Kotlin multiplatform projects run common module test in IDEA - unit-testing

I am using kotlin multiplatform project with js/jvm subprojects.
I used to have unit tests in jvm subproject (annotated using kotlin test annotations) and I easily ran tests using rightclick + Run 'xxx' test using junit. That option is not possible once I move those tests to common module instead.
I can still run tests using command line gradle and I even managed to create working Run configuration that worked, but I am missing that simple "right click to run" on class or even specific test method for convenience.
Is there any way to achieve that in project?

Which Kotlin version do you use? There was a bug with test gutters in 1.2.60, but it is fixed in the very next release which is expected to be at the beginning of the next week.
It actually should work as you described, so if it's not the version with the bug, then it's better to submit it.


VS 2015 with NUnit does not discover test cases

I am trying to use NUnit for unit testing in my code base. When I try to run my test cases using ReSharper, I get:
"System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly
'ServicesTests.dll' or one of its dependencies.
ServicesTests is my class lib for my unit tests.
I have also tried to install the NUnit Test Adapter as described here but do not see my test cases in the Test Explorer.
Any ideas on what might be happening? Below are images of my class library from the solution explorer, the test explorer, ReSharper screen.
I was able to test using Nunit3 and VS2015 with Test Explorer after I changed the type of class library I was creating. Initially I was creating a Class Library (Package) and when I switched to Class Library it worked (see image below). I am still not able to use Resharper since I am using Nunit3 beta and that is currently unsupported by Resharper.
I have a similar issue also. The best answer I've come across to solve it is try and rebuild the solution (cleans and builds), or just resort to MS Test. It's a pain to convert the tests though...
Hope this helps.
My NUnit runs, but no tests "exist", despite having a project, classes, and methods all correct.
ReSharper does not support running unit tests in DNX projects https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/RSRP-446679.
I know this is an old question but I had a similar issue recently in VS 2017. Use the Fusion Log Viewer (aka "Assembly Binding Log Viewer") to see what assembly is failing to load:

JaCoCo test coverage of ant based Netbean Module project

We have inherited a NetBeans Modules project (a.k.a. NetBeans Platform project) which builds using the NetBeans Ant tasks. We want to generate a code coverage report of the project to get an idea of what components are not being unit tested.
Generating a report is not part of the build process, it is simply something we want to do to understand the existing unit test coverage in the project.
We've decided to use JaCoCo to try and generate this. However the native support in NetBeans is for maven based projects. Unfortunately the TikiOne JaCoCoverage plugin currently does not support NetBeans Modules projects.
We are happy to just drive this via CLI to get an initial report. Does anyone have a success means of doing so under the given constraints?
Someone recently posted a related message to one of NetBeans mailing lists - https://netbeans.org/projects/platform/lists/dev/archive/2014-04/message/124
Short version: Cobertura plugin that does what you're looking for is not maintained now but you can build it and run it.
We have been successful in generating the report by doing the following:
Edited the project.properties file to run the JaCoCo agent when unit tests run. This is done by adding the following:
Use Netbeans to run the test task. This produces the jacoco.exec file.
Create a simple ant buildfile to generate reports from an .exec file (see this post)
Run the ant buildfile to generate the report.

Windows 8 App in Visual Studio 2012 - NUnit Test Adapter sees unit tests but does not run them

I have a Windows 8 Store App with two projects within the solution - one project exclusively for tests. I have added NUnit and NUnit Test Adapter (https://www.nuget.org/packages/NUnitTestAdapter/1.0.0) for this through nuget.
My tests are detected - but I cannot run or debug them. Looking at the test output window, I get the following error:
Could not find test executor with URI 'executor://nunittestexecutor/'. Make sure that the test executor is installed and supports .net runtime version 4.0.30319.34003.
I am not using resharper and I am using Visual Studio Professional 2012 Update 3 on Windows 8.1. References for the test project are as follows:
Based on my comments above, below is a workaround. Unfortunately at this stage, Windows 8.1 store Unit Test project types, using NUnit extension wouldn't work due to the different .NET targets. I tried with different Test Unit Adapters including an NUnitTestAdapterWithFramework.
It seems that the issue you haveing was occurring with standard .NET libraries targeting NUnit test adapter but the above NUnitTestAdapterWithFramework must have fixed those issue. See the Q & A section of the NUnitTestExtension
But unfortunatly it seems that this still of an issue that hasn't been fixed for Win8 Store App type Unit Testing. Pretty sure xUnit.NET also not compatible yet with different .NET target types (i,e WinRT)
So what are the options?
a. For your group, you can change them to use MSTest framework. Outcome - Problem Solved no issues.
b. Workaround "linked project". Outcome - Can't *guarantee** but this should also work.
With option 'b'
In your comment you mentioned.
but I'm still not sure what it does or how to implement a 'linked
project', do you have any more information on this? Also, as this is
for a group university project, I was hoping i wouldn't have to force
too many workarounds
When you think about it, it is not really hard work around. It is simple and I'm sure your group would be able to apply this workaround easily.
Please follow the below steps.
Create a separate class library in your solution (you can target .NET framework 4).
Then add NUnit assemblies and the NUnit test adapter as usual.
Right click on this project and select 'Add' then 'Existing Item'
Select the Win8 Store Unit Test project and locate the Unit Test file you want to add. When you add the file, make sure you select 'Add As a Link' button. Please see below.
Now rebuild the solution, close and re-open the UnitTest explorer and you should be able to run those tests.
*The reason I said can't guaranteed. I haven't really written Unit tests against Win8 App. So if your SUT (System Under Test) require special configuration it might cause issues. But I'm not sure.
Finally creating a link files are not that hard if everything works you can continue to do this until NUnit has the support for Win8 Unit Testing. Or the other option is simply change all your Unit Tests to use MSTest framework if possible.

Running BOOST unit tests from Visual Studio 2010

I am just starting to work with QuantLib project. There are quite a few BOOST unit tests defined, hence the question: is there an easy way to run these tests selectively from Visual Studio (and see results)?
I've only used unit testing in .Net languages so far, and there you can either use the built-in test runner if you use MsTest, or some add-on (I used Resharper and TestDriven.NET) for other frameworks. There you can choose which tests you run, and you can run them with the debugger attached (which is unfortunately useful sometimes). Are there similar add-ons for BOOST tests in unmanaged C++?
Yes you can!
If your boost unit test project is defined correctly, then you can run the entire test project from VS10 debugger by clicking
right click on project --> Debug --> Start new instance
This will run the tests inside VS framework which will give you all the debugger goodies.
For running specific test suites/cases, just edit the project command line arguments under
right click on project --> Properties --> General --> Debugging
and add the parameters according to the links in the other answers
you can run any test case or test suite via command line. running tests by name
it even allows wildcards.
ReSharper C++ supports discovery and selective running/debugging of Boost tests (with Boost 1.59 and later).
I'm using the Boost Unit Test Adapter. It's free and has a very nice output. It can also list the time the single tests consumed and you can start single tests and group of tests.
You can download it here:

Can VS.Net Unit Test be run outside the IDE?

Is there a way you can run your UnitTest project against a compiled DLL outside of the IDE? Basically we have testing procedures to validate code before moving into production.
I would not want to run the tests inside the IDE. I would want to have the compiled code ready to move to production and be able to run a final test against the .dll before the final copy.
Is there some kind of Command-Line utility that could do this? Just supply both .dlls and get a "all good" report of some kind.
I think you're probably looking for [MSTest](http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms182486(VS.80).aspx)
To run all tests in a specific container, you could do something like the following at a command line:
MSTest /testcontainer:MyTestProject\bin\debug\MyTestProject.dll
[MSTest Command Line Options for .NET 2.0](http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms182489(VS.80).aspx)
MSTest Command Line Options for .NET 3.5
Other Stack Overflow related MSTest Questions