Runtime type resolution on a non-default constructible class without polymorphysm - c++

I have a bit of a puzzle. I have a template class graph with a template parameter - a class vertex, that can be either symmetric or asymmetric, compressed or raw, and I only know which at runtime.
So if I wanted to get the graph of appropriate type from disk, run Bellman Ford on it and then free the memory, I would need to repeat the template instantiation in all four branches of conditionals, like so:
#include "graph.h"
int main(){
// parse cmd-line args, to get `compressed` `symmetric`
// TODO get rid of conditionals.
if (compressed) {
if (symmetric) {
graph<compressedSymmetricVertex> G =
readCompressedGraph<compressedSymmetricVertex>(iFile, symmetric,mmap);
} else {
graph<compressedAsymmetricVertex> G =
if(G.transposed) G.transpose();
} else {
if (symmetric) {
graph<symmetricVertex> G =
} else {
graph<asymmetricVertex> G =
if(G.transposed) G.transpose();
return 0;
QUESTION: How can I extract everything except the call to the readGraph functions outside the conditionals with the following restrictions.
I cannot modify the graph template. Otherwise I would have simply moved the Vertex type into a union.
I cannot use std::variant because graph<T> cannot be default constructible.
Call overhead is an issue. If there are subtyping polymoprhism based solutions that don't involve making compressedAsymmetricVertex a subtype of vertex, I'm all ears.
Edit: Here is a sample header graph.h:
#pragma once
template <typename T>
struct graph{ T Data; graph(int a): Data(a) {} };
template <typename T>
graph<T> readGraph<T>(char*, bool, bool, bool) {}
template <typename T>
graph<T> readCompressedGraph<T> (char*, bool, bool) {}
class compressedAsymmetricVertex {};
class compressedSymmetricVertex {};
class symmetricVertex{};
class asymmetricVertex {};

Since you did not spell out all the types, and did not explain what is going on with the binary parameter, I can only give an approximate solution. Refine it according to your exact needs. This should be in line with:
class GraphWorker
GraphWorker(bool compressed, bool symmetric)
: m_compressed(compressed), m_symmetric(symmetric)
virtual void work(const PType & P, const char * iFile, bool binary, bool mmap ) const = 0;
const bool m_compressed;
const bool m_symmetric;
template <class GraphType>
class ConcreteGraphWorker : public GraphWorker
ConcreteGraphWorker(bool compressed, bool symmetric)
: GraphWorker(compressed, symmetric)
void work(const PType & P, const char * iFile, bool binary, bool mmap) const override
graph<GraphType> G =
readGraph<GraphType>(iFile, m_compressed, m_symmetric,
binary, mmap);
static const std::unique_ptr<GraphWorker> workers[2][2] = {
std::make_unique<ConcreteGraphWorker<asymmetricVertex>>(false, false),
std::make_unique<ConcreteGraphWorker<symmetricVertex>>(false, true),
std::make_unique<ConcreteGraphWorker<compressedAsymmetricVertex>>(true, false),
std::make_unique<ConcreteGraphWorker<compressedSymmetricVertex>>(true, true),
int main()
workers[compressed][symmetric]->work(P, iFile, binary, mmap);
Some comments: It is better to avoid bool altogether, and use specific enumeration types. This means that instead of my two-dimensional array, you should use something like:
std::map<std::pair<Compression, Symmetry>, std::unique_ptr<GraphWorker>> workers;
But since there could be other unknown dependencies, I have decided to stick with the confusing bool variables. Also, having workers as a static variable has its drawbacks, and since I don't know your other requirements I did not know what to do with it. Another issue is the protected Boolean variables in the base class. Usually, I'd go with accessors instead.
I'm not sure if all this jumping-through-hoops, just to avoid a couple of conditionals, is worth it. This is much longer and trickier than the original code, and unless there are more than 4 options, or the code in work() is much longer, I'd recommend to stick with the conditionals.
edit: I have just realized that using lambda functions is arguably clearer (it is up to debate). Here it is:
int main()
using workerType = std::function<void(PType & P, const char *, bool, bool)>;
auto makeWorker = [](bool compressed, bool symmetric, auto *nullGrpah)
auto worker = [=](PType & P, const char *iFile, bool binary, bool mmap)
// decltype(*nullGraph) is a reference, std::decay_t fixes that.
using GraphType = std::decay_t<decltype(*nullGrpah)>;
auto G = readGraph<GraphType>(iFile, compressed, symmetric,
binary, mmap);
return workerType(worker);
workerType workers[2][2] {
makeWorker(false, false, (asymmetricVertex*)nullptr),
makeWorker(false, true, (symmetricVertex*)nullptr)
makeWorker(true, false, (compressedAsymmetricVertex*)nullptr),
makeWorker(true, true, (compressedSymmetricVertex*)nullptr)
workers[compressed][symmetric](P, iFile, binary, mmap);

The simple baseline is that whenever you want to cross from "type only known at runtime" to "type must be known at compile-time" (i.e. templates), you will need a series of such conditionals. If you cannot modify graph at all, then you will be stuck with needing four different G variables (and branches) whenever you want to handle a G object in a non-templated function, as all the graph template variants are unrelated types and cannot be treated uniformly (std::variant aside).
One solution would be to do this transition exactly once, right after reading in compressed and symmetric, and stay fully templated from there:
template<class VertexT>
graph<VertexT> readTypedGraph()
if constexpr (isCompressed<VertexT>::value)
return readCompressedGraph<VertexT>(/*...*/);
return readGraph<VertexT>(/*...*/);
template<class VertexT>
void main_T()
// From now on you are fully compile-time type-informed.
graph<VertexT> G = readTypedGraph<VertexT>();
// non-template main
int main()
// Read parameters.
bool compressed = true;
bool symmetric = false;
// Switch to fully-templated code.
if (compressed)
if (symmetric)
// else
// etc.
return 0;
You will probably have to write a lot of meta-functions (such as isCompressed) but can otherwise code as normal (albeit your IDE won't help you as much). You're not locked down in any way.


Can static polymorphism (templates) be used despite type erasure?

Having returned relatively recently to C++ after decades of Java, I am currently struggling with a template-based approach to data conversion for instances where type erasure has been applied. Please bear with me, my nomenclature may still be off for C++-natives.
This is what I am trying to achieve:
Implement dynamic variables which are able to hold essentially any value type
Access the content of those variables using various other representations (string, ints, binary, ...)
Be able to hold variable instances in containers, independent of their value type
Convert between variable value and representation using conversion functions
Be able to introduce new representations just by providing new conversion functions
Constraints: use only C++-11 features if possible, no use of libraries like boost::any etc.
A rough sketch of this might look like this:
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
void convert(const std::string &f, std::string &t) { t = f; }
void convert(const int &f, std::string &t) { t = std::to_string(f); }
void convert(const std::string &f, int &t) { t = std::stoi(f); }
void convert(const int &f, int &t) { t = f; }
struct Variable {
virtual void get(int &i) = 0;
virtual void get(std::string &s) = 0;
template <typename T> struct VariableImpl : Variable {
T value;
VariableImpl(const T &v) : value{v} {};
void get(int &i) { convert(value, i); };
void get(std::string &s) { convert(value, s); };
int main() {
VariableImpl<int> v1{42};
VariableImpl<std::string> v2{"1234"};
std::vector<Variable *> vars{&v1, &v2};
for (auto &v : vars) {
int i;
std::string s;
std::cout << "int representation: " << i <<
", string representation: " << s << std::endl;
return 0;
The code does what it is supposed to do, but obvoiusly I would like to get rid of Variable::get(int/std::string/...) and instead template them, because otherwise every new representation requires a definition and an implementation with the latter being exactly the same as all the others.
I've played with various approaches so far, like virtual templated, methods, applying the CRDT with intermediate type, various forms of wrappers, yet in all of them I get bitten by the erased value type of VariableImpl. On one hand, I think there might not be a solution, because after type erasure, the compiler cannot possibly know what templated getters and converter calls it must generate. On the other hand I think i might be missing something really essential here and there should be a solution despite the constraints mentioned above.
This is a classical double dispatch problem. The usual solution to this problem is to have some kind of dispatcher class with multiple implementations of the function you want to dispatch (get in your case). This is called the visitor pattern. The well-known drawback of it is the dependency cycle it creates (each class in the hierarchy depends on all other classes in the hierarchy). Thus there's a need to revisit it each time a new type is added. No amount of template wizardry eliminates it.
You don't have a specialised Visitor class, your Variable serves as a Visitor of itself, but this is a minor detail.
Since you don't like this solution, there is another one. It uses a registry of functions populated at run time and keyed on type identification of their arguments. This is sometimes called "Acyclic Visitor".
Here's a half-baked C++11-friendly implementation for your case.
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <typeinfo>
#include <typeindex>
#include <utility>
#include <functional>
#include <string>
#include <stdexcept>
struct Variable
virtual void convertValue(Variable& to) const = 0;
virtual ~Variable() {};
virtual std::type_index getTypeIdx() const = 0;
template <typename K> K get() const;
static std::map<std::pair<std::type_index, std::type_index>,
std::function<void(const Variable&, Variable&)>>
template <typename T, typename K>
static void registerConversion(K (*fn)(const T&));
template <typename T>
struct VariableImpl : Variable
T value;
VariableImpl(const T &v) : value{v} {};
VariableImpl() : value{} {}; // this is needed for a declaration of
// `VariableImpl<K> below
// It can be avoided but it is
// a story for another day
void convertValue(Variable& to) const override
auto typeIdxFrom = getTypeIdx();
auto typeIdxTo = to.getTypeIdx();
if (typeIdxFrom == typeIdxTo) // no conversion needed
dynamic_cast<VariableImpl<T>&>(to).value = value;
auto fcnIter = conversionMap.find({getTypeIdx(), to.getTypeIdx()});
if (fcnIter != conversionMap.end())
fcnIter->second(*this, to);
throw std::logic_error("no conversion");
std::type_index getTypeIdx() const override
return std::type_index(typeid(T));
template <typename K> K Variable::get() const
VariableImpl<K> vk;
return vk.value;
template <typename T, typename K>
void Variable::registerConversion(K (*fn)(const T&))
// add a mutex if you ever spread this over multiple threads
conversionMap[{std::type_index(typeid(T)), std::type_index(typeid(K))}] =
[fn](const Variable& from, Variable& to) {
dynamic_cast<VariableImpl<K>&>(to).value =
fn(dynamic_cast<const VariableImpl<T>&>(from).value);
Now of course you need to call registerConversion e.g. at the beginning of main and pass it each conversion function.
This is not ideal, but hardly anything is ever ideal.
Having said all that, I would recommend you revisit your design. Do you really need all these conversions? Why not pick one representation and stick with it?
Implement dynamic variables which are able to hold essentially any value type
Be able to hold variable instances in containers, independent of their value type
These two requirements are quite challenging on its own. The class templates don't really encourage inheritance, and you already did the right thing to hold what you asked for: introduced a common base class for the class template, which you can later refer to in order to store pointers of the said type in a collection.
Access the content of those variables using various other representations (string, ints, binary, ...)
Be able to introduce new representations just by providing new conversion functions
This is where it breaks. Function templates assume common implementation for different types, while inheritance assumes different implementation for the same types.
You goal is to introduce different implementation for different types, and in order to make your requirements viable you have to switch to one of those two options instead (or put up with a number of functions for each case which you have already introduced yourself)
One of the strategies you may employ to enforce inheritance approach is generalisation of the arguments to the extent where they can be used interchangeably by the abstract interface. E.g. you may wrap the converting arguments inside of a union like this:
struct Variable {
struct converter_type {
enum { INT, STRING } type;
union {
int* m_int;
std::string* m_string;
virtual void get(converter_type& var) = 0;
virtual ~Variable() = default;
And then take whatever part of it inside of the implementation:
void get(converter_type& var) override {
switch (var.type) {
case converter_type::INT:
convert(value, var.m_int);
case converter_type::STRING:
convert(value, var.m_string);
To be honest I don't think this is a less verbose approach compared to just having a number of functions for each type combination, but i think you got the idea that you can just wrap your arguments somehow to cement the abstract class interface.
Implement std::any. It is similar to boost::any.
Create a conversion dispatcher based off typeids. Store your any alongside the conversion dispatcher.
"new conversion functions" have to be passed to the dispatcher.
When asked to convert to a type, pass that typeid to the dispatcher.
So we start with these 3 types:
using any = std::any; // implement this
using converter = std::function<any(any const&)>;
using convert_table = std::map<std::type_index, converter>;
using convert_lookup = convert_table(*)();
template<class T>
convert_table& lookup_convert_table() {
static convert_table t;
return t;
struct converter_any: any {
template<class T,
typename std::enable_if<
!std::is_same<typename std::decay<T>::type, converter_any>::value, bool
>::type = true
converter_any( T&& t ):
table(&lookup_convert_table<typename std::decay<T>::type>())
converter_any(converter_any const&)=default;
converter_any(converter_any &&)=default;
converter_any& operator=(converter_any const&)=default;
converter_any& operator=(converter_any&&)=default;
convert_table const* table = nullptr;
template<class U>
U convert_to() const {
if (!table)
throw 1; // make a better exception than int
auto it = table->find(typeid(U));
if (it == table->end())
throw 2; // make a better exception than int
any const& self = *this;
return any_cast<U>((it->second)(self));
template<class Dest, class Src>
bool add_converter_to_table( Dest(*f)(Src const&) ) {
lookup_convert_table<Src>()[typeid(Dest)] = [f](any const& s)->any {
Src src = std::any_cast<Src>(s);
auto r = f(src);
return r;
return true;
now your code looks like:
const bool bStringRegistered =
add_converter_to_table(+[](std::string const& f)->std::string{ return f; })
&& add_converter_to_table(+[](std::string const& f)->int{ return std::stoi(f); });
const bool bIntRegistered =
add_converter_to_table(+[](int const& i)->int{ return i; })
&& add_converter_to_table(+[](int const& i)->std::string{ return std::to_string(i); });
int main() {
converter_any v1{42};
converter_any v2{std::string("1234")};
std::vector<converter_any> vars{v1, v2}; // copies!
for (auto &v : vars) {
int i = v.convert_to<int>();
std::string s = v.convert_to<std::string>();
std::cout << "int representation: " << i <<
", string representation: " << s << std::endl;
live example.
Ok, what did I do?
I used any to be a smart void* that can store anything. Rewriting this is a bad idea, use someone else's implementation.
Then, I augmented it with a manually written virtual function table. Which table I add is determined by the constructor of my converter_any; here, I know the type stored, so I can store the right table.
Typically when using this technique, I'd know what functions are in there. For your implementation we do not; so the table is a map from the type id of the destination, to a conversion function.
The conversion function takes anys and returns anys -- again, don't repeat this work. And now it has a fixed signature.
To add support for a type, you independently register conversion functions. Here, my conversion function registration helper deduces the from type (to determine which table to register it in) and the destination type (to determine which entry in the table), and then automatically writes the any boxing/unboxing code for you.
At a higher level, what I'm doing is writing my own type erasure and object model. C++ has enough power that you can write your own object models, and when you want features that the default object model doesn't solve, well, roll a new object model.
Second, I'm using value types. A Java programmer isn't used to value types having polymorphic behavior, but much of C++ works much better if you write your code using value types.
So my converter_any is a polymorphic value type. You can store copies of them in vectors etc, and it just works.

Stop an increasing infinite recursive template instantiation, that is not needed

I'm implementing a graph class, with each vertex having a Label of not necessarily the same type. I want the user to be able to provide any Labels (at compile time), without the Graph or the Vertex to know what the type is. For this, I used templated polymorphism, which I've hidden inside a Label class, in order for the Labels to have value semantics. It works like a charm and the relevant code is this (ignore the commented parts for now):
#include <memory>
class Label {
template<class T> Label(const T& name) : m_pName(new Name<T>(name)) {}
Label(const Label& other) : m_pName(other.m_pName->copy()) {}
// Label(const Label& other, size_t extraInfo) : m_pName(other.m_pName->copyAndAddInfo(extraInfo)) {}
bool operator==(const Label& other) const { return *m_pName == *other.m_pName; }
struct NameBase {
virtual ~NameBase() = default;
virtual NameBase* copy() const = 0;
// virtual NameBase* copyAndAddInfo(size_t info) const = 0;
virtual bool operator==(const NameBase& other) const = 0;
template<class T> struct Name : NameBase {
Name(T name) : m_name(std::move(name)) {}
NameBase* copy() const override { return new Name<T>(m_name); }
// NameBase* copyAndAddInfo(size_t info) const override {
// return new Name<std::pair<T, size_t>>(std::make_pair(m_name, info));
// }
bool operator==(const NameBase& other) const override {
const auto pOtherCasted = dynamic_cast<const Name<T>*>(&other);
if(pOtherCasted == nullptr) return false;
return m_name == pOtherCasted->m_name;
T m_name;
std::unique_ptr<NameBase> m_pName;
One requirement of the user (aka me) is to be able to create disjoint unions of Graphs (he is already able to create dual Graphs, unions of Graphs (where vertices having the same Label, are mapped to the same vertex), etc.). The wish is that the labels of the new Graph are pairs of the old label and some integer, denoting from which graph the label came (this also ensures that the new labels are all different). For this, I thought that I could use the commented parts of the Label class, but the problem that my g++17 compiler has, is that the moment I define the first Label with some type T, it tries to instantiate everything that could be used:
Name<T>, Name<std::pair<T, size_t>>, Name<std::pair<std::pair<T, size_t>, size_t>>, ...
Try for example to compile this (just an example, that otherwise works):
// testLabel.cpp:
#include "Label.hpp"
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
int main() {
std::vector<Label> labels;
labels.emplace_back(std::make_pair(true, 2));
Label testLabel(std::make_pair(true, 2));
for(const auto& label : labels)
std::cout<<(label == testLabel)<<std::endl;
return 0;
The compilation just freezes. (I do not get the message "maximum template recursion capacity exceeded", that I saw others get, but it obviously tries to instantiate everything). I've tried to separate the function in another class and explicitly initialize only the needed templates, in order to trick the compiler, but with no effect.
The desired behaviour (I do not know if possible), is to instantiate the used template classes (together with the member function declarations), but define the member functions lazily, i.e. only if they really get called. For example, if I call Label(3), there should be a class Name<int>, but the function
NameBase* Name<int>::copyAndAddInfo(size_t info) const;
shall only be defined if I call it, at some point. (thus, the Name<std::pair<int, size_t>> is only going to be instantiated on demand)
It feels like something which should be doable, since the compiler already defines templated functions on demand.
An idea whould be to completely change the implementation and use variants, but
I do not want to keep track of the types the user needs manually, and
I quite like this implementation approach and want to see its limits, before changing it.
Does anyone have any hints on how I could solve this problem?
To directly answer your question, the virtual and template combo makes it impossible for the compiler to lazily implement the body copyAndAddInfo. The virtual base type pointer hides the type information, so when the compiler sees other.m_pName->copyAndAddInfo, it couldn't know what type it needs to lazily implement.
Ok, so based on your rationale for using templates, it seems like you only want to accept labels of different types, and might not actually care if the disjoint union information is part of the type. If that's the case, you could move it from the name to the label, and make it run-time information:
class Label {
template<class T> Label(const T& name) : m_pName(new Name<T>(name)) {}
Label(const Label& other) : m_pName(other.m_pName->copy()), m_extraInfo(other.m_extraInfo) { }
Label(const Label& other, size_t extraInfo) : m_pName(other.m_pName->copy()), m_extraInfo(other.m_extraInfo) {
bool operator==(const Label& other) const {
return *m_pName == *other.m_pName && std::equal(
m_extraInfo.begin(), m_extraInfo.end(),
other.m_extraInfo.begin(), other.m_extraInfo.end()); }
struct NameBase { /* same as before */ };
std::vector<size_t> m_extraInfo;
std::unique_ptr<NameBase> m_pName;
If the disjoint union info being part of the type is important, than please enjoy my original sarcastic answer below.
That said, if you're willing to put a cap on the recursion, I have an evil solution for you that works for up to N levels of nesting: use template tricks to count the level of nesting. Then use SFINAE to throw an error after N levels, instead of recursing forever.
First, to count the levels of nesting:
template <typename T, size_t Level>
struct CountNestedPairsImpl
static constexpr size_t value = Level;
template <typename T, size_t Level>
struct CountNestedPairsImpl<std::pair<T, size_t>, Level> : CountNestedPairsImpl<T, Level + 1>
using CountNestedPairsImpl<T, Level + 1>::value;
template <typename T>
using CountNestedPairs = CountNestedPairsImpl<T, 0>;
Then, use std::enable_if<> to generate different bodies based on the nesting level:
constexpr size_t NESTING_LIMIT = 4;
NameBase* copyAndAddInfo(size_t info) const override {
return copyAndAddInfoImpl(info);
template <typename U = T, typename std::enable_if<CountNestedPairs<U>::value < NESTING_LIMIT, nullptr_t>::type = nullptr>
NameBase* copyAndAddInfoImpl(size_t info) const {
return new Name<std::pair<T, size_t>>(std::make_pair(m_name, info));
template <typename U = T, typename std::enable_if<CountNestedPairs<U>::value >= NESTING_LIMIT, nullptr_t>::type = nullptr>
NameBase* copyAndAddInfoImpl(size_t info) const {
throw std::runtime_error("too much disjoint union nesting");
Why did I call this evil? It's going to generate every possible level of nesting allowed, so if you use NESTING_LIMIT=20 it will generate 20 classes per label type. But hey, at least it compiles!

c++ choose type from set at runtime

I have a program in which I would like to choose a set of types (from predefined lists) at run time, not compile time.
Below is an example of the kind of code I'd like to run; Even and Log are types to define a numerical grid, and deriv_Ox is a differentiation scheme of order x:
struct Even {
double a, b;
struct Log {
double a, x0, b;
// ...
struct deriv_O2 {
vec_type operator() (const vec_type & f_points) const;
struct deriv_O4 {
vec_type operator() (const vec_type & f_points) const;
// ...
template <class grid_type, class deriv_type>
void run_calculation (const std::string param_file) {
auto grid = grid_from_file<grid_type>(param_file);
auto deriv = deriv_from_file<deriv_type>(param_file);
// ...
I would like to decide which of these types to use at run time, by reading a parameter file. My solution was to use tags and case statements to decide which type to use from a single list, then nest each case statement in a function deciding each type in the set as follows:
enum struct grid_tag { Even, Log };
enum struct deriv_tag { O4, O2 };
grid_tag grid_tag_from_file (const char file_name[]);
deriv_tag deriv_tag_from_file (const char file_name[]);
template <class deriv_type>
void run_calculation (const grid_tag g,
const std::string param_file) {
switch(g) {
case grid_tag::Even:
run_calculation<Even, deriv_type>(param_file);
case grid_tag::Log:
run_calculation<Log, deriv_type>(param_file);
void run_calculation (const grid_tag g, const deriv_tag d,
const std::string param_file) {
switch(d) {
case deriv_tag::O4:
run_calculation<deriv_O4>(g, param_file);
case deriv_tag::O2:
run_calculation<deriv_O2>(g, param_file);
int main (int argc, char * argv[]) {
grid_tag g = grid_tag_from_file(argv[1]);
deriv_tag d = deriv_tag_from_file(argv[1]);
run_calculation(g, d, argv[1]);
The problem is that I have a set of ~6 types to choose from lists of size ~10, and these will grow in the future. The solution I have at the moment makes adding new types awkward.
Is this solution the best I'm going to do? Am I being very fussy, or is there a better solution someone can suggest? I have looked at boost::variant (as recommended in similar questions) but I don't think this is really suitable for what I want to do.
As written, this leads to "double dispatch", which is not an easy thing to solve in C++ (see e.g. here: Understanding double dispatch C++).
What might be applicable in this case, instead of having:
template <class grid_type, class deriv_type>
void run_calculation (const std::string param_file) {
auto grid = grid_from_file<grid_type>(param_file);
auto deriv = deriv_from_file<deriv_type>(param_file);
// ...
to retrieve the grid/deriv from the file and result in a concrete type, to have instead
void run_calculation (const std::string param_file, grid_tag gtag, deriv_tag dtag) {
auto /*Grid interface*/ grid = grid_from_file(param_file, gtag);
auto /*Deriv interface*/ deriv = deriv_from_file(param_file, dtag);
// ...
and using virtual function call on the Grid/Deriv interface to do the stuff.
(if you do not want to pollute the original grid/deriv classes by the virtual methods, you could also create wrappers for them)
The advantage of this (of course if applicable to your actual situation) would be, that you would not need to solve all the combinations. Compared to the "switch" solution (works in a similar way), you do not need to remember to put switches everywhere to decide the types, you can just call the appropriate virtual functions to do the work (and if the virt. functions are pure in the interface, you cannot forget to provide them, because it will not compile otherwise).
Also, instead of grid_tag, deriv_tag, you could provide a virtual method on the interfaces to read from the file appropriately.
And I would also recommend to pass the string by const ref ("const std::string & param_file"), not by value (copies made).
Selecting a type from a runtime value inherently have some ugliness involved, but judging from the snippet provided, a table of functions would work just fine
enum struct grid_tag { Even, Log, size };
enum struct deriv_tag { O4, O2, size };
using calculation = void (*)(std::string);
calculation table[grid_tag::size][deriv_tag::size]; // populate them
void run_calculation (const grid_tag g, const deriv_tag d, const std::string& param_file)
You can solve this creating several interface (abstract virtual classes with no method implemented) , one for each type you want to decide at runtime.
You then can use a template method pattern to write your algorithm using the interfaces you have written.
This way, adding elements to the lists of type is just adding a new class implementing the interface.

How to implement a lambda function for a sort algorithm involving object members, indirection, and casting?

I'm working on some code and I have a section where I do a one off sort function. To implement it I decided it was easiest to overload the operator< function. What I would prefer to do is move the implementation of the sort closer to the actual call by using some sort of boost::bind, boost::phoenix, lambda or some other type of implementation. Unfortunately I don't have access to new C++11 functionality. Below is some example code.
// In a header
struct foo
char * a;
char * c_str() { return a; }
// In a header
struct bar
foo * X;
bar(foo * _X) : X(_X) {}
bool operator < (const bar& rhs) const
return std::string(X->c_str()) < std::string(rhs.X->c_str());
struct bars : public std::vector<bar> { ... some stuff };
// Some other header
bars Bs;
// A cpp file
... other stuff happens that fills the Xs vector with objects
// Current use and it works fine
std::sort(Bs.begin(), Bs.end())
// Would like something that accomplishes this:
// std::sort(Bs.begin(), Bs.end(),
// std::string(lhs.X->c_str()) < std::string(rhs.X->c_str()))
// A non-working example of what I'm trying to do
// std::sort(Xs.begin(), Xs.end(),
// std::string((bind(bar::X->c_str(), _1)) <
// std::string((bind(bar::X->c_str(), _2)) )
I get lost when trying to figure out how to access the member pointers, member function and then cast the result all within a boost::bind function.
Thank you for your help.
I'm sure you can twist your way out of this using ample helpings of
Boost Phoenix bind and lambda
Boost Bind protect
However, I've learned to avoid these situations. Edit In fact, see below for one such contraption. I find this very very error prone and hard to reason about.
What you're seeing is, in essence, a violation of the Law Of Demeter. If you "just" wrote the code (not in a lambda), already it would be handling too many tasks.
So the first thing I'd do is rethink the class design.
The second thing I'd do is /extract/ different responsibilities from your comparator. Notice, that the comparator does three things:
access the c_str() of the X in lhs
access the c_str() of the X in rhs
compare the two
The first two steps are clear candidates for extraction. Let's write the generic comparer that remains first:
template <typename F>
struct compare_by_impl {
compare_by_impl(F f = F{}) : _f(std::move(f)) {}
template <typename T, typename U>
bool operator()(T const& a, U const& b) const {
return _f(a) < _f(b);
F _f;
As always, it's nice to have factory function that will deduce the accessor type (in case you can get away with just using Phoenix there, it will save you specifying the (arcane) typenames involved in the expression templates):
template <typename Accessor>
compare_by_impl<Accessor> comparer_by(Accessor&& f) {
return compare_by_impl<Accessor>(std::forward<Accessor>(f));
Now you could already move the implementation with your sort call:
void Function()
struct accessX_c_str {
std::string operator()(bar const& b) const {
return b.X->c_str();
std::sort(Bs.begin(), Bs.end(), comparer_by(accessX_c_str()));
I'd personally leave it there.
Here's some more twisted contraptions:
// to avoid `comparer_by`
std::sort(Bs.begin(), Bs.end(), phx::bind(accessX_c_str(), arg1) < phx::bind(accessX_c_str(), arg2));
// to avoid any helper types (!?!?!? untested!)
std::sort(Bs.begin(), Bs.end(),
phx::construct<std::string>(phx::bind(&foo::c_str, phx::lambda [ phx::bind(&bar::X, arg1) ](arg1)))
< phx::construct<std::string>(phx::bind(&foo::c_str, phx::lambda [ phx::bind(&bar::X, arg1) ](arg2)))

How is LLVM isa<> implemented?

LLVM does make extensive use of a
hand-rolled form of RTTI that use
templates like isa<>, cast<>, and
dyn_cast<>. This form of RTTI is
opt-in and can be added to any class.
It is also substantially more
efficient than dynamic_cast<>.
How is isa and the others implemented?
First of all, the LLVM system is extremely specific and not at all a drop-in replacement for the RTTI system.
For most classes, it is unnecessary to generate RTTI information
When it is required, the information only makes sense within a given hierarchy
We preclude multi-inheritance from this system
Identifying an object class
Take a simple hierarchy, for example:
struct Base {}; /* abstract */
struct DerivedLeft: Base {}; /* abstract */
struct DerivedRight:Base {};
struct MostDerivedL1: DerivedLeft {};
struct MostDerivedL2: DerivedLeft {};
struct MostDerivedR: DerivedRight {};
We will create an enum specific to this hierarchy, with an enum member for each of the hierarchy member that can be instantiated (the others would be useless).
enum BaseId {
Then, the Base class will be augmented with a method that will return this enum.
struct Base {
static inline bool classof(Base const*) { return true; }
Base(BaseId id): Id(id) {}
BaseId getValueID() const { return Id; }
BaseId Id;
And each concrete class is augmented too, in this manner:
struct DerivedRight: Base {
static inline bool classof(DerivedRight const*) { return true; }
static inline bool classof(Base const* B) {
switch(B->getValueID()) {
case DerivedRightId: case MostDerivedRId: return true;
default: return false;
DerivedRight(BaseId id = DerivedRightId): Base(id) {}
Now, it is possible, simply, to query the exact type, for casting.
Hiding implementation details
Having the users murking with getValueID would be troublesome though, so in LLVM this is hidden with the use of classof methods.
A given class should implement two classof methods: one for its deepest base (with a test of the suitable values of BaseId) and one for itself (pure optimization). For example:
struct MostDerivedL1: DerivedLeft {
static inline bool classof(MostDerivedL1 const*) { return true; }
static inline bool classof(Base const* B) {
return B->getValueID() == MostDerivedL1Id;
MostDerivedL1(): DerivedLeft(MostDerivedL1Id) {}
This way, we can check whether a cast is possible or not through the templates:
template <typename To, typename From>
bool isa(From const& f) {
return To::classof(&f);
Imagine for a moment that To is MostDerivedL1:
if From is MostDerivedL1, then we invoke the first overload of classof, and it works
if From is anything other, then we invoke the second overload of classof, and the check uses the enum to determine if the concrete type match.
Hope it's clearer.
Just adding stuff to osgx's answer: basically each class should implement classof() method which does all the necessary stuff. For example, the Value's classof() routine looks like this:
// Methods for support type inquiry through isa, cast, and dyn_cast:
static inline bool classof(const Value *) {
return true; // Values are always values.
To check whether we have a class of the appropriate type, each class has it's unique ValueID. You can check the full list of ValueID's inside the include/llvm/Value.h file. This ValueID is used as follows (excerpt from Function.h):
/// Methods for support type inquiry through isa, cast, and dyn_cast:
static inline bool classof(const Function *) { return true; }
static inline bool classof(const Value *V) {
return V->getValueID() == Value::FunctionVal;
So, in short: every class should implement classof() method which performs the necessary decision. The implementation in question consists of the set of unique ValueIDs. Thus in order to implement classof() one should just compare the ValueID of the argument with own ValueID.
If I remember correctly, the first implementation of isa<> and friends were adopted from boost ~10 years ago. Right now the implementations diverge significantly :)
I should mention that - this document have some additional description.
The source code of isa, cast and dyn_cast is located in single file, and commented a lot.
00047 // isa<X> - Return true if the parameter to the template is an instance of the
00048 // template type argument. Used like this:
00049 //
00050 // if (isa<Type*>(myVal)) { ... }
00051 //
00052 template <typename To, typename From>
00053 struct isa_impl {
00054 static inline bool doit(const From &Val) {
00055 return To::classof(&Val);
00056 }
00057 };
00193 // cast<X> - Return the argument parameter cast to the specified type. This
00194 // casting operator asserts that the type is correct, so it does not return null
00195 // on failure. It does not allow a null argument (use cast_or_null for that).
00196 // It is typically used like this:
00197 //
00198 // cast<Instruction>(myVal)->getParent()
00199 //
00200 template <class X, class Y>
00201 inline typename cast_retty<X, Y>::ret_type cast(const Y &Val) {
00202 assert(isa<X>(Val) && "cast<Ty>() argument of incompatible type!");
00203 return cast_convert_val<X, Y,
00204 typename simplify_type<Y>::SimpleType>::doit(Val);
00205 }
00218 // dyn_cast<X> - Return the argument parameter cast to the specified type. This
00219 // casting operator returns null if the argument is of the wrong type, so it can
00220 // be used to test for a type as well as cast if successful. This should be
00221 // used in the context of an if statement like this:
00222 //
00223 // if (const Instruction *I = dyn_cast<Instruction>(myVal)) { ... }
00224 //
00226 template <class X, class Y>
00227 inline typename cast_retty<X, Y>::ret_type dyn_cast(const Y &Val) {
00228 return isa<X>(Val) ? cast<X, Y>(Val) : 0;
00229 }