rename files by omitting numbers form files names error - python-2.7

I try to follow an example in an online course to create a function to change the files name by omitting the numbers from the files name. But I got this error:
os.rename(file_name, file_name.translate(None,"0123456789"))
WindowsError: [Error 2] The system cannot find the file specified
But the code runs fine on the video that I watched
import os
def rename_files():
# (1) get file naems from a folder
file_list = os.listdir(r"C:\prank")
#print (file_list)
saved_path = os.getcwd()
print (" Currnet Wroking Directory is " +saved_path)
# (2) for each file, rename filename
for file_name in file_list:
os.rename(file_name, file_name.translate(None,"0123456789"))
os.chdir (saved_path)

Try this one out, there is no need to change the working directory, its not a good practice. Also if you are renaming files in C: you may have to execute the code as administrator.
import os
def rename_files():
# directoy with the files
# (1) get file names from a folder
file_list = os.listdir(directory) # this is the folder with the files
# (2) for each file, rename filename
for file_name in file_list:
new_name=''.join([s for s in file_name if s not in ['0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9']]) # remove numbers


Moving only Files in Directories

I have looked extensively on this site and I can't see an example that fits the bill. I have 4 directories each of which contains a number of files and another directory called 'Superseded'. I am trying to write a script that will move all files in each folder into the 'Superseded' folder but I'm not having any luck.
import os, shutil
source = r'U:\Data\All\Python_Test\Exports\GLA'
dest = r'U:\Data\All\Python_Test\Exports\Superseded'
listofFiles = os.listdir(source)
for f in listofFiles:
fullPath = source + "/" + f
shutil.move(fullPath, dest)
I can only get this to work for one directory and even then only when I've made the destination directory outside of the GLA directory if that makes sense.
I know there is a a os.path.isfile() module so that I can only move the files but I can't seem to get it to work. Does anybody have any ideas?
This works for me:
import os
# I use this to create some empty file to move around later
def touch(fname, times=None):
fhandle = open(fname, 'a')
os.utime(fname, times)
# this function is only to create the folders and files to be moved
def create_files_in_known_folders():
nameList=["source_dir_{:02d}".format(x) for x in range(4)]
for name in nameList:
if not os.path.exists(path):
if not os.path.exists(ssPath):
for i in range(3):
filepath=os.path.join(path, filename)
if not os.path.exists(filepath):
# THIS is actually the function doing what the OP asked for
# there many details that can be tweaked
def move_from_known_to_dest():
# here my given names from above
nameList=["source_dir_{:02d}".format(x) for x in range(4)]
# and my destination path
# not interested in files that are in subfolders
# if those would exist change to os.walk and
# exclude the destination folder with according if...:
for name in nameList:
print path
for fileName in dirList:
filePath=os.path.join(path, fileName)
print filePath
if os.path.isfile(filePath):
print destPath
#alternatively you can chose to 1) overwrite ()might not work 2)delete first 3) not copy
# another option is to check for existence and if
# present add a number to the dest-file-name
# use while loop to check for first non-present number
assert not os.path.exists(destPath), "file {} already exits".format(destPath)
os.rename( filePath, destPath)
if __name__=="__main__":
#break here and check that filestructure and files have been created
But, think carefully what to do if the file already exits in your destination folder.
os.walk might also be something you want to look at.
Implementing several options for the copy behaviour may look like this:
import warnings
formatwarning_orig = warnings.formatwarning
warnings.formatwarning = lambda message, category, filename, lineno, line=None: \
formatwarning_orig(message, category, filename, lineno, line='')
def move_from_known_to_dest_extra(behaviour='overwrite'):
assert behaviour in ['overwrite','leave','accumulate'], "unknown behaviour: {}".format(behaviour)
nameList=["source_dir_{:02d}".format(x) for x in range(4)]
for name in nameList:
for fileName in dirList:
filePath=os.path.join(path, fileName)
if os.path.isfile(filePath):
# simplest case...does not exist so copy
if not os.path.exists(destPath):
os.rename( filePath, destPath)
if behaviour=='leave':
warnings.warn( "Warning! Not copying file: {}; file {} already exists!".format(filePath, destPath))
elif behaviour =='overwrite':
# documentation states:
# On Windows, if dst already exists, OSError will be raised even if it is a file.
os.rename( filePath, destPath)
warnings.warn( "Warning!Overwriting file: {}.".format(destPath))
elif behaviour=='accumulate': #redundant but OK
while True:
if not os.path.exists(newDestPath):
assert addPost < 10000, "Clean up the mess!"
os.rename( filePath, newDestPath)
assert 0, "Unknown copy behaviour requested."
Additionally one might check for file permissions as, e.g., os.remove() may raise an exception. In this case, however, I assume that permissions are properly set by the OP.

How to list folders/directories that contain particular pattern files in them in python?

For example, if file contains extension .parq I have to list all the directories present in the folder:
Here I have to list the directories c, e, f which has particular pattern files.
You can use os.walk to traverse over all the files and directories. Then you can do simple pattern matching in the file names (like the example you gave in the question).
import os
for path, subdirs, files in os.walk('.'): #Traverse the current directory
for name in files:
if '.parq' in name: #Check for pattern in the file name
print path
You can either append the path to a list to use it later if you want. If you want to access the full file name you can use os.path.join
os.path.join(path, name)
If you want to access patterns within a file, you can modify the code as below.
import os
for path, subdirs, files in os.walk('.'):
for name in files:
with open(name) as f:
#Process the file line by line
for line in f:
if 'parq' in line:
#If pattern is found in file print the path and file
print 'Pattern found in directory %s' %path,
print 'in file %s' %name

Ziping a File in python and moving it

In the script when I have zip it up a file in say C:/Users/User/Desktop/Folder, it shows up as a zip file in the structure of instead of just and I can't figure out how to fix it. [Zipping code is lines 21-26]
I'm also trying to move the created zip file to the specified back up device [line 27]
My code is :
import os
import sys
import shutil
import zipfile
import traceback
print ('Welcome to USB Backup Utility')
print ('Created by: TheCryptek')
print ('\nWhat directory would you like to back up?')
print ('Example: C:/users/user/Desktop/Folder')
backUp = raw_input('> ') # Files the user specified to back up
print ('\nWhere would you like to back these files up at?')
print ('Example USB Letter: E:/')
backDevice = raw_input('> ') # Device the user specified to save the back up on.
print ('\nName of the zip file you prefer?')
print ('Example:')
backZip = raw_input('> ') # The name of the zip file specified by the user
print ('\nBackup started...')
if not os.path.exists(backDevice + '/BackUp'): # If the BackUp folder doesn't exist on the device then
os.mkdir(backDevice + 'BackUp') # Make the backup folder on usb device
backZip = zipfile.ZipFile(backZip, 'w') # Not sure what to say for lines 21 - 26
for dirname, subdirs, files in os.walk(backUp):
for filename in files:
backZip.write(os.path.join(dirname, filename))
shutil.move(backZip, backDevice + '/BackUp') # Move the zip files created in working directory to the specified back up device -[ Something is wrong with this can't figure out what ]-
print('Backup finished.')
For shutil.move() you have to give proper source and destination paths.
And in your program,the source path and file object are of same it is calling that object instead it should take the path of file.
import os
import sys
import shutil
import zipfile
import traceback
print ('Welcome to USB Backup Utility')
print ('Created by: TheCryptek')
print ('\nWhat directory would you like to back up?')
print ('Example: C:/users/user/Desktop/Folder')
backUp = raw_input('> ') # Files the user specified to back up
print ('\nWhere would you like to back these files up at?')
print ('Example USB Letter: E:/')
backDevice = raw_input('> ') # Device the user specified to save the back up on.
print ('\nName of the zip file you prefer?')
print ('Example:')
backZip = raw_input('> ') # The name of the zip file specified by the user
print ('\nBackup started...')
if not os.path.exists(backDevice + '/BackUp'): # If the BackUp folder doesn't exist on the device then
os.mkdir(backDevice + 'BackUp') # Make the backup folder on usb device
bkZip = zipfile.ZipFile(backZip, 'w') # Not sure what to say for lines 21 - 26
for dirname, subdirs, files in os.walk(backUp):
for filename in files:
bkZip.write(os.path.join(dirname, filename))
#print backZip,backDevice
dest = backDevice + '/BackUp'
#print dest
shutil.move(backZip, dest) # Move the zip files created in working directory to the specified back up device -[ Something is wrong with this can't figure out what ]-
print('Backup finished.')
You have to make an absolute path for it probs.

Python finds a string in multiple files recursively and returns the file path

I'm learning Python and would like to search for a keyword in multiple files recursively.
I have an example function which should find the *.doc extension in a directory.
Then, the function should open each file with that file extension and read it.
If a keyword is found while reading the file, the function should identify the file path and print it.
Else, if the keyword is not found, python should continue.
To do that, I have defined a function which takes two arguments:
def find_word(extension, word):
# define the path for os.walk
for dname, dirs, files in os.walk('/rootFolder'):
#search for file name in files:
for fname in files:
#define the path of each file
fpath = os.path.join(dname, fname)
#open each file and read it
with open(fpath) as f:
# if data contains the word
if word in data:
#print the file path of that file
print (fpath)
Could you give me a hand to fix this code?
def find_word(extension, word):
for root, dirs, files in os.walk('/DOC'):
# filter files for given extension:
files = [fi for fi in files if fi.endswith(".{ext}".format(ext=extension))]
for filename in files:
path = os.path.join(root, filename)
# open each file and read it
with open(path) as f:
# split() will create list of words and set will
# create list of unique words
words = set(
if word in words:
.doc files are rich text files, i.e. they wont open with a simple text editor or python open method. In this case, you can use other python modules such as python-docx.
For doc files (previous to Word 2007) you can also use other tools such as catdoc or antiword. Try the following.
import subprocess
def doc_to_text(filename):
return subprocess.Popen(
'catdoc -w "%s"' % filename,
print doc_to_text('fixtures/doc.doc')
If you are trying to read .doc file in your code the this won't work. you will have to change the part where you are reading the file.
Here are some links for reading a .doc file in python.
extracting text from MS word files in python
Reading/Writing MS Word files in Python
Reading/Writing MS Word files in Python

Zipping a file from a directory and placing it in another Directory

I am trying to set up a program to put my minecraft server world into a zip and place it into another directory on another drive (/media/500gb/MinecraftWorldBackups)
But I keep getting this error
Although the folder doesn't contain a folder or file called 'h'
What do I need to do to fix this I believe it is due to file and folder?
#!/usr/bin/env python
import time, zipfile
while True:
FileName = 'MinecraftBackup_' + str(int(time.time()))
Path = '/home/bertie/Desktop/FeedTheBeastServer/world/'
Zip = zipfile.ZipFile('/media/500gb/MinecraftWorldBackups/'+FileName+'.zip','w')
for each in Path:
try: Zip.write(Path + each)
except IOError: None