can not create xml Parser progress error 11773 - web-services

i have the next question, when i try to recive a web service message with this code
RUN importRequest IN hRequest(INPUT DATASET request, OUTPUT returnCode, OUTPUT returnMessage, OUTPUT DATASET resultDset ).
but i recive the next message
Error receiving Web Service Response: Input Stream is Empty. Cannot
create XMLParser.(11773)
and when i enter in the web service the register was created .
thanks for our time and help.
im tryed all types of solutions and I can't resolved it please i need help.

The Progress Knowledge base has a number of articles on that error:
Looks like the Web service response is simply not supported by Progress Software. If you're on 11.6 use the new HTTP client in the ABL to communicate with the Web service.
Here's an sample that shows how to use the HTTP client to communicate with a SOAP web service:


I am making an android application to create routes with OSMDROID and the web can not process the request (HTTP ERROR 503)

I am making an android application to create routes with OSMDROID and the web can not process the request (HTTP ERROR 503).
enter image description here
HTTP response off the server contains status message:
503 Service Unavailable: Back-end server is at capacity
So problem is not on your side. The server has some limitations and cannot handle your request or it is maybe not working at all. I am not familiar with the project, but you may try to ask on their mailing list or IRC.
The is often down so you should just make your own server. It is really easy with the docker file.

Setting up a HTTP Receiver in Tibco Businessworks for an existing Web Service

So currently I managed to reach an existant Web Service and use one of it's functions to alter a database.
However, the Web Service does not respond with a Soap Response, but with just the HTTP Respond Code 200, which I want to use to create a "Success!"-like notification.
Using BusinessWorks I was able to to connect the process with a HTTP Receiver in the Modeler-View, but it doesn't work and gives me the error message
"Process configuration error. The activity [HTTPReceiver] in the process [webservices.module.IWSContract] cannot have an input transition."
My goal is to catch the HTTP Response Code 200 from the Web Service, and optionally display it to the user.
As you mention you use TIBCO BW 6. this should be the "Invoke" activity instead of SOAPRequestreply (Basic Palette -> Invoke)
You need to use a SOAP Request-Reply activity to invoke the web service. Technically, the "HTTP 200" response won't be visible but you will get an empty output in case of a success:
You can then choose to return whatever success message to the user.

How to create Callback in Webservice for non-browser client?

An example is GoogleCL non-browser client as explained here :
When you attempt to use the google command for a service for the first
time, it will open your web browser and ask you to authenticate it.
Click “grant access” and then press Enter back in the terminal window.
How Google webservice transfer data back to GoogleCL from the browser ?
I want to do the same kind of callback with my own webservice so I'd like to understand how.
By using a Redirect URI of http://localhost and starting up a local webserver to wait for that redirect. See the code for the tools.run_flow() function in the Google API Python Client library that does this kind of flow:

how can one test if a remote Rest WS is alive?

I write corrective actions for our cutomers (IT people) and one of the steps I'd like to provide them is to easily check if some Remote REST service is up and running.
What is the easiest way to reach this ALIVE() logic?
Can they open web browser and do something like
or something?
Good solution will be simple console application that will request your rest service with control request and check response of this request.
If you cannot create this console application, you can give instruction to your customers:
Open browser;
Request Http://:
It should response control response.

How can I see incoming Requests in IIS7?

I have a created web service that takes 2 complex types as parameters. I can use the auto-generated WSDL to create a new application that calls my web service and it works perfectly.
However, a 3rd party consumer is having trouble calling my web service. I see their incoming request in the IIS7 log file and a 500 error is being returned to them.
I suspect that their request is malformed. I would like to be able to see the entire <soap:envelope> that IIS7 is receiving so that I can troubleshoot the issue. I am using Windows Server 2008 and IIS7.
How can I do this?
I would open up a copy of WireShark while they are putting their request through. You can then see each packet which comes to your server. Wireshark is cool because it can put all of the packets back together so you can see the full HTTP request they're sending.