&*this->d_ptr); }
const PIMPL * d() const { return static_cast<const PIMPL*>(&*this->d_ptr); }
PolymorphicSharedBase(PolymorphicSharedData * d) : Base(d) {}
template <typename T> static typename std::enable_if<std::is_constructible<T>::value, T*>::type
construct() { return new T(); }
template <typename T> static typename std::enable_if<!std::is_constructible<T>::value, T*>::type
construct() { return nullptr; }
using Base::Base;
template<typename ...Args,
typename = typename std::enable_if<std::is_constructible<Data, Args...>::value>::type
> PolymorphicSharedBase(Args&&... args) :
Base(static_cast<PolymorphicSharedData*>(new Data(std::forward<Args>(args)...))) {}
PolymorphicSharedBase() : Base(construct<Data>()) {}
It's now a simple matter to have the parallel hierarchy of PIMPL types and their carriers. First, a basic abstract type in our hierarchy that adds two methods. Note how PolymorphicSharedBase adds the d() accessor of the correct type.
class MyAbstractTypeData : public PolymorphicSharedData {
virtual void gurgle() = 0;
virtual int gargle() const = 0;
class MyAbstractType : public PolymorphicSharedBase<MyAbstractTypeData> {
using PolymorphicSharedBase::PolymorphicSharedBase;
void gurgle() { d()->gurgle(); }
int gargle() const { return d()->gargle(); }
Then, a concrete type that adds no new methods:
class FooTypeData : public MyAbstractTypeData {
int m_foo = 0;
FooTypeData() = default;
FooTypeData(int data) : m_foo(data) {}
void gurgle() override { m_foo++; }
int gargle() const override { return m_foo; }
MyAbstractTypeData * clone() const override { return new FooTypeData(*this); }
QDebug dump(QDebug dbg) const override {
return dbg << "FooType-" << ref << ":" << m_foo;
using FooType = PolymorphicSharedBase<FooTypeData, MyAbstractType>;
And another type that adds methods.
class BarTypeData : public FooTypeData {
int m_bar = 0;
BarTypeData() = default;
BarTypeData(int data) : m_bar(data) {}
MyAbstractTypeData * clone() const override { return new BarTypeData(*this); }
QDebug dump(QDebug dbg) const override {
return dbg << "BarType-" << ref << ":" << m_foo << "," << m_bar;
virtual void murgle() { m_bar++; }
class BarType : public PolymorphicSharedBase<BarTypeData, FooType> {
using PolymorphicSharedBase::PolymorphicSharedBase;
void murgle() { d()->murgle(); }
We'll want to verify that the as() method throws as needed:
template <typename F> bool is_bad_cast(F && fun) {
try { fun(); } catch (std::bad_cast) { return true; }
return false;
The use of the implicitly shared types is no different than the use of Qt's own such types. We can also cast using as instead of dynamic_cast.
int main() {
Q_ASSERT(sizeof(FooType) == sizeof(void*));
MyAbstractType a;
FooType foo;
a = foo;
Q_ASSERT(a.ref() == 2);
Q_ASSERT(<const FooType*>());
Q_ASSERT(a.ref() == 2);
Q_ASSERT(a.ref() == 1);
MyAbstractType a2(foo);
Q_ASSERT(a2.ref() == 2);
QList<MyAbstractType> list1{FooType(3), BarType(8)};
auto list2 = list1;
qDebug() << "After copy: " << list1 << list2;
qDebug() << "After detach: " << list1 << list2;
qDebug() << "After list1[0] mod: " << list1 << list2;
qDebug() << "After list2[1] mod: " << list1 << list2;
Q_ASSERT(is_bad_cast([&]{ list2[0].as<BarType&>(); }));
auto const list3 = list1;
Q_ASSERT(!list3[0].as<const BarType*>());
Q_ASSERT(is_bad_cast([&]{ list3[0].as<const BarType&>(); }));
After copy: (FooType-1:3, BarType-1:0,8) (FooType-1:3, BarType-1:0,8)
After detach: (FooType-2:3, BarType-2:0,8) (FooType-2:3, BarType-2:0,8)
After list1[0] mod: (FooType-1:4, BarType-2:0,8) (FooType-1:3, BarType-2:0,8)
After list2[1] mod: (FooType-1:4, BarType-1:0,8) (FooType-1:3, BarType-1:0,9)
The list copy was shallow and the items themselves weren't copied: the reference counts are all 1. After the detach, all data items were copied but because they are implicitly shared, they only incremented their reference counts. Finally, after an item is was modified, it is automatically detached, and the reference counts drop back to 1.

C++ polymorphism and template class

I have a class of the form:
template redblacknode<T>
Which is stored in a tree of the form:
template redblacktree<redblacknode<T> >
For a particular tree I want the nodes to both store the same information (two different longs) but to be indexed on the different values.
I am initialising the nodes like this:
PageRecord addPR = PageRecord(pageNumber, -1);
findNode = new redblackNode<PageRecord>(addPR);
Can I get polymorphic behaviour out of this (by overloading the == and < operators) even though I am not plugging a pointer into the node?
You can use static polymorphism but a simpler way can be:
template<typename T>
class redblacknode
redblacknode(T t) : m_t(t) {}
T getT() const { return m_t; }
T m_t;
template<typename T> inline
bool operator< (const redblacknode<T>& lhs, const redblacknode<T>& rhs) { return lhs.getT() < rhs.getT(); }
in main.cpp :
redblacknode<int> a(1);
redblacknode<int> b(2);
redblacknode<int>* c = new redblacknode<int>(3);
qDebug() << (b < a); // print false
qDebug() << (b < *c); // print true
After, if you want dynamic polymorphism (basically, virtual functions + pointers), it depends on your template redblacknode definition (you'll need a super class, see CRTP).
Edit: I assume your pointer type is redblackNode*
Edit2: I changed a bit my code to reflect yours.

Pointer to member template classes

AbstractFieldCollection is the base class of hardwareMissingAlarm, etc.
hardwareMissingAlarm belongs to another class that is a template.
alarmFieldCollection.push_back((AbstractAlarmField Device::*) &Device::hardwareMissingAlarm);
alarmFieldCollection.push_back((AbstractAlarmField Device::*) &Device::hardwareErrorAlarm);
alarmFieldCollection.push_back((AbstractAlarmField Device::*) &Device::badConfigAlarm);``
Then in another function I'm reading the vector like this:
for(int32_t i=0; i<alarmFieldCollection.size(); i++)
AbstractAlarmField Device::* pAF = alarmFieldCollection[i];
std::cout << "isRaised: "<< pDev << std::endl;
if ((pDev->*pAF).isRaised(pContext))
and pDev is the Device object, however pDev->*pAF returns NULL. In fact when I'm printing &Device::hardwareErrorAlarm, &Device::hardwareMissingAlarm the result is 1. I don't know what I'm doing wrong.
isRaised is a method that belongs to the class AbstractAlarmField.
Thanks in advance.
You provided almost no code but it seems like you are storing an abstract object by value, not by reference or pointer. This may lead to object slicing and any kind of memory problem as a consequence. Try to use AbstractAlarmField& as the type of Device fields instead.
It is not useful to convert a member pointer X C::* to Y C::*. The Standard allows it as a reinterpret_cast or C-style cast, but with entirely unspecified results (unless you convert back to the original type). You would be better off using a virtual functor to safely get the AbstractAlarmField subobject:
#include <type_traits>
#include <memory>
struct AlarmGetter {
virtual ~AlarmGetter();
virtual AbstractAlarmField& get(Device& dev) const = 0;
template <typename T>
struct AlarmMemberPtr
: public AlarmGetter {
static_assert(std::is_base_of<AbstractAlarmField, T>::value,
"Member type is not an AbstractAlarmField");
explicit AlarmMemberPtr(T Device::*member)
: m_member( member ) {}
virtual AbstractAlarmField& get(Device& dev) const {
return dev.*m_member;
T Device::*m_member;
template <typename T>
std::unique_ptr<AlarmGetter> make_alarm_getter(T Device::*member) {
std::unique_ptr<AlarmGetter> ptr(new AlarmMemberPtr<T>(member));
return ptr;
// To populate:
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<AlarmGetter>> alarmFieldCollection;
// To use:
if (alarmFieldCollection[i]->get(*pDev).isRaised(pContext))
If it might be useful, you could also easily add an overload
virtual const AbstractAlarmField& get(const Device& dev) const;

C++ Push Multiple Types onto Vector

Note: I know similar questions to this have been asked on SO before, but I did not find them helpful or very clear.
Second note: For the scope of this project/assignment, I'm trying to avoid third party libraries, such as Boost.
I am trying to see if there is a way I can have a single vector hold multiple types, in each of its indices. For example, say I have the following code sample:
vector<something magical to hold various types> vec;
int x = 3;
string hi = "Hello World";
MyStruct s = {3, "Hi", 4.01};
I've heard vector<void*> could work, but then it gets tricky with memory allocation and then there is always the possibility that certain portions in nearby memory could be unintentionally overridden if a value inserted into a certain index is larger than expected.
In my actual application, I know what possible types may be inserted into a vector, but these types do not all derive from the same super class, and there is no guarantee that all of these types will be pushed onto the vector or in what order.
Is there a way that I can safely accomplish the objective I demonstrated in my code sample?
Thank you for your time.
The objects hold by the std::vector<T> need to be of a homogenous type. If you need to put objects of different type into one vector you need somehow erase their type and make them all look similar. You could use the moral equivalent of boost::any or boost::variant<...>. The idea of boost::any is to encapsulate a type hierarchy, storing a pointer to the base but pointing to a templatized derived. A very rough and incomplete outline looks something like this:
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
class any
struct base {
virtual ~base() {}
virtual base* clone() const = 0;
template <typename T>
struct data: base {
data(T const& value): value_(value) {}
base* clone() const { return new data<T>(*this); }
T value_;
base* ptr_;
template <typename T> any(T const& value): ptr_(new data<T>(value)) {}
any(any const& other): ptr_(other.ptr_->clone()) {}
any& operator= (any const& other) {
return *this;
~any() { delete this->ptr_; }
void swap(any& other) { std::swap(this->ptr_, other.ptr_); }
template <typename T>
T& get() {
return dynamic_cast<data<T>&>(*this->ptr_).value_;
int main()
any a0(17);
any a1(3.14);
try { a0.get<double>(); } catch (...) {}
a0 = a1;
std::cout << a0.get<double>() << "\n";
As suggested you can use various forms of unions, variants, etc. Depending on what you want to do with your stored objects, external polymorphism could do exactly what you want, if you can define all necessary operations in a base class interface.
Here's an example if all we want to do is print the objects to the console:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <memory>
class any_type
virtual ~any_type() {}
virtual void print() = 0;
template <class T>
class concrete_type : public any_type
concrete_type(const T& value) : value_(value)
virtual void print()
std::cout << value_ << '\n';
T value_;
int main()
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<any_type>> v(2);
v[0].reset(new concrete_type<int>(99));
v[1].reset(new concrete_type<std::string>("Bottles of Beer"));
for(size_t x = 0; x < 2; ++x)
return 0;
In order to do that, you'll definitely need a wrapper class to somehow conceal the type information of your objects from the vector.
It's probably also good to have this class throw an exception when you try to get Type-A back when you have previously stored a Type-B into it.
Here is part of the Holder class from one of my projects. You can probably start from here.
Note: due to the use of unrestricted unions, this only works in C++11. More information about this can be found here: What are Unrestricted Unions proposed in C++11?
class Holder {
enum Type {
// Other types you want to store into vector.
template<typename T>
Holder (Type type, T val);
~Holder () {
// You want to properly destroy
// union members below that have non-trivial constructors
operator bool () const {
if (type_ != BOOL) {
throw SomeException();
return impl_.bool_;
// Do the same for other operators
// Or maybe use templates?
union Impl {
bool bool_;
int int_;
string string_;
Impl() { new(&string_) string; }
} impl_;
Type type_;
// Other stuff.