Quality of Visual Studio Community code analysis with SAL annotations - c++

I hope this question is not out of scope for SO; if it is (sorry in that case), please tell me where it belongs and I'll try to move it there.
The concept of SAL annotations for static code analysis in C/C++ seems really useful to me. Take for example the wrongly implemented wmemcpy example on MSDN: Understanding SAL:
wchar_t * wmemcpy(
_Out_writes_all_(count) wchar_t *dest,
_In_reads_(count) const wchar_t *src,
size_t count)
size_t i;
for (i = 0; i <= count; i++) { // BUG: off-by-one error
dest[i] = src[i];
return dest;
MSDN says that "a code analysis tool could catch the bug by analyzing this function alone", which seems great, but the problem is that when I paste this code in VS 2017 Community no warning about this pops up on code analysis, not even with all analysis warnings enabled. (Other warnings like C26481 Don't use pointer arithmetic. Use span instead (bounds.1). do.)
Another example which should produce warnings (at least according to an answer to What is the purpose of SAL (Source Annotation Language) and what is the difference between SAL 1 and 2?), but does not:
_Success_(return) bool GetASmallInt(_Out_range_(0, 10) int& an_int);
int result;
const auto ret = GetASmallInt(result);
std::cout << result;
And a case of an incorrect warning:
struct MyStruct { int *a; };
void RetrieveMyStruct(_Out_ MyStruct *result) {
result->a = new int(42);
MyStruct s;
// C26486 Don't pass a pointer that may be invalid to a function. Parameter 1 's.a' in call to 'RetrieveMyStruct' may be invalid (lifetime.1).
// Don't pass a pointer that may be invalid to a function. The parameter in a call may be invalid (lifetime.1).
result is obviously marked with _Out_ and not _In_ or _Inout_ so this warning does not make sense in this case.
My question is: Why does Visual Studio's SAL-based code analysis seem to be quite bad; am I missing something? Is Visual Studio Professional or Enterprise maybe better in this aspect? Or is there a tool which can do this better?
And if it's really quite bad: is this a known problem and are there maybe plans to improve this type of analysis?
Related: visual studio 2013 static code analysis - how reliable is it?

Functions contracts, of which SAL annotations are a lightweight realization, make it possible to reason locally about whether a function is doing the right thing and is used wrongly or the opposite. Without them, you could only discuss the notion of bug in the context of a whole program. With them, as the documentation says, it becomes possible to say locally that a function's behavior is a bug, and you can hope that a static analysis tool will find it.
Verifying mechanically that a piece of code does not have bugs remains a difficult problem even with this help. Different techniques exist because there are various partial approaches to the problem. They all have strengths and weaknesses, and they all contain plenty of heuristics. Loops are part of what makes predicting all the behaviors of a program difficult, and implementers of these tools may choose not to hard-code patterns for the extremely simple loops, since these patterns would seldom serve in practice.
And if it's really quite bad: is this a known problem and are there maybe plans to improve this type of analysis?
Yes, researchers have worked on this topic for decades and continue both to improve the theory and to transfer theoretical ideas into practical tools. As a user, you have a choice:
if you need your code to be free of bugs, for instance because it is intended for a safety-critical context, then you already have very heavy methodology in place based on intensive testing at each level of the V-cycle, and this sort of static analysis can already help you reach the same level of confidence with less (but some) effort. You will need more expressive contract specifications than SAL annotations for this goal. An example is ACSL for C.
if you are not willing to make the considerable effort necessary to ensure that code is bug-free with high-confidence, you can still take advantage of this sort of static analysis, but in this case consider any bug found as a bonus. The annotations, because they have a formally defined meaning, can also be useful to assign blame even in the context of a manual code review in which no static analyzer is involved. SAL annotations were designed explicitly for this usecase.


How to force a compile error in C++(17) if a function return value isn't checked? Ideally through the type system

We are writing safety-critical code and I'd like a stronger way than [[nodiscard]] to ensure that checking of function return values is caught by the compiler.
Thanks for all the discussion in the comments. Let me clarify that this question may seem contrived, or not "typical use case", or not how someone else would do it. Please take this as an academic exercise if that makes it easier to ignore "well why don't you just do it this way?". The question is exactly whether it's possible to create a type(s) that fails compiling if it is not assigned to an l-value as the return result of a function call .
I know about [[nodiscard]], warnings-as-errors, and exceptions, and this question asks if it's possible to achieve something similar, that is a compile time error, not something caught at run-time. I'm beginning to suspect it's not possible, and so any explanation why is very much appreciated.
MSVC++ 2019
Something that doesn't rely on warnings
Warnings-as-Errors also doesn't work
It's not feasible to constantly run static analysis
Macros are OK
Not a runtime check, but caught by the compiler
Not exception-based
I've been trying to think how to create a type(s) that, if it's not assigned to a variable from a function return, the compiler flags an error.
struct MustCheck
bool success;
MustCheck DoSomething( args )
return MustCheck{true};
int main(void) {
MustCheck res = DoSomething(blah);
if( !res.success ) { exit(-1); }
DoSomething( bloop ); // <------- compiler error
If such a thing is provably impossible through the type system, I'll also accept that answer ;)
(EDIT) Note 1: I have been thinking about your problem and reached the conclusion that the question is ill posed. It is not clear what you are looking for because of a small detail: what counts as checking? How the checkings compose and how far from the point of calling?
For example, does this count as checking? note that composition of boolean values (results) and/or other runtime variable matters.
bool b = true; // for example
auto res1 = DoSomething1(blah);
auto res2 = DoSomething2(blah);
if((res1 and res2) or b){...handle error...};
The composition with other runtime variables makes it impossible to make any guarantee at compile-time and for composition with other "results" you will have to exclude certain logical operators, like OR or XOR.
(EDIT) Note 2: I should have asked before but 1) if the handling is supposed to always abort: why not abort from the DoSomething function directly? 2) if handling does a specific action on failure, then pass it as a lambda to DoSomething (after all you are controlling what it returns, and what it takese). 3) composition of failures or propagation is the only not trivial case, and it is not well defined in your question.
Below is the original answer.
This doesn't fulfill all the (edited) requirements you have (I think they are excessive) but I think this is the only path forward really.
Below my comments.
As you hinted, for doing this at runtime there are recipes online about "exploding" types (they assert/abort on destruction if they where not checked, tracked by an internal flag).
Note that this doesn't use exceptions (but it is runtime and it is not that bad if you test the code often, it is after all a logical error).
For compile-time, it is more tricky, returning (for example a bool) with [[nodiscard]] is not enough because there are ways of no discarding without checking for example assigning to a (bool) variable.
I think the next layer is to active -Wunused-variable -Wunused-expression -Wunused-parameter (and treat it like an error -Werror=...).
Then it is much harder to not check the bool because comparison is pretty much to only operation you can really do with a bool.
(You can assign to another bool but then you will have to use that variable).
I guess that's quite enough.
There are still Machiavelian ways to mark a variable as used.
For that you can invent a bool-like type (class) that is 1) [[nodiscard]] itself (classes can be marked nodiscard), 2) the only supported operation is ==(bool) or !=(bool) (maybe not even copyable) and return that from your function. (as a bonus you don't need to mark your function as [[nodiscard]] because it is automatic.)
I guess it is impossible to avoid something like (void)b; but that in itself becomes a flag.
Even if you cannot avoid the absence of checking, you can force patterns that will immediately raise eyebrows at least.
You can even combine the runtime and compile time strategy.
(Make CheckedBool exploding.)
This will cover so many cases that you have to be happy at this point.
If compiler flags don’t protect you, you will have still a backup that can be detected in unit tests (regardless of taking the error path!).
(And don’t tell me now that you don’t unit test critical code.)
What you want is a special case of substructural types. Rust is famous for implementing a special case called "affine" types, where you can "use" something "at most once". Here, you instead want "relevant" types, where you have to use something at least once.
C++ has no official built-in support for such things. Maybe we can fake it? I thought not. In the "appendix" to this answer I include my original logic for why I thought so. Meanwhile, here's how to do it.
(Note: I have not tested any of this; I have not written any C++ in years; use at your own risk.)
First, we create a protected destructor in MustCheck. Thus, if we simply ignore the return value, we will get an error. But how do we avoid getting an error if we don't ignore the return value? Something like this.
(This looks scary: don't worry, we wrap most of it in a macro.)
int main(){
struct Temp123 : MustCheck {
void f() {
MustCheck* mc = this;
*mc = DoSomething();
} res;
if(!res.success) print "oops";
Okay, that looks horrible, but after defining a suitable macro, we get:
int main(){
CAPTURE_RESULT(res, DoSomething());
if(!res.success) print "oops";
I leave the macro as an exercise to the reader, but it should be doable. You should probably use __LINE__ or something to generate the name Temp123, but it shouldn't be too hard.
Note that this is all sorts of hacky and terrible, and you likely don't want to actually use this. Using [[nodiscard]] has the advantage of allowing you to use natural return types, instead of this MustCheck thing. That means that you can create a function, and then one year later add nodiscard, and you only have to fix the callers that did the wrong thing. If you migrate to MustCheck, you have to migrate all the callers, even those that did the right thing.
Another problem with this approach is that it is unreadable without macros, but IDEs can't follow macros very well. If you really care about avoiding bugs then it really helps if your IDE and other static analyzers understand your code as well as possible.
As mentioned in the comments you can use [[nodiscard]] as per:
And modify to use this warning as compile error:
That should cover your use case.

Trigger a compiler error when trying to add char* to int?

C++ compilers happily compiles this code, with no warning:
int ival = 8;
const char *strval = "x";
const char *badresult = ival + strval;
Here we add a char* pointer value (strval) to an int value (ival) and store the result in a char* pointer (badresult). Of course, the content of the badresult will be total garbage and the app might crash on this line or later when it is trying to use the badresult elsewhere.
The problem is that it is very easy to make such mistakes in real life. The one I caught in my code looked like this:
message += port + "\n";
(where message is a string type handling the result with its operator += function; port is an int and \n is obviously a const char pointer).
Is there any way to disable this kind of behavior and trigger an error at compile time?
I don't see any normal use case for adding char* to int and I would like a solution to prevent this kind of mistakes in my large code base.
When using classes, we can create private operators and use the explicit keyword to disable unneeded conversions/casts, however now we are talking about basic types (char* and int).
One solutions is to use clang as that has a flag to enable warning for this.
However I can't use clang, so I am seeking for a solution that triggers a compiler error (some kind of operator overload or mangling with some defines to prevent such constructs or any other idea).
Is there any way to disable this kind of behavior and trigger an error at compile time?
Not in general, because your code is very similar to the following, legitimate, code:
int ival = 3;
const char *strval = "abcd";
const char *goodresult = ival + strval;
Here goodresult is pointing to the last letter d of strval.
BTW, on Linux, getpid(2) is known to return a positive integer. So you could imagine:
int ival = (getpid()>=0)?3:1000;
const char *strval = "abcd";
const char *goodresult = ival + strval;
which is morally the same as the previous example (so we humans know that ival is always 3). But teaching the compiler that getpid() does not return a negative value is tricky in practice (the return type pid_t of getpid is some signed integer, and has to be signed to be usable by fork(2), which could give -1). And you could imagine more weird examples!
You want compile-time detection of buffer overflow (or more generally of undefined behavior), and in general that is equivalent to the halting problem (it is an unsolvable problem). So it is impossible in general.
Of course, one could claim that a clever compiler could warn for your particular case, but then there is a concern about what cases should be useful to warn.
You might try some static source program analysis tools, perhaps Clang static analyzer or Frama-C (with its recent Frama-C++ variant) - or some costly proprietary tools like Coverity and many others. These tools don't detect all errors statically and takes much more time to execute than an optimizing compiler.
You could (for example) write your own GCC plugin to detect such mistakes (that means developing your own static source code analyzer). You'll spend months in writing it. Are you sure it is worth the effort?
However I can't use clang,
Why? You could ask permission to use the clang static analyzer (or some other one), during development (not for production). If your manager refuses that, it becomes a management problem, not a technical one.
I don't see any normal use case for adding char* to int
You need more imagination. Think of something like
puts("non-empty" + (isempty(x)?4:0));
Ok that is not very readable code, but it is legitimate. In the previous century, when memory was costly, some people used to code that way.
Today you'll code perhaps
if (isempty(x))
and the cute thing is that a clever compiler could probably optimize the later into the equivalent of former (according to the as-if rule).
No way. It is valid syntax, and very useful in many cases.
Just think about you were to write int b=a+10 but you wrote int b=a+00 incorrectly, the compiler won't know it is an error by mistake.
However, you can consider to use C++ classes. Most C++ classes are well designed to prevent such obvious mistakes.
In the first example in your question, really, compilers should issue a warning. Compilers can trivially see that the addition resolves to 8 + "x" and clang does indeed optimise it to a constant. I see the fact it doesn't warn about this as a compiler bug. Although compilers are not required to warn about this, clang goes through great efforts to provide useful diagnostics, and it would be an improvement to diagnose this as well.
In the second example, as Matteo Italia pointed out, clang does already provide a warning option for this, enabled by default: -Wstring-plus-int. You can turn specific warnings into errors by using -Werror=<warning-option>, so in this case -Werror=string-plus-int.

Why can't constexpr just be the default?

constexpr permits expressions which can be evaluated at compile time to be ... evaluated at compile time.
Why is this keyword even necessary? Why not permit or require that compilers evaluate all expressions at compile time if possible?
The standard library has an uneven application of constexpr which causes a lot of inconvenience. Making constexpr the "default" would address that and likely improve a huge amount of existing code.
It already is permitted to evaluate side-effect-free computations at compile time, under the as-if rule.
What constexpr does is provide guarantees on what data-flow analysis a compliant compiler is required to do to detect1 compile-time-computable expressions, and also allow the programmer to express that intent so that they get a diagnostic if they accidentally do something that cannot be precomputed.
Making constexpr the default would eliminate that very useful diagnostic ability.
1 In general, requiring "evaluate all expressions at compile time if possible" is a non-starter, because detecting the "if possible" requires solving the Halting Problem, and computer scientists know that this is not possible in the general case. So instead a relaxation is used where the outputs are { "Computable at compile-time", "Not computable at compile-time or couldn't decide" }. And the ability of different compilers to decide would depend on how smart their test was, which would make this feature non-portable. constexpr defines the exact test to use. A smarter compiler can still pre-compute even more expressions than the Standard test dictates, but if they fail the test, they can't be marked constexpr.
Note: despite the below, I admit to liking the idea of making constexpr the default. But you asked why it wasn't already done, so to answer that I will simply elaborate on mattnewport's last comment:
Consider the situation today. You're trying to use some function from the standard library in a context that requires a constant expression. It's not marked as constexpr, so you get a compiler error. This seems dumb, since "clearly" the ONLY thing that needs to change for this to work is to add the word constexpr to the definition.
Now consider life in the alternate universe where we adopt your proposal. Your code now compiles, yay! Next year you decide you to add Windows support to whatever project you're working on. How hard can it be? You'll compile using Visual Studio for your Windows users and keep using gcc for everyone else, right?
But the first time you try to compile on Windows, you get a bunch of compiler errors: this function can't be used in a constant expression context. You look at the code of the function in question, and compare it to the version that ships with gcc. It turns out that they are slightly different, and that the version that ships with gcc meets the technical requirements for constexpr by sheer accident, and likewise the one that ships with Visual Studio does not meet those requirements, again by sheer accident. Now what?
No problem you say, I'll submit a bug report to Microsoft: this function should be fixed. They close your bug report: the standard never says this function must be usable in a constant expression, so we can implement however we want. So you submit a bug report to the gcc maintainers: why didn't you warn me I was using non-portable code? And they close it too: how were we supposed to know it's not portable? We can't keep track of how everyone else implements the standard library.
Now what? No one did anything really wrong. Not you, not the gcc folks, nor the Visual Studio folks. Yet you still end up with un-portable code and are not a happy camper at this point. All else being equal, a good language standard will try to make this situation as unlikely as possible.
And even though I used an example of different compilers, it could just as well happen when you try to upgrade to a newer version of the same compiler, or even try to compile with different settings. For example: the function contains an assert statement to ensure it's being called with valid arguments. If you compile with assertions disabled, the assertion "disappears" and the function meets the rules for constexpr; if you enable assertions, then it doesn't meet them. (This is less likely these days now that the rules for constexpr are very generous, but was a bigger issue under the C++11 rules. But in principle the point remains even today.)
Lastly we get to the admittedly minor issue of error messages. In today's world, if I try to do something like stick in a cout statement in constexpr function, I get a nice simple error right away. In your world, we would have the same situation that we have with templates, deep stack-traces all the way to the very bottom of the implementation of output streams. Not fatal, but surely annoying.
This is a year and a half late, but I still hope it helps.
As Ben Voigt points out, compilers are already allowed to evaluate anything at compile time under the as-if rule.
What constexpr also does is lay out clear rules for expressions that can be used in places where a compile time constant is required. That means I can write code like this and know it will be portable:
constexpr int square(int x) { return x * x; }
int a[square(4)] = {};
Without the keyword and clear rules in the standard I'm not sure how you could specify this portably and provide useful diagnostics on things the programmer intended to be constexpr but don't meet the requirements.

Micro optimization - compiler optimization when accesing recursive members

I'm interested in writing good code from the beginning instead of optimizing the code later. Sorry for not providing benchmark I don't have a working scenario at the moment. Thanks for your attention!
What are the performance gains of using FunctionY over FunctionX?
There is a lot of discussion on stackoverflow about this already but I'm in doubts in the case when accessing sub-members (recursive) as shown below. Will the compiler (say VS2008) optimize FunctionX into something like FunctionY?
void FunctionX(Obj * pObj)
void FunctionY(Obj * pObj)
W * localPtr = pObj->MemberQ->MemberW;
In case none of the member pointers are volatile or pointers to volatile and you don't have the operator -> overloaded for any members in a chain both functions are the same.
The optimization rule you suggested is widely known as Common Expression Elimination and is supported by vast majority of compilers for many decades.
In theory, you save on the extra pointer dereferences, HOWEVER, in the real world, the compiler will probably optimize it out for you, so it's a useless optimization.
This is why it's important to profile first, and then optimize later. The compiler is doing everything it can to help you, you might as well make sure you're not just doing something it's already doing.
if the compiler is good enough, it should translate functionX into something similar to functionY.
But you can have different result on different compiler and on the same compiler with different optimization flag.
Using a "dumb" compiler functionY should be faster, and IMHO it is more readable and faster to code. So stick with functionY
ps. you should take a look at some code style guide, normally member and function name should always start with a low-case letter

Are there any tools for compile time checking of asserts in c++?

I was writing a function in c++ the other day and it occured to me the compiler could do a lot more to help me guard against mistakes. The essentials of my code were like this -
void method(SomeType* p)
assert(p != 0);
And it was called like this
SomeType p = NULL;
if (SomeCondition)
p = some_real_value;
Clearly it's possible for p to be null at run time and therefore the assertion on the method to fail in a debug build. My mistake.
However it seems possible that that the compiler could have caught this at compile time and issued a warning saying that it has detected it has found a possibility that the assertion could be violated.
Ok this is a simple case and it would be fairly simple for the compiler to spot that the pointer could be NULL at that point based on some flow analysis of the program and tracking of possible ranges of variables at each point.
I know that it would likely be too difficult to determine if many asserts would be violated but if even a small number times the compiler was able to tell me that I've written code where it's possible that an assertion is violated it would help make my programs that much safer.
I'm thinking that it would help with things like off by one errors in array indexing too for example inside a loop :-
assert(index >= 0 && index < array_size);
I'm thinking that in many cases the compiler could prove at compile that the index variable could possibly be outside of those bounds and issue a warning at compile time.
I realise that this is likely to be far too much work for a complier to do normally but perhaps there are some tools that can perform this kind of analysis? I've not been able to find anything with google but I was wondering if anything of this kind exists? Or is it just too hard to do well enough to be useful perhaps?
Static analysis tools such as PC-lint may be able to detect these issues.
With respect to your first example though: my style is to favour references over pointer arguments or return values unless NULL is an acceptable value. This eliminates the need to assert arguments are != NULL.
The Boost library has a compile-time assert. A very simple example would be:
#include <boost/static_assert.hpp>
Boost has a comprehensive set of compile-time tools of every description, although these can only detect possible run-time failures at compile-time if you can express the test as a compile-time invariant.
The class of tools that do this sort of checking is called static analysis. One such example is Coverity (a commercial product, and if you have to ask "how much" then you can't afford it). I don't know what sort of open source tools are available for the same purpose (for C++).
For Java, FindBugs is an excellent static analysis tool (not as comprehensive as Coverity, but you won't have to mortgage your house to use it).