Create playable file from raw rtp packets - rtp

I have a pcap file that contains rtp data received and sent over the network. In wireshark I use follow udp stream to access raw data for source and destination. Then I save source and destinations files separately. How can I extract audio/video data from these files and convert them to a playable file?

These links provide the info you need:
Cisco community - use audacity
Wireshark wiki - rtpdump


Packet gen dpdk file sending terminal command

Is packetgen dpdk through its terminal able to send an already existing pcap file over a port? If is is able to send kindly provide a basic command structure example through which i can send the file over a port.
Yes, DPDK PKTGEN can send pcap file content on a specific port. Please refer to the PKTGEN documentation for the option -s P:file: The PCAP packet file to stream. P is the port number.
using the option will in turn set
Flags:Port : P---p----------:0 P---p----------:1 in page main.
command page pcap will open pcap related information page.
to selectively enable dpdk interface to send pcap use enable|disable pcap

Connect QMediaContent to RTP stream

I have created an RTP stream with ffmpeg and made the SDP file from what it printed out.
I can connect ffplay to the stream by reading the sdp file.
What is the correct url to give to QMediaContent to connect it to a RTP stream by giving it a local / remote SDP file?

How separate RTP packets from the rest

I got a pcap file with voip conversation, how i can separate RTP packets from the other packets?
I can obtain sip packets, but I can't differenciate the RTP packets from the rest.
Search for RTP headers as defined in RFC3550 within your file. Or better use pcap-filter, for instance with this wiki (look for "Q: What is a good filter for just capturing SIP and RTP packets?").
If you want to see the RTP traffic in wireshark then:
Select Analyze->Display Filters...
Select "UDP", OK
Right click on any UDP packet and select "Decode as..."
Select "RTP" from the list, OK
Now you can see all RTP packets.
Hope that helps. :)
p.s. edited to note that this is for Wireshark. Thanks to a commentor for pointing that out!
Check #macs recommendation about PCap filter. If this cannot satisfy your needs (e.g. you need to filter out RTP packets of specific SIP session) there's no simple way. You need to parse SIP messages, retrieve RTP port numbers, takes packets going to/from these ports in particular time period and (optionally) check if these packets are RTP by checking their headers (magic number in headers)
An open source software that extract the RTP/RTCP packets from a pcap file are:
From the source code you can view and understand the methodologies used.
I can obtain sip packets, but I can't differenciate the RTP packets
from the rest.
If you are able to decode the SIP, then you can find (inside INVITE message) the SDP message. If you decode it you can find the IP and PORT of RTP "stream" (and RTCP => port + 1). With these informations you can identify uniquely the RTP and RTCP packets. Keep in mind that there are often packages (with the same IP-PORT) with the STUN protocol which must be separate from RTP.
You have to consider where is the packet capture (network context and constraints), you may take into account NAT.

Does RTP Packets using RTSP protocol contain both audio and video

I am developing a client program which will display the media captured from IP camera. So I want to whether the RTP packets using RTSP protocol contain both audio and video if contains both how should I extract it?
RTSP stream does not carry video/audio itself, it provides a method to control independent RTP video and audio streams (they are in turn independent one from another).
One of the options though is when RTP streams are tunnelled through RTSP connection, in which case all communication might be taking place through single TCP connection.
You can read the SDP returned in the SETUP request to the RtspServer.
There should be a MediaInformation for each stream available.
That will tell you if there is audio or video etc...

live555 problem while streaming over the internet

I've compiled with VS the live555 source code, and it works just fine if I try to stream locally a file
Command Line:
live555.exe myfile.mp3
VLC Connection String
but if I try to stream it over the internet, VLC communicates with live555, but live555 won't send data to him
Command Line
live555.exe myfile.mp3
VLC Connection String
I've already forwarded the 8554 port (both tcp/udp) and tried to disable my firewall but this doesn't solve.
How is that?
To troubleshoot:
Are you streaming RTP over RTSP: have you checked the "Use RTP over RTSP (TCP)" option in VLC? You can check this in VLC under the preferences: input/codecs->Demuxers->RTP/RTSP. You can try to see if this solves the problem in which case it could be that UDP is blocked.
You speak of forwarding. Do you mean port forwarding from one machine to the RTSP server? if so-> if you are not doing RTP over RTSP, then you would also need to forward the ports for the media which is not the same as the RTSP port (554 or 8554). These ports are exchanged during the RTSP SETUP. If you do RTP over RTSP the media is interleaved over 554 or 8554 and you don't have to worry about this.
Also, another good debugging tool is the live555 openRTSP application. You can run it from the command line and specify "-t" for RTP over RTSP, which is basically what the VLC option does. You can specify "-T" for HTTP tunneling, etc and it allows you to write captured media packets to file, etc.