Can I delete jmethodID and jFieldID safely? - java-native-interface

I have some Java/JNI code that must be compiled in two different environments:
a standard environment using OpenJDK / GCC;
an embedded environment using JamaicaVM (old version) / Sparc-GCC.
In the version I am stuck with of the JamaicaVM, the implementation of JNI is not fully conforming, and in particular, functions returning jmethodID/jFieldIDs return local references.
I can free the IDs using DeleteLocalRef, but I was wondering if this may raise issues in conforming JNI environment? Is the following safe?
jmethodID myMethod = env->GetMethodID(...);
// Do stuff with myMethod

This actually was a misbehavior of JamaicaVM and was fixed with JamaicaVM 6.2.4. Any recent version of JamaicaVM behaves as expected. So no DeleteLocalRef() should be called.

Calling DeleteLocalRef() is not safe in a conforming JNI implementation. According to the JNI specification, the types jmethodID and jfieldID are regular C pointer types. So variables of these types should not be passed to DeleteLocalRef().
Note: When you execute your code snippet with OpenJDK and pass the option -Xcheck:jni, you should see a warning or even a fatal error.


STM32 C++ operator new (CoIDE)

I'm new in ARM programming, I'm using CoIDE, I'm trying to write some application to read PWM from 8 channels, in C++.
My problem is using operator new; if I write:
RxPort rxPort = RxPort(RCC_AHB1Periph_GPIOA, GPIOA, GPIO_Pin_6, GPIO_PinSource6, GPIO_AF_TIM3, RCC_APB1Periph_TIM3, TIM3, TIM_Channel_1, TIM_IT_CC1, TIM3_IRQn);
it works fine, but if I write:
RxPort* rxPort1 = new RxPort;
rxPort1->setTimerParameters(RCC_APB1Periph_TIM3, TIM3, TIM_Channel_1, TIM_IT_CC1, TIM3_IRQn);
rxPort1->setGPIOParameters(RCC_AHB1Periph_GPIOA, GPIOA, GPIO_Pin_6, GPIO_PinSource6, GPIO_AF_TIM3);
program goes to:
static void Default_Handler(void)
/* Go into an infinite loop. */
while (1)
after first line.
I've found one topic on here, and tried to add "--specs=nano.specs" to "Misc Controls" in "Link" and "Compile" section, but nothing changes.
To support new/delete and malloc/free in GCC with then newlib C library, you must implement the _sbrk_r() syscalls stub, and allocate an area of memory for the heap. Typically the latter is done via the linker script, but you can also simply allocate a large static array. A smart linker script however can be written so that the heap automatically uses all available memory after static object and system stack allocation.
An example sbrk_r() implementation (as well as the other syscall stubs for supporting library features such as stream I/O) can be found on Bill Gatliff's site. If you are using CoOS or any other multitasking OS or executive, and are intending to allocate from multiple threads you will also need to implement __malloc_lock() and __malloc_unlock() too.
Your code ended up in Default_Handler because new is required to throw an exception when it fails and you had no explicit try/catch block. If you would rather have malloc() style semantics and simply return null on failure, you can use the new (std::nothrow).
Apparently your active GCC toolchain newlib stubs don't support use of low level dynamic memory allocation (malloc(),free(), etc.). The usage of new() or delete() for C++ bindings might raise a default 'exception' handler at run time.
The details depend on the newlib stubs provided with your configuration. Note that you can override the stub functions with your own implementations.
You'll find some useful additional hints in this article: Building GCC 4.7.1 ARM cross toolchain on Suse 12.2

Access violation calling C++ dll

I created c++ dll (using mingw) from code I wrote on linux (gcc), but somehow have difficulties using it in VC++. The dll basically exposes just one class, I created pure virtual interface for it and also factory function which creates the object (the only export) which looks like this:
extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) DeviceDriverApi* GetX5Driver();
I added extern "C" to prevent name mangling, dllexport is replaced by dllimport in actual code where I want to use the dll, DeviceDriverApi is the pure virtual interface.
Now I wrote simple code in VC++ which just call the factory function and then just tries to delete the pointer. It compiles without any problems but when I try to run it I get access violation error. If I try to call any method of the object I get access violation again.
When I compile the same code in MinGW (gcc) and use the same library, it runs without any problems. So there must be something (hehe, I guess many differences actually :)) between how VC++ code uses the library and gcc code.
Any ideas what?
The code is:
DeviceDriverApi* x5Driver = GetX5Driver();
if (x5Driver->isConnected())
Console::WriteLine(L"Hello World");
delete x5Driver;
It's crashing when I try to call the method and when I try to delete the pointer as well. The object is created correctly though (the first line). There are some debug outputs when the object is created and I can see them before I get the access violation error.
You're using one compiler (mingw) for the DLL, and another (VC++) for the calling code.
You're calling a 'C' function, but returning a pointer to a C++ Object.
That will never work, because VTable layouts are almost guranteed to be incompatible. And, the DLL and app are probably using different memory managers, so you're doing new() with one and delete() with the other. Again, it just won't work.
For this to work the two compilers need to both support a standard ABI (Application Binary Interface). I don't think such a thing exists for Windows.
The best option is to expose all you DLL object methods and properties via C functions (including one to delete the object). You can the re-wrap into a C++ object on the calling end.
The two different compilers may be using different calling conventions. Try putting _cdecl before the function name in both the client code and the DLL code and recompiling both.
More info on calling conventions here:
EDIT: The question was updated with more detail and it looks likely the problem is what Adrien Plisson describes at the end of his answer. You're creating an object in one module and freeing it in another, which is wrong.
(1) I suspect a calling covnention problem as well, though the simple suggestion by Leo doesn't seem to have helped.
Is isConnected virtual? It is possible that MinGW and VC++ use different implementations for a VTable, in which case, well, tough luck.
Try to see how far you get with the debugger: does it crash at the call, or the return? Do you arrive at invalid code? (If you know to read assembly, that usually helps a lot with these problems.)
Alternatively, add trace statements to the various methods, to see how far you get.
(2) For a public DLL interface, never free memory in the caller that was allocated by a callee (or vice versa). The DLL likely runs with a completely different heap, so the pointer is not known.
If you want to rely on that behavior, you need to make sure:
Caller and Callee (i.e. DLL and main program, in your case) are compiled with the same version of the sam compiler
for all supported compilers, you have configured the compile options to ensure caller and callee use the same shared runtime library state.
So the best way is to change your API to:
extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) DeviceDriverApi* GetX5Driver();
extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void FreeDeviceDriver(DeviceDriverApi* driver);
and, at caller site, wrap in some way (e.g. in a boost::intrusive_ptr).
try looking at the imported libraries from both your DLL and your client executable. (you can use the Dependency Viewer or dumpbin or any other tool you like). verify that both the DLL and the client code are using the same C++ runtime.
if it is not the case, you can indeed run into some issues since the way the memory is managed may be different between the 2, leading to a crash when freeing from one runtime a pointer allocated from another runtime.
if this is really your problem, try not destroying the pointer in your client executable, but rather declare and export a function in your DLL which will take care of destroying the pointer.

JNI C++ Debugging Techniques?

I have a Linux C++ application that creates a JVM and makes JNI calls. I am new to JNI, and so far I the only effective way I have found to debug my application during development is by trial and error. What are some techniques to use to debug the infamous "A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment" Java VM crashes? How do I know if the problem is my code or a genuine JVM bug?
In general, the obvious thing I know so far are:
In the code, always check jobject, class, and jmethodID values returned from JNI calls for NULL values before proceeding further.
Call env->ExceptionCheck() where appropriate to ensure there are no pending exceptions.
Currently, I'm stuck on an issue where the stack trace in the error report file is less than helpful:
# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
# SIGSEGV (0xb) at pc=0x00002b137a99db59, pid=19977, tid=47362673452544
# JRE version: 6.0_20-b02
# Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (16.3-b01 mixed mode linux-amd64 )
# Problematic frame:
# V []
... <snip> ...
Stack: [0x00007fff1964f000,0x00007fff1974f000], sp=0x00007fff1974e050, free space=3fc0000000000000018k
Native frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code, C=native code)
V []
V []
C [] _Jv_JNIEnv::CallObjectMethod(__jobject*, _jmethodID*, ...)+0xe3
etc. ...
Ok, so I know that it's dying in env->CallObjectMethod(). I checked all the parameters to that in GDB before it dives into the JVM code, but I don't see any obvious NULL or strange values. And of course, all the JNI classes, such as jobject, are unhelpfully opaque, so I can't see if their pointers are pointing to bogus or real data.
Any tips/suggestions/ideas for this kind of problem?
Ok, so here's how I approached the problem I mentioned above. Somewhat tedious, but, given enough time and effort, it eventually paid off.
Don't assume that env->CallMethod(jobj, meth_id, ...) is being passed correct values. If this is where it is crashing, chances are high that some hard-to-find but fundamental issue is at fault, such as the methodId being passed does not match the jobject being passed to CallObjectMethod(...). I wrote a simple helper method std::string getClassInfo(JNIEnv* env, jclass aJavaClass) that gets the MethodID for "toString" on a class, calls that method, and returns the result as a std::string. That told me weather an object was what I thought it was or not.
Liberally sprinkle debug output statements between your JNI calls. Especially outputting class names (such as via the above method) will help you figure out weather objects are what you think they are.
Make sure you're checking for null methodIDs and calling env->ExceptionCheck() after each CallMethod(...). Checking for null after CallMethod(...) won't help, because the JNI can't know if null is a valid return type.
Don't assume that the JNI will crash at the first sign of trouble. I was actually passing the wrong object type through several JNI calls before it actually crashed. See #3 to make sure you catch the issue early.
Be aware that on Linux, the JVM itself uses SEGV signals to indicate that the garbage collector should run. I use "handle SIGSEGV pass noprint nostop" in gdb to let the JVM deal with those things.

How to call a JNI DLL from C++

I have a task to interface with a dll from a third party company using C++.
The dll package comes with:
the dll itself
a sample Java implementation - consists of a java wrapper(library) generated using the SWIG tool and the the java source file
documentation that states all the public datatypes, enumeration and member functions.
My other colleague is using Java(based on the example in package) to interface with the dll while I'm asked to use C++. The Java example looks straight forward... just import the wrapper and instantiate any class described in the docs..
More info on the dll:
From the docs, it says the dll was programmed using C++
From a hexdump, it shows that it was compiled using VC90 (VS C++ 2008 right?) and something from Dinkumware.
From a depends.exe output, the functions seems to be wrapped under JNI. For example: _Java_mas_com_oa_rollings_as_apiJNI_Server_1disconnect#20
My dilemma:
The dll company is not changing anything in the dll and not providing any other info.
How do i use the member functions in the class from the dll?
I did some simple LoadLibrary() and GetProcAddress and manage to get the address of the public member functions.
But i dunno how to use the functions that has the datatype parameters defined in the dll. For example:
From the docs, the member function is defined as:
void Server::connect(const StringArray, const KeyValueMap) throw(std::invalid_argument,std::out_of_range)
typedef std::map Server::KeyValueMap
typedef std::vector Server::StringArray
how do i call that function in C++. The std::map and std::vector in my compiler (VS 2005) has different functions listing that the one in the dll. For example, from the depends.exe output:
std::map // KeyValueMap - del, empty, get, has_1key,set
std::vector // StringArray - add, capacity, clear, get, isEMPTY, reserve, set, size
Any advice/strategy on how i should solve this? Is it possible to simply instantiate the class like the Java example?
If you are trying to use VS 2005 to try and interface with a DLL that is built using VS2008, your attempts will be mostly doomed unless you can use a plain C interface. Given your description, this is not the case; The runtime libraries differ between VS2005 and VS2008 so there is little chance that the object layout has stayed the same between compilers. The 'something from Dinkumware' that you're referring to is most likely the C++ standard library as ISTR that Microsoft uses the Dinkumware one.
With your above example you're also missing several important pieces of information - the types you describe (Server::StringArray and Server::KeyValueMap) are standard library containers. OK fine, but standard library containers of what? These containers are templates and unless you know the exact types these templates have been instantiated with, you're a little stuck.
Is this DLL intended to be called from C++ at all? The fact that it export a JNI interface suggests that it might not be in the first place. Does it export any other public symbols apart from those that are of the format _Java_...?
Of course if there is no other way in and you must use C++ instead of Java, you might want to look into embedding a JVM into your C++ app and use that to call through to the C++ dll. It's not what I'd call an elegant solution but it might well work.
I don't quite understand the use of C++ standard library data types here. How can Java code provide a std::map argument? Are the arguments you pass in always just "opaque" values you would get as output from a previous call to the library? That's the only way you're going to be able to make it work from code under a different runtime.
When you make a JNI module, you run javah.exe and it generates a header file with declarations like:
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_Native_HelloWorld(JNIEnv *, jobject);
Do you have any such header file for the module?
These symbols are exported as extern "C" if I recall correctly, so if you can get the correct signatures, you should have no issues with name mangling or incompatible memory allocators, etc..
The "#20" at the end of the method signature means that the function is declared "stdcall" and that 20 bytes are put on the stack when the function is called. All these methods should start with a JNIEnv* and a jobject, these will total 8 bytes I believe, on a 32-bit environment, so that leaves 12 bytes of parameters you will need to know in order to generate a correct function prototype.
Once you figure out what the parameters are, you can generate something like this:
typedef void (__stdcall *X)(JNIEnv *, jobject, jint i, jboolean b);
Then, you can cast the result of GetProcAddress to an X and call it from your C++ code.
X x = (X)GetProcAddress(module, "name");
if (x) x(params...);
Unfortunately, what you have doesn't quite look like what I have seen in the past. I am used to having to deal with Java data types from C/C++ code, but it looks like this module is dealing with C++ data types in Java code, so I don't know how relevant any of my experience is. Hopefully this is some help, at least.

Weird MSC 8.0 error: "The value of ESP was not properly saved across a function call..."

We recently attempted to break apart some of our Visual Studio projects into libraries, and everything seemed to compile and build fine in a test project with one of the library projects as a dependency. However, attempting to run the application gave us the following nasty run-time error message:
Run-Time Check Failure #0 - The value of ESP was not properly saved across a function call. This is usually a result of calling a function pointer declared with a different calling convention.
We have never even specified calling conventions (__cdecl etc.) for our functions, leaving all the compiler switches on the default. I checked and the project settings are consistent for calling convention across the library and test projects.
Update: One of our devs changed the "Basic Runtime Checks" project setting from "Both (/RTC1, equiv. to /RTCsu)" to "Default" and the run-time vanished, leaving the program running apparently correctly. I do not trust this at all. Was this a proper solution, or a dangerous hack?
This debug error means that the stack pointer register is not returned to its original value after the function call, i.e. that the number of pushes before the function call were not followed by the equal number of pops after the call.
There are 2 reasons for this that I know (both with dynamically loaded libraries). #1 is what VC++ is describing in the error message, but I don't think this is the most often cause of the error (see #2).
1) Mismatched calling conventions:
The caller and the callee do not have a proper agreement on who is going to do what. For example, if you're calling a DLL function that is _stdcall, but you for some reason have it declared as a _cdecl (default in VC++) in your call. This would happen a lot if you're using different languages in different modules etc.
You would have to inspect the declaration of the offending function, and make sure it is not declared twice, and differently.
2) Mismatched types:
The caller and the callee are not compiled with the same types. For example, a common header defines the types in the API and has recently changed, and one module was recompiled, but the other was not--i.e. some types may have a different size in the caller and in the callee.
In that case, the caller pushes the arguments of one size, but the callee (if you're using _stdcall where the callee cleans the stack) pops the different size. The ESP is not, thus, returned to the correct value.
(Of course, these arguments, and others below them, would seem garbled in the called function, but sometimes you can survive that without a visible crash.)
If you have access to all the code, simply recompile it.
I read this in other forum
I was having the same problem, but I just FIXED it. I was getting the same error from the following code:
HMODULE hPowerFunctions = LoadLibrary("Powrprof.dll");
typedef bool (*tSetSuspendStateSig)(BOOL, BOOL, BOOL);
tSetSuspendState SetSuspendState = (tSuspendStateSig)GetProcAddress(hPowerfunctions, "SetSuspendState");
result = SetSuspendState(false, false, false); <---- This line was where the error popped up.
After some investigation, I changed one of the lines to:
typedef bool (WINAPI*tSetSuspendStateSig)(BOOL, BOOL, BOOL);
which solved the problem. If you take a look in the header file where SetSuspendState is found (powrprof.h, part of the SDK), you will see the function prototype is defined as:
So you guys are having a similar problem. When you are calling a given function from a .dll, its signature is probably off. (In my case it was the missing WINAPI keyword).
Hope that helps any future people! :-)
Silencing the check is not the right solution. You have to figure out what is messed up with your calling conventions.
There are quite a few ways to change the calling convetion of a function without explicitly specifying it. extern "C" will do it, STDMETHODIMP/IFACEMETHODIMP will also do it, other macros might do it as well.
I believe if run your program under WinDBG (, the runtime should break at the point where you hit that problem. You can look at the call stack and figure out which function has the problem and then look at its definition and the declaration that the caller uses.
I saw this error when the code tried to call a function on an object that was not of the expected type.
So, class hierarchy: Parent with children: Child1 and Child2
Child1* pMyChild = 0;
pMyChild = pSomeClass->GetTheObj();// This call actually returned a Child2 object
pMyChild->SomeFunction(); // "...value of ESP..." error occurs here
I was getting similar error for AutoIt APIs which i was calling from VC++ program.
typedef long (*AU3_RunFn)(LPCWSTR, LPCWSTR);
However, when I changed the declaration which includes WINAPI, as suggested earlier in the thread, problem vanished.
Code without any error looks like:
typedef long (WINAPI *AU3_RunFn)(LPCWSTR, LPCWSTR);
AU3_RunFn _AU3_RunFn;
HINSTANCE hInstLibrary = LoadLibrary("AutoItX3.dll");
if (hInstLibrary)
_AU3_RunFn = (AU3_RunFn)GetProcAddress(hInstLibrary, "AU3_WinActivate");
if (_AU3_RunFn)
_AU3_RunFn(L"Untitled - Notepad",L"");
It's worth pointing out that this can also be a Visual Studio bug.
I got this issue on VS2017, Win10 x64. At first it made sense, since I was doing weird things casting this to a derived type and wrapping it in a lambda. However, I reverted the code to a previous commit and still got the error, even though it wasn't there before.
I tried restarting and then rebuilding the project, and then the error went away.
I was getting this error calling a function in a DLL which was compiled with a pre-2005 version of Visual C++ from a newer version of VC (2008).
The function had this signature:
The problem was that time_t's size is 32 bits in pre-2005 version, but 64 bits since VS2005 (is defined as _time64_t). The call of the function expects a 32 bit variable but gets a 64 bit variable when called from VC >= 2005. As parameters of functions are passed via the stack when using WINAPI calling convention, this corrupts the stack and generates the above mentioned error message ("Run-Time Check Failure #0 ...").
To fix this, it is possible to
#define _USE_32BIT_TIME_T
before including the header file of the DLL or -- better -- change the signature of the function in the header file depending on the VS version (pre-2005 versions don't know _time32_t!):
#if _MSC_VER >= 1400
LONG WINAPI myFunc( _time32_t, SYSTEMTIME*, BOOL* );
Note that you need to use _time32_t instead of time_t in the calling program, of course.
I was having this exact same error after moving functions to a dll and dynamically loading the dll with LoadLibrary and GetProcAddress. I had declared extern "C" for the function in the dll because of the decoration. So that changed calling convention to __cdecl as well. I was declaring function pointers to be __stdcall in the loading code. Once I changed the function pointer from __stdcall to__cdecl in the loading code the runtime error went away.
Are you creating static libs or DLLs? If DLLs, how are the exports defined; how are the import libraries created?
Are the prototypes for the functions in the libs exactly the same as the function declarations where the functions are defined?
do you have any typedef'd function prototypes (eg int (*fn)(int a, int b) )
if you dom you might be have gotten the prototype wrong.
ESP is an error on the calling of a function (can you tell which one in the debugger?) that has a mismatch in the parameters - ie the stack has restored back to the state it started in when you called the function.
You can also get this if you're loading C++ functions that need to be declared extern C - C uses cdecl, C++ uses stdcall calling convention by default (IIRC). Put some extern C wrappers around the imported function prototypes and you may fix it.
If you can run it in the debugger, you'll see the function immediatey. If not, you can set DrWtsn32 to create a minidump that you can load into windbg to see the callstack at the time of the error (you'll need symbols or a mapfile to see the function names though).
Another case where esp can get messed up is with an inadvertent buffer overflow, usually through mistaken use of pointers to work past the boundary of an array. Say you have some C function that looks like
int a, b[2];
Writing to b[3] will probably change a, and anywhere past that is likely to hose the saved esp on the stack.
You would get this error if the function is invoked with a calling convention other than the one it is compiled to.
Visual Studio uses a default calling convention setting thats decalred in the project's options. Check if this value is the same in the orignal project settings and in the new libraries. An over ambitious dev could have set this to _stdcall/pascal in the original since it reduces the code size compared to the default cdecl. So the base process would be using this setting and the new libraries get the default cdecl which causes the problem
Since you have said that you do not use any special calling conventions this seems to be a good probability.
Also do a diff on the headers to see if the declarations / files that the process sees are the same ones that the libraries are compiled with .
ps : Making the warning go away is BAAAD. the underlying error still persists.
This happened to me when accessing a COM object (Visual Studio 2010). I passed the GUID for another interface A for in my call to QueryInterface, but then I cast the retrieved pointer as interface B. This resulted in making a function call to one with an entirely signature, which accounts for the stack (and ESP) being messed up.
Passing the GUID for interface B fixed the problem.
In my MFC C++ app I am experiencing the same problem as reported in Weird MSC 8.0 error: “The value of ESP was not properly saved across a function call…”. The posting has over 42K views and 16 answers/comments none of which blamed the compiler as the problem. At least in my case I can show that the VS2015 compiler is at fault.
My dev and test setup is the following: I have 3 PCs all of which run Win10 version 10.0.10586. All are compiling with VS2015, but here is the difference. Two of the VS2015s have Update 2 while the other has Update 3 applied. The PC with Update 3 works, but the other two with Update 2 fail with the same error as reported in the posting above. My MFC C++ app code is exactly the same on all three PCs.
Conclusion: at least in my case for my app the compiler version (Update 2) contained a bug that broke my code. My app makes heavy use of std::packaged_task so I expect the problem was in that fairly new compiler code.
ESP is the stack pointer. So according to the compiler, your stack pointer is getting messed up. It is hard to say how (or if) this could be happening without seeing some code.
What is the smallest code segment you can get to reproduce this?
If you're using any callback functions with the Windows API, they must be declared using CALLBACK and/or WINAPI. That will apply appropriate decorations to make the compiler generate code that cleans the stack correctly. For example, on Microsoft's compiler it adds __stdcall.
Windows has always used the __stdcall convention as it leads to (slightly) smaller code, with the cleanup happening in the called function rather than at every call site. It's not compatible with varargs functions, though (because only the caller knows how many arguments they pushed).
Here's a stripped down C++ program that produces that error. Compiled using (Microsoft Visual Studio 2003) produces the above mentioned error.
#include "stdafx.h"
char* blah(char *a){
char p[1];
strcat(p, a);
return (char*)p;
int main(){
std::cout << blah("a");
"Run-Time Check Failure #0 - The value of ESP was not properly saved across a function call. This is usually a result of calling a function declared with one calling convention with a function pointer declared with a different calling convention."
I had this same problem here at work. I was updating some very old code that was calling a FARPROC function pointer. If you don't know, FARPROC's are function pointers with ZERO type safety. It's the C equivalent of a typdef'd function pointer, without the compiler type checking.
So for instance, say you have a function that takes 3 parameters. You point a FARPROC to it, and then call it with 4 parameters instead of 3. The extra parameter pushed extra garbage onto the stack, and when it pops off, ESP is now different than when it started. So I solved it by removing the extra parameter to the invocation of the FARPROC function call.
Not the best answer but I just recompiled my code from scratch (rebuild in VS) and then the problem went away.