How to Import/Export Mobile Hub project from one AWS account to other AWS account? - transfer

I have created Mobile Hub project in one account. But now client want to to transfer all things to different AWS account.
So i have to move my Mobile Hub project to new AWS account.
Please guide me how can i achieve this.

It depends on your project. MobileHub supports most case with import/export in same account. But it doesn't support cross account import for push notification and sign-in with 3rd party provider credentials. You also have to manually import AWS Lambda function.


Authenticating gcloud sdk with workload identity federation

I am trying to authenticate a service account by gcloud auth login command using workload identity federation based on whats mentioned in this official tutorial. Even though the tutorial says both service account keys and workload identity federation works for my use case, WIF is the preferred route forward using credential configuration file. But I am quite confused trying to generate the file for my use case as doing so requires me to create a workload identity provider which are categorized to be among the following types:
AZURE,AWS,OIDC,SAML. I just want to use WIF to authenticate gcloud SDK from my terminal so I am not sure which category should I use.
Is this a possible use case or should I resort to use service account keys ?
But I am quite confused trying to generate the file for my use case as doing so requires me to create a workload identity provider which are categorized to be among the following types:
AZURE,AWS,OIDC,SAML. I just want to use WIF to authenticate gcloud SDK from my terminal so I am not sure which category should I use.
Is this a possible use case or should I resort to use service account keys ?
Workload Identity Federation(WIF), is used in multi-cloud environments and hybrid cloud environments where one needs access to one cloud platform from another cloud platform or from a data center as the services are catered across multiple platforms and needs coordination for running your application.
There are multiple ways to connect other cloud providers with GCP, you can use WIF for connecting with Amazon Web Services (AWS), you could use OpenID Connect (OIDC) or SAML 2.0 to connect with any other cloud providers, such as Microsoft Azure. Refer to the source for more information. (Source: GCP docs)
Since you are trying to connect to gcloud SDK from your terminal you can simply use your credential file or gcloud auth or gcloud init commands for setting up the gcloud cloud SDK and have necessary roles and permissions enabled for the service or user account which you are using for authentication. This is the simplest way to access your gcp environment. JFYI, in Authorize the gcloud CLI documentation(the doc which you were referring to) they are using the credential file which is different from WIF, so if you want to authenticate without using SA(service account) you can simply follow credential file based authentication.

How to resolve GCloud permissions?

I am trying to publish my Android app to our company's Play Store.
On Google API access page
I am trying to create new service account. It does not work.
You are missing at least one of the following required permissions:
orgpolicy.policy.get resourcemanager.projects.get Check that the
folder, organization, and project IDs are valid and you have
permissions to access them
My GCP shows google account.
On the other side,Google API(Google Play Console) shows MYCOMPNAY Team account.
How to solve this IAM problem?
I'll do my best to answer but the question lacks some detail.
As the error describes, service accounts are a distinct type of credential used by Google that are intended to be used by software (rather than humans) for interacting with Google services. It makes some sense (though I'm unfamiliar with the Play process) that you'd need to use service accounts rather than human accounts with this service.
Unlike, regular (human) accounts (e.g., service accounts are owned by Google projects. When you create a service account, you'll need to scope the account to an existing Google project.
Google provides various Consoles for different services. I'm most familiar with Google Cloud Platform (GCP) and so I would create projects and service accounts using GCP's CLI (Cloud SDK aka gcloud) or Are you using something similar?
Unfortunately, I think, Google's tools scope projects (even though these are universal Google resources) to specific platforms (Cloud, Firebase, Apps etc.) and so you may not be able to see all your projects via the e.g. Cloud Console.
If you have a Play (!?) Console, there should be a mechanism to list|create projects. If you haven't already, created a project to own your service account. Then the tool should provide a mechanism to create a service account. Do so under that projects. Lastly, you'll need to grant the service account permissions so that it can do what you need it to do (e.g. publish your app).
If you add more details to your question, I may be able to help.
NOTE One distinction between human (e.g. as a Google account) and a service account is that human accounts using 3-legged OAuth while service accounts use 2-legged OAuth. This is because the service account is not able to interact with OAuth prompts as a human user would and it is often a good "tell" when you need to use a human vs. a service account.
Google Play: (API) Projects and Service Accounts
Understanding Service Accounts
Using OAuth for Server-to-Server apps

AWS SSO to AWS Directory Service

My goal is to use Okta SSO integrated with AWS SSO to integrate all user Sign-in and permission management for AWS resources from the Okta, using accounts configured on Okta.
I also want it so that each user on Okta has their own Amazon Workspace Windows instance using their Okta credentials.
I currently have a Simple AD (Directory Service) configured on the AWS account, exclusively for Amazon Workspaces access.
Is this a possible goal that can be achieved using OKta, AWS SSO and Directory Service? After going through each of their documentations I am still not clear if these services have the capability to integrate this way.
Any Advice would be appreciated.
There are two topics in this question.
There is a standard integration in the AWS Documentation.
AWS WorkSpaces:
You mentioned that you use currently SimpleAD, in case you want to switch the IdP for your WorkSpaces you should be aware that you need to re-provision the WorkSpaces. I've not as much experience with OKTA, but I think there are two options.
In case you've already a Active Directory you should be able to integrate it with WorkSpaces (AD Connector or AWS Managed AD with forest trust)
In case there is no pre-existing AD, you should be able to sync the users with a AWS Managed AD.
OKTA MFA integration for WorkSpaces:

Is there any way to link Google Developer and Google Cloud Services accounts?

I am using two different Google accounts for Google Developer and Google Cloud Services. I have a live Android app and now I want enable real-time-notifications for monetisation. Is there any way that I can link my Google Developer account to Google Cloud Services Account So I can integrate Pub/Sub service?
If I understand correctly this you could use Cloud IAM and give needed roles Developer account. So you can give ex. Project Owner rights to your Google Developer account and than this account can control the project as the owner.
But I don't think you need project owner for Pub/Sub integration. Please check this document that shows such process.
As well there is possibility to merge accounts via Google Workspace Support, however again I don't think this is needed to integrate pub/sub.

Cannot delete AWS Mobile Hub project

I am a user in a group with an attached policy of AdministratorAccess. Despite this when I attempt to delete an AWS Mobile Hub project, I get the following:
Failed to delete project.
It looks like you do not have permission for this operation.
Then links me to the following page:
At this time Mobile Hub requires a service role to perform operations in your AWS account, including deleting project resources. You can create the service role at the following link:
We are planning on removing the service role in the future so Mobile Hub will use your account permissions to perform actions in your account. Once this change takes effect you will no longer need to have the service role in your account and administrator user permission will work without issue. You can find more information about this change here:
Dan G
AWS Mobile Developer Experience