Pass not working anymore : undefined symbole _ZN4llvm24DisableABIBreakingChecksE - llvm

I had a very well working LLVM pass, but it seems to not work anymore for a very mysterious reason. I have also tried to make a basic tutorial pass work following this. But it gives me the same error:
error: unable to load plugin
undefined symbol: _ZN4llvm24DisableABIBreakingChecksE'
It seems like a compatibility problem, maybe caused by an update. So, I have tried to rebuild LLVM and the pass but still got the error. Any idea on what I should do ?


Unable to run curlpp on Xcode

In C++ within Xcode I am using curlpp, yet I get prompted with the following error: Undefined symbol: curlpp::Cleanup::Cleanup(). I've read that I must add the following flags to the compiler: -lcurlpp, -lcurl. Yet, once I have added them, I still get the same issue.

Compilation error: use of deleted function

I am working through some example code from Lazar and Penea, Mastreing Qt5:
I think I am starting to understand the code, but I am stuck with a compilation error in the method "addAlbum" in the class "AlbumModel", The offending line is
unique_ptr<Album> newAlbum(new Album(album));
which yields the error message
error: use of deleted function ‘Album::Album(const Album&)’
unique_ptr<Album> newAlbum(new Album(album));
I am using CMake 3.10.2 and cpp 7.5.0. I presume the github code is correct, so this error is a bit puzzling. Although there are a lot of "use of deleted function" discussions here on stackoverflow, I have not been able to determine the cause of the error.

Intel compiler undefined reference to symbol 'for_inquire'

I'm running a Makefile given to me to compile some Fortran code along with some C++ code. This is being compiled on CentOS using the intel compiler.I didn't write any of the code or the Makefile, also I have no clue what I'm doing.
When I run the Makefile script I get the following error when trying to do something with Fortran code 'libStuff':
ld: /home/myProject/trunk/libStuff/lib/libStuff.a(stuff.o): undefined reference to symbol 'for_inquire'
/opt/intel2019/compilers_and_libraries_2019.0.117/linux/compiler/lib/intel64_lin/ error adding symbols: DSO missing from command line
make[1]: *** [myProject] Error 1
I've played around with the Makefile and I've figured out that I need to add a flag to a specific line
The problem is I don't know which flag to add, and couldn't find any helpful documentation on the intel website. Also I couldn't figure out what the 'for_inquire' thing means.
Anybody got any ideas?
the flag I needed to add was -lifcore. I figured it out.

cross compile qt5.5 for Raspbian jessie

I've been following this guide on how to cross compile QT for raspbian:
It's some months old, so certain changes have been made to fit it with Jessie and qt 5.5 instead of Wheezy and qt 5.4. However I've gotten down to the configure and make portion of the guide and I am completely stuck. When running $make, I'm getting a bunch of these errors:
.obj/qeasingcurve.o:qeasingcurve.cpp:function easeInOutCirc(double): error: undefined reference to 'sqrt'
.obj/qeasingcurve.o:qeasingcurve.cpp:function easeOutCirc(double): error: undefined reference to 'sqrt'
.obj/qeasingcurve.o:qeasingcurve.cpp:function easeInCirc(double): error: undefined reference to 'sqrt'
.obj/qeasingcurve.o:qeasingcurve.cpp:function easeOutInSine(double): error: undefined reference to 'cos'
By googling, I've gotten some understand as to why this is happening (Looks like math library needs to be linked manually for some unexplained reason), but not as to how I can fix it. Ideas?
Since no one seemed to know the answer, I found another way of doing it that seems to work with some fiddling instead:

LNK1104 cannot open x.lib

I keep getting this error but the weird part is that the project comiles and runs fine. I can't see where the problem is, and i am sure it must find that library to work ok.
Probally there is an invalid reference for x.lib in your project configuration.
If it's compiling and working fine, maybe you have a valid and an invalid configuration for x.lib.