Angular build error in core/src/render3/interfaces - visual-studio-2017

While building an Angular 6 app i get a compile error in #angular/core/src/render3/interfaces on line 35. The line is:
[ACTIVE_INDEX]: number | null;
and the error is:
error TS1169: A computed property name in an interface must directly refer to a built-in symbol.
I an using #angular/core#6.1.6. Am I doing something wrong or is this an Angular bug?

Verify that Visual Studio is targeting the correct version of Typescript (as seen in your package.json), then try deleting your node_modules folder, and rerunning npm install.
I believe that this is caused by running Angular 6 with an earlier, incompatible version of typescript (<2.7), because it looks like the ability used by the container.d.ts file (referenced in your error) to use Constant-Named Properties was added in Typescript 2.7. Of course, if it were that simple then ng serve would tell you about the Typescript incompatibility, so I assume that I'm either wrong, or that your environment is playing tricks on you.
See here for a related question.


ng build --prod - Error: Property body expected type of array but got null

I recently made a new branch in my angular project and am working on in for a bit. Now I wanted to build it for testing on smartphones. When using ng build --prod, I get the following error (ng build works tho!)
An unhandled exception occurred:
Property body expected type of array but got null See
for further details.
The angular-errors.log is not helpfull at all:
[error] TypeError:
Property body expected type of array but got null
at validate (/Users/r/Documents/.../project/node_modules/#babel/types/lib/definitions/utils.js:160:13)
at Object.validate (/Users/r/Documents/.../project/node_modules/#babel/types/lib/definitions/utils.js:229:7)
at validateField (/Users/r/Documents/.../project/node_modules/#babel/types/lib/validators/validate.js:24:9)
at Object.validate (/Users/r/Documents/.../project/node_modules/#babel/types/lib/validators/validate.js:17:3)
at NodePath._replaceWith (/Users/r/Documents/.../project/node_modules/#babel/traverse/lib/path/replacement.js:172:7)
at NodePath._remove (/Users/r/Documents/.../project/node_modules/#babel/traverse/lib/path/removal.js:57:10)
at NodePath.remove (/Users/r/Documents/.../project/node_modules/#babel/traverse/lib/path/removal.js:36:8)
at PluginPass.ForOfStatement (/Users/r/Documents/.../project/node_modules/#babel/plugin-transform-for-of/lib/index.js:206:16)
at newFn (/Users/r/Documents/.../project/node_modules/#babel/traverse/lib/visitors.js:175:21)
at NodePath._call (/Users/r/Documents/.../project/node_modules/#babel/traverse/lib/path/context.js:55:20)
at (/Users/r/Documents/.../project/node_modules/#babel/traverse/lib/path/context.js:42:17)
at NodePath.visit (/Users/r/Documents/.../project/node_modules/#babel/traverse/lib/path/context.js:92:31)
at TraversalContext.visitQueue (/Users/r/Documents/.../project/node_modules/#babel/traverse/lib/context.js:116:16)
at TraversalContext.visitSingle (/Users/r/Documents/.../project/node_modules/#babel/traverse/lib/context.js:88:19)
at TraversalContext.visit (/Users/r/Documents/.../project/node_modules/#babel/traverse/lib/context.js:144:19)
at Function.traverse.node (/Users/r/Documents/.../project/node_modules/#babel/traverse/lib/index.js:82:17)
Production looks like this:
export const environment = {
production: true,
VERSION: require('../../package.json').version
I tried using the --source-map=true flag, but it is canceling building before its able to write the sourcemap.
I didnt put hands on my package.json since two month, but also tried deleting the node_modules and reinstall them.
I also tried changing rxjs and typescript versions, but no success
Im using angular -v 10.1.6, typescript -v 4.0.3, rxjs -v 6.4.5
What can I do??
Any help appreaciated!
I found a solution here
My problem was using Labels. It appears that babel is having a bug with that.

Xamarin linker error with AWSSDK

I have a Xamarin forms mobile project (Android and iOS).
When I try to install the AWSSDK.S3 to access Amazon services, I get the following linker error when trying to build iOS:
Failed to resolve "System.Void Amazon.Runtime.Internal.Util.AESEncryptionPutObjectStream::.ctor(System.IO.Stream,System.Byte[],System.Byte[])" reference from "AWSSDK.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=885c28607f98e604"
..Android build has a similar error.
I have the following libraries installed:
AWSSDK.S3 v3.1.1.1
AWSSDK.Core v3.3.4
AWSSDK.SecurityToken v3.3.0.2
AWSSDK.CognitolIdenity v3.3.0.2
AWSSDK.CognitoIdentityProvider v3.3.1.2
PCLCrypto v2.0.147
PCLStorage v1.0.2
the only code in my project is:
var amazonClient = new AmazonS3Client();
Any ideas?
possible (bad) workaround that seems to work:
change in Linker Options/Linker behavior:
to: Don't link
instead of: Link SDK Assemblies only
The answer turns out to be found here:
Xamarin Forms IOS Failed to load assembly System.Net.Http.Primitive
even though its a different assembly error, the fix is the same:
update all the AWS.Core to the latest version: v3.3.6 in my case
install Microsoft.Bcl.Build v1.0.21
install Microsoft.Net.Http v2.2.29
Rolling back to AWSSDK.S3 V3.1.10 worked for me, done using the NuGet manager in Visual Studio. =)

GSP compilation failed in grails

When I run grails war I got the following error
Compiling 30 GSP files for package [appInfo].
| Error GSP Compilation error in file /WEB-INF/plugins/app-info-0.4.3/grails-app/views/appinfo/hibernateEntityInfo.gsp at line 69: Tag [each] missing required attribute [in]
I used
grails 2.2.4
and also I want to know the app-info plugin location in the application
It is the problem with App-info plugin. I also got similar problem . I solved by following way
Clean the application using
grails Clean
then run the application using
grails RunApp
and make sure If you are using sequences in the application do not use mysql because mysql does not support sequences.

Error: Unable to import binding 'CustomBinding_IWSTrustFeb2005Async' from namespace

Using ASP.NET / Visual Studio 2005 / 2012:
I have a .wsdl file from service provider, which I need to test.
I ran wsdl.exe myfile.wsdl from Vs command promopt but I get this error:
Error: Unable to import binding 'CustomBinding_IWSTrustFeb2005Async' from namespace ''.
- Unable to import operation 'TrustFeb2005IssueAsync'.
- The element '' is missing.
I also tried to Add Web Reference from VS 2005 and VS 2012 but that is also throwing weird error.
- The WSDL document contains links that could not be resolved.
- There was an error downloading 'file:///C:/Users/abcd12/Documents/Visual Studio 2005/MyWebserviceTest/mex.xsd'.
Any idea what's wrong or where should I start looking into?
Update: The Visual Studio error adding reference is gone once I removed the entry to type import referencing mex.xsd.
But now VS is also giving the same error as command prompt.
Update: Looks like the wsdl is corrupted. Waiting from the provider to give me updated wsdl.
I will update here if I need any further help.
Some .xsd files imported in the wsdl weren't provided to me. Once I got those files, all went fine.

ClojureBox initialization Warning

When I run Clojure Box it gives me the following error
"Warning (initialization): An error occurred while loading `~/.emacs':
File error: Searching for program, no such file or directory, java
To ensure normal operation, you should investigate and remove the
cause of the error in your initialization file. Start Emacs with
the `--debug-init' option to view a complete error backtrace."
How to resolve this issue?
Okay Clojure Box is a Windows Clojure setup. It looks like you don't have Java installed yet. You'll need to install the Windows JDK from Oracle first: