Confusion About glVertexAttrib... Functions - opengl

After a lot of searching, I still am confused about what the glVertexAttrib... functions (glVertexAttrib1d, glVertexAttrib1f, etc.) do and what their purpose is.
My current understanding from reading this question and the documentation is that their purpose is to somehow set a vertex attribute as constant (i.e. don't use an array buffer). But the documentation also talks about how they interact with "generic vertex attributes" which are defined as follows:
Generic attributes are defined as four-component values that are organized into an array. The first entry of this array is numbered 0, and the size of the array is specified by the implementation-dependent constant GL_MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS. Individual elements of this array can be modified with a glVertexAttrib call that specifies the index of the element to be modified and a value for that element.
It says that they are all "four-component values", yet it is entirely possible to have more or less components than that in a vertex attribute.
What is this saying exactly? Does this only work for vec4 types? What would be the index of a "generic vertex attribute"? A clear explanation is probably what I really need.

In OpenGL, a vertex is specified as a set of vertex attributes. With the advent of the programmable pipleine, you are responsible for writing your own vertex processing functionality. The vertex shader does process one vertex, and gets this specific vertex' attributes as input.
These vertex attributes are called generic vertex attributes, since their meaning is completely defined by you as the application programmer (in contrast to the legacy fixed function pipeline, where the set of attributes were completely defined by the GL).
The OpenGL spec requires implementors to support at least 16 different vertex attributes. So each vertex attribute can be identified by its index from 0 to 15 (or whatever limit your implementation allows, see glGet(GL_MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS,...)).
A vertex attribute is conceptually treated as a four-dimensional vector. When you use less than vec4 in a shader, the additional elements are just ignored. If you specify less than 4 elements, the vector is always filled to the (0,0,0,1), which makes sense for both RGBA color vectors, as well as homogenous vertex coordinates.
Though you can declare vertex attributes of mat types, this will just be mapped to a number of consecutive vertex attribute indices.
The vertex attribute data can come from either a vertex array (nowadays, these are required to lie in a Vertex Buffer Object, possibly directly in VRAM, in legacy GL, they could also come from the ordinary client address space) or from the current value of that attribute.
You enable the fetching from attribute arrays via glEnableVertexAttribArray.If a vertex array for a particular attribute you access in your vertex shader is enabled, the GPU will fetch the i-th element from that arry when processing vertex i. FOr all other attributes you access, you will get the current value for that array.
The current value can be set via the glVertexAttrib[1234]* family of GL functions. They cannot be changed durint the draw call, so they remain constant during the whole draw call - just like uniform variables.
One important thing worth noting is that by default, vertex attributes are always floating point, ad you must declare in float/vec2/vec3/vec4 in the vertex shader to acces them. Setting the current value with for example glVertexAttrib4ubv or using GL_UNISGNED_BYTE as the type parameter of glVertexAttribPointer will not change this. The data will be automatically converted to floating-point.
Nowadays, the GL does support two other attribute data types, though: 32 bit integers, and 64 bit double precision floating-point values. YOu have to declare them as int/ivec*, uint/uvec* or double/dvec* respectively in the shader, and you have to use completely separate functions when setting up the array pointer or current values: glVertexAttribIPointer and glVertexAttribI* for signed/unsigned integers and
glVertexAttribLPointer and glVertexAttribL* for doubles ("long floats").


Could I change a vertex attribute's target vbo? [duplicate]

OpenGL 4.3 and OpenGL ES 3.1 added several alternative functions for specifying vertex arrays: glVertexAttribFormat, glBindVertexBuffers, etc. But we already had functions for specifying vertex arrays. Namely glVertexAttribPointer.
Why add new APIs that do the same thing as the old ones?
How do the new APIs work?
glVertexAttribPointer has two flaws, one of them semi-subjective, the other objective.
The first flaw is its dependency on GL_ARRAY_BUFFER. This means that the behavior of glVertexAttribPointer is contingent on whatever was bound to GL_ARRAY_BUFFER at the time it was called. But once it is called, what is bound to GL_ARRAY_BUFFER no longer matters; the buffer object's reference is copied into the VAO. All this is very unintuitive and confusing, even to some semi-experienced users.
It also requires you to provide an offset into the buffer object as a "pointer", rather than as an integer byte offset. This means that you perform an awkward cast from an integer to a pointer (which must be matched by an equally awkward cast in the driver).
The second flaw is that it conflates two operations that, logically, are quite separate. In order to define a vertex array that OpenGL can read, you must provide two things:
How to fetch the data from memory.
What that data looks like.
glVertexAttribPointer provides both of these simultaneously. The GL_ARRAY_BUFFER buffer object, plus the offset "pointer" and stride define where the data is stored and how to fetch it. The other parameters describes what a single unit of data looks like. Let us call this the vertex format of the array.
As a practical matter, users are far more likely to change where vertex data comes from than vertex formats. After all, many objects in the scene store their vertices in the same way. Whatever that way may be: 3 floats for position, 4 unsigned bytes for colors, 2 unsigned shorts for tex-coords, etc. Generally speaking, you have only a few vertex formats.
Whereas you have far more locations where you pull data from. Even if the objects all come from the same buffer, you will likely want to update the offset within that buffer to switch from object to object.
With glVertexAttribPointer, you can't update just the offset. You have to specify the whole format+buffer information all at once. Every time.
VAOs mitigate having to make all those calls per object, but it turns out that they don't really solve the problem. Oh sure, you don't have to actually call glVertexAttribPointer. But that doesn't change the fact that changing vertex formats is expensive.
As discussed here, changing vertex formats is pretty expensive. When you bind a new VAO (or rather, when you render after binding a new VAO), the implementation either changes the vertex format regardless or has to compare the two VAOs to see if the vertex formats they define are different. Either way, it's doing work that it doesn't need to be doing.
glVertexAttribFormat and glBindVertexBuffer fix both of these problems. glBindVertexBuffer directly specifies the buffer object and takes the byte offset as an actual (64-bit) integer. So there's no awkward use of the GL_ARRAY_BUFFER binding; that binding is solely used for manipulating the buffer object.
And because the two separate concepts are now separate functions, you can have a VAO that stores a format, bind it, then bind vertex buffers for each object or group of objects that you render with. Changing vertex buffer binding state is cheaper than vertex format state.
Note that this separation is formalized in GL 4.5's direct state access APIs. That is, there is no DSA version of glVertexAttribPointer; you must use glVertexArrayAttribFormat and the other separate format APIs.
The separate attribute binding functions work like this. glVertexAttrib*Format functions provides all of the vertex formatting parameters for an attribute. Each of its parameters have the exact same meaning as the parameters from the equivalent call to glVertexAttrib*Pointer.
Where things get a bit confusing is with glBindVertexBuffer.
Its first parameter is an index. But this is not an attribute location; it is merely a buffer binding point. This is a separate array from attribute locations with its own maximum limit. So the fact that you bind a buffer to index 0 means nothing about where attribute location 0 gets its data from.
The connection between buffer bindings and attribute locations is defined by glVertexAttribBinding. The first parameter is the attribute location, and the second is the buffer binding index to fetch that attribute's location with. Since the function's name starts with "VertexAttrib", you should consider this to be part of the vertex format state and thus is expensive to change.
The nature of offsets may be a bit confusing at first as well. glVertexAttribFormat has an offset parameter. But so too does glBindVertexBuffer. But these offsets mean different things. The easiest way to understand the difference is by using an example of an interleaved data structure:
struct Vertex
GLfloat pos[3];
GLubyte color[4];
GLushort texCoord[2];
The vertex buffer binding offset specifies the byte offset from the start of the buffer object to the first vertex index. That is, when you render index 0, the GPU will fetch memory from the buffer object's address + the binding offset.
The vertex format offset specifies the offset from the start of each vertex to that particular attribute's data. If the data in the buffer is defined by Vertex, then the offset for each attribute would be:
glVertexAttribFormat(0, ..., offsetof(Vertex, pos)); //AKA: 0
glVertexAttribFormat(1, ..., offsetof(Vertex, color)); //Probably 12
glVertexAttribFormat(2, ..., offsetof(Vertex, texCoord)); //Probably 16
So the binding offset defined where vertex 0 is in memory, while the format offsets define where the each attribute's data comes from within a vertex.
The last thing to understand is that the buffer binding is where the stride is defined. This may seem odd, but think about it from the hardware perspective.
The buffer binding should contain all of the information needed by the hardware to turn a vertex index or instance index into a memory location. Once that's done, the vertex format explains how to interpret the bytes in that memory location.
This is also why the instance divisor is part of the buffer binding state, via glVertexBindingDivisor. The hardware needs to know the divisor in order to convert an instance index into a memory address.
Of course, this also means that you can no longer rely on OpenGL to compute the stride for you. In the above cast, you simply use sizeof(Vertex).
Separate attribute formats completely covers the old glVertexAttribPointer model so well that the old function is now defined entirely in terms of the new:
void glVertexAttrib*Pointer(GLuint index​, GLint size​, GLenum type​, {GLboolean normalized​,} GLsizei stride​, const GLvoid * pointer​)
glVertexAttrib*Format(index, size, type, {normalized,} 0);
glVertexAttribBinding(index, index);
GLuint buffer;
glGetIntegerv(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING, buffer);
if(buffer == 0)
glErrorOut(GL_INVALID_OPERATION); //Give an error.
if(stride == 0)
stride = CalcStride(size, type);
GLintptr offset = reinterpret_cast<GLintptr>(pointer);
glBindVertexBuffer(index, buffer, offset, stride);
Note that this equivalent function uses the same index value for the attribute location and the buffer binding index. If you're doing interleaved attributes, you should avoid this where possible; instead, use a single buffer binding for all attributes that are interleaved from the same buffer.

What is the difference between glVertexAttribDivisor and glVertexBindingDivisor?

I was looking for ways to associate attributes with arbitrary groupings of verticies, at first instancing appeared to be the only way for me to accomplish this, but then I stumbled up this question and this answer states :
However what is possible with newer versions of OpenGL is setting the rate at which a certain vertex attribute's buffer offset advances. Effectively this means that the data for a given vertex array gets duplicated to n vertices before the buffer offset for a attribute advances. The function to set this divisor is glVertexBindingDivisor.
(emphasis mine)
Which to me seems as if the answer is claiming I can divide on the number of vertices instead of the number of instances. However, when I look at glVertexBindingDivisor's documentation and compare it to glVertexAttribDivisor's they both appear to refer to the division taking place over instances and not vertices. For example in glVertexBindingDivisor's documentation it states:
glVertexBindingDivisor and glVertexArrayBindingDivisor modify the rate at which generic vertex attributes advance when rendering multiple instances of primitives in a single draw command. If divisor is zero, the attributes using the buffer bound to bindingindex advance once per vertex. If divisor is non-zero, the attributes advance once per divisor instances of the set(s) of vertices being rendered. An attribute is referred to as instanced if the corresponding divisor value is non-zero.
(emphasis mine)
So what is the actual difference between these two functions?
OK, first a little backstory.
As of OpenGL 4.3/ARB_vertex_attrib_binding (AKA: where glVertexBindingDivisor comes from, so this is relevant), VAOs are conceptually split into two parts: an array of vertex formats that describe a single attribute's worth of data, and an array of buffer binding points which describe how to fetch arrays of data (the buffer object, the offset, the stride, and the divisor). The vertex format specifies which buffer binding point its data comes from, so that multiple attributes can get data from the same array (ie: interleaving).
When VAOs were split into these two parts, the older APIs were re-defined in terms of the new system. So if you call glVertexAttribPointer with an attribute index, this function will set the vertex format data for the format at the given index, and it will set the buffer binding state (buffer object, byte offset, etc) for the same index. Now, these are two separate arrays of VAO state data (vertex format and buffer binding); this function is simply using the same index in both arrays.
But since the vertex format and buffer bindings are separate now, glVertexAttribPointer also does the equivalent of saying that the vertex format at index index gets its data from the buffer binding at index index. This is important because that's not automatic; the whole point of vertex_attrib_binding is that a vertex format at one index can use a buffer binding from a different index. So when you're using the old API, it's resetting itself to the old behavior by linking format index to binding index.
Now, what does all that have to do with the divisor? Well, because that thing I just said is literally the only difference between them.
glVertexAttribDivisor is the old-style API for setting the divisor. It takes an attribute index, but it acts on state which is part of the buffer binding point (instancing is a per-array construct, not a per-attribute construct now). This means that the function assumes (in the new system) that the attribute at index fetches its data from the buffer binding point at index.
And what I just said is a bit of a lie. It enforces this "assumption" by directly setting the vertex format to use that buffer binding point. That is, it does the same last step as glVertexAttribPointer did.
glVertexBindingDivisor is the modern function. It is not passed an attribute index; it is passed a buffer binding index. As such, it does not change the attribute's buffer binding index.
So glVertexAttribDivisor is exactly equivalent to this:
void glVertexAttribDivisor(GLuint index, GLuint divisor)
glVertexBindingDivisor(index, divisor);
glVertexAttribBinding(index, index);
Obviously, glVertexBindingDivisor doesn't do that last part.
So what is the actual difference between these two functions?
Modern OpenGL has two different APIs for specifying vertex attribute arrays and their properties. The traditional glVertexAttribArray and friends, where glVertexAttribDivisor is also part of.
With ARB_vertex_attrib_binding (in core since GL 4.3), a new API was introduced, which separates the vertex format from the pointers. It is expected that switching the data pointers is fast, while switching the vertex format can be more expensive. The new API allows to explictely control both aspects separately, while the old API always sets both at once.
For the new API, a new layer of introduction was introduced: the buffer binding points. (See the OpenGL wiki for more details.) glVertexBindingDivisor specifies the attribute instancing divisor for such a binding point, so it is the conceptual equivalent of the glVertexAttribDivisor function for the new API.

Does OpenGL allow you to provide array attributes when using glMultiDrawArrays?

I'm drawing a bunch of primitives (in my case lines) using the glMultiDrawArrays command. Each of these arrays (lines) have some additional attribute(s) specific to that array.
I would essentially like to pass these "array attributes" as separate uniforms specific to each array.
The two ways I can think of now is:
Draw each array (line) in separate draw calls and specify the attribute as a uniform.
Pass these attributes as vertex attributes. This would require me to store as many copies of the same value as I have vertices (I can have up to a 100k in the arrays). Not an option if I do have to store them!
Is there a smarter way of doing this in OpenGL?
Say I have n number of primitives to draw.
The glMultiDrawArrays command already requires me to pass along two arrays of size n. One array (lineStartIndex) of start indices and one array (lineCount) storing how many vertices each array contains .
To me it seems as it should be possible to specify vertex array attributes in a similar manner. E.g. a arrayAttributes vector of size n that could also be passed along with the draw call.
So instead of vertexAttribArray I'd like something like vertexArrayAttribArray ;)
Btw, I am only using one VAO and one VBO.
To me it seems as it should be possible to specify vertex array attributes in a similar manner.
Why? Vertex attributes are for things that change per-vertex; why would you expect to be able to use them for things that don't change per-vertex?
Well, you can (as I will explain), but I don't know why you think it should be possible.
The instancing and base instance feature can be (ab)used to provide a uniform-like value to a shader in a draw call.
You need to set up the attribute you want to provide "per-line" as an instanced array attribute. So you would use glVertexAttribDivisor with a value of 1 for that attribute.
Then, for each line, you would call glDrawArraysInstancedBaseInstance. Each call represents a single line, so you would provide an instance count of 1. But the base instance represents the index in the attribute array for that line's "per-line" value.
Yes, you're not using multi-draw. But OpenGL's draw call overhead is minimal; it's combining draw calls with state changes that get you. And you're not changing state between calls, so there's no problem.
However, if you're concerned about this minor overhead, and have access to multi-draw indirect functionality, you can always use that. Each line is a separate draw in the multi-draw call.
Of course, base instance requires GL 4.2 or ARB_base_instance. If you don't have access to hardware of this nature, then you're going to have to stick with the uniform variable method.

How do I deal with many variables per triangle in OpenGL?

I'm working with OpenGL and am not totally happy with the standard method of passing values PER TRIANGLE (or in my case, quads) that need to make it to the fragment shader, i.e., assign them to each vertex of the primitive and pass them through the vertex shader to presumably be unnecessarily interpolated (unless using the "flat" directive) in the fragment shader (so in other words, non-varying per fragment).
Is there some way to store a value PER triangle (or quad) that needs to be accessed in the fragment shader in such a way that you don't need redundant copies of it per vertex? Is so, is this way better than the likely overhead of 3x (or 4x) the data moving code CPU side?
I am aware of using geometry shaders to spread the values out to new vertices, but I heard geometry shaders are terribly slow on non up to date hardware. Is this the case?
OpenGL fragment language supports the gl_PrimitiveID input variable, which will be the index of the primitive for the currently processed fragment (starting at 0 for each draw call). This can be used as an index into some data store which holds per-primitive data.
Depending on the amount of data that you will need per primitive, and the number of primitives in total, different options are available. For a small number of primitives, you could just set up a uniform array and index into that.
For a reasonably high number of primitives, I would suggest using a texture buffer object (TBO). This is basically an ordinary buffer object, which can be accessed read-only at random locations via the texelFetch GLSL operation. Note that TBOs are not really textures, they only reuse the existing texture object interface. Internally, it is still a data fetch from a buffer object, and it is very efficient with none of the overhead of the texture pipeline.
The only issue with this approach is that you cannot easily mix different data types. You have to define a base data type for your TBO, and every fetch will get you the data in that format. If you just need some floats/vectors per primitive, this is not a problem at all. If you e.g. need some ints and some floats per primitive, you could either use different TBOs, one for each type, or with modern GLSL (>=3.30), you could use an integer type for the TBO and reinterpret the integer bits as floating point with intBitsToFloat(), so you can get around that limitation, too.
You can use one element in the vertex array for rendering multiple vertices. It's called instanced vertex attributes.

GLSL per vertex fixed size array

Is it possible in desktop GLSL to pass a fixed size array of floats to the vertex shader as an attribute? If yes, how?
I want to have per vertex weights for character animation so I would like to have something like the following in my vertex shader:
attribute float weights[25];
How would I fill the attribute array from my C++ & OpenGL program? I have seen in another question that I could get the attribute location of the array attribute and then just add the index to that location. Could someone give an example on that for my pretty large array?
Let's start with what you asked for.
On pretty much no hardware that exists currently will attribute float weights[25]; compile. While shaders can have arrays of attributes, each array index represents a new attribute index. And on all hardware the currently exists, the maximum number of attribute indices is... 16. You'd need 25, and that's just for the weights.
Now, you can mitigate this easily enough by remembering that you can use vec4 attributes. Thus, you store every four array elements in a single attribute. Your array would be attribute vec4 weights[7]; which is doable. Your weight-fetching logic will have to change of course.
Even so, you don't seem to be taking in the ramifications of what this would actually mean for your vertex data. Each attribute represents a component of a vertex's data. Each vertex for a rendering call will have the same amount of data; the contents of that data will differ, but not how much data.
In order to do what you're suggesting, every vertex in your mesh would need 25 floats describing the weight. Even if this was stored as normalized unsigned bytes, that's still 25 extra bytes worth of data at a minimum. That's a lot. Especially considering that for the vast majority of vertices, most of these values will be 0. Even in the worst case, you'd be looking at maybe 6-7 bones affecting an single vertex.
The way skinning is generally done in vertex shaders is to limit the number of bones that affects a single vertex to four. This way, you don't use an array of attributes; you just use a vec4 attribute for the weights. Of course, you also now need to say which bone is associated with which weight. So you have a second vec4 attribute that specifies the bone index for that weight.
This strikes a good balance. You only take up 2 extra attributes (which can be unsigned bytes in terms of size). And for the vast majority of vertices, you'll never even notice, because most vertices are only influenced by 1-3 bones. A few uses 4, and fewer still use 5+. In those cases, you just cut off the lowest weights and recompute the weights of the others proportionately.
Nicol Bolas already gave you an answer how to restructure your task. You should do it, because processing 25 floats for a vertex, probably through some quaternion multiplication will waste a lot of good GPU processing power; most of the attributes for a vertex will translate close to an identity transform anyway.
However for academic reasons I'm going to tell you, how to pass 25 floats per vertex. The key is not using attributes for this, but fetching the data from some buffer, a texture. The GLSL vertex shader stage has the builtin variable gl_VertexID, which passes the index of the currently processed vertex. With recent OpenGL you can access textures from the vertex shader as well. So you have a texture of size vertex_count × 25 holding the values. In your vertex shader you can access them using the texelFetch function, i.e. texelFetch(param_buffer, vec2(gl_VertexID, 3));
If used in skeletal animation this system is often referred to as texture skinning. However it should be used sparingly, as it's a real performance hog. But sometimes you can't avoid it, for example when implementing a facial animation system where you have to weight all the vertices to 26 muscles, if you want to accurately simulate a human face.