ColdFusion 9: how to pad list values with spaces - coldfusion

In the database, style_id columns is defined as CHAR(14).
I need to be able to pad values in the list to 14 with spaces.
How do I go about it?
<cfset style_list = replace(#FORM.style_id#," ","","all")>
select *
from T
<cfif IsDefined("form.style_id") and form.style_id is not "">
style_id in
list="yes" />

Why do you think you need to pad the values? It should work fine without any padding, using cfsqltype CF_SQL_CHAR. Perhaps it's not working as expected because the left side of the comparison (column) is type CHAR while the right (cfqueryparam) is type VARCHAR?
I tested your query and it worked fine with CF 9,0,2,282541 and SQL Server. It also worked correctly with CF 9.0.2 and Oracle 12G. CFQueryparam seemed to handle things automatically.
CREATE TABLE someTable(style_id char(14))
INSERT INTO someTable VALUES ('abc'),('efg ')
<!--- worked with both CF_SQL_VARCHAR and CF_SQL_CHAR --->
<cfset style_list = "abc,efg">
<cfquery name="qTest" datasource="YourDSN">
FROM SomeTable
WHERE style_id in
( <cfqueryparam
list="yes" />
<cfdump var="#qTest#">
1 abc
2 efg

Do the opposite. Trim the contents of of the style_id column in your SQL statement so that you can batter match the contents of style_list.

Use ljustify or rjustify to pad a string with spaces.
You could pre-process the list with a loop:
<cfset padded_list=""/>
<cfloop list="#style_list#" item="style">
<cfset padded_list=listappend(padded_list, rjustify(style, 14))/>
If you're using a more recent version of ColdFusion, or a shim, you may also have listmap, which is less ugly:
<cfset style_list=listmap(style_list, function(style) { return rjustify(style, 14); })/>


Loop over the cfquery tag values

I have the following query where I loop over a list of values but I am getting an error at the last comma:
<cfquery datasource="#application.dsn#">
INSERT INTO #session.tablename# ( #lFields# )
<cfloop list="#lFields#" index="kk">
<cfqueryparam value="#TRIM(sVideoGame['#kk#'])#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" null="#NOT LEN(TRIM(sVideoGame['#kk#']))#" />,
Problem occurs with the last comma. I tried setting up a counter before the cfloop, setting it 0 and incrementing to 1 inside the cfloop. However, I am not sure how to remove the last comma based upon some condition check.
In order to keep track of the position, you will need a from/to loop instead of a list loop. Then add a comma after you pass the first query parameter.
For ColdFusion 2016+ it can be done using the "item" and "index" attributes:
<cfloop list="#yourListVariable#" item="keyName" index="position">
<!--- if we've passed the first parameter, add a comma --->
<cfif position gt 1>,</cfif>
<cfqueryparam value="#TRIM(sVideoGame[ keyName ])#"
null="#NOT LEN(sVideoGame[keyName])#" />
CF11 and earlier require a little more work. To simplify the code, I would recommend converting the list to an array:
<cfset keyArray = listToArray(yourListVariable)>
<cfloop from="1" to="#arrayLen(keyArray)#" index="position">
<!--- if we've passed the first parameter, add a comma --->
<cfif position gt 1>,</cfif>
<cfqueryparam value="#TRIM(sVideoGame[ keyArray[position] ])#"
null="#NOT LEN(sVideoGame[ keyArray[position] ])#" />
Side note, I noticed the query uses dynamic table and column names. Be sure those values are NOT user supplied, or the query is vulnerable to sql injection.
If your only question is how to deal with the last comma, then you can do it with
<cfset listCount = 1>
<cfloop list="#lFields#" index="kk">
<cfqueryparam value="#TRIM(sVideoGame['#kk#'])#"
cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" null="#NOT LEN(TRIM(sVideoGame['#kk#']))#" />
<cfif listLen(lFields) is not listCount>,</cfif>
<cfset listCount = listCount+1>

conditional query in coldfusion

I need to provide some status on items in my table which I do in the last column of my table.
First I go and query one table to see if I have a confirmation for the item .
<cfquery name="focnotice" datasource="******" result="FocResult">
SELECT ecspc
WHERE icsc = '#myarray[i].ICSC#'
AND asr_no = '#myarray[i].ASR#'
The ECSPC is a field in my Table, so logic is see if there is a record. If so, see if the ECSPC value is something other then "". If so, query another table to see if there is a matching record for this ECSPC.
<cfset ISUPStatus = "#focnotice.ecspc#">
<cfif ISUPStatus NEQ "">
<cfquery name="isupStatus" datasource="******" result="ISUPResult">
select *
from tbl_ISUP
where dpc = '#ISUPStatus#'
<cfset isupcount = #ISUPResult.RecordCount#>
<cfif #isupcount# GT 0>
<cfset ISUPorder = "Yes">
<cfset ISUPorder = "No">
<cfset ISUPorder = "No">
I get the following error in my debug
Complex object types cannot be converted to simple values.
The expression has requested a variable or an intermediate expression
result as a simple value. However, the result cannot be converted to a
simple value. Simple values are strings, numbers, boolean values, and
date/time values. Queries, arrays, and COM objects are examples of
complex values. The most likely cause of the error is that you tried
to use a complex value as a simple one. For example, you tried to use
a query variable in a cfif tag.
What am I missing here ?
You are passing invalid parameter into the Query "myarray[i].ICSC",'#myarray[i].ASR#'. You need to specify what index of array you are using.
<cfquery name="focnotice" datasource="*******" result="FocResult">
Select ecspc
From tbl_CNR_H
Where icsc = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" value="#myarray[1].ICSC#">
asr_no = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" value="#myarray[1].ASR#">
I believe the error causing you the issue lies in:
<cfset isupcount = #ISUPResult.RecordCount#>
From a quick look of your code, try using instead:
<cfset isUpCount = isUpStatus.recordCount>
But in addition please look at the comments above, especially joins.

ColdFusion Query-of-Queries Wildcard LIKE condition not working with single quotes?

I have a query-of-queries that performs a LIKE condition on a variable string:
When the variable contains a single word that includes a single quote, some results are returned, but not all:
<cfset _myVar = "Women's" />
<cfquery name="_qData" dbtype="Query">
WHERE NAME LIKE '%#_myvar#%'
When the variable contains more than one word, and one of those words includes a single quote, no records are returned:
<cfset _myVar = "Women's Initiative" />
<cfquery name="_qData" dbtype="Query">
WHERE NAME LIKE '%#_myvar#%'
I've tried PreserveSingleQuotes() as well as wrapping the varaibles with CFQUERYPARAM, but, to no avail - I get the same results.
Is there a way to make this work?
Adding in a repro case
<cfset myQuery = queryNew('hello')>
<cfset queryAddRow(myQuery,5)>
<cfset querySetCell(myQuery,"hello","what up",1)>
<cfset querySetCell(myQuery,"hello","what's up",2)>
<cfset querySetCell(myQuery,"hello","what's up friends",3)>
<cfset querySetCell(myQuery,"hello","what u",4)>
<cfset querySetCell(myQuery,"hello","what",5)>
<cfdump var="#myQuery#">
<cfquery name="res" dbtype="query">
FROM myQuery
WHERE hello LIKE <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" value="%$what's up%">
<cfdump var="#res#">
Railo - returns both results (rows 2 and 3)
ColdFusion 10,0,13,287689 - returns no results
If I change my SQL to
WHERE hello LIKE '%what''s up%'
I still get no results
aarh!! a classic case of royal pain in the rear.
To solve this, you have to add an extra ' to every ' in your search term, there by escaping it.
<cfset myQuery = queryNew('hello')>
<cfset queryAddRow(myQuery,5)>
<cfset querySetCell(myQuery,"hello","what up",1)>
<cfset querySetCell(myQuery,"hello","what's up",2)>
<cfset querySetCell(myQuery,"hello","what's up friends",3)>
<cfset querySetCell(myQuery,"hello","what u",4)>
<cfset querySetCell(myQuery,"hello","what",5)>
<cfdump var="#myQuery#">
<cfset x = "what's up" />
<cfquery name="res" dbtype="query">
FROM myQuery
WHERE hello LIKE <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" value="#replace(x, "'", "''", "all")#%">
<cfdump var="#res#">
if you do this directly, as you mentioned,
WHERE hello LIKE '%what''s up%'
the parser is going bonkers. But, if you pass the value via a function return value, the run time assignment of values via a variable somehow makes the parser happy.
I remember using such tricks in sending multiple SQL statements delimited with ';' in cfquery. Directly writing
inside cfquery fails, but assigning them to a string and then sending the string as a return value for any string manipulator function (lcase, ucase, etc) worked perfectly.
Note: the problem is solved, but if my explanation and approach is diff, feel free to correct and comment.
I'm running ColdFusion 10 u13.
Modifying your repo code this seemed to work:
<cfset myQuery = queryNew('hello')>
<cfset queryAddRow(myQuery,5)>
<cfset querySetCell(myQuery,"hello","what up",1)>
<cfset querySetCell(myQuery,"hello","what's up",2)>
<cfset querySetCell(myQuery,"hello","what's up friends",3)>
<cfset querySetCell(myQuery,"hello","what u",4)>
<cfset querySetCell(myQuery,"hello","what",5)>
<cfdump var="#myQuery#">
<cfquery name="res" dbtype="query">
FROM [myQuery]
WHERE [hello] LIKE <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" value="%what''s up%">
Note the double single quotes in the <cfqueryparam> tag. Like Dan I would have thought that the <cfqueryparam> tag would have taken care of this for you automatically. Perhaps this is a bug in QoQ?

Merging a array of queries into a single query

I want to merge an array of queries into one query
I have tried this
<cfquery name="MergedData" dbtype="query">
<cfloop from="1" to="#arrayLen(arData)#" index="k">
FROM arData[k]
<cfif k LT ArrayLen(arData)>UNION</cfif>
I get an error that looks like
<br><b>Query Of Queries syntax error.</b><br> Encountered "[k].
Try an alternative way of looping over your array. You need to create your own counter though to figure out the logic of if you need to keep appending 'UNION' to your SQL statement.
<cfset i = 1>
<cfquery name="MergedData" dbtype="query">
<cfloop index="k" array="#arData#">
<cfif i LT ArrayLen(arData)>UNION</cfif>
<cfset i++>
NB: you wouldn't need to calculate a counter yourself if you're using Railo instead of Adobe CF, as you can then do both index and item like so, as Peter mentioned in the comments above:
<cfloop index="i" item="k" array="#arData#">
If you'd like to accomplish this with functional programming, you could use the Underscore.cfc library (requires CF 10+ or Railo 4+):
// instantiate Underscore library
_ = new Underscore();
// convert the array of queries to a single array of structs
mergedArray = _.reduce(arrayOfQueries, function (memo, query) {
// convert current query to an array of structs
// and concatenate it to the rest of the result
return _.concat(memo, _.toArray(query));
}, []);
// convert the array of structs back to a query
mergedQuery = _.toQuery(mergedArray);
This solution utilizes reduce() to combine the array of queries into a single array of structs. The anonymous function passed to reduce() converts each query in the array of queries to an array of structs using toArray(), then concatenates that array with the rest of the array of structs (the memo value).
Once the array of queries has been converted to a single array of structs, it is a simple matter to convert it back to a query using toQuery() (assuming that is necessary).
Note: I wrote the Underscore library
Try like this:
<cfsavecontent variable="testing">
<cfset j = 1>
<cfloop array="#test#" index="i">
<cfif j LT ArrayLen(test)> UNION </cfif>
<cfset j++>
<cfquery name="qTest" datasource="#application.dsn#">
This is what end up working
<cfquery name="local.qryMergedData" dbtype="query">
<cfloop array="#arguments.Data#" index="k">
<cfset local.currentIndex++>
<cfset setvariable("Data_#local.currentIndex#", k)>
FROM Data_#local.currentIndex#
<cfif local.currentIndex LT local.MaxIndex>UNION</cfif>
I really don't like that I am setting a variable inside of a <cfquery>, but at least it is only one query

Compare mysql query to sql query

I am a lot more at home manipulating arrays and objects in php or javascript, and do next to no work with coldfusion.
I have one query pulling data from mysql. I would like to store results list or array ( or simpler approach)
WHile looping over a second query from msql that generates html output I need to see if one value is contained in prior mysql array or list.
Have tried playing with varierty of cf array/list methods and really not sure what best approach is to resolve following if.
CF version is 9
<cfquery datasource="Mysql" name="premium_submitters">
SELECT submitter_id from table
<!--- Need loop to store to array or list??--->
<cfquery datasource="Sql" name="main_data">
SELECT * from table
<cfoutput query="main_data">
<cfif #submiiter_id# <!---is in Mysql array/list return boolean---> >
Use ValueList to get the value of one column of a query into a list.
<cfquery datasource="Mysql" name="premium_submitters">
SELECT submitter_id from table
<cfset submittersList = ValueList(premium_submitters.submitter_id)>
<cfquery datasource="Sql" name="main_data">
SELECT * from table
<cfoutput query="main_data">
<cfif ListFind(submittersList, main_data.submitter_id) gt 0>
<!--- is in list, do whatever --->