I want to use a fold expression but the function will only ever be used with one known parameter pack.
template <class... Types>
Foo fn_impl(Arg arg) {
// here, a fold expression involving Types... that returns a Foo
Foo fn(Arg arg) {
return fn_impl<Bar, Baz>(arg);
And that's it, fn_impl won't ever be used again.
Is there a way to make this less verbose?
Ideally, I'd like to write the implementation of fn in its body, without a separate implementation function (which adds noise, imo).
I know I could "unroll" the fold expression with the types in the parameter pack by hand, but in this case, using a fold expression is just very convenient to make the implementation of fn not too verbose.
Here's a complete example, see highlighted QUESTION comment:
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdio>
#include <memory>
struct Base {
virtual ~Base() {}
virtual const char *get_name() const = 0;
template <class Derived> struct Base_CRTP : public Base {
const char *get_name() const final {
return static_cast<const Derived *>(this)->name;
struct A : Base_CRTP<A> {
static constexpr const char *name = "A";
struct B : Base_CRTP<B> {
static constexpr const char *name = "B";
// QUESTION: Can this be entirely moved into the definition of #1?
template <class IType, class... Types>
std::unique_ptr<IType> make_by_class_index___impl(int class_index) {
int i = 0;
std::unique_ptr<IType> ret;
([&] {
if (i++ == class_index)
ret = std::make_unique<Types>();
return ret != nullptr;
}() ||
return ret;
// #1
std::unique_ptr<Base> make_by_class_index(int class_index) {
return make_by_class_index___impl<Base, ITest_DERIVED_CLASSES>(class_index);
template <class... Types> void print_pack_names() { (puts(Types::name), ...); }
int main() {
auto p = make_by_class_index(0);
assert(p != nullptr);
printf("p name: %s\n", p->get_name());
auto p2 = make_by_class_index(1);
assert(p2 != nullptr);
printf("p2 name: %s\n", p2->get_name());
auto p3 = make_by_class_index(99);
assert(p3 == nullptr);
In lack of sufficient details, let's assume without loss of generality that Arg is int that that Foo, Bar and Baz are defined as follows:
struct Foo { int x; };
struct Bar { static constexpr int foo() { return 1; } };
struct Baz { static constexpr int foo() { return 2; } };
If you may use C++20 you can migrate a) a variadic function which contains a fold expression and b) a call to site to it, e.g.:
template <typename... Types> Foo fn_impl(int arg) {
return { arg + (Types::foo() + ...) };
// at call site
fn_impl<Bar, Baz>(arg);
into a single generic immediately invoked lambda, leveraging that P0428R2 (introduced in C++20) allows template heads for generic lambdas:
Foo fn(int arg) {
return []<typename... Types>(int arg) -> Foo {
return { arg + (Types::foo() + ...) };
.operator()<Bar, Baz>(arg);
This arguably looks quite complex, though, particularly as you need to use the operator name syntax to provide explicit template arguments for the generic lambdas. The separate function approach is arguably easier to follow for future maintainers.
Here is a definition of a Result class that aims to simulate the logic of the Either monad from Haskell (Left is Failure; Right is Success).
#include <string>
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
template <typename S, typename F>
class result
S succ;
F fail;
bool pick;
/// Chain results of two computations.
template <typename T>
result<T,F> operator&&(result<T,F> _res) {
if (pick == true) {
return _res;
} else {
return failure(fail);
/// Chain two computations.
template <typename T>
result<T,F> operator>>=(std::function<result<T,F>(S)> func) {
if (pick == true) {
return func(succ);
} else {
return failure(fail);
/// Create a result that represents success.
static result success(S _succ) {
result res;
res.succ = _succ;
res.pick = true;
return res;
/// Create a result that represents failure.
static result failure(F _fail) {
result res;
res.fail = _fail;
res.pick = false;
return res;
When trying to compose two results using the && operator, all is well:
main(int argc, char* argv[])
// Works!
auto res1 = result<int, std::string>::success(2);
auto res2 = result<int, std::string>::success(3);
auto res3 = res1 && res2;
But when attempting to chain computations on top of the result, a compilation error appears:
result<int, std::string>
triple(int val)
if (val < 100) {
return result<int, std::string>::success(val * 3);
} else {
return result<int, std::string>::failure("can't go over 100!");
main(int argc, char* argv[])
// Does not compile!
auto res4 = result<int, std::string>::success(2);
auto res5a = res4 >>= triple;
auto res5b = res4 >>= triple >>= triple;
The error from clang++ is as follows:
minimal.cpp:82:21: error: no viable overloaded '>>='
auto res5a = res4 >>= triple;
~~~~ ^ ~~~~~~
minimal.cpp:26:17: note: candidate template ignored: could not match
'function<result<type-parameter-0-0, std::__1::basic_string<char,
std::__1::char_traits<char>, std::__1::allocator<char> > > (int)>' against
'result<int, std::__1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits<char>,
std::__1::allocator<char> > > (*)(int)'
result<T,F> operator>>=(std::function<result<T,F>(S)> func) {
minimal.cpp:83:32: error: invalid operands to binary expression ('result<int,
std::string> (int)' and 'result<int, std::string> (*)(int)')
auto res5b = res4 >>= triple >>= triple;
Any idea as to how to fix this issue?
This works
auto f = std::function< result<int, std::string>(int)>(triple);
auto res5a = res4 >>= f;
I cannot give a good concise explanation, only that much: Type deduction does not take into acount conversions and triple is a result<int,std::string>()(int) not a std::function.
You dont have to use std::function but you can accept any callable with something like:
template <typename G>
auto operator>>=(G func) -> decltype(func(std::declval<S>())) {
if (pick == true) {
return func(succ);
} else {
return failure(fail);
Live Demo
Note that std::function comes with some overhead. It uses type erasure to be able to store all kinds of callables. When you want to pass only one callable there is no need to pay that cost.
For the second line #Yksisarvinen's comment already summarizes it. For the sake of completeness I simply quote it here
auto res5b = res4 >>= triple >>= triple; will not work without
additional operator for two function pointers or an explicit brackets
around res4 >>= triple, because operator >>= is a right-to-left one.
It will try first to apply >>= on triple and triple.
PS: I dont know Either and your code is a bit more functional style than what I am used to, maybe you can get similar out of std::conditional?
So, in C++, a std::function is not the base class of anything of interest. You cannot deduce the type of a std::function from a function or a lambda.
So your:
/// Chain two computations.
template <typename T>
result<T,F> operator>>=(std::function<result<T,F>(S)> func)
will only deduce when passed an actual std::function.
Now, what you really mean is "something that takes an S and returns a result<T,F> for some type T".
This isn't how you say it in C++.
As noted, >>= is right-associative. I might propose ->* instead, which is left-to-right.
Second, your failure static function won't work right, as it returns the wrong type often.
template<class F>
struct failure {
F t;
template<class F>
then add a constructor taking a failure<F>.
/// Chain two computations.
template<class Self, class Rhs,
std::enable_if_t<std::is_same<result, std::decay_t<Self>>{}, bool> = true
auto operator->*( Self&& self, Rhs&& rhs )
-> decltype( std::declval<Rhs>()( std::declval<Self>().succ ) )
if (self.pick == true) {
return std::forward<Rhs>(rhs)(std::forward<Self>(self).succ);
} else {
return failure{std::forward<Self>(self).fail};
I am now carefully paying attention to r/lvalue ness of the types involved, and will move if possible.
template<class F>
struct failure {
F f;
template<class F>
template<class S>
struct success {
S s;
template<class S>
template <class S, class F>
class result
std::variant<S, F> state;
bool successful() const {
return state.index() == 0;
template<class Self,
std::enable_if_t< std::is_same<result, std::decay_t<Self>>{}, bool> = true
friend decltype(auto) s( Self&& self ) {
return std::get<0>(std::forward<Self>(self).state);
template<class Self,
std::enable_if_t< std::is_same<result, std::decay_t<Self>>{}, bool> = true
friend decltype(auto) f( Self&& self ) {
return std::get<1>(std::forward<Self>(self).state);
/// Chain results of two computations.
template<class Self, class Rhs,
std::enable_if_t< std::is_same<result, std::decay_t<Self>>{}, bool> = true
friend std::decay_t<Rhs> operator&&(Self&& self, Rhs&& rhs) {
if (self.successful()) {
return success{s(std::forward<Rhs>(rhs))};
} else {
return failure{f(std::forward<Self>(self))};
/// Chain two computations.
template<class Self, class Rhs,
std::enable_if_t< std::is_same<result, std::decay_t<Self>>{}, bool> = true
friend auto operator->*(Self&&self, Rhs&& rhs)
-> decltype( std::declval<Rhs>()( s( std::declval<Self>() ) ) )
if (self.successful()) {
return std::forward<Rhs>(rhs)(s(std::forward<Self>(self)));
} else {
return failure{f(std::forward<Self>(self))};
template<class T>
result( success<T> s ):
template<class T>
result( failure<T> f ):
explicit operator bool() const { return successful(); }
live example.
Uses c++17.
Implementing Result cleanly and efficently
C++ can represent a Result type just as cleanly and efficiently as haskell. Like Haskell, C++ has true sum types, and we can encapsulate the entirety of their functionality with a tagged union. In addition, by taking advantage of implicit construction, we can represent Success and Failure as types instead of static member functions (this makes things a lot cleaner).
Defining Success and Failure
These are really simple. They're just wrapper classes, so we can implement them as aggregates. In addition, using C++17's template deduction guides, we won't have to specify the template parameters for Failure and Success. Instead, we'll just be able to write Success{10}, or Failure{"Bad arg"}.
template <class F>
class Failure {
F value;
template<class F>
Failure(F) -> Failure<F>;
template <class S>
class Success {
S value;
// This allows chaining from an initial Success
template<class Fun>
auto operator>>(Fun&& func) const {
return func(value);
template <class S>
Success(S) -> Success<S>;
Defining Result
Result is a sum type. That means it can be either a success or a failure, but not both. We can represent this with a union, which we'll tag with a was_success bool.
template < class S, class F>
class Result {
union {
Success<S> success;
Failure<F> failure;
bool was_success = false; // We set this just to ensure it's in a well-defined state
// Result overloads 1 through 4
Result(Success<S> const& s) : success(s), was_success(true) {}
Result(Failure<F> const& f) : failure(f), was_success(false) {}
Result(Success<S>&& s) : success(std::move(s)), was_success(true) {}
Result(Failure<F>&& f) : failure(std::move(f)), was_success(false) {}
// Result overloads 5 through 8
template<class S2>
Result(Success<S2> const& s) : success{S(s.value)}, was_success(true) {}
template<class F2>
Result(Failure<F2> const& f) : failure{F(f.value)}, was_success(false) {}
template<class S2>
Result(Success<S2>&& s) : success{S(std::move(s.value))}, was_success(true) {}
template<class F2>
Result(Failure<F2>&& f) : failure{F(std::move(f.value))}, was_success(false) {}
// Result overloads 9 through 10
Result(Result const&) = default;
Result(Result&&) = default;
template<class S2>
Result<S2, F> operator&&(Result<S2, F> const& res) {
if(was_success) {
return res;
} else {
return Failure{failure};
template<class Fun, class Ret = decltype(valueOf<Fun>()(success.value))>
auto operator>>(Fun&& func) const
-> Ret
if(was_success) {
return func(success.value);
} else {
return failure;
~Result() {
if(was_success) {
} else {
Explaining Result(...)
A result is either constructed from a success or a failure.
Overloads 1 through 4 just handle the basic copy and move construction from Success and Failure objects;
Overloads 5 trhough 8 handle the case where we want to do an implicit conversion (as in the case of a string literal to a std::string.
Overloads 9 and 10 handle move and copy construction of Result.
Explaining operator>>
This is pretty similar to your implementation of operator>>=, and i'll explain the reasoning behind my changes.
template<class Fun, class Ret = decltype(valueOf<Fun>()(success.value))>
auto operator>>(Fun&& func) const
-> Ret
if(was_success) {
return func(success.value);
} else {
return failure;
Why not use std::function? std::function is a type-erasing wrapper. That means that it uses virtual function calls under the hood, which slow things down. By using an unconstrained template, we make it much easier for the compiler to optimize stuff.
Why use >> instead of >>=? I used >> because >>= has weird behavior since it's an assignment operator. The statement a >>= b >>= c is actually a >>= (b >>= c), which is not what we intended.
What does class Ret = decltype(valueOf<Fun>()(success.value)) do? That defines a template parameter which is defaulted to the return type of the function you pass. This enables us to avoid using std::function while also allowing us to use lambdas.
Explaining ~Result()
Because Result contains a union, we have to manually specify how to destruct it. (Classes containing Result won't have to do this - once we specify it inside Result, everything behaves like normal). This is pretty straight-forward. If it contains the Success object, we destroy that one. Otherwise, we destroy the failure one.
// Result class
~Result() {
if(was_success) {
} else {
Updating your example for my implementation
Now that we've written a Result class, we can update your definitions of triple and main.
New definition of triple
Pretty straight-forward; we just replaced your success and failure functions with the Success and Failure types.
auto triple(int val) -> Result<int, std::string>
if (val < 100) {
return Success{val * 3};
} else {
return Failure{"can't go over 100"};
New definition of main
I added a print function so we can actually see some output. It's just a lambda. There are two computations done, one for ans and the other for ans2. The one for ans prints 18, because triple doesn't push the number over 100, but the one for ans2 doesn't print anything because it results in a failure.
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
auto print = [](auto value) -> Result<decltype(value), std::string> {
std::cout << "Obtained value: " << value << '\n';
return Success{value};
auto ans = Success{2} >> triple >> triple >> print;
auto ans2 = Success{2} >> triple >> triple >> triple >> triple >> triple >> print;
You can play with the code here!
I can easily do this:
auto f = []()->int { return 4; };
auto g = [f]()->int { return f(); });
int i = g();
Nevertheless, I cannot do this:
int (*f)() = []()->int { return 4; };
int (*g)() = [f]()->int { return f(); });
int i = g();
Why I got such message in MSVC?
error C2440: 'initializing' : cannot convert from 'ClassName::functionName::< lambda_b2eebcdf2b88a20d8b40b0a03c412089>' to 'int (__cdecl *)(void)'
This occurs on line:
int (*g)() = [f]()->int { return f(); });
How to do this properly?
int (*f)() = []()->int { return 4; };
is still fine because lambdas with empty capture lists implicitly convert to matching function pointers.
This (crucial) condition is however not met in the second line:
int (*g)() = [f]()->int { return f(); });
Thus the conversion fails.
If you want to store a lambda that captures something, you either need an std::function, or deduce the type with auto as you did before; whatever fits your usecase. Function pointers simply cannot do that (in C++11, for the future, see Yakk's answer).
Well, you can wait for C++17.
template<auto F>
struct function_ptr;
template<class R, class...Args, R(*F)(Args...)>
struct function_ptr<F> {
using signature = R(Args...);
constexpr R operator()(Args...args)const {
return F(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
constexpr operator signature*() const { return F; }
constexpr signature* operator+() const { return F; }
constexpr auto f_ = []()->int { return 4; };
function_ptr<+f_> f;
generates a function-pointer like f.
template<class T>struct tag_t {};
template<class F, class...Fs, class R, class...Args>
constexpr auto chain_functions(tag_t<R(Args...)>) {
constexpr r = [](Args...args)->R{
return F{}( Fs{}..., std::forward<Args>(args)... );
return function_ptr<+r>{};
lets us chain function pointers.
constexpr auto f_ = []()->int { return 4; };
function_ptr<+f_> f0;
constexpr auto g_ = [](int(*f)())->int { return f(); });
function_ptr<+g_> g_raw;
auto g0 = chain_functions< function_ptr<+g_>, function_ptr<+f_> >( tag_t<int()>{} );
now g is a function_ptr.
int(*g)() = g0;
should hopefully compile and work. (Not tested, I don't have access to a sufficiently C++17 compiler).
Still a bit obtuse, and definitely not tested. Basically function_ptr is intended to create a type that carries a compile-time function pointer. C++17 provides us with constexpr lambdas, including the ability to get the function pointer out of them in a constexpr context.
We can then compose these function pointer types to generate a new function pointer type.
I am new to C++11. I am writing the following recursive lambda function, but it doesn't compile.
#include <iostream>
#include <functional>
auto term = [](int a)->int {
return a*a;
auto next = [](int a)->int {
return ++a;
auto sum = [term,next,&sum](int a, int b)mutable ->int {
return 0;
return term(a) + sum(next(a),b);
int main(){
return 0;
compilation error:
vimal#linux-718q:~/Study/09C++/c++0x/lambda> g++ -std=c++0x sum.cpp
sum.cpp: In lambda function:
sum.cpp:18:36: error: ‘((<lambda(int, int)>*)this)-><lambda(int, int)>::sum’ cannot be used as a function
gcc version
gcc version 4.5.0 20091231 (experimental) (GCC)
But if I change the declaration of sum() as below, it works:
std::function<int(int,int)> sum = [term,next,&sum](int a, int b)->int {
return 0;
return term(a) + sum(next(a),b);
Could someone please throw light on this?
Think about the difference between the auto version and the fully specified type version. The auto keyword infers its type from whatever it's initialized with, but what you're initializing it with needs to know what its type is (in this case, the lambda closure needs to know the types it's capturing). Something of a chicken-and-egg problem.
On the other hand, a fully specified function object's type doesn't need to "know" anything about what is being assigned to it, and so the lambda's closure can likewise be fully informed about the types its capturing.
Consider this slight modification of your code and it may make more sense:
std::function<int(int, int)> sum;
sum = [term, next, &sum](int a, int b) -> int {
if (a > b)
return 0;
return term(a) + sum(next(a), b);
Obviously, this wouldn't work with auto. Recursive lambda functions work perfectly well (at least they do in MSVC, where I have experience with them), it's just that they aren't really compatible with type inference.
The trick is to feed in the lambda implementation to itself as a parameter, not by capture.
const auto sum = [term, next](int a, int b) {
auto sum_impl = [term, next](int a, int b, auto& sum_ref) mutable {
if (a > b) {
return 0;
return term(a) + sum_ref(next(a), b, sum_ref);
return sum_impl(a, b, sum_impl);
All problems in computer science can be solved by another level of indirection. I first found this easy trick at http://pedromelendez.com/blog/2015/07/16/recursive-lambdas-in-c14/
It does require C++14 while the question is on C++11, but perhaps interesting to most.
Here's the full example at Godbolt.
Going via std::function is also possible but can result in slower code. But not always. Have a look at the answers to std::function vs template
This is not just a peculiarity about C++,
it's directly mapping to the mathematics of lambda calculus. From Wikipedia:
Lambda calculus cannot express this as directly as some other
all functions are anonymous in lambda calculus, so we can't refer to a
value which is yet to be defined, inside the lambda term defining that
same value. However, recursion can still be achieved by arranging for a
lambda expression to receive itself as its argument value
With C++14, it is now quite easy to make an efficient recursive lambda without having to incur the additional overhead of std::function, in just a few lines of code:
template <class F>
struct y_combinator {
F f; // the lambda will be stored here
// a forwarding operator():
template <class... Args>
decltype(auto) operator()(Args&&... args) const {
// we pass ourselves to f, then the arguments.
return f(*this, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
// helper function that deduces the type of the lambda:
template <class F>
y_combinator<std::decay_t<F>> make_y_combinator(F&& f) {
return {std::forward<F>(f)};
with which your original sum attempt becomes:
auto sum = make_y_combinator([term,next](auto sum, int a, int b) -> int {
if (a>b) {
return 0;
else {
return term(a) + sum(next(a),b);
In C++17, with CTAD, we can add a deduction guide:
template <class F> y_combinator(F) -> y_combinator<F>;
Which obviates the need for the helper function. We can just write y_combinator{[](auto self, ...){...}} directly.
In C++20, with CTAD for aggregates, the deduction guide won't be necessary.
In C++23, with deducing this, you don't need a Y-combinator at all:
auto sum = [term,next](this auto const& sum, int a, int b) -> int {
if (a>b) {
return 0;
else {
return term(a) + sum(next(a),b);
I have another solution, but work only with stateless lambdas:
void f()
static int (*self)(int) = [](int i)->int { return i>0 ? self(i-1)*i : 1; };
Trick here is that lambdas can access static variables and you can convert stateless ones to function pointer.
You can use it with standard lambdas:
void g()
int sum;
auto rec = [&sum](int i) -> int
static int (*inner)(int&, int) = [](int& _sum, int i)->int
_sum += i;
return i>0 ? inner(_sum, i-1)*i : 1;
return inner(sum, i);
Its work in GCC 4.7
To make lambda recursive without using external classes and functions (like std::function or fixed-point combinator) one can use the following construction in C++14 (live example):
#include <utility>
#include <list>
#include <memory>
#include <iostream>
int main()
struct tree
int payload;
std::list< tree > children = {}; // std::list of incomplete type is allowed
std::size_t indent = 0;
// indication of result type here is essential
const auto print = [&] (const auto & self, const tree & node) -> void
std::cout << std::string(indent, ' ') << node.payload << '\n';
for (const tree & t : node.children) {
self(self, t);
print(print, {1, {{2, {{8}}}, {3, {{5, {{7}}}, {6}}}, {4}}});
Note, result type of lambda should be specified explicitly.
You can make a lambda function call itself recursively. The only thing you need to do is to is to reference it through a function wrapper so that the compiler knows it's return and argument type (you can't capture a variable -- the lambda itself -- that hasn't been defined yet).
function<int (int)> f;
f = [&f](int x) {
if (x == 0) return 0;
return x + f(x-1);
printf("%d\n", f(10));
Be very careful not to run out of the scope of the wrapper f.
I ran a benchmark comparing a recursive function vs a recursive lambda function using the std::function<> capture method. With full optimizations enabled on clang version 4.1, the lambda version ran significantly slower.
#include <iostream>
#include <functional>
#include <chrono>
uint64_t sum1(int n) {
return (n <= 1) ? 1 : n + sum1(n - 1);
std::function<uint64_t(int)> sum2 = [&] (int n) {
return (n <= 1) ? 1 : n + sum2(n - 1);
auto const ITERATIONS = 10000;
auto const DEPTH = 100000;
template <class Func, class Input>
void benchmark(Func&& func, Input&& input) {
auto t1 = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
for (auto i = 0; i != ITERATIONS; ++i) {
auto t2 = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
auto duration = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(t2-t1).count();
std::cout << "Duration: " << duration << std::endl;
int main() {
benchmark(sum1, DEPTH);
benchmark(sum2, DEPTH);
Produces results:
Duration: 0 // regular function
Duration: 4027 // lambda function
(Note: I also confirmed with a version that took the inputs from cin, so as to eliminate compile time evaluation)
Clang also produces a compiler warning:
main.cc:10:29: warning: variable 'sum2' is uninitialized when used within its own initialization [-Wuninitialized]
Which is expected, and safe, but should be noted.
It's great to have a solution in our toolbelts, but I think the language will need a better way to handle this case if performance is to be comparable to current methods.
As a commenter pointed out, it seems latest version of VC++ has found a way to optimize this to the point of equal performance. Maybe we don't need a better way to handle this, after all (except for syntactic sugar).
Also, as some other SO posts have outlined in recent weeks, the performance of std::function<> itself may be the cause of slowdown vs calling function directly, at least when the lambda capture is too large to fit into some library-optimized space std::function uses for small-functors (I guess kinda like the various short string optimizations?).
Here is a refined version of the Y-combinator solution based on one proposed by #Barry.
template <class F>
struct recursive {
F f;
template <class... Ts>
decltype(auto) operator()(Ts&&... ts) const { return f(std::ref(*this), std::forward<Ts>(ts)...); }
template <class... Ts>
decltype(auto) operator()(Ts&&... ts) { return f(std::ref(*this), std::forward<Ts>(ts)...); }
template <class F> recursive(F) -> recursive<F>;
auto const rec = [](auto f){ return recursive{std::move(f)}; };
To use this, one could do the following
auto fib = rec([&](auto&& fib, int i) {
// implementation detail omitted.
It is similar to the let rec keyword in OCaml, although not the same.
In C++23 deducing this (P0847) will be added:
auto f = [](this auto& self, int i) -> int
return i > 0 ? self(i - 1) + i : 0;
For now its only available in EDG eccp and (partially) available in MSVC:
This is a slightly simpler implementation of the fixpoint operator which makes it a little more obvious exactly what's going on.
#include <iostream>
#include <functional>
using namespace std;
template<typename T, typename... Args>
struct fixpoint
typedef function<T(Args...)> effective_type;
typedef function<T(const effective_type&, Args...)> function_type;
function_type f_nonr;
T operator()(Args... args) const
return f_nonr(*this, args...);
fixpoint(const function_type& p_f)
: f_nonr(p_f)
int main()
auto fib_nonr = [](const function<int(int)>& f, int n) -> int
return n < 2 ? n : f(n-1) + f(n-2);
auto fib = fixpoint<int,int>(fib_nonr);
for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
cout << fib(i) << '\n';
C++ 14:
Here is a recursive anonymous stateless/no capture generic set of lambdas
that outputs all numbers from 1, 20
([](auto f, auto n, auto m) {
f(f, n, m);
[](auto f, auto n, auto m) -> void
cout << typeid(n).name() << el;
cout << n << el;
if (n<m)
f(f, ++n, m);
1, 20);
If I understand correctly this is using the Y-combinator solution
And here is the sum(n, m) version
auto sum = [](auto n, auto m) {
return ([](auto f, auto n, auto m) {
int res = f(f, n, m);
return res;
[](auto f, auto n, auto m) -> int
if (n > m)
return 0;
else {
int sum = n + f(f, n + 1, m);
return sum;
n, m); };
auto result = sum(1, 10); //result == 55
Here's the proof that a recursive lambda with a small body almost has the same performance like a usual recursive fuction which can call itself directly.
#include <iostream>
#include <chrono>
#include <type_traits>
#include <functional>
#include <atomic>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
using namespace chrono;
unsigned recursiveFn( unsigned x )
if( x ) [[likely]]
return recursiveFn( x - 1 ) + recursiveFn( x - 1 );
return 0;
atomic_uint result;
int main()
auto perf = []( function<void ()> fn ) -> double
using dur_t = high_resolution_clock::duration;
using urep_t = make_unsigned_t<dur_t::rep>;
high_resolution_clock::duration durMin( (urep_t)-1 >> 1 );
for( unsigned r = 10; r--; )
auto start = high_resolution_clock::now();
dur_t dur = high_resolution_clock::now() - start;
if( dur < durMin )
durMin = dur;
return durMin.count() / 1.0e9;
auto recursiveLamdba = []( auto &self, unsigned x ) -> unsigned
if( x ) [[likely]]
return self( self, x - 1 ) + self( self, x - 1 );
return 0;
constexpr unsigned DEPTH = 28;
tLambda = perf( [&]() { ::result = recursiveLamdba( recursiveLamdba, DEPTH ); } ),
tFn = perf( [&]() { ::result = recursiveFn( DEPTH ); } );
cout << trunc( 1000.0 * (tLambda / tFn - 1.0) + 0.5 ) / 10.0 << "%" << endl;
For my AMD Zen1 CPU with current MSVC the recursiveFn is about 10% faster. For my Phenom II x4 945 with g++ 11.1.x both functions have the same performance.
Keep in mind that this is almost the worst case since the body of the funtion is very small. If it is larger the part of the recursive function call itself is smaller.
You're trying to capture a variable (sum) you're in the middle of defining. That can't be good.
I don't think truely self-recursive C++0x lambdas are possible. You should be able to capture other lambdas, though.
Here is the final answer for the OP. Anyway, Visual Studio 2010 does not support capturing global variables. And you do not need to capture them because global variable is accessable globally by define. The following answer uses local variable instead.
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
template<typename T>
struct t2t
typedef T t;
template<typename R, typename V1, typename V2>
struct fixpoint
typedef std::function<R (V1, V2)> func_t;
typedef std::function<func_t (func_t)> tfunc_t;
typedef std::function<func_t (tfunc_t)> yfunc_t;
class loopfunc_t {
func_t operator()(loopfunc_t v)const {
return func(v);
template<typename L>
loopfunc_t(const L &l):func(l){}
typedef V1 Parameter1_t;
typedef V2 Parameter2_t;
std::function<func_t (loopfunc_t)> func;
static yfunc_t fix;
template<typename R, typename V1, typename V2>
typename fixpoint<R, V1, V2>::yfunc_t fixpoint<R, V1, V2>::fix = [](tfunc_t f) -> func_t {
return [f](fixpoint<R, V1, V2>::loopfunc_t x){ return f(x(x)); }
([f](fixpoint<R, V1, V2>::loopfunc_t x) -> fixpoint<R, V1, V2>::func_t{
auto &ff = f;
return [ff, x](t2t<decltype(x)>::t::Parameter1_t v1,
t2t<decltype(x)>::t::Parameter1_t v2){
return ff(x(x))(v1, v2);
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
auto term = [](int a)->int {
return a*a;
auto next = [](int a)->int {
return ++a;
auto sum = fixpoint<int, int, int>::fix(
[term,next](std::function<int (int, int)> sum1) -> std::function<int (int, int)>{
auto &term1 = term;
auto &next1 = next;
return [term1, next1, sum1](int a, int b)mutable ->int {
return 0;
return term1(a) + sum1(next1(a),b);
std::cout<<sum(1,10)<<std::endl; //385
return 0;
This answer is inferior to Yankes' one, but still, here it goes:
using dp_type = void (*)();
using fp_type = void (*)(dp_type, unsigned, unsigned);
fp_type fp = [](dp_type dp, unsigned const a, unsigned const b) {
::std::cout << a << ::std::endl;
return reinterpret_cast<fp_type>(dp)(dp, b, a + b);
fp(reinterpret_cast<dp_type>(fp), 0, 1);
You need a fixed point combinator. See this.
or look at the following code:
//As decltype(variable)::member_name is invalid currently,
//the following template is a workaround.
//Usage: t2t<decltype(variable)>::t::member_name
template<typename T>
struct t2t
typedef T t;
template<typename R, typename V>
struct fixpoint
typedef std::function<R (V)> func_t;
typedef std::function<func_t (func_t)> tfunc_t;
typedef std::function<func_t (tfunc_t)> yfunc_t;
class loopfunc_t {
func_t operator()(loopfunc_t v)const {
return func(v);
template<typename L>
loopfunc_t(const L &l):func(l){}
typedef V Parameter_t;
std::function<func_t (loopfunc_t)> func;
static yfunc_t fix;
template<typename R, typename V>
typename fixpoint<R, V>::yfunc_t fixpoint<R, V>::fix =
[](fixpoint<R, V>::tfunc_t f) -> fixpoint<R, V>::func_t {
fixpoint<R, V>::loopfunc_t l = [f](fixpoint<R, V>::loopfunc_t x) ->
fixpoint<R, V>::func_t{
//f cannot be captured since it is not a local variable
//of this scope. We need a new reference to it.
auto &ff = f;
//We need struct t2t because template parameter
//V is not accessable in this level.
return [ff, x](t2t<decltype(x)>::t::Parameter_t v){
return ff(x(x))(v);
return l(l);
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
int v = 0;
std::function<int (int)> fac =
fixpoint<int, int>::fix([](std::function<int (int)> f)
-> std::function<int (int)>{
return [f](int i) -> int{
if(i==0) return 1;
else return i * f(i-1);
int i = fac(10);
std::cout << i; //3628800
return 0;