I have a std::stringstream strs variable with this serialized binary data:
�G�{SSF��>%�����hgRQ;Tjh A "ʐk�R3 1[Z�yA _�Kx
O��� ���f��' ����t %��+>, ���~� 삾�+/ Tb�Ҷ�7 �(���� �Q1�5m&
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This is the same data after using GDB:
\000.\271\224m\246=;\000\305\t\017\372X\024\024\000\232\023\005\360\277<\017\000\036\242 c\005(=\000\211\200\212\067Y:\000\273\206\017\n\204\233\027\000\002Q\364\376O\277\033\000w\212\033k\273q!\000\333D\204\241G\331\070\000O\242\306\346l\327\061\000j\224\205DH\033\032\000\270\025\375rhJ\n\000v͑UF\227
I'm trying to upload this data (stored in std::stringstream strs) to a PostgreSQL database encoded with UTF8 and into the byte_info column excepting bytea using the libpqxx library:
pqxx::connection Con("My con information");
pqxx::work W(Con);
W.exec("UPDATE " + tableName + " SET byte_info =" + strs.str() + " WHERE id = 1;");
But all I get is this error:
ERROR: invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0xfc
What am I missing here or doing wrong?
According to manual of PostgreSQL bytea, there are 2 ways for writing a statement containing binary stream.
For a string "\x4A\xC3\xA1\xF2\x18"
hex bytea : E'\\x4AC3A1F218'
escaped bytea : E'J\\303\\241\\362\\030'::bytea -- escape \ as \\\\, escape ' as \' and escape non-printable as \\three-digit-octal
So you can come up with functions like these.
std::string ascii_to_hex_bytea(std::string_view sv) {
std::ostringstream os;
os << R"(E'\\x)" << std::hex << std::uppercase;
for (unsigned char ch : sv) {
os << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(2) << static_cast<uint16_t>(ch);
os << "'";
return os.str();
std::string ascii_to_escaped_bytea(std::string_view sv) {
std::ostringstream os;
os << "E'" << std::oct;
for (unsigned char ch : sv) {
if (isprint(ch))
switch (ch) {
case('\\') : os << R"(\\\\)"; break; // escape back slash
case('\'') : os << R"(\')"; break; // escape single quote
default : os << ch; // simply put printable char
else // escape the rest as an octal with back slash leading
os << R"(\\)" << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(3) << static_cast<uint16_t>(ch);
os << "'::bytea";
return os.str();
Suppose you have ss as stringstream with some data (for demo, we just ramdom it here)
std::stringstream ss;
{ // random bits for length of 1024
std::string str(1024,'\0');
for (char* addr = str.data(); addr < str.data() + str.size(); ++addr )
*addr = static_cast<char>(std::experimental::randint<uint16_t>(0,255) );
You can write statement using those functions
auto hex_str = ascii_to_hex_bytea(ss.str() );
std::cout << hex_str << "\n";
std::string tableName{"table_name"};
std::string statement1 = "UPDATE " + tableName + " SET byte_info = " + hex_str + " WHERE id = 1;";
std::cout << statement1 << "\n\n";
auto escaped_str = ascii_to_escaped_bytea(ss.str() );
std::cout << escaped_str << "\n";
std::string statement2 = "UPDATE " + tableName + " SET byte_info = " + escaped_str + " WHERE id = 1;";
std::cout << statement2 << "\n";
UPDATE table_name SET byte_info = E'\\x4AC3A1F218E1ED92AB0B3966C3E99C...' WHERE id = 1;
UPDATE table_name SET byte_info = E'J\\303\\241\\362\\030\\341\\355\\...'::bytea WHERE id = 1;
I made a utf8 to utf16 conversion where i get the code units for the utf16 char16_t.
std::string u8 = u8"ʑʒʓʔ";
// UTF-8 to UTF-16/char16_t
std::u16string u16_conv = std::wstring_convert<
std::codecvt_utf8_utf16<char16_t>, char16_t>{}
std::cout << "UTF-8 to UTF-16 conversion produced "
<< u16_conv.size() << " code units:\n";
for (char16_t c : u16_conv)
std::cout << std::hex << std::showbase << c << ' ';
Output :
TF-8 to UTF-16 conversion produced 4 code units:
0x291 0x292 0x293 0x294
I now need to pass the code units to a stringstream if possible and I don't know how to convert this into a 2 bytes like so :
Any suggestions ? Maybe converting it first to a uint8_t vector?
A straightforward way is adding each bytes to std::stringstream using a loop.
std::stringstream ss;
for (char16_t c : u16_conv)
ss << (char)(c >> 8);
ss << (char)c;
std::string str = ss.str();
for (char c : str) {
std::cout << std::hex << std::showbase << (int)(unsigned char)c << ' ';
This C# code:
string code_verifier = "xe-V-ykFyCazK3jCWwqRCZHKAKJ0MqdZs8F6xenxjFE";
byte[] sha256verifier = sha256(code_verifier);
string code_challenge = base64urlencodeNoPadding(sha256verifier);
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < sha256verifier.Length; i++)
output("code_verifier: " + code_verifier);
output("builder: " + builder.ToString());
output("code_challenge: " + code_challenge);
Produces these results:
code_verifier: xe-V-ykFyCazK3jCWwqRCZHKAKJ0MqdZs8F6xenxjFE
builder: 8b6526951bf46153a9a276be579ee1070f86e0812fbde8b8c37a3e64c3368525
code_challenge: i2UmlRv0YVOpona-V57hBw-G4IEvvei4w3o-ZMM2hSU
I'm trying to do the same in C++ using poco, here's my code:
std::string verifier_ = "xe-V-ykFyCazK3jCWwqRCZHKAKJ0MqdZs8F6xenxjFE";
std::string sha256verifier = sha256(verifier_);
std::stringstream ss;
Poco::Base64Encoder b64enc(ss, Poco::BASE64_URL_ENCODING || Poco::BASE64_NO_PADDING);
b64enc << sha256(sha256verifier);
std::string challenge = ss.str();
cout << "verifier: " << verifier_ << endl;
cout << "sha256verifier: " << sha256verifier << endl;
cout << "challenge: " << challenge << endl;
The result is:
verifier: xe-V-ykFyCazK3jCWwqRCZHKAKJ0MqdZs8F6xenxjFE
sha256verifier: 8b6526951bf46153a9a276be579ee1070f86e0812fbde8b8c37a3e64c3368525
The C# sha256() function returns a 32 element byte array which base64urlencodeNoPadding converts into a 32 character string.
The C++ sha256() function returns a 32 element hex encoded string of the same data which Poco::Base64Encoder turns into a 64 element string which bears no relation to the C# string.
How can I get the same results from C++ as I get from C# ?
This is my poco sha256 function
std::string::sha256(std::string buffer) {
Poco::Crypto::RSAKey key(Poco::Crypto::RSAKey::KL_2048,
Poco::Crypto::RSADigestEngine eng(key, "SHA256");
eng.update(buffer.c_str(), buffer.size());
const auto& sig = eng.digest(); // We just want the digest, unsigned.
return Poco::DigestEngine::digestToHex(sig);
There are 2 issues in your C++ solution:
you do SHA-256 twice - at sha256(verifier_) and sha256(sha256verifier)
Poco::DigestEngine::digestToHex converts the SHA-256 sum into a Hex string
Try something like this instead (untested):
std::string verifier_ = "xe-V-ykFyCazK3jCWwqRCZHKAKJ0MqdZs8F6xenxjFE";
auto sha256verifier = sha256(verifier_);
std::string challenge = toBase64(sha256verifier);
cout << "verifier: " << verifier_ << endl;
cout << "sha256verifier: " << toHex(sha256verifier) << endl;
cout << "challenge: " << challenge << endl;
std::vector<unsigned char> sha256(std::string const& buffer) {
Poco::Crypto::RSAKey key(Poco::Crypto::RSAKey::KL_2048, Poco::Crypto::RSAKey::EXP_LARGE);
Poco::Crypto::RSADigestEngine eng(key, "SHA256");
eng.update(buffer.c_str(), buffer.size());
return eng.digest();
std::string toBase64(std::vector<unsigned char> const& sig) {
std::stringstream ss;
Poco::Base64Encoder b64enc(ss, Poco::BASE64_URL_ENCODING || Poco::BASE64_NO_PADDING);
b64enc.write((const char*)sig.data(), sig.size());
return ss.str();
std::string toHex(std::vector<unsigned char> const& sig) {
return Poco::DigestEngine::digestToHex(sig);
// Update the server status xml
string filelocation ("/var/www/html/index.xml");
string firstline ("<server>\n");
string secondline ("\t<current>" + msg.getCount() + "</current>\n");
string thirdline ("\t<highest>" + "--" + "</highest>\n");
string fourthline ("\t<status>Online</status>\n")
string finalline ("</server>");
fstream file;
file.write(firstline + secondline + thirdline + fourthline + finalline);
string updateFlush ("Server Status updated.");
printf("%s\n", updateFlush);
Note that msg.getCount() is a function in the same file to get player count from the central server.
Gives out errors about an operands const char*. Something to do with + or -
Take a look at the line
string secondline ("\t<current>" + msg.getCount() + "</current>\n");
"\t<current>" is a const char *
msg.getCount() looks like an int or size_t
</current>\n again is a const char *
Adding a const char * to an int or size_t creates a new const char * pointing to a different address.
The same happens in the line
string thirdline ("\t<highest>" + "--" + "</highest>\n");
Here you are adding pointers together. The result is a pointer pointing to a more or less random address.
And in these two lines:
string updateFlush ("Server Status updated.");
printf("%s\n", updateFlush);
You are creating a C++ string-object and trying to print it using a C print function with a format string that requires a char *.
You are mixing C and C++ or stream based I/O with conventional I/O.
In current C++ you should do it this way:
string filelocation ("/var/www/html/index.xml");
fstream file;
<< "<server>\n"
<< "\t<current>" << msg.getCount() << "</current>\n"
<< "\t<highest>" << "--" << "</highest>\n"
<< "\t<status>Online</status>\n"
<< "</server>";
string updateFlush ("Server Status updated.");
cout << updateFlush << std::endl;
Or even more readable:
auto file = std::ofstream("/var/www/html/index.xml");
<< "<server>" << std::endl
<< "\t<current>" << msg.getCount() << "</current>" << std::endl
<< "\t<highest>" << "--" << "</highest>" << std::endl
<< "\t<status>Online</status>" << std::endl
<< "</server>";
std::cout << "Server status updated." << std::endl;
If operating with streams use std::endl to output a newline. It outputs the correct newline for the operation system (CRLF or LF or whatever) and it flushes the stream.
To use std::cout you have to include <iostream> and for std::ofstream include <fstream>.
If you like it short, you could even do this:
<< "<server>" << std::endl
<< "\t<current>" << msg.getCount() << "</current>" << std::endl
<< "\t<highest>" << "--" << "</highest>" << std::endl
<< "\t<status>Online</status>" << std::endl
<< "</server>";
std::cout << "Server status updated." << std::endl;
For example consider the following code:
using namespace boost::locale::boundary;
boost::locale::generator gen;
std::string text = "L'homme qu'on aimait trop.";
ssegment_index map(word, text.begin(), text.end(), gen("fr_FR.UTF-8"));
for (ssegment_index::iterator it = map.begin(), e = map.end(); it != e; ++it)
std::cout << "\"" << *it << "\", ";
std::cout << std::endl;
This outputs:
"L'homme", " ", "qu'on", " ", "aimait", " ", "trop", ".",
Is it possible to customize boundary analysis so it instead outputs:
"L", "'", "homme", " ", "qu", "'", "on", " ", "aimait", " ", "trop", ".",
I've read http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_56_0/libs/locale/doc/html/boundary_analysys.html and searched Stack Overflow and Google, but so far haven't found anything.
I haven't found a way to do this with boost::locale::boundary, but it is possible to do it with ICU directly by creating a customized RuleBasedBreakIterator, rather than using one provided by createWordInstance.
Locale locale("fr_FR");
UErrorCode statusError = U_ZERO_ERROR;
UParseError parseError = { 0 };
// get rules from a default rbbi (these should be in a word.txt file somewhere)
RuleBasedBreakIterator *default_rbbi = dynamic_cast<RuleBasedBreakIterator *>(RuleBasedBreakIterator::createWordInstance(locale, statusError));
UnicodeString rules = default_rbbi->getRules();
delete default_rbbi;
// create custom rbbi with updated rules
rules.findAndReplace("[\\p{Word_Break = MidNumLet}]", "[[\\p{Word_Break = MidNumLet}] - [\\u0027 \\u2018 \\u2019 \\uff07]]");
RuleBasedBreakIterator custom_rbbi(rules, parseError, statusError);
// tokenize text
UnicodeString text = "L'homme qu'on aimait trop.";
int32_t e, p = custom_rbbi.first();
while ((e = custom_rbbi.next()) != BreakIterator::DONE) {
std::string substring;
text.tempSubStringBetween(p, e).toUTF8String(substring);
std::cout << "\"" << substring << "\", ";
p = e;
std::cout << std::endl;
I'm using Cryptopp to generate a random string.
This is the code:
const unsigned int BLOCKSIZE = 16 * 8;
byte pcbScratch[ BLOCKSIZE ];
// Construction
// Using a ANSI approved Cipher
CryptoPP::AutoSeededX917RNG<CryptoPP::DES_EDE3> rng;
rng.GenerateBlock( pcbScratch, BLOCKSIZE );
// Output
std::cout << "The generated random block is:" << std::endl;
string str = "";
for( unsigned int i = 0; i < BLOCKSIZE; i++ )
std::cout << "0x" << std::setbase(16) << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0');
std::cout << static_cast<unsigned int>( pcbScratch[ i ] ) << " ";
str += pcbScratch[i];
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << str <<std::endl;
I've put int the code a new var: string str = "".
Then in the for append for each result, the part of the string.
But my output is dirty! I see only strange ASCII char.
How can I set well the string?
Thank you.
You will want to some output encoding, e.g.
because what you are seeing is the raw binary data, interpreted as if it were text. Random characters are the consequence
AFAICT (google) you should be able to use something like this
#include <base64.h>
string base64encoded;
StringSource(str, true, new Base64Encoder(new StringSink(base64encoded)));
Appending arbitrary bytes (chars) to the end of a string is going to result in that containing some non-printable characters:
You don't mention what you wanted or expected. Did you want the string to be the same as what got sent to std::cout? If so, you can use a stringstream via #include <sstream>:
std::stringstream ss;
for( unsigned int i = 0; i < BLOCKSIZE; i++ )
ss << "0x" << std::setbase(16) << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0');
ss << static_cast<unsigned int>(pcbScratch[i]);
str = ss.str();
You can also use Crypto++'s built in HexEncoder:
std::cout << "The generated random block is:" << std::endl;
string str = "0x";
StringSource ss(pcbScratch, BLOCKSIZE, true,
new HexEncoder(
new StringSink(str),
true, // uppercase
2, // grouping
" 0x" // separator
) // HexDecoder
); // StringSource
The StringSource 'owns' the HexEncoder, so there's no need to call delete.