What is node_modules directory in ember - ember.js

What is the usage of node_modules directory in ember?
I could see this directory created accross my ember application. When does it get created and what is the significance?
What harm if i delete this directory?

It's a directory for npm/yarn. It's created by running npm install or yarn. Theese commands install all dependecies specified in the package.json file into the node_modules directory. You need them to run any ember commands. If you delete the folder you can recreate it with npm install/yarn. It's not checked into source control.


Expo won't build with locally installed NPM packages

I am using expo#43.0.3 (and expo-cli#5.0.3) to manage my react native project and I have to install an npm package from local source:
$ npm install /path/to/mypackage
In my package.json the package is successfully linked via
"dependencies": {
"myPackage": "file:../../mypackage",
I can also confirm the package works when installing to a new plain node project (same node version 14.8.2)
Now when I start expo via expo start and navigate to the app it does not throw any error but only a warning:
› Reloading apps
warn No apps connected. Sending "reload" to all React Native apps failed. Make sure your app is running in the simulator or on a phone connected via USB.
When using the package from registry everything builds, however.
I tried to use the private packages section form the expo docs, but they only describe how to use private packages from registry but not local.
Anything I'm missing here?
After resetting the expo network adapters it loads the bundle but it now says it can't find the package:
Unable to resolve module myPackage from /home/user/path/to/myPackage/file.js: myPackage could not be found within the project or in these directories:
If you are sure the module exists, try these steps:
1. Clear watchman watches: watchman watch-del-all
2. Delete node_modules and run yarn install
3. Reset Metro's cache: yarn start --reset-cache
4. Remove the cache: rm -rf /tmp/metro-*
However, I'm not using watchman and I'm not using yarn and rmoving metro- folders from /tmp did not make a difference.
As it turned out in this issue on GitHub it can be solved via npm pack:
run npm pack inside of your library and then npm install path/to/the/packed/file.tgz from your project
Which worked fine for the setup I described in the question.

Is it good practice to add .git folder to Github?

After i entered git init I have directory D:myproject\.git
Is it good to add .git folder it in Github or should i add it in .gitignore?
You should not worry about .git folder. It contains git internals and all information in your repository like commits, branches and blobs. So .git is a repository itself and is handled automatically.
If you are in the root directory of your app and you do git init command what happens is that the command says initialize this directory and everything below it as a git repository. And it will set up a local repository for you on your machine.
Local repository on your machine allows git to track version changes in our files. Once we are happy with all those changes and our files then we push them to a remote repository on GitHub.
And you don't have to add your .git folder in .gitignore file.

What is the difference between Node Package and Bower Package?

Taking Ember App for example. ember install ember-bootstrap-4 will add node package. But bower install tether --save will add bower package. Both are part of the app. But why one is in bower and one is in npm?
npm and bower are both packages manager in your Ember application but there are some differences in using them:
Bower is only used in front-end. It will download bower package into your Ember project (bower_component folder) and you still have to add it to your app's assets. For example, if you install moment package in bower, you have to add it to your app by going to ember-cli-build.js and add the following line app.import('bower_components/moment/moment.js'); (view more details in Ember Addons and Dependencies)
NPM is used for server packages. It will download packages into node_modules project. Every ember-cli addons is in npm and when you type ember install <addons-name>, ember will look up for ember addon, place your addon's info in package.json and download it in node_modules folder. Then, Ember will load it automatically for you.
bower install - is for including run time dependencies and you need to import it in ember-cli-build.js to use.
npm install - is for including development/build time dependencies.

How do I use my fork of ember-data in ember-cli?

I'm working on a pull-request for ember-data, and I'd like to be able to test these changes in my ember-cli app.
It doesn't work to follow the directions for using canary here or here, as my fork does not get built my components.
I've tried referencing my fork and branch in packages.json as well as bower.json; then I get this error:
Path or pattern "bower_components/ember-data/ember-data.js" did not match any files
I can then build ember-data manually and copy the file to bower_components/ember-data/ember-data.js. However, I would like a streamlined way to use a fork of ember-data so I can use and test my pull-request without a lengthy install process.
Is there a better way?
You can use a symlink to your local version of a bower and/or npm dependency.
Go to your local (forked) version of ember-data and
npm link
bower link
This will make a global symlink to your local version.
Then go to where you're using the dependency and
npm link ember-data
bower link ember-data
This will make node_modules/ember-data and bower_components/ember-data a symlink to your local version.
See https://docs.npmjs.com/cli/link and http://bower.io/docs/api/#link for more details on how these work.
You are getting that error because you are trying to use the NPM package of ember-data with Bower, and Bower needs ember-data to be precompiled. You were correct to fork emberjs/data and reference your fork in package.json. Here is how I compiled my fork for bower:
In your forked repo, run npm install and npm run build:production to compile your fork in the dist directory.
Then fork the ember-data shim for bower: components/ember-data. Copy the following files from your ember-data fork's dist directory into the shim's directory:
Edit the bower/package files if you want to add your own version tag. Commit the shim repo to a branch or master, and then reference that commit in your ember-cli app's bower.json file. Then run npm install and bower install in your ember-cli app.

Add ember-cli project to repository

After I added my ember-cli project to repository on git, there are some untracked files in node_moduls (there are not js files in node_modules).As I know ember adds necessary files from package.json configuration. But when I try to build this project it writes that could not find ember-cli/lib/broccoli/ember-app
After you've used git clone to get the repo, you need to install the node and bower dependencies. These are intentionally left out from the repo when you create a new project with ember-cli (see your .gitignore file).
Install node dependencies (located in /node_modules/):
npm install
Install bower dependencies (located in /bower_components/ or (in 0.0.41 or earlier) /vendor/):
bower install
Once you've got those installed, then you can ember build.