Does Caddy server serves Django static and media files? - django

No. 4 of this says
Take care of your statics and medias
Normally I takes care them by Nginx in dev-server or S3/CloudFront in prod-server. But this time I judge Caddy is a webserver like Nginx. Then I read on the DockerFile. But I couldn't find any example of them
My understanding is when I use Caddy I have to use something else to serve statics and medias.
Am I correct?
If not please show the reference then I will study further

According to caddy website it is able to serve static files. You can tell Caddy to serve static files by using except keyword:
domain.tld {
root /var/www/project/folder
proxy / localhost:8000 {
except /static
Assuming that your static files are stored under /var/www/project/folder/static, any url that begins with domain.tld/static/ should be served by Caddy server as static file.


Dockerized Nginx and Django, how to serve static files

Im using Docker to containerize my Django environment, which looks like this (simplified a bit):
A Nginx (official image) docker container
An Ubuntu docker container with uwsgi and Django
The Nginx container are serving the uwsgi just fine, but I have not found a way to serve static files.
upstream proceed {
server proceed:8000;
server {
listen 80;
location /static {
alias /srv/www/proceed/static/; # What to do here?
location / {
uwsgi_pass proceed;
include uwsgi_params;
Question: Whats the best way to serve static files from another container? A solution not involving volumes are preferable.
As said #larsks you need share volumes between containers.
Your django Dockerfile need to contains volume definitions
FROM ubuntu
VOLUME /srv/www/proceed/static # there is path to your static
When you run nginx container you need add volumes-from argument
docker run nginx --volumes-from django
And than you nginx config will works fine.
Note! path to static content into django container and into nginx container must be the same!

Django to serve static files with exceptions

In my production environment I have Nginx serving static files for my Django application, but while developing I let Django so the work.
I need to have Nginx serving all static files but those in a certain subdirectory. So, Django side, I need to intercept that directory and treat it differently.
How can I make Django dev server intercept all the calls to /static/* but not those to /static/myspecialfiles/*´ and hence write a url route to handle the GET calls to said/static/myspecialfiles/*´?
You need to tackle this in two areas, Django and nginx.
For Django, since running a local setup (when DEBUG=True) already serves static content from STATIC_ROOT automatically, just add a URL conf for your special files:
# in
url(r'^/static/specialfiles/', SpecialView.as_view(), name='special'),
Then, in your nginx conf, make sure you ignore that path so it actually reaches Django:
server {
listen 80;
location / {
proxy_pass http://localhost:8000;
location /static/specialfiles/ {
proxy_pass http://localhost:8000;
location /static/ {
alias /home/ubuntu/dev/example/static/;
Since the locations are parsed sequentially, your special files will hit the django block before the generic static block.
But really you'd be best to just move your special files somewhere else.

Serve static files with Nginx and custom service. Dotcloud

I deployed my Django app on Dotcloud.
I'm using websockets with Gevent and django-socketio, so I used a custom service. For now, I'm still using 'runserver_socketio' in order to make it works.
Now, I would like to use Nginx to serve my static files. I found this :
I tried to use it. Here is my dotcloud.yml:
type: custom
buildscript: nginx/builder
app: /home/dotcloud/env/bin/python myproject/ runserver_socketio$PORT_WWW
nginx: nginx
www: http
- libevent-dev
- python-psycopg2
- libpcre3-dev
type: postgresql
And I added the folder 'nginx' at the root of my app.
I also added at the end of my postinstall:
if [ -e "$nginx_config_template" ]; then
sed > $HOME/nginx/conf/nginx.conf < $nginx_config_template \
-e "s/#PORT_WWW#/${PORT_WWW:-42800}/g"
echo "($nginx_config_template) isn't there!!! Make sure it is in the correct location or else nginx won't be setup correctly."
But when I go to my app, after I push it, I get the error:
403 Forbidden, nginx/1.0.14
And Nginx does serve the error pages 404.
So I don't know why, but I don't have access to my app anymore. Do you have any idea on how I can set my app with Nginx?
Thank you very much
I think Your problem is that you have two different processes fighting for the http port (80). You can only have one process running on port 80 at a time. Most people work around this by having nginx running on port 80, and then reverse proxying all traffic to the other process, which runs on a different port. This wouldn't work for you, because nginx doesn't support web sockets. So that means you would need to run nginx or the django app on a port other then 80. Which also isn't ideal.
At this point you have two other options
Use a CDN, put all of your files on Amazon S3, and serve them from there (or cloudfront).
Use dotCloud's static service, this will be a separate service that just serves the static files. Here is what your dotcloud.yml would look like.
type: custom
app: /home/dotcloud/env/bin/python myproject/ runserver_socketio$PORT_WWW
www: http
- libevent-dev
- python-psycopg2
- libpcre3-dev
type: postgresql
type: static
approot: static_media
Basically it adds a new service called static, and this new service, is looking for your static files in a directory in your project called static_media, located at the root of your project.
If you use the static service, you will need to get the URL from the static service, and set your STATIC_URL appropriately in your django
Another gotcha with this setup, is if you are using django's static_files app. Django's static files app will copy all the static media into one common location. This doesn't work with the static service, because the static service is separate, and will most likely live on a different host then your other service, so you will need to manually copy the files into the common static_media directory your self.
For more information about the dotCloud static service, see these docs:
Because of the gotcha I mentioned for option 2, I would recommend using option 1. Doing this is a pretty easy if you use something like . It can send your files to s3 for you.

Nginx is not serving Django static files

I just configured my first django server for a very basic django-website. I'm using Django 1.4 and Nginx 1.0.14 with supervisor and gunicorn.
The problem is that Nginx is not serving the static files as suposed, but I don't know the why because is my first time using it.
This is the path where really lives my static files:
And this is the setting I've in my nginx config file:
# Django admin media.
location /media/ {
autoindex on;
alias /home/cristian/envs/;
# Site media
location /static/ {
autoindex on;
alias /home/cristian/envs/;
Please let me know what I need to do in this case because I have not idea about the real problem.
You aren't serving the admin media from Nginx, just normal media. Try something like:
location /admin/media/ {
# this changes depending on your python version
root /home/cristian/envs/;
Note how there's no trailing slash and the path ends at contrib. I'm using almost exactly this code successfully in production.
Maybe collectstatic on server help you?
Here is good description on right solution

Configuration for Django, Apache and Nginx

I've setup my Django application on Apache+mod_wsgi. To serve the static files I'm using Nginx, as suggested on Django's project website.
Apache is running on port 8081 and nginx is on port 80. Now some people have suggested that my configuration is wrong and I should reverse the roles of Apache and Nginx. I'm not sure why that should be. And if indeed my configuration is wrong, why would django website suggest the wrong method?
The django docs you linked to do not suggest you use apache as a reverse proxy. They simply suggest you use a separate web server, so I'd say the docs are not clear on that subject -- they are not suggesting anything wrong.
My initial answer was assuming you had nginx as a reverse proxy because port 80 is the HTTP port, the one used when a browser attempts to go to a url with no port specified.
There are numerous complete guides to setting up nginx + apache via a quick google search but here is the gist for setting up nginx:
location / {
# proxy / requests to apache running django on port 8081
proxy_redirect off;
location /media/ {
# serve static media directly from nginx
root /srv/anuva_project/www/;
expires 30d;
All you need to do is remove the proxy lines from your apache configuration and add the proxy statements to your nginx.conf instead.
If you really want to serve your site from port 8081, you could potentially have nginx listen on port 8081 and have apache listen on a different port.
The point is, apache sits in some obscure port, only serving requests sent to it from nginx, while static file serving is handled by nginx.