How to act on a class with -

I have a public class with a couple of public methods. The class may also have public properties that indicate the state. The methods may have parameters. Perhaps a return value. Perhaps some of them are defined as asynchronous.
Lets say the class represents an interface to control a game.
Maybe the class have methods such as move left, move right, jump, fire, etc.
public class Game
public int Ammo { get; private set; }
public void Fire() { /* ... */ }
public void Jump() { /* ... */ }
public void MoveRight() { /* ... */ }
public void MoveLeft() { /* ... */ }
// more methods
I would like to use to act on the class, to play the the game.
How would I do this?

As far as I can tell, you want to build an 'artificial intelligence' that would apply 'control inputs' to the given system (like your Game class), and learn to 'play the game'.
This appears to match very closely to the definition of Reinforcement learning. As you can see from the Wikipedia article, there exist numerous approaches to reinforcement learning, so the problem as you stated it right now is not well-defined enough to have only one solution.
As also mentioned in the comments, ML.NET doesn't currently support any reinforcement learning scenarios. This will probably change in the future, especially if there is enough public interest in them.

You can use the Command pattern in conjunction with ML.NET to solve your problem. The Command pattern essentially generates the sequence of commands that are then executed by a Command Interpreter in the traditional sense of architecture patterns.
We use the Command pattern to generate the game play training data as follows:
Create a class called GameState.
public class GameState
public enum GameAction
public GameState Current { get; set; }
public GameAction NextAction { get; set; }
public GameOutcome Outcome { get; set; }
public string Descriptor {
get {
// returns a string that succinctly and uniquely
// describes the current game state
and define a GameOutcome class:
public class GameOutcome
public int GameID { get; set; }
public enum OutcomeState
public OutcomeState Outcome { get; set; }
If you can generate GameState sequences from actual game play as training data, then you can create a predictor (essentially a MultiClassClassifier) using ML.NET that takes the GameState.Descriptor, GameState.Outcome.OutcomeState and GameState.NextAction with the Descriptor and OutcomeState as features and NextAction as the predicted label.
In live (automated play), you initialize the gamestate and then predict the next action setting an OutcomeState of 'Win' and using the ML classifier to predict the learnt next action.
The trick lies in encapsulating a rich and succinct game state description that takes into account the history of steps followed to get to the current game state and the projected future outcome of the game (from a large number of historical game plays).


How to mock static member variables

I have a class ClassToTest which has a dependency on ClassToMock.
public class ClassToMock {
private static final String MEMBER_1 = FileReader.readMemeber1();
protected void someMethod() {
The unit test case for ClassToTest.
public class ClassToTestTest {
private ClassToMock _mock;
public void setUp() throws Exception {
_mock = mock(ClassToMock.class)
When mock is called in the setUp() method, FileReader.readMemeber1(); is executed. Is there a way to avoid this? I think one way is to initialize the MEMBER_1 inside a method. Any other alternatives?
Your ClassToMock tightly coupled with FileReader, that's why you are not able to test/mock it. Instead of using tool to hack the byte code so you can mock it. I would suggest you do some simple refactorings to break the dependency.
Step 1. Encapsulate Global References
This technique is also introduced in Michael Feathers's wonderful book : Working Effectively with Legacy Code.
The title pretty much self explained. Instead of directly reference a global variable, you encapsulate it inside a method.
In your case, ClassToMock can be refactored into this :
public class ClassToMock {
private static final String MEMBER_1 = FileReader.readMemeber1();
public String getMemberOne() {
return MEMBER_1;
then you can easily using Mockito to mock getMemberOne().
UPDATED Old Step 1 cannot guarantee Mockito mock safely, if FileReader.readMemeber1() throw exception, then the test will failled miserably. So I suggest add another step to work around it.
Step 1.5. add Setter and Lazy Getter
Since the problem is FileReader.readMember1() will be invoked as soon as ClassToMock is loaded. We have to delay it. So we make the getter call FileReader.readMember1() lazily, and open a setter.
public class ClassToMock {
private static String MEMBER_1 = null;
protected String getMemberOne() {
if (MEMBER_1 == null) {
MEMBER_1 = FileReader.readMemeber1();
return MEMBER_1;
public void setMemberOne(String memberOne) {
MEMBER_1 = memberOne;
Now, you should able to make a fake ClassToMock even without Mockito. However, this should not be the final state of your code, once you have your test ready, you should continue to Step 2.
Step 2. Dependence Injection
Once you have your test ready, you should refactor it further more. Now Instead of reading the MEMBER_1 by itself. This class should receive the MEMBER_1 from outside world instead. You can either use a setter or constructor to receive it. Below is the code that use setter.
public class ClassToMock {
private String memberOne;
public void setMemberOne(String memberOne) {
this.memberOne = memberOne;
public String getMemberOne() {
return memberOne;
These two step refactorings are really easy to do, and you can do it even without test at hand. If the code is not that complex, you can just do step 2. Then you can easily test ClassToTest
UPDATE 12/8 : answer the comment
See my another answer in this questions.
UPDATE 12/8 : answer the comment
Question : What if FileReader is something very basic like Logging that needs to
be there in every class. Would you suggest I follow the same approach
It depends.
There are something you might want to think about before you do a massive refactor like that.
If I move FileReader outside, do I have a suitable class which can read from file and provide the result to every single class that needs them ?
Beside making classes easier to test, do I gain any other benefit ?
Do I have time ?
If any of the answers is "NO", then you should better not to.
However, we can still break the dependency between all the classes and FileReader with minimal changes.
From your question and comment, I assume your system using FileReader as a global reference for reading stuff from a properties file, then provide it to rest of the system.
This technique is also introduced in Michael Feathers's wonderful book : Working Effectively with Legacy Code, again.
Step 1. Delegate FileReader static methods to instance.
public class FileReader {
public static FileReader getMemberOne() {
// codes that read file.
public class FileReader {
private static FileReader singleton = new FileReader();
public static String getMemberOne() {
return singleton.getMemberOne();
public String getMemberOne() {
// codes that read file.
By doing this, static methods in FileReader now have no knowledge about how to getMemberOne()
Step 2. Extract Interface from FileReader
public interface AppProperties {
String getMemberOne();
public class FileReader implements AppProperties {
private static AppProperties singleton = new FileReader();
public static String getMemberOne() {
return singleton.getMemberOne();
public String getMemberOne() {
// codes that read file.
We extract all the method to AppProperties, and static instance in FileReader now using AppProperties.
Step 3. Static setter
public class FileReader implements AppProperties {
private static AppProperties singleton = new FileReader();
public static void setAppProperties(AppProperties prop) {
singleton = prop;
We opened a seam in FileReader. By doing this, we can set change underlying instance in FileReader and it would never notice.
Step 4. Clean up
Now FileReader have two responsibilities. One is read files and provide result, another one is provide a global reference for system.
We can separate them and give them a good naming. Here is the result :
// This is the original FileReader,
// now is a AppProperties subclass which read properties from file.
public FileAppProperties implements AppProperties {
// implementation.
// This is the class that provide static methods.
public class GlobalAppProperties {
private static AppProperties singleton = new FileAppProperties();
public static void setAppProperties(AppProperties prop) {
singleton = prop;
public static String getMemberOne() {
return singleton.getMemberOne();
After this refactoring, whenever you want to test. You can set a mock AppProperties to GlobalAppProperties
I think this refactoring would be better if all you want to do is break the same global dependency in many classes.
Powermock core provides a convenient utility method that could be used for this purpose.
Add powermock-core to your project.
testImplementation group: 'org.powermock', name: 'powermock-core', version: '2.0.9'
FileReader fileReader = mock(FileReader.class);
Whitebox.setInternalState(ClassToMock.class, "MEMBER_1", fileReader);
Whitebox.setInternalState is just a convenient method to set the value of a field using reflection. So it could be used along with any Mockito tests.

Partial Mock or new class or what else?

I have a question about testing.
I have a class that returns anomalies. in this class I have two different method that simply returns two different types of anomalies and one that return all anomalies (of both types)
this is the example code:
public interface IAnomalyService
IList<Anomaly> GetAllAnomalies(object parameter1, object parameter2);
IList<Anomaly> GetAnomalies_OfTypeA(object parameter1);
IList<Anomaly> GetAnomalies_OfTypeB(object parameter2);
public class AnomalyService : IAnomalyService
public IList<Anomaly> GetAllAnomalies(object parameter1, object parameter2)
var lstAll = new List<Anomaly>();
return lstAll;
public IList<Anomaly> GetAnomalies_OfTypeA(object parameter1)
//some elaborations
return new List<Anomaly> { new Anomaly { Id = 1 } };
public IList<Anomaly> GetAnomalies_OfTypeB(object parameter2)
//some elaborations
return new List<Anomaly> { new Anomaly { Id = 2 } };
class Anomaly
public int Id { get; set; }
I've created the tests for the two method that retrieve the anomalies of type A and type B (GetAnomalies_OfTypeA and GetAnomalies_OfTypeB).
Now I want to test the function GetAllAnomalies but I'm not sure what I have to do.
I think I have to way for testing it:
1) declare GetAnomalies_OfTypeA and GetAnomalies_OfTypeB in class AnomalyService as virtual, make a mock of the Class AnomalyService, and using Moq I can set CallBase as true and mock the two method GetAnomalies_OfTypeA and GetAnomalies_OfTypeB.
2)move the method GetAllAnomalies in another class called AllAnomalyService (with interface IAllAnomalyService) and in its constructor I will pass an interface of IAnomalyService and after I can test the GetAllAnomalies mocking the IAnomalyService interface.
I'm new at unit testing, so I don't know which solution is better, if is one of the mines or another one.
Can you help me?
thank you
Mocking is a good tool when a class resists testing. If you have the source, mocking is often not necessary. Try this approach:
Create a factory which can return AnomalyServices with various, defined anomalies (only type A, only type B, both, none, only type C, ...)
Since the three types are connected in some way, you should check all three in each test. If only anomalies of type A are expected, you should check that GetAllAnomalies returns the same result as GetAnomalies_OfTypeA and GetAnomalies_OfTypeB returns an empty list.

Unit Testing abstract classes and or interfaces

I'm trying to start using Unit Testing on my current project in Visual Studio 2010. My class structure, however, contains a number of interface and abstract class inheritance relationships.
If two classes are derived from the same abstract class, or interface I'd like to be able to share the testing code between them. I'm not sure how to do this exactly. I'm thinking I create a test class for each interface I want to test, but I'm not sure the correct way to feed my concrete classes into the applicable unit tests.
OK here's an example. Say I have an interface IEmployee , which is implemented by an abstract class Employee, which is then inherited by the two concrete classes Worker and Employee. (Code show below)
Now say I want to create tests that apply to all IEmployees or Employees. Or alternatively create specific tests for specific types of Employees. For example I may want to assert that setting IEmployee.Number to a number less then zero for any implementation of IEmployee throws an exception. I'd prefer to write the tests from the perspective of any IEmployee and then be able to use the tests on any implementation of IEmployee.
Here's another example. I may also want to assert that setting the vacation time for any employee to a value less then zero throws and error. Yet I may also want to have different tests that apply to a specific concrete version of Employee. Say I want to test that Worker throws an exception if they are provided more then 14 days vacation, but a manager can be provided up to 36.
public interface IEmployee
string Name {get; set;}
int Number {get; set;}
public abstract class Employee:IEmploee
string Name {get; set;}
int Number {get;set;}
public abstract int VacationTime(get; set;)
public abstract class Worker:IEmployee
private int v;
private int vTime;
public abstract int VacationTime
return VTime;
if(value>36) throw new ArgumentException("Exceeded allowed vaction");
if(value<0)throw new ArgumentException("Vacation time must be >0");
vTime= value;
public void DoSomWork()
public abstract class Manager:IEmployee
public abstract int VacationTime
return VTime;
if(value>14) throw new ArgumentException("Exceeded allowed vaction");
if(value<0)throw new ArgumentException("Vacation time must be >0");
vTime= value;
public void DoSomeManaging()
So I guess what I'm looking for is a work flow that will allow me to nest unit tests. So for example when I test the Manager class I want to first test that it passes the Employee and IEmployee tests, and then test specific members such as DoSomeManaging().
I guess I know what you mean. I had the same issue.
My solution was to create a hierarchy also for testing. I'll use the same example you show.
First, have an abstract test class for the base IEmployee.
It has two main things:
i. All the test methods you want.
ii. An abstract method that returns the desired instance of the IEmployee.
public abstract class IEmployeeTests
protected abstract GetIEmployeeInstance();
public void TestMethod1()
IEmployee target = GetIEmployeeInstance();
// do your IEmployee test here
Second, you have a test class for each implementation of IEmployee, implementing the abstract method and providing appropriate instances of IEmployee.
public class WorkerTests : IEmployeeTests
protected override GetIEmployeeInstance()
return new Worker();
public class ManagerTests : IEmployeeTests
protected override GetIEmployeeInstance()
return new Manager();
You can see everything works as expected and VS gives you the expected test methods for each WorkerTests and ManagerTests classes in the TestView window.
You can run them and have the test results for each implementation of the IEmployee interface, having to create the tests only in the base IEmployeeTests class.
You can always add specific test for the derived WorkerTests and ManagerTests classes.
The question would be now, what about classes that implement multiple interfaces, let's say EmployedProgrammer?
public EmployedProgrammer : IEmployee, IProgrammer
We don't have multiple inheritance in C#, so this is not an option:
public EmployedProgrammerIEmployeeTests : IEmployeeTests, IProgrammerTests
// this doesn't compile as IEmployeeTests, IProgrammerTests are classes, not interfaces
For this scenario, a solution is to have the following test classes:
public EmployedProgrammerIEmployeeTests : IEmployeeTests
protected override GetIEmployeeInstance()
return new EmployedProgrammer();
public EmployedProgrammerIProgrammerTests : IProgrammerTests
protected override GetIProgrammerInstance()
return new EmployedProgrammer();
public abstract class IProgrammerTests
protected abstract GetIProgrammerInstance();
public void TestMethod1()
IProgrammer target = GetIProgrammerInstance();
// do your IProgrammerTest test here
I'm using this with good results.
Hope it helps.
What I think you want to do is create unit tests for methods in abstract classes.
I'm not sure it makes sense to want to test a protected method on an abstract class, but if you insist simply extend the class in a class used exclusively for unittesting. That way you can expose the protected methods on the abstract class you want to test through public methods on the extending class that simply call through to the method on the abstract class.
If you have methods in abstract classes that you want unittested, I suggest refactoring them into separate classes and simply expose them as public methods and put those under test. Try looking at your inheritance tree from a 'test-first' perspective and I'm pretty sure you'll come up with that solution (or a similar one) as well.
It seems that you have described "composite unit testing" which is not supported by Visual Studio 2010 unit tests. Such things can be done in MbUnit according to this article. It is possible to create abstract tests in Visual Studio 2010 which is probably not exactly what you want. Here is description how to implement abstract tests in VS (Inheritance Example section).
Use microsoft moles for better testing. so you can mock the abstract base class / static methods etc easily. Please refer the following post for more info
BenzCar benzCar = new BenzCar();
new MCar(benzCar)
Drive= () => "Testing"
}.InstanceBehavior = MoleBehaviors.Fallthrough;
var hello = child.Drive();
Assert.AreEqual("Benz Car driving. Testing", hello);
The desire to run the same test against multiple classes usually means you have an opportunity to extract the behavior you want to test into a single class (whether it's the base class or an entirely new class you compose into your existing classes).
Consider your example: instead of implementing vacation limits in Worker and Manager, add a new member variable to Employee, 'MaximumVacationDays', implement the limit in the employee class' setter, and check the limit there:
abstract class Employee {
private int maximumVacationDays;
protected Employee(int maximumVacationDays) {
this.maximumVacationDays = maximumVacationDays
public int VacationDays {
set {
if (value > maximumVacationDays)
throw new ArgumentException("Exceeded maximum vacation");
class Worker: Employee {
public Worker(): Employee(14) {}
class Manager: Employee {
public Manager(): Employee(36) {}
Now you have only one method to test and less code to maintain.

GOF State Pattern State Transition Implementation Issues

Firstly, can anyone explain how a state object can be shared when the state object has no instance variables ?
This text is taken from GOF, page 308, item 3 (consequences section):
The state object can be shared.
If state objects have no instance variabkes - that is, the state they
represent is encoded entirely in their
type - then contexts can share a
state object. When states are shared in
this way, they are essentially
Can anyone explain this text ?
Secondly, what are the approaches to the state transition decision? I mean the decision of which next state to propagate?
Please help.
In the state pattern you have an represent the state of an object by using state-objects. These state-objects represent a certain state, but they do not have any mutable state of their own. This means they never change. Therefore, any number of objects can use the same state-object at the same time (even from different threads). If the state-object had mutable state, other objects would have to worry about their state-object being changed from elsewhere.
The using of one object instance by many others can be seen as an instance of the flyweight-pattern.
As for the second part of your question, here is an example:
class SomeStateMachine;
class AbstractState {
// abstract baseclass for all state-classes
void input(const std::string & data, SomeStateMachine & caller) = 0;
class FinalState : public AbstractState {
FinalState * getInstance(); // always returns same instance
class InitialState : public AbstractState {
InitialState * getInstance(); // always returns same instance
void input(const std::string & data, SomeStateMachine & caller) {
std::cout << data << std::endl;
caller.m_State = FinalState::getInstance();
class SomeStateMachine {
SomeStateMachine() : m_State(InitialState::getInstance())
void input(const std::string & data) {
m_State->input(data, *this);
friend class InitialState;
AbstractState * m_State;
So you basically pass a reference to the calling object to every method of your state-object. This way, the state-object is able to change the state of the caller when needed. This example might not be very beautiful, but I hope you get the idea.
The paragraph is basically saying that you encode your states as individual classes - then the instance type is the "state" and the classes don't need any instance variables because their type encodes all the information you need.
E.g say I want to have three states "Open", "Active" and "Closed". I might define the following classes:
abstract class State {};
class Open extends State {
public Open() {}
class Active extends State {
public Active() {}
class Closed extends State {
public Closed() {}
Another option - I'd suspect this is the combination with flyweight being hinted at in the GOF text would be to create a state class which a bunch of static members (one for each state) which can then be shared -
public class State {
private string name;
private State(String name) { = name;
public final static State OPEN = new State("Open");
public final static State ACTIVE = new State("Active");
public final static State CLOSED = new State("Closed");
I had to go digging to remind myself of how all this stuff worked in detail. Kerievsky has a good description of this (I've heavily borrowed from one of his examples above!) and how the state transitions can be handled by sub-classing from the state class, to create classes that manage each transition. See "Refactoring to Patterns" (ISBN: 0321213351)
EDIT(2): His web site has a class diagram for his example -

Should class methods accept parameters or use class properties

Consider the following class
public class Class1
public int A { get; set; }
public int B { get; set; }
public int GetComplexResult()
return A + B;
In order to use GetComplexResult, a consumer of this class would have to know to set A and B before calling the method. If GetComplexResult accesses many properties to calculate its result, this can lead to wrong return values if the consumer doesn't set all the appropriate properties first. So you might write this class like this instead
public class Class2
public int A { get; set; }
public int B { get; set; }
public int GetComplexResult(int a, int b)
return a + b;
This way, a caller to GetComplexResult is forced to pass in all the required values, ensuring the expected return value is correctly calculated. But if there are many required values, the parameter list grows as well and this doesn't seem like good design either. It also seems to break the point of encapsulating A, B and GetComplexResult in a single class. I might even be tempted to make GetComplexResult static since it doesn't require an instance of the class to do its work. I don't want to go around making a bunch of static methods.
Are there terms to describe these 2 different ways of creating classes? They both seem to have pros and cons - is there something I'm not understanding that should tell me that one way is better than the other? How does unit testing influence this choice?
If you use a real-world example the answer becomes clearer.
public class person
public string firstName { get; set; }
public string lastName { get; set; }
public string getFullName()
return firstName + " " + lastName;
The point of an entity object is that it contains information about an entity, and can do the operations that the entity needs to do (based on the information it contains). So yes, there are situations in which certain operations won't work properly because the entity hasn't been fully initialized, but that's not a failure of design. If, in the real world, I ask you for the full name of a newborn baby who hasn't been named yet, that will fail also.
If certain properties are essential to an entity doing its job, they can be initialized in a constructor. Another approach is to have a boolean that checks whether the entity is in a state where a given method can be called:
while (person.hasAnotherQuestion()) {
A good design rule is to make sure that all constructors initializes objects to valid states and that all property setters and methods then enforces the valid state. This way there will never be any objects in invalid states.
If the default values for A and B, which is 0 is not a valid state that yields a valid result from GetComplexResult, you should a constructor that initialized A and B to valid a state.
If some of the fields are never allowed to be null then you would typically make them parameters to the class constructor. If you don't always have all of the required values available at once then using a builder class may be helpful.
For example:
public Builder {
private int a;
private int b;
public Class1 create() {
// some validation logic goes here
// to make sure we have everything and
// either fill in defaults or throw an error
// if needed
return new Class1(a, b)
public Builder a(int val) { a = val; }
public Builder b(int val) { b = val; }
This Builder can then be used as follows.
Class1 obj1 = new Builder().a(5).b(6).create();
Builder builder = new Builder();
// do stuff to find value of a
// do stuff to find value of b
// do more stuff
Class1 obj2 = builder.create();
Class2 obj3 = builder.create();
This design allows you to lock down the Entity classes to whatever degree is appropriate while still allowing for a flexible construction process. It also opens the door to customizing the construction process with other implementations without changing the entity class contract.