SQS - Schedule a message to de delivered - amazon-web-services

I would like to publish a message on SQS and process that message after a few hours.
How can i schedule a message delivery or select messages from SQS based on some attribute?
I've implemented a SQS consumer but I'm receiving every message from SQS queue. Is possible to implement something like that on SQS? I was thinking about to receive every message and send to queue again if it's not time to process that message.

There is a feature called as Delay Queues in SQS, wherein if you set the delay on the queue then any message that is put on queue is available to consumers only after the delay duration has elapsed. However, the maximum delay that you can set there is 15 minutes and if you are looking for a delay of few hours this may not directly work for you.
The other option is to set a visibilty timeout for the messages higher than the delay time that you want. Then when you read the message you can get the message timestamp. If there is still some time left for your delay then you can sleep your consumer for the remaining time and after it has woken up you can process that message. However this is not a recommended way and would be highly inefficient because your threads are getting blocked. In fact what can as well be done is if there is still some time left for your delay then you just hold the message in a local List/Array and check for other messages and process this message after your delay. But all this would require entire logic to reside in your code and you don't get any ready-made feature from AWS


SQS Lambda Trigger polling rate

I'm trying to understand how SQS Lambda Triggers works when polling for messages from the Queue.
I'm trying to make sure that not more than 3 messages are processed within a period of 1 second.
My idea is to set the trigger BatchSize to 3 and setting the ReceiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds of the queue to 1 second. Am I thinking about this correctly?
I did some digging and looks like I can set a concurrency limit on my Lambda. If I set my Lambda concurrency limit to one that ensures only one batch of message gets processed at a time. If my lambda runs for a second, then the next batch of messages gets processed at least a second later. The gotcha here is long-polling auto scales the number of asychronous polling on the queue based on message volume. This means, the lambdas can potentailly throttle when a large number of messages comes in. When the lambdas throttle, the message goes back to the queue until it eventually goes into the DLQ.
ReceiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds is used for long polling. It is the length of time, in seconds, for which a ReceiveMessage action waits for messages to arrive (docs). Long polling does not mean that your client will wait for the full length of the time set. If you have it set to one second, but in the queue we already have enough messages, your client will consume them instantaneously and will try to consume again as soon as processing is completed.
If you want to consume certain number of messages at certain rate, you have do this on your application (for example consumes messages on a scheduled basis). SQS by itself does not provide any kind of rate limiting similar to what you would want to accomplish.

Reprocess AWS SQS Dead Letter Queue messages

I'm sending messages that failed in my lambda to a dead letter queue using aws sdk. I want to wait for few hours before sending the message back to the main queue for reprocessing. I have a lambda attached to my dead letter queue. I can use delay for sending messages to the dead letter queue. But the maximum delay is 15 minutes. But I want to wait for more time. Has anyone done this before?
Amazon SQS is not intended to be used in this manner. Its primary purpose is to store messages and then provide them back when requested.
Some other options:
Store the message in a database and have the application search for relevant messages based on a timestamp field, or
Do some tricky stuff with delays on AWS Step Functions (which has a delay feature)
As shown in this answer you can extend the delay, by giving each message a timestamp and processing only those that are in queue for a while now.
message = SQS.poll_messages
if message.perform_message_at > Time.now
SQS.push_to_queue({perform_message_at : "Thursday November
2022"},delay:15 mins)

I'm getting same multiple Sqs message before visibility timeout

I set visibility time out 12 hours and max message 3, delay time 15 min, I'm get sqs message few minute after automatically I get same message again.
Why do I get multiple sqs message without timeout?
After visibility time out it delete message in queue or send again sqs message?
When ReceiveMessage() is called on an Amazon SQS queue, up to 10 messages (configurable) will be retrieved from the queue.
These messages will be marked as Invisible or In-Flight. This means that the messages are still in the queue, but will not be returned via another ReceiveMessage() call. The messages will remain invisible for a period of time. The default period is configured on the queue ("Default Visibility Timeout") or when the messages are retrieved (VisibilityTimeout).
When an application has finished handling a message, it should call DeleteMessage(), passing the MessageHandle that was provided with the message. The message will then be deleted from the queue.
If the invisibility period expires before a message is deleted, it will be placed on the queue again and applications can retrieve it again. Therefore, be sure to set your invisibility timeout to be longer than an application normally takes to process a message.
It is possible that a message may be retrieved more than once from Amazon SQS. It is rare, but can happen where there are multiple processes retrieving messages simultaneously. Thus, SQS is "At least once delivery". If this is a problem, you can use FIFO Queues (not yet available in every region) that will guarantee that each message is delivered only once, but there are throughput restrictions on FIFO queues.
So, if you are receiving a message more than once:
You should check your invisibility timeout setting (both the default setting and the value that can be passed when you call ReceiveMessage())
Consider using FIFO queues
Have your application check whether a message has already been processed before processing it again (eg via a unique ID)

Amazon SQS - Make message invisible for x seconds

I have an Amazon SQS Queue and I am trying to make it work this way:
When a new message added to the queue, only the first client who received that message will start work
For others, the message will be invisible for period of time
Is it possible to do this using Visibility Timeout?
When a consumer receives and processes a message from SQS queue, the message still remains in the queue (until it is deleted by the consumer). To make sure that other consumers don't process the same message, you can set visibility timeout of the queue. Once the message has been processed by the consumer, you can delete the message from the queue. For the duration of the visibility timeout, no other consumer will be able to receive and process the same message.
There is no other way to "lock" the message except setting a long Visibility Timeout, with a maximum 12 hour timeout.
However, if your real concern also including error/crashing, you can make use of the Dead-Letter-Queue redrive policy, to deal with queue contents that fail to be process indefinitely.

How to handle large Emailing queue and delivery with AWS SES?

We are developing an app. that need to handle large email queues. We have planned to store emails in a SQS queue and use SES to send emails. but a bit confused on how to actually handle the queue and process queue. should I use cronjob to regularly read the SQS queue and send emails? What would be the best way to actually trigger the script that will be emailing from our app?
Using SQS with SES is a great way to handle this. If something goes wrong while emailing the request will still be on the queue and will be processed next time around.
I just use a cron job that starts my queue processing/email sending job once an hour. The job runs for an hour as a simple loop:
while i've been running < 1 hour:
if there's a message in the queue:
process the message
delete the message from the queue
I set the WaitTimeSeconds parameter to the maximum (20 seconds) so that the check for a new message will wait a while for a new message if necessary so that the job isn't hitting AWS every few milliseconds. Otherwise, I could put a sleep statement of some kind in the loop.
The reason I run for just an hour is that the job might encounter some error that kills it, or have a memory leak, or some other unanticipated problem. This way any queued email requests will still get handled the next time the job is started.
If you want, you can start the job every fifteen minutes so you'll always have four worker processes handling queue requests. If one of them dies for some reason, you'll still be processing with the other three.