Is there any way to connect GCP to local IP ? - google-cloud-platform

So my partner builds an API on top .NET and uses a local server to put the project. so to connect the API endpoint I need to create a VPN before I can access the API,
I've done connect from my PC to my partner local server, if in windows 7
create a Workplace then filled Internet Address, destination Name, Username and Password.
So how can I do this from GCP till I can access my partner local server from GCP ?
Don't ask me why not just upload your partner api project to gcp.

Have you tried to: just do it?
Create a tunnel from a GCP Compute Instance (Virtual Machine with HTTP/HTTPS) to your partners local server on prefered port?
GCP offers VPN Products - - maybe they will help you.

Based on your question, there are a few solutions available. I’ll provide two solutions which may help you.
If you would like to set up an internal path from your GCP instance to your partner’s local server, maybe you should look into this following quickstart on VPNs.
However if you’re looking to use an external path to connect your GCP instance to your partner’s local server, try exposing your partner’s server IP externally and configure a load balancer to it.


How to connect to a GCP (Google Cloud Platform) Cloud SQL instance from an IPV6 address?

I am trying to reach our Postgres SQL server running as a GCP Cloud SQL instance from the PgAdmin 4 tool on desktop. For that you have to whitelist your IP address. Until this point it was working fine, the whole team used IPV4 addresses, but I moved to a new country where my new ISP assigned an IPV6 address to me, and it seems like GCP doesn't allow IPV6 addesses to be whitelisted, thus you can't use them to connect.
Here's a picture of the Connections/Allowed Networks tab:
Is there any kind of solution to this?
Or do they expect me to only have ISPs who assign IPV4 addesses to me?
Thank you.
Alternatively, you could just use the Cloud SQL Auth Proxy directly. You'll have to run an instance of it on your local machine and then PgAdmin can connect to the proxy on localhost.
Yes, there is a workaround for this but not using the UI, instead you need to use the Cloud SDK.
This has recently been added to cloud SDK beta. So as you can see in the documentation for gcloud sql connect:
If you're connecting from an IPv6 address, or are constrained by certain organization policies (restrictPublicIP, restrictAuthorizedNetworks), consider running the beta version of this command to avoid error by connecting through the Cloud SQL proxy: gcloud beta sql connect.
I couldn't find any Feature Requests for this being implemented into the UI at the moment, so if you'd like to have this changed I would suggest you to open one in Google's Issue Tracker system.

How to setup VPN from on-premises database to Google Cloud

I want to be able to connect from on premises database to google cloud.
I have VPC set, external IP address and VPN but not connected yet.
Is there something I missed? Do I have to create a compute engine first?
I would recommend you to first read this link which is the cloud VPN overview to mainly understand the type of VPN that you are creating for this setup and then setup your VPN.
In this other link you will find some guides to setup the VPN with devices such as Cisco or even other cloud providers. I hope you find this links useful since your question doesn't have much information to better understand if you have any error message or kind of peer device you're using for this set up

AWS EC2 for QuickBooks

AWS and network noob. I've been asked to migrate QuickBooks Desktop Enterprise to AWS. This seems easy in principle but I'm finding a lot of conflicting and confusing information on how best to do it. The requirements are:
Setup a Windows Server using AWS EC2
QuickBooks will be installed on the server, including a file share that users will map to.
Configure VPN connectivity so that the EC2 instance appears and behaves as if it were on prem.
Allow additional off site VPN connectivity as needed for ad hoc remote access
Cost is a major consideration, which is why I am doing this instead of getting someone who knows this stuff.
The on-prem network is very small - one Win2008R2 server (I know...) that hosts QB now and acts as a file server, 10-15 PCs/printers and a Netgear Nighthawk router with a static IP.
My approach was to first create a new VPC with a private subnet that will contain the EC2 instance and setup a site-to-site VPN connection with the Nighthawk for the on-prem users. I'm unclear as to if I also need to create security group rules to only allow inbound traffic (UDP,TCP file sharing ports) from the static IP or if the VPN negates that need.
I'm trying to test this one step at a time and have an instance setup now. I am remote and am using my current IP address in the security group rules for the test (no VPN yet). I setup the file share but I am unable to access it from my computer. I can RDP and ping it and have turned on the firewall rules to allow NB and SMB but still nothing. I just read another thread that says I need to setup a storage gateway but before I do that, I wanted to see if that is really required or if there's another/better approach. I have to believe this is a common requirement but I seem to be missing something.
This is a bad approach for QuickBooks. Intuit explicitly recommends against using QuickBooks with a file share via VPN:
Networks that are NOT recommended
Virtual Private Network (VPN) Connects computers over long distances via the Internet using an encrypted tunnel.
From here:
The correct approach here is to host QuickBooks on the EC2 instance, and let people RDP (remote desktop) into the EC2 Windows server to use QuickBooks. Do not let them install QuickBooks on their client machines and access the QuickBooks data file over the VPN link. Make them RDP directly to the QuickBooks server and access it from there.

How connect a client to a remote Windows Server 2019 AWS EC2

We have a very difficult problem here, we have a Windows Server 2019 Base x64 on Amazon EC2, connected through RDP and setup-ed forest and activated AD DS , also activated DNS. But whenever we try to connect we are not allowed to.
We have opened all the relevant ports on inbound traffic rules.
We have added users.
We have tried searching internet and various tutorials.
In Server Manager=:
Added the public ipv4 address to our ipv4 settings of the adapter.
Went to the computer setting in computer domain entered the domain but no fun.
Disabled the firewall in server manager.
We want to connect our clients on different network to connect to the server hosted else-where on AWS.
We are really new into this can some one guide through this?
Please make sure there is network connectivity between your client and you DC which is set up on EC-2 Instance.
[1] In case your clients are on AWS (meaning different EC-2 Instances), and in a different network, you need to create VPC peering or use Transit Gateway, so that it has proper network connectivity.
[2] In case your clients are not on AWS, and in an On-prem Environment, you need to have a VPN connection between your client and your DC.
So in Summary, you need to have network connectivity between your client and DC so that clients can join your Domain.
What do you mean whenever we try to connect we are not allowed to?
What are you trying to connect to, the Windows EC2 instance?
Are you saying that the instance is joined to AWS Directory Service domain but you can't connect to the instance using one of the users in your AWS directory?
Edit: This should have been a comment but couldn't post comments at the time of answering.

Open app from AWS instance

First of all let me say that I'm new to AWS and don't know much about servers but trying to learn something now!
I have been given access to AWS instance. I can access the server using ssh. It's ubuntu server.
There is an application deployed under var/www/. I have also public IP of server but when I try to access this public IP it's not opening and I also can't ping that IP.
Am I doing something wrong? I will note that I don't have very big experience with servers.
You will need to check security group credentials associated with your ec2. There http and any other required protocols will need to be opened. And also that internet gateway is correctly NATed. Good luck. It's a steep but fast learning curve with aws.