running multiple execve functions in one c++ file - c++

I have to write a c++ program which "counts the number of lines, words and the number of bytes from a text file", all of which must be in a new line.
I have to use the wc command in my c++ program. I have managed to get the number of lines:
char *envp[] = {NULL};
char *command[] = {"wc", "-l", filename.c_str(), NULL};
execve("/usr/bin/wc", command, envp);
After the above statements, I have one which replaces "-l" with "-w" and so forth. But my program ends immediately after the first execve() statement.
How do I get all my statements to execute even after the execve() statement?
N.B: This will be my first time running system commands using a c++ program.
Thank you in advance.

execve replaces current executable image with a specified one and therefore never returns upon success. If you want to continue executing main program then you will need to fork first. Or use something as dull as system function.


Piping to provide a file as input to a C program

I have this set of .gz files and inside each of them is a single text file. This text file needs to be used in a C program. The following code solves this problem somehow where parameters 1 and 2 are integers which I'm receiving as arguments for the C program (argc, argv[]) in main().
gzip -dc xyz.txt.gz | ./program parameter1 parameter2
Can someone explain how the above code works in command line?
How does the text file automatically get passed to the program?
Do I need to write extra code in the C program to receive this text file?
The shell connects the stdout of one command directly to the stdin of the other command through a pipe(7). Neither program has to do anything out of the ordinary to take advantage of this.

Turbo C++ system function running an executable

How to run any exe file from turbo c++? I know that I should stop using turbo c++ and move one to Dev or Code::Blocks, but my school doesn't agree so I gotta wing it.
I just want to know how to run a file with or without the system() function.
Any kind of advice is welcome
Here's what I have tried so far:
int main()
system("tnfsv13.exe"); //tnfsv being a 16-bit application(The need for slowness v 13)
return 0;
int main()
return 0;
start "c:\TurboC3\BIN\" tnfsv13.exe
NOTE: Just a doubt, you guys: system() is not working in windows XP. I tried it using dosbox in windows 7 and it works well, but in XP it does absolutely nothing. Not even the system("dir") command seems to work but system(NULL) returns 1. Any guesses why?
You can also use Turbo C++'s execl() function. execl() loads and runs C:\\TC\\BIN\\tnfsv13.exe. NULL means there are no arguments to send to tnfsv13.exe. If an error occurs, execl() returns -1 into int c .
int main()
int c = execl("C:\\TC\\BIN\\tnfsv13.exe", NULL);
return 0;
execl() loads and executes a new child process. Because the child
process is placed in the memory currently occupied by the calling
process, there must be sufficient memory to load and execute it.
'pathname' specifies the file name of the child process. If
'pathname' has a file name extension, then only that file is searched
for. If 'pathname' ends with a period (.), then 'pathname' without an
extension is searched for. If that filename is not found, then
".EXE" is appended and execl() searches again. If 'pathname' has no
extension and does not end with a period, then execl() searches for
'pathname' and, if it is not found, appends ".COM" and searches
again. If that is not found, it appends ".EXE" and searches again.
'arg0', 'arg1',...'argn' are passed to the child process as command-
line parameters. A NULL pointer must follow 'argn' to terminate the
list of arguments. 'arg0' must not be NULL, and is usually set to
The combined length of all the strings forming the argument list
passed to the child process must not exceed 128 bytes. This includes
"n" (for 0-n arguments) space characters (required to separate the
arguments) but does not include the null ('\0') terminating
Returns: If execl() is successful, it does not return to the
calling process. (See the spawn...() routines for a
similar function that can return to the calling
process). If an error occurs, execl() returns -1 to
the calling process. On error, 'errno' (defined in
<errno.h>) is set to one of the following values
(defined in <errno.h>):
E2BIG Argument list or environment list too big.
(List > 128 bytes, or environment > 32k)
EACCES Locking or sharing violation on file.
(MS-DOS 3.0 and later)
EMFILE Too many files open.
ENOENT File or path not found.
ENOEXEC File not executable.
ENOMEM Not enough memory.
Notes: Any file open when an exec call is made remains open
in the child process. This includes
'stdin','stdout', 'stderr', 'stdaux', and 'stdprn'.
The child process acquires the environment of the
calling process.
execl() does not preserve the translation modes of
open files. Use setmode() in the child process to
set the desired translation modes.
See the spawn...() routines for similar though more
flexible functions that can return to the calling
Caution: The file pointers to open buffered files are not
always preserved correctly. The information in the
buffer may be lost.
Signal settings are not preserved. They are reset to
the default in the child process.
-------------------------------- Example ---------------------------------
The following statements transfer execution to the child process
"child.exe" and pass it the three arguments "child", "arg1",
#include <process.h> /* for 'execl' */
#include <stdio.h> /* for 'printf' and 'NULL' */
#include <errno.h> /* for 'errno', 'ENOENT' and 'ENOMEM' */
execl("child.exe", "child", "arg1", "arg2", NULL);
/* only get here on an exec error */
if (errno == ENOENT)
printf("child.exe not found in current directory\n");
else if (errno == ENOMEM)
printf("not enough memory to execute child.exe\n");
printf(" error #%d trying to exec child.exe\n", errno);
system() works fine, though it may not work exactly the way you expect: it does the same thing as typing a command at a MSDOS (or Win32) command prompt including input and output being connected to the console.
If you just want to run a program, pass parameters, and not return from it, use a convenient form from the exec() family of functions. See this for one example.

program stops after execvp( command.argv[0], command.argv)

I am writing a small shell program that takes a command and executes it. If the user enters a not valid command the if statement returns a -1. If the command is correct it executes the command, however once it executes the command the program ends. What am I doing wrong that is does not execute the lines of code after it? I have tested execvp( command.argv[0], command.argv) with ls and cat commands so I am pretty sure it works. Here is my code.
int shell(char *cmd_str ){
int commandLength=0;
cmd_t command;
commandLength=make_cmd(cmd_str, command);
cout<< commandLength<<endl;
cout << command.argv[0]<< endl;
if( execvp( command.argv[0], command.argv)==-1)
//if the command it executed nothing runs after this line
cout<< commandLength<<endl;
return commandLength;
From man page of execvp(3)
The exec() family of functions replaces the current process image with
a new process image
So your current process image is overwritten with the image of your command! Hence you need to use a fork+exec combination always so that your command executes in the child process and your current process continues safely as a parent!
On a lighter note I want to illustrate the problem with a picture as a picture speaks a thousand words. No offence intended :) :)
From the documentation on exec
The exec() family of functions replaces the current process image with a new process image. The functions described in this manual page are front-ends for execve(2). (See the manual page for > execve(2) for further details about the replacement of the current process image.)
If you want your process to continue, this is not the function you want to use.
#Pavan - Just for nit-pickers like myself, technically the statement "current process is gone" is not true. It's still the same process, with the same pid, just overwritten with a different image (code, data etc).

Can system() return before piped command is finished

I am having trouble using system() from libc on Linux. My code is this:
system( "tar zxvOf some.tar.gz fileToExtract | sed 's/some text to remove//' > output" );
std::string line;
int count = 0;
std::ifstream inputFile( "output" );
while( std::getline( input, line != NULL ) )
I run this snippet repeatedly and occasionally I find that count == 0 at the end of the run - no lines have been read from the file. I look at the file system and the file has the contents I would expect (greater than zero lines).
My question is should system() return when the entire command passed in has completed or does the presence of the pipe '|' mean system() can return before the part of the command after the pipe is completed?
I have explicitly not used a '&' to background any part of the command to system().
To further clarify I do in practice run the code snippet multiples times in parallel but the output file is a unique filename named after the thread ID and a static integer incremented per call to system(). I'm confident that the file being output to and read is unique for each call to system().
According to the documentation
The system() function shall not return until the child process has terminated.
Perhaps capture the output of "output" when it fails and see what it is? In addition, checking the return value of system would be a good idea. One scenario is that the shell command you are running is failing and you aren't checking the return value.
system(...) calls the standard shell to execute the command, and the shell itself should return only after the shell has regained control over the terminal. So if there's one of the programs backgrounded, system will return early.
Backgrounding happens through suffixing a command with & so check if the string you pass to system(...) contains any & and if so make sure they're properly quoted from shell processing.
System will only return after completion of its command and the file output should be readable in full after that. But ...
... multiple instances of your code snippet run in parallel would interfere because all use the same file output. If you just want to examine the contents of output and do not need the file itself, I would use popen instead of system. popen allows you to read the output of the pipe via a FILE*.
In case of a full file system, you could also see an empty output while the popen version would have no trouble with this condition.
To notice errors like a full file system, always check the return code of your calls (system, popen, ...). If there is an error the manpage will tell you to check errno. The number errno can be converted to a human readable text by strerror and output by perror.

Control a shell program through command line, giving it multiple instructions/data

I need to control a program in c++ (windows), I need to call it, then pass data to it as I collect it, finally after a certain command that program will use that data.
I need to open the prog.exe and then line by line or value by value supply it information, it works manually through cmd.
I have tried system() but this will stop after I open the program.
I need something like this.
//call it
//add data
Data 1 [2 34 454 5]//etc
DataEnd //the program will take it from here.
all being passed though command line
There are different ways you could do this - if your program needs to execute part of the way through your code before getting the data as input, you can just use standard input, and prompt the user to type the data. If you want to use variable values for the input, but you will know them before execution, you can pass the information as command line arguments, where you will execute like so
prog.exe 1 2 3
and your program will access the data via argv[i] where i corresponds to each command line argument.
have your program read from standard input, and from the command line 'pipe' the result of the other program to yours
datagenerator.exe | prog.exe
assuming that datagenerator.exe writes to standard output, the | character will redirect the output to prog.exe's standard input